Forever Love (28 page)

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Authors: Jade Whitfield

BOOK: Forever Love
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Phil looks to my Mom who is beaming at the nice stuff he's just said about her, seems her doubts concerning Livs Mom are all but forgotten.

"Well this year I'm thankful for my wonderful family. I'm thankful for my darling husband who takes care of our family and who I love more and more everyday." Although I wanna gag at the happiness of my Mom, Dana's face is way too entertaining, bitch looks like she swallowed something foul. "I'm thankful that we have Liv here finally, it's nice to have another woman in the house. I'm thankful that Chase is doing so well in school. Most of all I'm thankful for Noah who I couldn't be more proud of. Sweetie I'm so happy that you're joining the police force, I couldn’t be more proud and I know your Dad would feel the same too. Though I wish you would have told me dear, luckily I found the application form when cleaning your room or else who knows when I would have found out."

I spend a few moments swallowing the lump in my throat from her mentioning my Dad. As I'm sure any son does, all I ever wanted, all I still want is to make my parents proud.

"You joining police after college dude?" Brady asks, giving me a slap on the back.

"Actually Bro, erm, I'm joining straight outta high school." I say, instinctively leaning slightly back.

"Can you do both? I didn’t think you could join the academy and do college at the same time." Brady frowns.

"You can't." It's times like these that I wanna scream at the dimness of Brady, this experience is fucking painful and fuck, like slowly pulling a plaster off. I take a deep breath, willing myself to just get the words out. "I'm not going to college, Brady."

"What about our plans though, all the partying and shit?" The whole tables attentions are focused solely on us.

"I don’t think college is for me." I shrug. 

"Wait a minute, me and Cindy broke up because I was gonna live with you at college next year instead of her and you never had any fucking intention of going. I was torn apart by this shit and you just sat there knowing full well that one word and I could of given her what she wanted. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?" At this point Brady stands up, knocking his chair backwards onto the floor.

"Listen bro, I'm sorry, I just didn’t know how to tell you." I feel bad enough and this really isn't the fucking time to be airing this shit out.

"I'm going to get my camera for this." Chase jumps out of his chair, running out of the room.

"I get it, I do. I mean, you're getting pretty good at lying and I'm sure you spend too much time buried in that fucking pussy to give a damn about anyone else."

"Watch your fucking mouth Brady." I'm getting defensive myself now, standing up so we're chest to chest.

Phil slides in between us, a hand on each of our chest.

"Now now boys, let's calm it down." Nobody's listening at this point.

"I should watch my mouth? You basically fucking ruined my relationship. Should I return the favor huh?"

I take a step forwards, willing to take him the fuck down if he does what I think he's hinting at.

"I said I'm sorry for fucks sake, you can't blame me for all of yours and Cindy's problems."

"Yes I can, CAUSE IT'S YOUR FAULT! I have your back constantly, I've fucking protected you constantly but it's all one sided. Your only out for yourself. Fuck this, I'm not showing no loyalty to you no fucking more. Since it’s a secret revealing today, maybe the rest of em should come out in the open, huh?"

"Brady." I warn.

"Oh no, hey Phil, did you know Noahs fucking your daughter, yeah they’ve been together since she got into town, right under your nose." I can feel the color drain out of my face a his words, shocked that hes fucking done this.

Phil looks from me to Liv, a frown on his face as if working out if Brady's telling the truth. Neither of us utter a word, not bothering to deny it since we were planning on telling him tomorrow anyway. We werent fucking planning on announcing it at the Thanksgiving dinner table though.

"Is this true?" Phil's voice is just a whisper, his face a picture of horror.

"Phil, calm down." My Mom says, not realizing she's basically implicating herself.



"Did everyone know about this but me and what the hell is this? You're family for Christ sake, you can't be doing whatever."

"Dad, we love eachother." Liv stands up.

"Don’t be stupid Liv, you're seventeen, you don’t know what love even is. I've never been so ashamed of you, HE'S YOUR BROTHER!"

"Hey don’t shout at her and I'm not her brother, we aren't even related and we only met each other the other month."

"This is disgusting if you ask me, she obviously can't stay here now Phil." Dana says, her nose in air.

"NOBODY FUCKING ASKED YOU SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I scream feeling nothing but panic at the thought of Liv leaving.

"Excuse me young man but who do you think you're talking to?"

"Oh shut the fuck up will you." Liv says.

"I'm your mother young la-"

"HA! Mother? You’ve gotta be kidding me."

"You see what you caused." I turn to Brady.

Well this Thanksgiving is definitely interesting, I don’t know what could make it any worse. Of course I know I've spoke too soon when the sound blares through the room. I turn to see where it's coming from before realizing nobody is actually speaking.

"Pams twice the woman you'll ever be so stay the hell away from my Dad. He's not interested in touching you so I don’t know why the fuck you're here."
Livs voice sounds throughout the room. I realize it's actually coming from Chase's video camera as he stumbles in, his eyes glued to the little screen.

"Please, as if I'm going to take advice from a little whore."

"What the hell is wrong with you? You're meant to be my Mother."

"No you were a mistake. You were definitely determined, apparently only one percent of babies survive abortion. Then I got left with fucking you. So no, I don’t consider myself your mother, I consider you nothing but a mistake, nothing but a failed fetus."
There's no hiding the malice in her voice and I stand there transfixed at what's being said. It's worse than I ever thought.

"Yes we've all heard the same old thing blah blah blah. It just says how much of a fucking cold bitch you are."

"You ruined my life you little slut. How many other lives have you ruined? How many poor boys lives with your nasty easy ass? Tommy Benson, he was one."


"We both know you probably had it coming, probably begged for it."

"TURN THAT OFF!" Phil screams as the entire room stands silent.

Liv looks as if she's ready to puke any second, tears running down her cheeks. Phil looks to his daughter, tears in his own eyes before turning a hard glare towards his ex wife. Looks like the fucking sap grew some balls cause he looks about ready to strangle the bitch. Even my Mom who is usually prim and proper is staring at the she devil who looks like she doesn’t know where to put herself. I walk over to my girl, taking her in my arms as she trembles. Its either that or beat the shit out of the disgusting creature sitting at the table. This is Livs worst nightmare, everyone knows but the bitch is about to get her comeuppance at least.

Chapter 28


The devastation in my Dad's eyes guts me, he knows and now he's never gonna look at me the same. Who woulda thought Thanksgiving would turn out like this? I bury my face in Noah's chest, I don’t wanna see the looks of pity on people's faces or the look of guilt on my Dads. Everyone knows how damaged I am, how broken and not even the feel of Noah's arms wrapped around me is offering me any comfort. I can pinpoint the exact moment I saw my Dad's heartbreak, the moment he heard me scream how I was raped at the Bitch, he looked as broken as I felt.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF HER!" The sound of my Dads scream has me turning around in time to see him backhand the Bitch to the floor.

Noah quickly unhands me to run over and grab him before he does anything else. Brady quickly joins him and soon enough my Dad is surrounded on all sides in a bid to keep him from killing her.

"I can't believe this, oh my god, my baby girl." Tears stream down my Dad's cheeks, this is a man who I've never seen cry, who I've never seen treat a woman with anything but respect. Just shows the effect the Bitch can have on people.

"I think you better get the hell out of my house before I let him at you." The sound of venom in Pams voice startles me as the Bitch scrambles up off the floor, heading for the door. Yeah, if I was her I would make a quick getaway too.

She swings the front door open, running through it and leaving It open in her wake. My Dad is a blubbering mess on the floor, his head in his hands as Pam tries to lift him up. Noah looks at me as if pleading for me to come over there, as if I'll be able to offer him comfort. I can't move, I can hardly breathe, I just stand there, looking from the vision in front of me to the front door which is just about visible from the dining room. I could run, I could jump in my Mini Cooper and run and never have to face this situation.

"Liv, baby."

Noah walks over to me and I can do nothing but carry on the ping ponging of my eyes. Just before he reaches me, I notice a little whizz of white fluff walking out the door. Remembering Pam's words about how Sylvester isn't allowed out of the house, I break out into a run.

"SYLVESTER!" I shout, the little furballs gonna get run over or some shit if I don’t reach him.

"LIV!" Noah screams after me, probably thinking I've had some kind of mental break.

I rush out the front door in time to see the rat sitting in the middle of the road, is he crazy? I look up and down the street for any cars, walking slowly towards him. Hopefully I can pounce and grab him.

"Hey Sylvester, wanna be a good boy and come to Liv yeah? I'll let you shit in my shoe." I coo, nearing the curb.

I notice the glow of headlights on his snowy white fur and don’t even think, just bounce at him as he jumps out of my way. I don’t register the sound of screeching or the scream of my name from Noah. I don't register the pain in my side or the way the ground seems to move away. The ear splitting sound of cracking glass echoes in my ears, the feel of it splintering as my head smashes against it before being thrown right over, rolling over the concrete. The last thing I see are two terrified green eyes staring down at me before ….............nothing.

Chapter 29


You ever get the feeling of absolute terror, when you can hear your own heart fucking beating, when every tick tock of a clock is like the sound Lambeg drums screaming in your ears? Well time that by about a hundred and that’s how I'm feeling right now, sitting on an uncomfortable, sticky leather chair in a hospital waiting room.

I'm practically comatose, not even able to will up the energy to answer any of the many question that have been thrown at me in the last two hours since we got here. All I can see is the sight of Livs body flying through the air, smashing onto the road. The sound of the rubber screeching across the concrete, the smashing of glass on contact with Livs head. The sight will forever be embedded into mind and right now that’s all I can see.

I swallow the bile that’s making its way up my throat, the burning a welcome feeling compared to the pain in my chest. I don’t think I could speak if I wanted to, my voice is barely there after screaming for an ambulance, for Liv to wake up and for anyone to help while she laid in a heap on the ground. The sight of blood running down the side of her beautiful head, turning the golden locks on her head a pinky color near enough had me squeezing myself in a ball.

Everything after that is just a blur. I faintly remember the red spinning lights and loud siren from the ambulance asif rushed away holding my entire life on a stretcher in the back. I almost wanted to slap a blubbering Phil, tell him to get himself together, tell him that it was me that needed to fall apart.

The smell of coffee wafts up my nose, turning my empty stomach. I can't eat or drink, not until I see her, not until I know she's gonna be ok.

"Here." The sound of Brady's voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me at the moment as he holds a brown plastic cup in front of my face.

I can't look at him, can only shake my head. I don’t think I've ever resented somebody this much, this is all his fault.

"Noah you gotta drink something."

I look at him for the first time since this all happened, an empty stare at his.

"Look, I'm sorry."

"This is all your fault." My voice cracks, the dryness of my throat causing it to come out all scratchy.

"I know, I was just so mad over Cindy-"

I stick my hand in his face in a bid to stop him talking his bullshit.

"Listen, I'm sorry that I didn’t tell you about college but frankly you blaming me, you causing all this shit, its not my problem. Do you know that girl in there, that girl fighting for her life? Shes my entire world, I'd pick her over anybody, take her side over anyones. That’s what you do when you love someone and the reason you lost Cindy is because you wouldn’t do that shit for her. So save your excuses and shut the fuck up cause I don’t wanna hear it." My voice is even and deadly and the only reply Brady offers is a stiff nod of his head.

I glance round the stark white room, empty apart from the six of us sitting in it. Chase lies asleep, sprawled across three seats, his head lying on his arms. Phil's leg bounces with nervousness,not able to keep still while my Mom simple rests her head on his shoulder.

"It's been two hours since we even saw anyone, I'm going to ask what's taking so long." He looks at his watch, running his hand through his hair before storming out of the room.

"Noah, honey are you ok?" My Mom asks, her voice soft and comforting but not the voice I need to hear right now.

I can only stare at her as she rubs her hand round and round in soothing circles on my back.

"She's gonna be fine sweetie."

I simply nod continuously, not even able to stop my head from moving as my mind works to convince itself of that. But what if she's not ok? I can't cope with that thought, it'll bring me to my knees. I can't survive without her, I can't carry on my life if my girls not in it. Would life be that cruel to me though? To take the one thing I've ever wanted, my soulmate away from me? I haven't had her long enough, I don’t know enough. Fuck, this is all my fault, I promised her that I would protect her, that she'd never be hurt again and now shes in the fucking hospital.

"Noah, Noah honey calm down." I feel hands clutching mine, holding them away from my hair which I've proceeded to pull at. All I can do is rock backwards and forwards. "Please sweetie, look at me, look at me." My chin is raised so I look into my Mom's eyes, they're filled with tears and concern.

"I cant lose her Mom." I sob out. "I can't lose her." I repeat like a mantra as she wraps her arms around me, though they barely go around my shoulders.

Phil walks back in followed my a doctor in blue scrubs.

"Is she ok?" I jump up, followed by everyone else, Brady, Chase who is now awake, my Grandma though I don’t now what the fuck she came for and finally my Mom. "Well? Is she ok?"

I look to Phil who seems to have calmed down somewhat. Surely if something had happened to her he would be upset.

"Yes she's ok, I'm Doctor Silvers. Olivia-"

"Liv, her names Liv." I snap.

"Of course, Liv's got three broken ribs and a fractured shoulder, they're being treated at the moment and she's still unconscious. We've done a CT scan and there doesn’t appear to be any swelling in the brain, that was our main concern."

"But she's ok right?" I know I sound like a total jackass but this is my entire life.

"Yes, a nurse will be through shortly to take you through to see her. Only two at a time for now."

"Thank you very much Doc." Phil says, shaking the Doctors hand gratefully.

"See honey, I told you she was gonna be ok."

I breathe a sigh of relief, the bone shaking fear ebbing a away with every passing moment. I'm tempted to fall to my knees and thank God that she's ok.


"I'll take you through now, if you'll follow me." A short asian nurse says.

I stand up at the same time Phil does, not willing to budge after what I've just been too. The sooner she's in my sight, the sooner I see she's ok with my own two eyes, the better for everyone involved. He simply nods before making his way out the room, me following behind, practically shooing him out the door.

The minute I see her I could fall my knees. Her heads got some bigass bandage wrapped around it, a sling on her arm. Her face has scrapes and purple bruises along the one side, probably from where she landed. She looks no less beautiful, I don’t think my girl would look any less beautiful if she was covered in burns, not to me anyway.

I make my way to her side straight away, grabbing her free hand and giving it a sight squeeze, grateful to feel the warmness of her skin and see the rising of her chest from her breathing. Any signs of life from her I'll be grateful for until I can get the image of her crumpled on the floor out of my mind, if I ever can. Phil walks around the other side, brushing her hair away from her forehead.

"Did you know?" His voice is quiet as he stares down at his daughter.

"What about?"

"Did you know that she was r-raped?" A heartbreaking sob escapes from his throat.

"Yes, she told me while we were in Atlanta."

"Why didn’t you tell me?" His tone is biting, hes obviously pissed but that’s not my fucking problem. Liv's my priority now, then and always.

"It's not my story to tell and I would never break her confidence."

"Who is this Tommy Benson?" He looks at me, the look in his eyes saying his feelings on the matter loud and clear, he's thinking murder.

"He's dead, died a couple of weeks after. Anything else you'll have to ask her unless she wants me to tell you. Like I said, it's her story to tell."

"I can't believe everything that’s happened today." He practically collapses in the chair at the side of the bed, laying his head in his hands. "I can't believe you two are....."

"Together? With all due respect Phil, I love Liv and nothing's gonna change that. Frankly you can either accept it or not. I love your daughter, she's my world."

"You know, I've noticed a difference in my daughter these past few months. I stupidly thought it was because she had moved with me. It was because of you though, wasn’t it? She seemed lighter, happier, I don’t know."

I don’t answer, only carry on holding onto Livs hand. I don't know what to say to him and to be honest, I don’t think he even expects an answer, I suspect he's just airing his thoughts. We continue in a comfortable silence, just staring at the beautiful girl who is obviously the center of both of our worlds. Though I still don’t understand how it's taken Phil so long to see what his ex wife was like and even then, only when it was done practically in front of him, there is no denying that the guy adores his daughter. The look of his face as he collapsed on the ground in grief after slapping the fuck outta that bitch, which was awesome by the way, that brought it home that as much as Liv is my soulmate, she's also his daughter. I realize that if he knew he would have gotten Liv away from that poisonous snake as quickly as possible. It's not me that went through that shit, it was her. You'd think she'd been through enough heartbreak and turmoil to last a lifetime without this shit happening.

Pretty soon whimpers and groans distract me from my thoughts. The sight of Livs head moving slightly to the side and her hand squeezing mine nearly has me jumping for joy. Although the Doctor said she was fine and that we just had to wait for her to wake up, truth is I dont believe him for shit, not until I see with my own two eyes her awake and hear her voice with my own ears would I truly believe she was ok.

"Noah." Her voice is husky. She rapidly blinks as if coming awake before attempting to sit up.

"Ouch, shit, oh my God, my arm."

"Liv, you need to stay still, you’ve fractured your shoulder." Phil says, looking her over head to toe.


"I'm here sweetie, I'm gonna go and get someone, tell them you're awake and maybe get some painkillers to help you ok? I'll be back in a sec." He walks out the room after giving a nod in my direction.

"What happened?"

"You got hit by a car. Wait, don’t you remember what happened today?"

She frowns before pulling a fully face, obviously she didn’t realize frowning would hurt.

"Oh shit, oh God. They know, they know about us and, and oh fuck."

"Hey, calm down, it's ok."

"My Dad knows, he knows everything." Liv whispers.

"It's gonna be ok, he's gonna be fine. You have no idea how happy I am that you're ok, I thought that, well never mind but fuck, I was so scared."

"Wait, Sylvester?" Well shit, I almost forgot about that fucking furballed rat. I got a good mind to stick my foot up his damn ass.

"Chase grabbed him, little fuckers in for it though."

"Everything hurts." She whimpers, causing my heart to break a little, I don’t like her in pain, if I could take it I would.

"You broke three ribs, hit your head pretty hard and your shoulder's fractured."

"Only fractured? Feels like someones sawing my arm off slowly."

"Yeah, well, fractures tend to hurt more than clean breaks. I've broken my arm and fractured it while playing football. The fracture hurt a hell of a lot more. Painkillers should help it a little."

"What am I gonna say to my Dad, Noah?" The tears in her eyes have me closing mine for a second.

"The truth, what you told me. It's out there now and once he knows he can help. He's your Dad babe, he'll take care of you. Plus, I don’t think that bitch will be getting anywhere near you again in this lifetime or the fucking next. If your Dad doesn’t gut her on sight, then I sure will." The memory of the things those ratfaced bitch said to my girl has my blood boiling. I don’t know how I kept my temper in check at the time.

"Liv, you're awake." I hear behind me, Doctor Silver and Phil walking into the room followed by the little asian nurse from earlier. "How are you feeling, I'm Doctor Silver by the way."

"In pain."

"Well, that’s to be expected, I just need to do a few tests, check your reflexes and then we'll help you with that pain." He proceeds to shine a torch in Liv eyes before asking her to move various parts of her body. When he puts a hand on her knee as she lifts it up I near enough ram his stethoscope down his throat. I hold myself back upon remembering he's a Doctor and it's basically his job, doesn’t mean I like that shit though.

"Well, everything seems to be good, we'll have to keep you over night for observation but I don’t see any reason for you not to go home in the morning. The nurse here will give you something to help with the pain."

"Thank you."

"Listen, I'm gonna head out, check on the others and leave you two to talk. I won't be long ok babe." I say, kissing Liv gently on an uncovered part of her forehead.

She nods and I reluctantly leave the room , knowing I'm doing the right thing by leaving she and her Dad alone to discuss things. They may decide to not talk about things right now but they at least need some time alone, to register the days events over together. Plus, I've got some shit to straighten out quick time. Walking into the waiting room, I'm grateful and a little surprised to see Brady still here, his head resting back on the seat. My Mom jumps up upon seeing me.

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