Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training (17 page)

BOOK: Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training
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Alexander and Ryan were surprised to see Lt. Kripke come into the jail.

“Yeah, those are my men,” he said with a sigh. He pointed to Alexander, Ryan and Phillip.

They were waved out, but Phillip and Ryan both shook their heads.

“Sorry Sir, We don't leave guys behind,” Phillip said easily.


Kripke sighed again. “Which ones?”

Phillip pointed toward Kenneth, Brendon and Patrick.

“They are too.”

Once they were out of the station, Eric Kripke turned on the three. “I don't even wanna know, but I would really appreciate y'all not doing this again.”

“Sorry Sir,” Alexander mumbled.

“Grabowski, if I didn't like you I would be seriously pissed off, but it's hard not to like the man who schooled me and kept my ass out of the shit. So, we'll say this was just a big misunderstanding and let it go. Don't fucking wear that shirt to a bar again!”

Phillip mumbled 'yes, sir'.


They all watched the LT leave.

“Y'all got a cool as hell LT,” Brendon said.

“'M Hungry,” Kenneth said and everyone realized that they were still hungry and that the LT had left them all alone.

“Come on, you fuck-ups,” came the call from inside a van. “I can't fucking believe this shit. Next time you guys keep me from coming with you I'll kick your motherfucking asses. We clear?”

This time everyone grinned at Mark.

“Of course, mom. And we didn't forget to wash our hands after using the jails’

urinal,” Phillip quipped. They all piled into the van and headed toward an all-night diner, if they could agree on one.



They decided not to go out for food. Instead they decided to go back to the bar.

Mark took them all back there except for Alexander, who thought his wife would be happy if he came home. Kenneth called him pussy whipped but said he understood. Brendon just smiled. They all waved as they pulled back out of his drive.

Once back in the bar Patrick went into the kitchen to make them all something to eat.


“Okay, buzz is wearing off must have more,” Kenneth declared and slipped behind the bar, filling mugs again.

“Damn Kenny...give a fella a break!” Brendon said, and then proceeded to drink his beer.

Both Ryan and Phillip shrugged and drank the beer given to them.

“Damn, Freckles, where did you learn all that fancy hand to hand stuff?” Phillip asked, grinning at the other man.

“Picked a few things up,” Ryan replied with a smile.

“I wouldn't fuck with Ryan too much, Phillip. He can almost kick my ass now,”

Mark said after taking a drink.


An hour later Patrick came in with fried bologna sandwiches and chips. He looked around the bar and sighed. “At least the place didn't get broken up too badly.”

For the next two hours they all drank and ate. Laughing at silly stories. No one noticed that Phillip and Ryan grew progressively more affectionate.

It started with little touches, progressed into hands running down sides. Soft little nuzzles and kisses followed quickly. By the time they were actually kissing everyone was watching.

Phillip slid his mouth over Ryan's and his tongue slid in to taste the younger man's mouth.

Kenneth and Brendon were watching them intently.

“Dude, I can't look away!” Brendon exclaimed.

Kenneth nodded his head drunkenly. “I can't either!”


Patrick giggled. “It's like a train wreck.”

Mark sighed. “Which one of you wants to go break it up? I'm not gonna let them have sex in my bar in front of us.”

Three pairs of eyes turned to Mark. All three of them blurted out excuses.

“I'm not doing it; they would break my poor face,” Kenneth announced. He was already sporting bruises from the fight earlier.

“Dude, that's not happening,” Brendon affirmed. “Phillip is like a fucking giant who could turn me over and spit in my ass if he wanted too!”

Patrick nodded at Brendon's announcement. “He's your friend. You do it!” he said as he looked at Mark.



Ryan and Phillip ignored what was going on around them. Ryan was starting to think that Phillip was some sort of witch or something. Every time he got near the man he wanted nothing more than to fuck his brains out...or let the man fuck his brains out.

That was odd for Ryan. He was a top, he didn't bottom often. Not at all since Basic.

But he knew if push came to shove he would bottom again for the man who was taking his breath away with those fucking lips. He also knew it wasn't
they had sex again, it was only a matter of when.

Ryan growled when Phillip's lips left his and trailed across his defined cheek bones. He whimpered when the lips settled against his neck. He should feel like a girl but he didn't. Phillip's hands were rough as he pulled Ryan off of the stool and over to the booths in the corner.


He pushed Ryan back into the booth and followed him down. They were both making little noises of both need and want.

Those noises became all out growls when cold water was sprayed on them.

“Now, I get y'all have this big crazy thing for each other. Phil, I know that you have wanted the boy since you saw him, and wanted him more than once...I get it. Hell, look at numbnuts over there. I didn't have the patience you did...but damn, guys. None of us want to see your white asses poking up in the air,” Mark said calmly.

Ryan looked at Phillip, who looked like he was about to kill Mark.

“Dick,” Phillip hissed. He pulled away from Ryan reluctantly.

Ryan blinked hazy green eyes at Mark, and then looked at Phillip. He really shouldn't be drinking around the man.


Phillip gave him that heart stopping smile, and Ryan didn't care if they were drunk or not. He was very tempted to take Phillip into the bathroom and not stop until they were both happy or they died of exhaustion, whichever came first.

He grabbed Ryan's hand and led him back to the stool. Both of them shot Mark dirty looks until the man just threw up his arms.

“If y'all would have just fucked all the way through basic like normal people this wouldn't be going on,” he grumbled.

Patrick snickered.

Kenneth snorted

And Brendon just sighed. “All the way through? I shoulda been gay.”



Ryan was having a good dream. Phillip was curled around him holding him tightly. Even though Ryan wasn't a cuddler by any sense of the word he figured being cuddled by Phillip wouldn't be such a bad thing. He curled into his pillow and sighed.

The damn thing was being a bitch. He pushed and prodded at the fine downy feathers until he realized that his 'pillow' was grunting. He woke slowly, only opening his eyeballs when he was sure they wouldn't explode. He blinked. First off he was not sleeping on his comfortable bed. Instead he was lying against a hard wall of warm flesh.

Secondly, his pillow had its arms around him, holding him tightly. A nose was nuzzling his head even as lips peppered soft kisses around the crown of his head.

“Umm...Phillip?” he said groggily.

The body rumbled beneath his. “Wha?”


“Gotta take a piss.” Ryan muttered, not sure if every part of his body would actually come with him. He was too fucking old to sleep on the ground even if he did a have sexier than hell pillow. He looked over at Brendon who was leaning against Kenneth's back. Both of them were sound asleep. It was a pose Patrick and he had done...a lot through basic. They would press their backs together and then nod off just like that. How Brendon and Kenneth slept that way he would never know. “Come on, Stretch. I need to piss.”

“Freckles, if you're this bitchy in the mornin’ I'm not too sure I want you to spend the night,” Phillip said roughly, but let the other man up.

Ryan just smirked and headed toward the bathroom. The previous morning/night was kinda fuzzy. He remembered the fight mainly because he was aching in all the places he would after a fight. Then add on the fact he had been laying on the floor with Phillip. Yeah, he was fucking sore.

He ran into Mark, who was coming down the stairs. “Morning.”


“Mornin.' What time is it?” Ryan asked.

“Ten. Patrick is still sleepin'. He's laying on the stage. Y'all just passed out; didn't see any reason to wake you up.” The older man looked at Ryan for a few moments and then grinned. “That hickey looks painful,” he drawled as he strolled to his lover who was curled and covered up on the stage.

Ryan blinked and grabbed his neck. Shit. Once inside of the bathroom he headed straight to the mirror. Sure enough there was a huge ass hickey on the side of his neck. Not to mention bite marks. He could only pray that Phillip looked like a chew toy too.

He finished up in the bathroom and walked back out. Everyone was in varying stages of waking.

“God, my head won't stop thumping,” Patrick bitched.


“You don't need to yell!” Brendon complained.

“Will you both shut the fuck up?” Kenneth snarled, holding his head in his hands.

“You girls need to learn how to hold your liquor,” Phillip boomed.

Of course Phillip wouldn't have a hangover. He was the perfect fucking man, Ryan thought grouchily.

Even Ryan winced at the sound.

Kenneth said something that suspiciously sounded like 'fuck you'.

“My mouth taste like ass,” Brendon muttered.


“Come on we'll head on home and get cleaned up.” Ryan said, trying to find his keys.

“Behind the bar,” Mark called.

Ryan grabbed his keys and headed toward the door, when he was dragged backwards.

A slip of paper was tucked into his front pocket. Ryan looked up at Phillip. He smiled at the man. Phillip looked like he'd been sucking face with a muffler. The smile left when Phillip lowered his lips to Ryan's.

“Nice hickey,” he whispered before he leaned down and planted an obscenely innocent kiss on his cheek.


Ryan smirked at Phillip. “Yeah, Fido. I know. You know, I'm not a chew toy.”

He paused. “And I'm not a girl.”

Ryan and Brendon walked out while hearing Phillip's booming laughter.


Ryan opened his apartment door and both of them walked in. The night before, Brendon had seen his apartment. It was a mess. It actually looked like a military truck had puked in his front room. Gear from last month’s field exercise lay spread about all over the front room. Uniforms, spare dog tags, extra pairs of boots and God only knew what else littered the floor.

“Dude, you should really see my home. It looks the same.”


Ryan snorted. He doubted anyone had a house any more cluttered than his. “I like to think it's my own private fuck you to the Army. But, it's mainly when I get home I just want to not move.” He sighed.

“Yeah, will go with the first,” Brendon said.

“Wanna take a shower first?”

“Nah, you go ahead.” Brendon sat down on the couch, which Ryan had thought to uncover before he got there.

Fifteen minutes later when Ryan was brushing his teeth and feeling half way human again, his phone rang. “Can you get that, Brendon?” he yelled.

He figured Brendon got it because it stopped ringing. He slipped on his shorts and walked out. Brendon was still on the phone and was using that 'sexy' voice on whoever was on the other end of the line. Ryan smirked at Brendon.


“Hang on, he just got out,” he said, handing the phone over.

“This is Gracin.” Ryan barked into the phone. Okay, so he didn't have the phone manners his momma tried to teach him.

“Mac?!” He choked and looked at Murray. Murray was making that sexy voice at his baby sister? Well shit, it looked like he would have to kill his friend. “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Brendon?” He glared at the blond, who just shrugged. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was their radio speak of asking WTF?

Ryan rolled his eyes at his sister’s reaction. “No, Mac, I don't think you're stupid. Yes, Mac, I realize that you're nearly twenty-two. No, Mac, I don't think you're a little girl anymore.” Like hell. She was his baby sister and even though he didn't see her as often as he should, she was still his baby sister. “Mac! Don't talk like that. No, I figured you knew what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was. Fine. Fine. Yeah...I'm a bastard.

For fuc...Fine, Mac. Yeah. Okay. So are we done playing bitch Ryan out?”


He glared at Brendon when the other man began to laugh. “No! in HELL no,” he barked. “I will not! You have lost your fucking mind, Mackenzie. I will not let you talk to Brendon.”

“Dude! Don't be a jerk. Let me talk to your baby sister,” Brendon drawled out lazily.

“Brendon, I love you, man. I do. But, you even think about Mac I'll fuck your shit up,” Ryan griped. “Fine. Fine. Yeah. No. Mac...seriously shut up! Alright. Yeah.

Love you too.” He hung up the phone and glared at Brendon for the millionth time.

“Don't even think of it, Murray. I'll fucking kill you.”

“She sounds cute...from what I can remember she was cute when I saw her.”

Brendon waited until Ryan was just feet away and then ducked. “Dude, come on. Give me a break; I wouldn't mess with your sister.”


Ryan wanted to believe Brendon. But he knew the guy. Brendon didn't know limits when it came to women. Ryan couldn't even find the boy Brendon had once been. Sophia had done a number on Brendon. After AIT Brendon went back home.

Sophia had taken one look at him and suddenly wanted him back. Two days before he left again he caught the girl in bed with some other guy. From then on Brendon had been the love 'em and leave 'em type.

But he settled for a fake punch and a warning growl, for now. They sat down.

“So, Kenneth's worse,” Brendon said.

That took the steam out of Ryan's self righteousness. “Yeah. We have to do something.”

Brendon nodded. “Hell, we're all bad off. Patrick still can't handle the Fourth.

Mark said Patrick had to medicate himself last year.”


“Yeah, he did. I still grab for my weapon when a car is moving toward me too fast.”

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