Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) (19 page)

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“Jasper attacked her…I’m going to handle him….he won’t touch her again.” He said waiting for Regina to protest. Instead she looked at her granddaughters closed door then back at him. She nodded then turning she headed for her room. Beckett noticed the way her shoulders now hung from the guilt of what had just happened. His brothers were ready to go with him and end this. He looked to his father.

“Baileys taking a shower then I told her to wait till I come back….will you and mom make sure no one disturbs her till I return.”

“Of course….your mother has already taken care of the kids…Beckett…I trust you will end this.”

“If he doesn’t we will.” Trent vowed.

“Jaspers mine.” Beckett growled. “You guys are coming in case he has friends.”

“Let’s hope he does.” Trent frowned feeling the need to punch someone. “Beck….I’m sorry.”

Beckett looked at him and nodded. “It’s ok….in the same situation I might have done the same.”

“No you wouldn’t of ….you would have realized I wasn’t capable of that…I should have done the same.”

“Yeah….but at least I know where your loyalty lies.” He grinned. “I’m glad you thought to protect her.”

“Let’s go find us a Southern rat.” Ethan said tired of the mushy talk. “My knuckles are itching.”

Chapter 22

As she stood under the hot water Bailey let the heat burn away the dirt she felt on her skin. Ignoring the pain from her bruises she scrubbed her skin till her skin was raw. Only when she felt clean did she sink to the floor of the shower and cry. After Beckett had left she had sunk to the ground remembering the way he had kissed her and the loss she felt when he walked away. Despite her bravado she could not resist the way her body reacted to his kiss nor could she deny the pain in her heart. Watching him walk away she wondered how she had fallen for him so fast. From the moment they met she couldn’t deny the attraction she felt but she assumed it was her own inexperience and his incredible good looks. When he touched her, held her, kissed her she was unable to control the wanton desire of her body. No matter how hard her head tried to rule her body betrayed her. Even now she could feel his lips on hers.

She had just risen to her feet when she was grabbed from behind. The strength of his hold and the foul breath against her neck immediately filled her with fear. When she heard Jaspers voice her first reaction was to scream. His hand clamped over her mouth and she could smell the foulness of old cigars along with another scent she couldn’t place. Had she been more experienced she would have realize he had been pleasing himself in the bushes as he watched her and Beckett sharing a heated kiss. He turned her so quickly and before she could fight he pinned her to his body and clamped his mouth over hers, bruising her, driving his foul tongue inside her mouth. She felt the vomit rise in the back of his throat as he shoved his tongue deeper. As his hand grabbed her ass pulling her against his
harden bulge she cried pushing against him as hard as she could. Only when he pulled his lips from hers licking them did he give her enough space to drive her knee into his groin. As hard as he was the pain caused him to release his grip as he doubled over. Without thinking she turned to flee only to feel his hand as it gripped her blouse. She struggled against his hold hitting his hand but she couldn’t break his hold. Thankfully the blouse was thin and the seams ripped as the shirt shredded. When the piece he held ripped away she fell backwards landing on her back as her head slammed into the ground. For a moment she saw black but her urge to escape overrode and she managed to pull herself to her feet before he could reach her. She ran blindly towards the house fearing he would catch her before she reached safety. Pushing open the door she ran directly into Trent as he was coming outside. He grabbed her and for a moment she fought him till she realized who he was. His face was filled with rage at her disheveled appearance and filled with shame she tried to break free.

“Bailey….what happened to you?” He had asked trying to stop her. “Who did this?”

Looking at him her face filled with fear her mind flew to Beckett. She needed him. She wanted his arms around her, protecting her. She cried. “Beckett…” But before she could continue his face was filled with a murderous glare that frightened her. She broke free and fled to her room as Trent ran out the front door. As she sat there she now realized Trent must have thought Beckett had torn her blouse and gone after him. That would explain the fresh bruises. She covered her face at the realization she had been the cause of two brothers fighting. Now Beckett was out there again going after Jasper. Her body shaking she stood up and turned off the water. Stepping out of the shower she dried her body and slipping into the tank top and yoga pants she crept into her bed pulling the covers over her head.

Since her father
’s death she had assumed the role as an adult. She had been the one to nurse her mother during her pregnancy and illness. She had been the one to handle the finances shielding her mother from the truth of what they faced. When her mother died she had assumed the role of taking care of Tristan and Alexis proving to the authorities she was capable. She had promised her mother she would keep the family together at all costs. Working two jobs, dealing with Tristan’s illness and Alexis’s nightmares. She had been the strength that held them together. Suddenly she felt small. From the moment her grandmother had walked into her life it had been out of her control. To save the kids she had agreed to a marriage to a man she didn’t know. She had lost control as her body and heart defied her brain chasing after someone she couldn’t have and would lose at the end of the year. Today Jaspers attack had brought back the same fear she felt when Jackson had slid his hand beneath her skirt. When she had dumped the tray on him it had been her first line of defense. He had been angry and stood preparing to hit her. She knew had they not been in a public place the outcome would have been different. Even after losing her job she lived in fear as calls came to her home at all hours. She could hear his breathing but he never said a word. One morning she had come out to find her tires slashed. She couldn’t prove it was Jackson but she knew. She was forced to move several times and change her number to an unlisted one before she finally felt safe. Now that same fear was back with Jasper. She wondered what would Beckett do and would Jasper ever really stop? She knew she should get up, check on the kids but her body refused to move. Beckett had told her to wait till he returned. She trusted him so she waited.

She must have fallen asleep because she didn’t hear him enter her room a few hours later. Her body registered the pressure as he sat on the bed but when his hand touched her shoulder she sat up suddenly frightened as the memories of Jaspers hands filled her mind. She crouched back against the head board drawing the covers to her chin. When she realized it was Beckett she dropped the blanket and flew into his arms. They wrapped around her, his strength overriding her fear.

“Hey…it’s ok…you’re safe now.” He said soothingly as his lips brushed the top of her head.

It took her a moment to compose herself then she drew back searching his face. In addition to the bruise and cuts from earlier he now was sporting a cut in the corner of his top lip. Already it was beginning to swell. She reached up and touched it gently as she searched his eyes.

“I gave him the first shot.” He grinned lopsidedly as he searched her face. “How are you?”

“I’m ok.” She said biting her lip drawing his eyes down to her mouth. She saw the flash of desire before he pulled back putting some distance
between them. She felt the loss of his body heat as he now stood beside the bed. “What happened?”

“I found Jasper downtown drinking with a few of his friends….I tried to get him to take it outside but he and his friends refused to budge… I said I gave him the first shot…
he won’t be bothering you again Bailey. We fired him and gave him 24 hours to get out of town. Trent and Ethan stayed behind to make sure he goes.”

“You fought him?”

“Not much of a fight.” He grinned. “I think he counted on help from his friends but my brothers were itching for a brawl since I wouldn’t let them have Jasper…..he was mine.” He said seriously as he touched her cheek. “I protect what’s mine.”

Bailey’s breath caught in her throat and she felt her heart break. She wanted to believe he cared for her the way she did for him but doubts over took her. She had to remind herself this was just a business arrangement. He was still involved with Macy and not free. In all the times he had kissed her he had never mentioned breaking up with Macy. He even joked with her about dating two people at once. When his h
and dropped and he stepped away she couldn’t hide the disappointment in her face. She saw the confusion on his and she knew he was warring with himself inside.

I’m sorry about earlier…about Trent….I didn’t mean to mislead him.”

“What do you mean?” He asked not understanding what she was trying to say.

“When I ran inside I crashed into him…he wanted to know what happened to me, who did attacked me.” She said wringing her hands on the blanket. “I just wanted you….but when I said your name he got angry and I got scared.”

“You wanted me?” He said with a strange look on his face.

“Yes.” She said looking at him. “I knew you would make me feel safe.”

Beckett’s face softened as he approached her. Without thinking she stepped into his arms as he pulled her against his chest. She felt protected again. She wrapped her arms around his waist as she rested her head against his chest. His heart beat strong and steady beneath her ear. When his hand tilted her chin up she didn’t resist and when his lips took hers she welcomed him. His kiss was soft
, caressing her lips as he coaxed her to respond. Unlike Jasper Beckett tasted of spice and where Jaspers body was soft his was firm, his muscle flexing as he pulled her body against him. Bailey’s hands slid up his chest clasping behind his neck as she arched her body against his. Once again Bailey’s body betrayed her with needs she didn’t understand.

His hands roamed lower till they reached the hem of her tank top. Sliding up under
her top his hands now pressed against her skin spreading the heat throughout her body. She moaned as his tongue played with hers and this spurred him on as his mouth now moved to her jaw raining kisses as he worked his way down to the hollow of her neck. Her knees gave out and his arm moved to support her as his other hand moved forward sliding across her ribcage till he cupped the underside of her breast. Her breathing became erratic as her heart raced and suddenly she needed more. She needed to feel his skin against hers. She pulled at his shirt ripping the buttons free as her hands ran across his chest. His mouth moved back to her lips while he quickly removed his shirt dropping it to the floor by her bed. He broke contact from her lips only long enough to pull her tank top off. Lifting her up Beckett moved her to the bed and laid her down. He lay beside her and as his hands roamed over her body his lips returned to her mouth. Bailey was on fire, his lips and hands igniting sensations she had never felt before. Her mind went numb as her body took over. When Beckett’s lips moved to her breast sucking the nipple through the lace of her bra she became unhinged. Grabbing his head she threaded her fingers through his hair pulling his mouth back up to hers. When his hand slid lower her legs parted instinctively needing something she couldn’t explain. His hand slid beneath her pants moving lower to the lace panties that were now dripping wet.

“Fuck you’re wet.” He cursed as he moved his mouth to her neck. Her
hips arched needed to feel the contact of his hand. When his fingers slid beneath her panties she gasped surprised at the sensation he now was causing. His fingers slid inside her and as he moved them the friction caused a pressure inside to build. When he pulled his hand out she moaned in protest. He pulled back looking down at her as he tried to control himself. “Bailey.” He groaned sitting up.

With his back to her she watched his muscles flexed. He wanted her and she knew he was trying to resist. She knew she should help him but he had awakened feelings inside her she could no longer deny. She didn’t care about the contract, didn’t care about the consequences. All she knew was she wanted him at that moment and tomorrow she would live with her choice. She slid out of her clothes and moved behind him. As she leaned towards him she prepared her heart for his rejection. When her lips touched the back of his neck she felt him tense up. She pressed on feathering his back with kisses. With each kiss his muscles strained as he fought against his own desire. When Bailey stood and stepped in front of him she felt the urge to cover herself. She was naked and vulnerable before him and she held her breath waiting for his reaction.
When he looked up she saw the desire in his eyes before he stood.

“We can’t.” Beckett said shaking his head as he reached down grabbing his shirt. Without a backward glance he left her standing there alone and rejected. Bailey let out her breath as the pain now gripped her heart. She was humiliated at his rejection and flung herself on the bed as the first tears fell.

Chapter 23

When Beckett had left Bailey to find Jasper he was filled with a
n uncontrolled rage. Growing up he and his brothers had their share of bar room brawls. Sometimes it was to defend a ladies honor, but most times it was to shut up some foul mouth drunk. Never though had he felt the desire to kill as he did now. The sight of Bailey; bruised and frightened had awakened every protective instinct in him. The image of Jasper touching her, forcing himself upon her brought bile to his throat. It wasn’t hard to find him and when they entered the bar Jasper just sneered as he downed his whiskey. His confidence was bolstered by both the amount of whiskey he had consumed and the group of friends who stood behind him. As he approached him Beckett noticed his friends maneuvering for a better advantage against him and his brothers. He knew his brothers were sizing up the odds and Trent smiled knowing they were outmanned nearly 2 to 1.

“What brings you down
to my neck of the world Yankee?” Jasper said getting a laugh out of his group.

“Why don’t we take this
outside?” Beckett said noting the way the owner watched them warily.

“I like it here….cozier.” He said putting his glass down as he grabbed a cue stick.

“Jasper…I don’t think what we are about to discuss should be done publicly.” Beckett warned.

“I’m among my friends, whatever you wish to discuss can be said in front of them.”

“Alright….consider yourself no longer employed. You have 24 hours to pack your things and get out of town. The deal I have with your grandmother no longer concerns you and if you ever lay a hand on my fiancé again I will kill you.” Beckett said calmly.

“You have no right to fire me.” Jasper argued. “Nor can you make me leave town.”

“I have every right to fire you since my brothers and I assumed the role of running the company. It’s in the contract. As for running you out of town, you’re right I can’t force you to leave but I can make sure your life is miserable should you choose to stay.” Beckett said as Jaspers friends now looked to him for a signal.

“My grandmother would not allow that.”

“After what you just did to Bailey she’s done covering for you and you sick indiscretions.”

“I don’t know what that little bitch told you but all I did was
kissed her.” Jasper said as his face began to turn red. “A simple greeting kiss from one cousin to the other.”

Beckett clinched his fists till his knuckles turned white. “The woman you are speaking of is to be my wife and you will not degrade her with your names or accusations. The condition of both her clothes and body are enough for us to consult the local authority on charges of assault and attempted rape. Out of respect for her and your grandmother I chose to handle this between us.”

“We all know the conditions of the contract and the true reason you are marrying my cousin. You don’t have to get all high and mighty on me; she’s just a high priced whore.”

The muscle along Beckett
’s jawline began to pulsate as he fought to control his temper. He stepped dangerously close to Jasper and his eyes narrowed as he spoke.

“Apologize for that comment.”

Jasper laughed as he looked around the room. With his men in place he threw the first punch hitting Beckett in the lip cutting the skin. Beckett just looked at him smiling as if that was the invitation he needed. Before Jasper could see it coming Beckett drove his fist into Jaspers stomach knocking the wind out of him then following up with an upper cut to his lower chin sending him backwards against the pool table. Beckett turned in time to block a right hook from one of Jaspers friends as the others turned on his brothers. He connected a blow to the side of the new opponents head just as Jasper stood. He was unable to deflect the blow to his back from the cue stick but managed to stay on his feet. Turning he lunged at Jasper knocking him to the ground. He ignored the pain in his hands as he pummeled Jaspers face breaking his jaw in the process. A blow for his side knocked him off Jasper as he now tumbled across the floor with another assailant. He took one hit to his shoulder before he was able to take down his assailant. Looking up he noticed most of Jaspers friends were on the ground nursing their wounds; Ethan and Justin were finishing off their opponents while Trent was dealing with two others. He went to Trent’s aid pulling one off his back freeing his arm to swing at the other. In a matter of minutes all of Jaspers friends were either on the ground or out the door. Jasper tried to stand but instead fell back against the wall. With the fight over his brothers grinned at him satisfied for their little diversion. The owner now approached them and Ethan immediately pulled out his wallet to cover the damage as the rest of them approached Jasper.

“You have 24 hours Jasper, my brothers will ensure you leave town.” Beckett said as he glared at him. “If I ever see you back here I won’t hesitate to bring you up on charges and make sure you are sent away for a long time.”

Trent placed his hand on Beckett’s shoulder. “Why don’t you get back to Bailey…we got this.”

“Thanks.” Beckett said.

“No problem….it was fun…” Trent laughed as he surveyed the room. “Just like old times.”

Beckett had driven back to the estate and when he entered the house ran into Regina. His concern was on going upstairs but he stopped a moment to comment.

“Jasper is fired, he will be leaving town and not returning.” He said leaving no room for an argument.

She met his gaze and nodded then turned and went back into the study. He took the stairs two at a time and paused before he opened her door. When he entered Bailey was sleeping and as he studied her he noticed how incredibly vulnerable she looked. One arm was outside the blanket and he frowned at the sight of the fresh bruise on her arm. Once again the anger surged in him at the thought of what Jasper had done.
Moving to her bedside he sat down on the edge careful not to wake her. As he studied her face a mixture of emotions filled him. Pride, possessiveness, desire and something more. His head was not yet ready to admit what his heart already knew. He had fallen for her and had already made the decision he would attempt to make her his but he was not ready to admit he loved her. That was something he swore he would never allow, not after Lachelle. Yet he wanted this woman more than any other he had met since Lachelle’s death. He knew like him she had barriers in place to protect her heart. He swore one by one he would knock them down till she admitted what they had between them was more than a contract. Reaching out he touched her shoulder in an attempt to wake her. When she bolted upright, grabbed her blanket cowering in fear it gripped his heart. He cursed Jasper again for what he had done but his anger was replaced by relief when she dropped her blanket flying into his arms. He wrapped them around her pulling her shaking body against his chest.

“Hey…it’s ok…you’re safe now.” He said soothingly as his lips brushed the top of her head.

It took her a moment to compose herself
and when she drew back searching his face as she touched his cut lip he couldn’t help but feel relief.

“I gave him the first shot.” He grinned as he searched her face. “How are you?”

“I’m ok.” She said biting her lip drawing his eyes down to her mouth. He wanted to kiss that mouth again and knowing he might not be able to stop he pulled back putting some distance between them. He saw the disappointment in her eyes as he now stood beside the bed.

“What happened?”
She asked.

“I found Jasper downtown drinking with a few of his friends
.” He explained briefly without going into to many details. “I tried to get him to take it outside but he and his friends refused to budge… I said I gave him the first shot…he won’t be bothering you again Bailey. We fired him and gave him 24 hours to get out of town. Trent and Ethan stayed behind to make sure he goes.”

“You fought him?”

“Not much of a fight.” He grinned. “I think he counted on help from his friends but my brothers were itching for a brawl since I wouldn’t let them have Jasper…..he was mine.” He said seriously as he touched her cheek. “I protect what’s mine.”

He saw the way her breath caught in her throat then watched as a series of emotions crossed her face. He wondered if she knew how easily it was to read her mind and not wanting to add to her confusion he dropped his hand. Immediately he saw the disappointment in her face as he stepped away.

“Beckett….I’m sorry about earlier…about Trent….I didn’t mean to mislead him.”

“What do you mean?” He asked not understanding what she was trying to say.

“When I ran inside I crashed into him…he wanted to know what happened to me, who did attacked me.” She said wringing her hands on the blanket. “I just wanted you….but when I said your name he got angry and I got scared.”

“You wanted me?” He said with a strange look on his face.

“Yes.” She said looking at him. “I knew you would make me feel safe.”

Beckett’s face softened as he approached her. Without thinking she stepped into his arms as he pulled her against his chest.
Beckett noticed the way she fit perfectly in his arms as if she was made especially for him. She wrapped her arms around his waist as she rested her head against his chest. He could feel the way his heart now raced and he knew he couldn’t resist any longer. His hand tilted her chin up and when she didn’t resist his lips took hers. His kiss was soft, caressing her lips as he coaxed her to respond. She tasted of honey and as he savored her mouth his hands moved lower pulling her body against him. Bailey’s hands slid up his chest clasping behind his neck as she pulled him deeper into the kiss. His hands roamed lower till they reached the hem of her tank top before sliding up under to touch her bare skin. His hands now pressed against her skin enjoying the feel of the softness beneath. When she moaned as his tongue played with hers he pulled back and kissed his way down to the hollow of her neck. Her knees gave out and his arm moved to support her as his other hand moved forward sliding across her ribcage till he cupped the underside of her breast. Her breathing became erratic and he could feel her heart racing against his fingers. Suddenly she pulled at his shirt ripping the buttons free as her hands ran across his chest. His mouth moved back to her lips while he quickly removed his shirt dropping it to the floor by her bed. He broke contact from her lips only long enough to pull her tank top off needing to feel her skin against his. Lifting her up Beckett moved her to the bed and laid her down. He lay beside her and as his hands roamed over her body his lips returned to her mouth. Beckett could feel the way her body responded to his touch and felt the desire inside her as it matched his. When Beckett’s lips moved to her breast sucking the nipple through the lace of her bra she became unhinged. Grabbing his head she threaded her fingers through his hair pulling his mouth back up to hers. Her kiss was desperate and demanding begging his to fulfill a need she didn’t understand. When his hand slid lower her legs parted instinctively awaiting his touch. His hand slid beneath her pants moving lower to the lace panties that were now saturated with her desire.

“Fuck you’re wet.” He cursed as he moved his mouth to her neck.

Her body arched needed to feel the contact of his hand. When his fingers slid beneath her panties she gasped in surprise spurring him on. His fingers slid inside her and as he moved them he could feel the pressure inside begin to build as her inner walls clamped onto his fingers. She was so ripe for the taking and his loins burned to be released. Suddenly reality came crashing back and he pulled his hand out causing her to moan in protest. He pulled back looking down at her as he tried to control the desires that had overwhelmed him. “Bailey.” He groaned sitting up keeping his back to her. His muscles flexed as his head once again regained control over his body. He couldn’t believe how close he had come to seducing her. It had been so easy, her body so willing. He knew if he looked at her all would be lost and his desire to take her would override all reason. He felt the bed shift behind and when her lips brushed against his skin his muscles flexed in protest. What the hell was she doing, didn’t she know how close they had come and how much of an effort it was to resist her. Suddenly she shifted off the bed and now stood before him naked. His lungs filled with a gasp of air as he looked upon her with open desire. God she was truly beautiful and his mind warred with his body over what to do. He knew today’s incident with Jasper had left her vulnerable and if he made love to her now both of them would later regret it. He wanted her but not like this. When he finally took her he wanted it to be of her own choosing, free from any contract and from any incident that left her vulnerable. He also had to think of the contract and what it would mean if they had sex. Too much was riding on this moment. Finally his brain won out and he stood.

“We can’t.” Beckett said shaking his head as he reached down grabbing his shirt.

Without a backwards glance he left her standing there alone. Once outside the door he leaned up against the wall cursing himself not only for putting them both in that situation but also for walking away. Every fiber in his body demanded he return to her and yet he stood there frozen unable to move. He heard the sound of her hitting the bed as the tears began to flow. Staring up at the ceiling he was angry that he had hurt her when she needed his comfort the most. He was no better than Jasper, they both wanted the same thing but their methods were different. He vowed now that he would never put them in that situation again. Beckett thought over the schedule for the next two weeks and wondered how the hell he was going to be able to control his desires when he had to pretend they were in love. Pretending was going to be easy, walking away from her each night was going to be hell. He looked back at the door one more time considering going back before he turned and headed for his room. That night he lay in his bed tossing and turning as he thought of her. The way her body moved in reaction to his touch, the way she tasted, the way she smelled. Finally unable to sleep he got dressed and headed for the stables. Zeus was alert and itching to run. Beckett needed a challenge to take his mind off of Bailey. Both were sizing each other up as Beckett saddled the horse. When he led him out Zeus showed resistance and the moment Beckett was on his back the two fought for control. Neither saw the lone figure standing on the balcony as they raced across the field.

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