Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training (12 page)

BOOK: Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training
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Ryan entered behind him. His face was hard to read.

For Phillip it was hard to grasp. Ryan's face had always been so easy to read he almost felt bad for the kid. He followed Ryan's gaze and saw it was resting on a picture of Katie. “My daughter,” he said, smiling. “My ex brought her up today because after tomorrow I have a week off.” He watched as Ryan's demeanor changed rapidly. “She's with my mom right now. I drew babysitting duty tonight.”


“Yes, Gracin. I'm a dick but I wouldn't fuck around on a spouse.” Phillip kept his tone light. He sat behind the desk and motioned for Ryan to sit down.

Phillip could practically feel the tension melt off Ryan.

They sat in uncomfortable silence before Ryan broke it up.


“How long have you been in?” he asked carefully.

Phillip knew that it had to kill Ryan to be so informal with him. After he had graduated from Basic he had been the same way. Suddenly instead of being the FNG (fucking new guy) he was the ‘been there, done that’ guy. His Drill sat down and drank a beer with him even though he wasn't old enough. The whole time Phillip figured he was just one fuck-up away from the smoking of his life.

“I joined when I was seventeen. Graduated early from high school and followed my father's footsteps,” Phillip said proudly. “That was nine years ago.” Anywhere else in the world he and Ryan would have been peers, but not so much in the Army.

Surprise was all over Ryan's face. Phillip knew how that went too. Something about Drills always made them think of the old hard-nosed veterans that his dad hung around with, not some young guy that had already seen way too much of the world.


“Surprised?” he asked.

Ryan seemed to think about it for a second. “Yeah, I guess so, Drill Sergeant.”

Phillip laughed then. “How about we knock the Drill Sergeant stuff off for the moment?” He laughed again when Ryan paled and looked nervous. “It's just us and you're practically out of here anyway.”

They lapsed into the same silence as before. Phillip had never had this hard of a time with anyone he was attracted to before. He knew he should just let the kid go back to his room and forget him but somehow forgetting Ryan Gracin was going to be a lot harder than he thought.

“Um, I should go back to my room. I have to…” Ryan rose and turned.


Phillip waited all of one second before he too rose and was around his desk. He caught the back of Ryan's uniform and turned him around. “Fuck it,” he growled before slamming his lips down on Ryan's.

Something about kissing Ryan brought out the madman in him. He couldn't stop kissing him if his life depended on it. His tongue demanded entry and Ryan was all too willing to give it to him. He was surely going to hell if he didn't stop this.

It didn't surprise Phillip one bit when Ryan didn't. Instead he just slammed the door shut with his foot, never breaking the kiss.

He pushed Ryan against the door and let his hands wander down the blonds’ sides. He pulled his lips away from a mouth that should be absolutely illegal. His mouth wandered from those lips to the nicely-carved cheekbones, to the long, graceful neck that disappeared beneath his BDU top.


He paused only for a second. “If you don't want this, now would be a good time to say so.”

For a moment Phillip thought Ryan was going to leave. Ryan's hand settled on the door for a moment-- and then turned the lock on the door.

A soft click was heard and then a deep growl. Phillip grabbed the smaller man closer to him, crushing their bodies tightly together. That was all the affirmation he needed.

He lowered his lips again and pulled Ryan over to the couch, then paused as if he were thinking about something. Phillip smiled wickedly. He eyed the pull-up bar on the opposite side of the office. Oh yeah, he had plans, but that would wait.

He sat down on the couch and pulled Ryan with him. For now he wanted to kiss Ryan.

He wanted to kiss him for every single time the kid had made him hard - for every single time when the need to kiss Ryan became almost too overpowering to stop himself from doing so.


He was ravishing Ryan's lips, nibbling outright, biting them when Ryan would try to take over the kiss. One hand reached up and cupped the back of Ryan's neck, angling it so he was the one in control. He nearly dropped Ryan when the other man's hands slid up and down on his chest. He had wanted to feel those hands forever. It had been hell having Ryan rubbing against him during the class but he wouldn't have changed it. Nope, because it was a way he could feel Ryan's hands.

His other hand was busy on its own. He was trying to unbutton the top and get it off Ryan. He didn't want anything to be in his way and he HAD to touch Ryan right the fuck now.

“Fucking top,” he snarled against Ryan's lips. Buttons began to fly. He finally got the thing off Ryan and then pulled away enough to take the brown t-shirt off. Finally he was touching alabaster skin.

With Ryan across his lap he could tease and taste everything he wanted. His lips grazed one little nipple and Ryan moaned. His tongue caressed it until it was pebble-hard. His breath 211

was hot against Ryan's cool skin. “You are so fucking hot, Gracin. I thought about doing this to you all the fucking time.” He breathed out, trailing hot kisses across Ryan's chest until he could give the other nipple the same treatment.

Ryan was mumbling things Phillip couldn't understand. He laughed huskily as he went to work on the belt and pant bottoms. His tongue traced a path back up to Ryan's throat. He wasn't giving the man time to think about what Ryan wanted to do to him. He just kept up the proverbial mind-fuck on. His mouth and hands never stopped moving, never once stopped in their exploration. One hand left Ryan's neck and the other slid confidently over his rapidly-filling cock. When he finally got the pants unbuttoned he pushed Ryan to his feet. With skillful hands he pushed the bottoms and his briefs from his body. They pooled around his boots. Ryan bent at the waist and tried to pull the boots off but his hands were shaking so badly that he was making a mess of it.

Phillip pushed Ryan's hands away and finished it himself. He grinned wolfishly when Ryan was standing there in absolutely nothing.


“You're overdressed,” Ryan said. They were the first words he had uttered. Phillip liked how breathy and low the other man's voice was. Phillip's cock throbbed unmercifully.

The push-up bar was six feet off the ground. Phillip grinned evilly at it. He watched as Ryan turned and looked at it. “Not ready for it,” Phillip said dismissively. “What we
going to do is play a little game.”

He nearly howled with laughter when Ryan blinked owlishly at him. “Shh, it's a fun game.” He rose and led Ryan over to the bar. “See this bar?” When Ryan nodded Phillip continued. “You're going to grab this bar. Hold on with every ounce of control you have. If your hands leave it at any time I'll stop.” He did laugh when Ryan swallowed hard.

Phillip watched as Ryan's shaky hands reached up and grabbed the bar.

“Got a good hold?” Phillip asked; his voice was rough, gravelly. “Don't fucking let go.”



Ryan watched as his Drill Sergeant sank to his knees. It was quite possibly the hottest thing he had ever seen in his life - Phillip in full uniform sinking to his knees. Yeah, Ryan could die now and be a happy man. At least he thought that until the hot mouth that had given him many a wet dream drew the tip of his penis into it. His fingers flexed on the cool, steel bar.

A pair of large hands reached around and cupped his ass. Then that fucking mouth began to slowly descend down his aching cock. The hands flexed, kneading his ass until Ryan wanted to cry. Both hands left and Ryan could still feel them on him.

He glanced down and saw Phillip fumbling in his pocket. He was vaguely surprised to see him pull out a tube of lube. “Fucking boy scout,” Ryan mumbled. Then he couldn't talk at all.


Phillip chuckled huskily around his cock sending vibrations of pleasure shooting through every nerve in Ryan's body. The dark-haired man slowly and tortuously slid his mouth up and down the length of Ryan's dick, swirling his tongue around different spots so slowly that Ryan wanted to growl.

Ryan hadn't felt this horny since he was in high school. His hips began to move forward but a strong arm caught them and the mouth left.

“Didn't you get the memo, Gracin? I'm in charge here,” Phillip said smokily. “No moving, nothing.” The hands that had left his ass came back.

Ryan could feel the wetness on them. One hand parted the cheeks and the other slid between, rubbing against his tight hole. Ryan could count on one hand how many times he bottomed but he knew that this time would probably be the best. He moaned low in his throat 215

as one long finger circled him. Then finally that mouth settled back down on his cock. As Phillip slid his mouth lower a finger sank into him.

The moment the finger rubbed against the little bundle of nerves Ryan nearly screamed like a girl. The sensation of being penetrated along with the wet heat of the mouth on his cock was slowly driving him insane.

Phillip had his timing down to a fine art. As his mouth slid up his cock his finger slipped out. When his mouth went down his finger pushed in. Ryan wanted to wrap his hand around the other man's head and force him to go faster but in the back of his mind he knew doing so would stop this. So instead he tightened his grip on the bar.

The hand behind him slipped away and Ryan DID cry out then.

“Fucking teasing prick!” he breathed. It was saying something when he could call the man on his knees that.


Phillip raised an eyebrow at that but his hazel eyes were hot with both amusement and want. It was a lethal combination.

When the hand came back Ryan sighed. He could feel two fingers carefully entering him. Phillip took pleasure in stroking against Ryan's prostate. It seemed to last forever and not long enough. Phillip scissored his fingers inside of Ryan, preparing him. Phillip's mouth left his cock and slid lower, licking and tonguing his balls. It was the best blow job Ryan had ever received.

Ryan wanted more, so much more. “More!” He demanded it.

Phillip did that low, vibrating chuckle around Ryan's cock again and a shudder tore through Ryan's body.


Soon enough Phillip had sunk three fingers into him and Ryan was nearly in tears. Every time he felt like he was close Phillip would withdraw his fingers and mouth. He would whisper suggestions so dirty that the closeted kink inside of Ryan would roar to life.

Phillip's mouth left his cock and began to nibble on his hips. “You taste so fucking good.

I could spend forever tasting you and never get tired of it.” He growled. He slowly began to move up. He stepped back and his hot gaze slid up and down the blonds’ body.

“Do you have any idea how fucking like a God you look? You're driving me fucking insane.” Phillip's hands grabbed one of Ryan's wrists and then the other, tugging them down together until one hand had a hold of another.

Ryan had never felt small before, not before this man. Phillip made him not only feel small but feel almost delicate, not to mention making him harder than a fucking stone.


Phillip leaned in and lazily kissed Ryan's mouth.

Finally Phillip allowed Ryan to unbutton his BDU top. Up until that point Ryan thought Phillip was going to just unbutton his pants and fuck him like that. Not that Ryan would have cared. He could have dealt with it as long as Phillip was inside of him.

The kiss broke and Phillip's grin turned evil. “I'm going to fuck you,” he said. He moved away and he took over removing his own clothes. “I'm going to fuck you in every inch of this office so when you're gone I'll have the fucking memories of it.”

It was a good thing Phillip stripped himself because Ryan's knees chose that moment to go weak. His hands shook harder than before. Green eyes widened and he managed a weak grin. “Talk’s cheap,” he said, amazed that he was able to say anything.


Maybe this was one of those times when he should have just kept his mouth shut.

Phillip's gaze turned hotter, his mouth in a firm line of determination. Oh yeah, Phillip was going to make him pay.

“Look who's gotten brave all of a sudden,” Phillip said, as he advanced on Ryan slowly.

He reminded Ryan of a wolf slowly stalking its prey. The man didn't even blink.

Ryan took a step back.

Phillip grinned.

Ryan decided he should probably run but remembered he couldn't. He was in a fucking locked office.


He took another step but the other man's long gait had caught up to him.

“Do you know what happens now, PFC?” Phillip asked. His voice was beyond hot. It was the sun, slowly burning Ryan.

“Um, I put my clothes on and leave?” he asked. Oh God, he was just begging for it.

“Nope, I fuck you until you beg me to stop,” he whispered and then took Ryan's mouth.

He grabbed both cocks and rubbed them against each other wantonly. A needy moan tore from Ryan.

Phillip cackled and pushed Ryan until the man was sitting on his desk. Papers and knickknacks fell when Phillip slammed his hips forward. He moved away only to grab his pants. He pulled out a condom and grabbed the lube.


Ryan slapped his hands away and took over there. He had wanted to touch Phillip for eight fucking weeks and the man wasn't going to deny him. He stroked the man several times before tearing into the packet and slipping the condom out. He expertly rolled the condom over the Drill Sergeant's impressive girth. It would figure that Phillip would be fucking perfect. He popped the top off the tube and squirted it generously on his hands. Slowly he slid them up and down over the other man's sheathed cock.

Ryan took great pleasure in hearing the man not only groan but whimper as Ryan's hands worked over him.

When Phillip could take no more he grasped Ryan's legs and pulled them up around his waist. They were face to face and both men had mirrored expressions of want and need.

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