Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training (19 page)

BOOK: Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training
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“Hell.” Kenneth sighed.

Ryan heard the sound of shit being thrown out onto his patio; Mark grumbling that he’d just made an observation; and Patrick telling Mark to get his ass in gear. They had fifteen minutes before Phillip got there.


Ryan sighed for the millionth time and walked back into the room. “Alright, knock it off. If he doesn't want to see me because of my lack of housekeeping skills, then so what?”

“Dude, you have spent the last five years pining after the guy,” Brendon argued.

“Yeah, and asking me to ask Mark how he was doing,” Patrick reminded him.

“You always sigh when his name is mentioned,” Kenneth added.

“I never asked you to ask Mark how he was doing,” Ryan rebutted, glaring at Patrick.

“Not in so many words. But, dude when you ask 'So how is Grabowski doing?' I figure you want to know, so I’d ask Mark,” Patrick said, grinning. “And you were bitchy when you found out Phillip came to visit Mark while we were at Lewis.”


“Yup, I remember that,” Mark agreed. All four men smirked at Ryan.

“I really hate you all,” Ryan bitched. There was a hard knock on his door and he looked at it like it was a snake. He was fucking nervous as a sixteen-year-old chick waiting for her prom date. He wouldn't have been except he had three daddies who had to make sure he was perfect.

“Wait. No cologne!” Brendon exclaimed and jogged back into the bathroom. He came back out and spritzed Ryan, who coughed.

“You got it in my mouth, dude!”

“Shut up.”

There was another loud knock and Mark made a disgusted sound. He went to the door and opened it.


“Sorry, Phillip. The girls weren't ready,” he said, grinning.

The tall man walked into the room. Ryan blinked and felt his world tilt. Phillip was wearing a pair of tight gray slacks. He had on a soft-pink button-up shirt. Only Phillip could wear pink and make it look manly. He had also had a haircut. God he looked like sex on a popsicle - the sort that you would want to put in your mouth and suck on it until it was drained dry.

Kenneth, Brendon and Patrick stood back smiling.

Ryan looked at Phillip through his girlish eyelashes. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself,” Phillip replied. His voice was huskier than normal and Ryan was suddenly thankful for the extreme makeover his friends put him through. “So we ready?”

“Now wait a second--” Kenneth butted in.


“Yeah, we haven't asked you the questions yet,” Brendon finished for Kenneth.

“Yeah, like what are your intentions toward our little Ryan,” Patrick added, smirking.

“What do you do for a living?” Brendon added.

“Can you support Ryan's shoe fetish?” Kenneth threw his question in the ring too.

“I don't know them.” Ryan said. “They are complete strangers.”

Phillip threw back his head and laughed. Even taciturn Mark laughed at them.

“Hmm, okay, here are my answers. I plan on feeding him, dancing with him and God willing fucking him until he can't walk straight. I help infertile chickens have baby 355

chickens, and I think so. I'm hoping his feet are about my size. We can share shoes and everything,” Phillip answered.

Everyone in the room laughed…except Ryan. He hadn't heard any answers past the fucking part.

“Alright, sounds like you have his best interests at heart but Ryan doesn't put out on the first date,” Brendon said.

“The hell he doesn't. Just remember to use a condom and lube. He has to be able to sit SOME time,” Kenneth retorted.

“I don't have anything to say except if you hurt him...I'm still the best shooter in my platoon.” Patrick's grin wasn't his ‘funny’ grin. It was the one that Mark had given him earlier that day.

Phillip nodded. “You ready, Freckles?”


“Yeah. God, yes. Get me out of here.”

Kenneth, Brendon and Patrick all leaned on each other, sobbing.

“Our little boy is all grown up,” Kenneth whimpered.

“My baby boy is going on his first date. Hold me, Mark. Look at him all grown up.” Hell, Patrick dabbed the corner of his eye.

Brendon pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of them. “I got the picture.

We have to scrapbook it so we remember this day for the rest of our lives. Have him home by ten!” With that said he let out a big sob and pretended to blow his nose on Kenneth's shirt.

Ryan groaned and reached for his ball cap but Mark grabbed it on his way out.

“No cap,” he ordered.


“See you all later,” Ryan said.

Phillip touched his elbow and ushered him out. “Don't wait up for us.” He grinned as the door clicked shut.

“You have some very cool friends, Freckles.”

Ryan grinned. “Yeah I do,” he said softly.

He was beginning to think this date would be great.



The date had in fact turned into a disaster. They arrived at the restaurant and were seated promptly. After ordering drinks and an appetizer they had stared at each other for a long time.

Ryan wasn't sure what to say. It was odd being out with Phillip. Okay so he had a thing for the man since BCT and yeah he was in a little bit of awe over him ever since.

But now he was on a date with him.

“Alright, this silence is killing me,” Phillip said easily. “Let's do this differently.”

He took a drink of his beer and held out his hand. “Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Phillip Grabowski. I serve in the Army, and I think you're really fucking hot.”

Ryan chuckled, and took the hand in his. “Hi there. You too. I'm Ryan Gracin.

Funny that, me too! And I guess you’re pretty hot yourself.”

Phillip beams at Ryan. “You guess? I'm like fucking smoking.”


“And you're modest too. Damn, I shouldn't have played so hard to get. Good looks, sexy smile, dimples and modesty. You're freaking perfect,” Ryan said dryly, taking a drink of his beer. “You gonna release my hand any time soon?”

“I know. It's a hard thing to admit when you find perfection but don't worry. I'll keep you too busy to be awed by it for long.” Phillip dimpled, showing Ryan just why that smile was so dangerous. It sent heat straight to his cock. “I dunno. I kinda like holding your hand.” The grin that passed across Phillip's face this time was mischievous.

“Uh huh.” Ryan wiggled his hand out of Phillip's and laughed at the pout on his face. “I may be bitchy, but Dude, seriously you have a bitchin’ pout face...” He stopped suddenly as if realizing he just called Phillip ‘dude’. A part of him cringed but he refused to allow that to show.

“It's alright-- dude. We're not in BCT and I'm not the evil bastard that will smoke your sexy little ass for doing that shit.” Phillip took a drink and grinned. “I used 360

to love watching you do push-ups. It was like fucking evil on my part but you looked so fucking sexy.”

“Oh man! That explains why you would constantly drop me all the time!” Ryan said, tapping his forehead as if all the pain during basic finally made sense.

“Nah, you seriously fucked up a lot. I wanted you… don't ever doubt that. But I couldn't let my lust come between making sure you got the absolute best training you could have. The world would be a sadder place without you in it,” Phillip said quietly.

It dawned on Ryan that this conversation explained Mark's warning. Phillip did want him but his first job was to make him a soldier. It made Ryan respect the man before him a little more.

“How's William? Mark says he doesn't talk to him much.'


“He's good. We talk just about every other week. He and Mark were kinda like oil and water. They would bend over backwards for each other but conversation was always a bit strained,” Phillip answered. He leaned back as the server came with their chicken wings.

When he asked if they needed anything else Phillip raised his eyebrow at Ryan who shook his head.

“Alright, my name is Paul. Anything at all you need, you let me know.” The guy was seriously starting to piss Ryan off. It was obvious they were on a date and the little fucker was hitting on Phillip.

“Nope, thanks,” Phillip dismissed the guy, who frowned.

Ryan was thankful for Phillip. That look drove him insane in BCT, but now it just made him grin.


“Dude, I'm serious. I think you liked me topping you.” Phillip teased when he noticed the grin.

Ryan laughed. “I dunno. It's been a while and I was young...”

“Coy doesn't suit you, Freckles,” Phillip said, grinning as he bit into a wing.

Juice and sauce dripped from full, sexy lips. Ryan wanted to lick the sauce off the other man's lips.

“Yeah I know but I thought I'd give it a try,” Ryan replied back.

“Nah. If I wanted coy and fake I would have asked another guy out,” Phillip said simply. “I kinda like bitchy and snarky.”

“Then according to my friends you’ll love the shit out of me,” Ryan said, grabbing his own wing.

“That's kinda gross.”


“Yeah, but I'm cute enough to pull off ‘gross’,” Ryan returned as he bit into a wing himself.

“Yeah, probably.”

They chatted all through their dinner. It was easy conversation. Ryan was surprised just how easy they could talk once they had cut through all the bullshit. He liked Phillip a whole lot more now. Phillip was funny. Intelligent. Cute as hell. Fuck. If Ryan wasn't careful he could very well see himself falling for this man.

After dinner they sat back and stared at each other.

“You are a very attractive man, Ryan,” Phillip said simply. He smiled when Ryan smiled at him.

“Alright, Phillip. This is insane. You have got to have faults somewhere.”


Phillip laughed. “I have an insane temper. Haven't you noticed that?”

“Eh I guess I have a pretty bad temper myself,” Ryan said.

“I haven't seen it.”

“That's because we're on a date...and I was trying to be bitchy to dissuade you.”

Ryan grinned.

“Yeah, didn't really work. You should wait and see if bitchy is a turn-on for a guy.” Phillip gave Ryan his advice. “I shouldn't have fucked you...back then.” He held up his hand when Ryan looked surprised. “I should have waited...that was extremely unprofessional of me but sometimes I don't play by the rules well.”

“See, that's where you and I differ. I play by the rules too much. Patrick says that I'm one of those guys who should just get the rules and regulations tattooed on my 365

chest. I guess growing up a minister's son you either are one of two things-- the bad boy who breaks every rule or the good boy trying to follow every rule. I tried the good boy...My brother Josh was the bad boy.” He smiled at Phillip.

“Ahh! A paradox. Being gay and not wanting to break the rules.” Phillip grinned.

“You're telling me! I was devastated!” Ryan grinned.

“I was actually very lucky. My mother asked me if I was gay on my second wedding anniversary.” Phillip smiled softly.

Ryan coughed on the beer in his throat. “Dude! And I thought telling my father was bad...seriously?”

Phillip just laughed. “It was probably the easiest thing I have ever done. Sandy had just had Katie. We had sex one time before we got married. It was the night before 366

I shipped out to basic. We were both young, and stupid. Anyway I kinda knew where my likes and dislikes lay, but Sandy and I had been dating since like seventh grade. It was common knowledge that we were gonna get married...anyway we had sex...nine months later Katie was born. We got married when Sandy was two months pregnant.”

Ryan nodded, waiting for Phillip to continue.

“Sandy always knew I was gay. I knew I was gay. Apparently everyone in my family knew I was gay. Finally they all got sick of waiting for me to admit it. Our anniversary party was turned into my ‘coming out’ party.” Phillip smiled softly at the memory.

“Sandy was okay with it?” Ryan blinked several times. He couldn't believe that.

“Ryan, she spent those two years telling me that we could work it out, that Katie would never not know love, or me. Sandy is my best friend out of the Army.”


Ryan shook his head and wondered how Phillip had found such a great woman and family. “You got lucky.”

“Don't I know it? I thank God for them all.”

Ryan nodded. Phillip was that rare guy that had fallen under a lucky sign. He had it all - good looks, good family and damn good fortune.

“So, tell me about the Gracin family,” Phillip said gently.

Ryan chuckled darkly. “They didn't have a ‘coming out’ party, that's for sure.”

He took a drink of his beer, sighing because it was empty. Phillip held up his own bottle and nodded at the server, holding up two fingers.

“I figured out I was gay about the same time I entered college. First frat party I went to a guy hit on me. We ended up making out in his dorm, and I realized that I was gay. I tried hard to ignore it because like I said, my father's a pastor. I was raised 368

thinking it was a sin and I would burn in Hell,” he said grimly. “The guy ended up being my first and he took me to a few meetings and a new church. As I got settled into being me...I decided I was going to tell my folks. When I did my father screamed at me about how I was going to burn in Hell unless I changed my ways. I told them this was me and they could either love me or not. They both told me to leave. I was disowned, just like that.”

Phillip's face turned grim and he actually looked pissed off on Ryan's behalf.

“Two weeks later I was told I had to leave school if I couldn't find a way to pay for it. A week later I joined the Army. And the rest, they say, is history.”

“Fuck 'em. Ya know, Ryan, if they can't see the man you are, then fuck them.

They don't deserve to know you. I take it your siblings didn't see it that way.” Phillip remembered Graduation Day, when Ryan had been shocked to see his brother and sister there.


That brought a smile to Ryan's face. He was surprised to see Phillip lean forward. The man had a soft smile on his face. It wasn't a smile Ryan had been aware of. He knew Phillip was the man of many smiles, but this smile was something he had never seen. It was soft, warm and inviting.

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