Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)
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“Maybe we should go with one of the others.”

“Why….don’t you love this one…..I do….and there’s so much we can do with it.” He said watching her expression.

“True….but the expense.” She began.

“That’s where we save.” Beckett added. “We would do our own work, mom has the connections and loves hunting around old shops for just the right touches…I’m sure she and you would enjoy searching for just the right pieces to fill the house.”

“But you guys will be too busy with the offices here and your business up North.”

“We’re almost done with the renovations up North…as for the business here, we can work around that…..Bailey….do you like the house?”

“I haven’t even seen it…but yes….I love it.”

why waste our time looking at the others….why don’t we just go over and make an offer.” He said casually. “I can get a feel of the house, come up with a few designs, we should be able to push it through escrow and while we’re doing the renovations we can work around the living quarters….or you can remain at your grandmothers.”

The smile on her face was the only reward he needed. They finished their meal then called the realtor making arrangements to meet her. As
Bailey wandered around the house Beckett examined the bones of the house deciding how much work it would entail. Once he had an estimate he made the agent an offer. She had seen the way Bailey had fallen in love with the place and tried to haggle but once Beckett pointed out the repairs that needed to be done she willingly accepted the offer pending her client’s approval. She knew she was getting more than she thought she would and didn’t want to lose a prospective buyer by trying to play hardball. Bailey couldn’t help but smile as they drove back to her grandmothers after first returning to the office so his mother could go over some details with his father. Since Ethan had already taken his car back his mother let them take hers.

Chapter 27

As they drove back Beckett debated whether he should bring up the previous evening. With the evening ahead of them he was afraid to spoil her mood. When he sighed Bailey turned and faced him and he noticed the wall between them was up again.

“Bailey….about last night.” He began.

“Please Beckett… I’d rather not discuss it.” She said looking back out the window.

“I think we should.”

She turned to face him and he could see she was fighting back the tears and instinctively he reached out and took her hand in comfort. He pulled off to the side of the road so he could talk to her without the distraction of driving.

“Bailey.” He said gently and waited till she met his eyes. “Last night...”

“Please Beckett….you made your decision perfectly clear last night….let’s not make this anymore awkward than it already is.” She said extracting her hand from his.

Her bottom lip began to quiver as she fought for control and he couldn’t hold back. He reached up and pulling her lips to his as he kissed her. She was resistant at first but he finally won out
and she sighed opening her mouth for his exploration. When he pulled back he was satisfied to see the look of surrender in her eyes. Before she could think or talk he continued.

“Bailey…..I wanted to stay with you last night and you don’t know how hard it was for me to walk away.”

She pulled back with the barrier once again up as she looked at him. “I understand….we almost broke the contract and your family would have lost everything.”

“Do you r
eally believe that’s why I left?” He said feeling his anger rise. “If I had stayed I would have taken advantage of the situation….you were still shaken by what Jasper did….you needed my comfort not my advances.”

Bailey looked at him as if seeing the situation in a new light. Was what he was telling her the
truth? She could feel the ice begin to melt around her heart as she began to hope.

“You left…for me?”

“Yes….we both would have hated me in the morning.” He said. “When we kissed yesterday the reason I apologized wasn’t because I didn’t want to kiss you, it was because I put you in an embarrassing position with your grandmother. If she hadn’t come out when she did I might have pressed you further…” He saw the surprise in her face and he reached up running his thumb across her lips. “God they are so soft, they just beg to be kissed.” Looking up he met her eyes. “Bailey….I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to you….when you are around I want to touch you….kiss you….hell I want to do a lot more than that….but..”

“The contract.”

“There’s that yes….but…I’m not sure if I want the type of relationship you deserve…and the last thing in the world I want to do is hurt you…hurt the kids.” He said hoping she would understand. “The reason I’m with Macy is because there are no expectations…”

Bailey pulled back once again pulling up the barrier to protect her heart. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed as he felt her withdraw from him. He had been honest with her. He didn’t know if he could open his heart up again despite what his family believed.
He didn’t want to give her false hopes that their relationship could be anything but physical since he wasn’t even sure himself.


“Don’t….I understand….I can’t fault you for being honest and I appreciate it, at least now I know where I stand and there will be not false hopes….while we’re in public I will be the epitome of your fiancé and wife…..but…” She said looking at him. “Once we are out of the public eye I won’t expect anything from you….I would ask one thing though.” She said looking down at her hands. “For the next year….please don’t do anything that would embarrass me or the kids.”

“I wouldn’t ever.” He said shocked she would think that low of him. “Bailey…”

“No…no more explanations, can we please just go back to my grandmothers…I wanted to spend some time with my brother and sister before we go to dinner.”

She turned her head from him and by her posture he knew there would be no further discussion. Mentally he kicked himself for bringing up the subject. He had enjoyed his afternoon with her both inspecting homes with Trent and exploring the house with
her and his mother. The look of excitement on her face when he made the deal was priceless and he wanted that moment back. Gripping the wheel he pulled back on the road and for the rest of the journey there was silence. When he pulled up she was out of the car and half way to the porch before he turned off the engine. His parents were on the porch and one look at her face brought their disappointed looks in his direction. He was half way up to them when his cell phone went off and pulling it out he welcomed the distraction.

“Hello Macy….how
’s the shoot going?” He asked as he reached the bottom of the steps.

“Terrible…Pablo insists on doing water shots and I have sand in places of my body that were meant for only you.” She whined.

Macy never was made for the outdoors. Her idea of sunning on the beach is in a cabana with a waiter constantly refilling her drink. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her lying in the sand or posing in the ocean trying to pull off that perfect shot while complaining to the crew. He thought about the difference between her and Bailey. He could picture the indignation on Macys face if Trent had suggested she follow him up into the attic. When she came down with dirt smudges on her face he found it incredibly sexy. For some reason the thought of her like that was far more appealing than the thought of Macy lying on the beach in a bikini.

“Beckett did you hear me…” Macy called out again and he realized he hadn’t been paying attention.

“I’m sorry Macy…must be the reception here….what did you say?”

“I said I canceled the European shoot….I miss you and I
don’t feel like being away from you for another month….I should be done there by this weekend and I plan on keeping you naked for two days.”

“This weekend…uh.” He thought as he ran over his schedule with Bailey. “That might be a problem…for the next two weeks my schedule is pretty full between getting the business here situated and my other commitments.”

“Beckett…you sound like you don’t want me to come….what’s going on.”

“Nothing…it’s just with the wedding in
a few weeks; Bailey and I have to put in a lot of public appearances to make our relationship believable.” He said noticing the way his parents were frowning at him.

“Ok….but you’re not sleeping with her are you?” She asked.

“No….I told you…it’s purely business…”

“Good….then there’s no reason you can’t spend your nights with me….unless…you’re lying to me.” She said suspecting he was.

“No…I’m not lying….when do you fly in?”

“Saturday afternoon…I land in Mobile around 2:00 on Delta…will you be there to pick me

“Of course…have you already booked your hotel or do you need me to do that.”

“I thought I would stay with you.”

“Not a good idea….I’m staying at Baileys grandmothers house….I’ll get you a place, arrange for a car then meet you when your plane comes in…whatever I have schedule for Saturday I’ll cancel….we can do dinner.”
He said turning his back to his parents. “Look I got to go…I’ll call you later…”

“Ok…luv you.” She said kissing into the phone.

He didn’t respond, just hung up and turned to face the music. He saw the disappointment in both of his parents faces. Putting his phone back he walked up to stand before them.

“Macy is coming here?”

“Not here….but in town yes…I’ll pick her up Saturday….” He began. “Look, Bailey and I had a talk on the way back…we both agreed to keep our relationship strictly business. It’s for the best.”

“For who
m?” His father asked.

“For both of us…. I need to go get ready for tonight, if you’ll excuse me.” He said.

Beckett expected his parents to argue but both remained silent. Inside he ran into Tristan on the way to his room. He expected Tristan to greet him but instead he just frowned as he turned away.

“Hey Tristan…are we going to play another round?” He asked causing Tristan to stop and stare at him.

“No….you lied to me… made Bailey cry….I don’t want you to marry her anymore.” He said as the tears formed in his eyes.

was angry and he felt betrayed. The look on his face caused Beckett’s heart to wrench. When Beckett tried to approach him he turned and ran to his room slamming the door behind him. Beckett felt the emptiness overwhelm him and turning he headed to his room no longer sure what he wanted from life. As he showered he tried to convince himself it was all for the best. Somehow he would manage to get through the next few weeks then after the ceremony he would keep his distance from Bailey. He could work his schedule in the office around hers and on the few occasions they needed to make an appearance he could maintain the appearance. Tonight would be the first dry run and he was certain he would be successful. After showering he dressed in his Armani suit then went downstairs for a drink. As previously arranged his parents would be joining them for dinner but when he went into the lobby he found Trent and Ethan dressed in their suits.

“What are you guys all dressed up for?” He asked suspiciously.

“Mom and dad couldn’t make it so they offered us the tickets.” Trent said with a glint in his eye.

Ethan shifted nervously sensing the sudden change in the atmosphere. He poured Beckett a drink then watched as his two brothers sized each other up. He was about to say something to try to diffuse the situation when Bailey appeared. All three men turned and Beckett felt as if the wind was knocked out of him. Bailey stood there in a long red strapless gown that hugged her curves leaving nothing to the imagination. Just below the hips it flared but
the side was slit up to her mid-thigh revealing one of her slender legs and the five inch stiletto shoes. Her hair was swept up in a loose bun with a few loose strands framing her face. Diamond earrings and a simple solitaire pendent completed the outfit. She looked briefly at Beckett then turning to his brothers dazzled them with her smile.

“Trent…Ethan…I’m so please the two of you will be joining us tonight…when your parents told me they wouldn’t be coming I feared we would have to cancel.”

Trent smiled as he approached Bailey. “You’re a vision and I wouldn’t have missed a chance to enjoy your company for all the tea in China.” He took her hand and graciously kissed it.

Beckett’s jaw muscle twitched as he watched his brother openly flirt with his fiancé in front of him. When Trent tucked her arm through his and turned to Beckett he saw the challenge in his eyes.

“We don’t want to miss our reservations or we will be late for the play.” Trent smiled. “I believe the limo is waiting, may I do the honors of escorting you?”

“That won’t be necessary.” Beckett said tensely and when Trent raised an eyebrow he added. “How would it look to have my fiancé leave on my brother
’s arm?”

“Ah yes.” Trent said relinquishing Bailey. “You must keep up appearances.”

Beckett glared at his brother as he offered his arm to Bailey. She took it and when her fingers grazed his jacket he felt her tremble. Ignoring his brother he looked at her and saw through the casual mask she wanted the others to see. He wanted to put his hand over hers to assure her but instead he led her out of the room followed by his brothers. At the top of the stairs Tristan watched him through the railings and the guilt of his betrayal followed him as they left. When they reached the restaurant Bailey smiled and played the role of his fiancé. She smiled at him, occasionally touched his arm and when he leaned over to tell her how beautiful she looked she even blushed. To the others in the room they looked to be in love. Only the four at their table knew otherwise. Once back in the car the façade dropped and she seemed to grow paler as if the strain of their pretense was getting to her.

“Are you alright?
” He asked.

“I’m fine thank you.” She said the turned and looked out the window.

It irritated him that he was sitting opposite her with Ethan and Trent had taken the seat next to her. He noticed the way Trent’s leg rested against her bare leg and it took all his willpower to remain seated. Trent saw the way he was clenching his fist and he smiled enjoying the moment. When they arrived at the Theatre Trent got out first reaching back for Baileys hand. Beckett stepped out instead and glaring at his brother he turned to take Baileys hand. When she stepped out he presented his arm to her and once again in the role she smiled and took his arm. To everyone around them they made the perfect couple but Beckett noticed the way the smile did not reach her eyes. Once again he cursed himself inwardly wanting desperately to have back the relaxed companionship they had shared earlier in the day.

They had a private box and he and Bailey took the two front seats with Trent and Ethan taking the two behind them. At first he smiled smugly having Bailey to himself till he looked over and saw Trent leaning forward to whisper something in Baileys ear. When she smiled in amusement he narrowed his eyes daring Trent to do it again. Trent just sat backed amused at his brothers predicament. When the play began he couldn’t concentrate as he watched Bailey out of the corner of his eyes. From the moment the curtain opened she was carried away, engrossed in the story and oblivious to the others in the booth. When the first tear appeared at the end of the play he reached for a handkerchief only to find Trent had beat him to it. Cursing at his brother he was surprised when Bailey placed her hand over his. When he looked at her his eyebrow raised in question she motioned her head slightly to the photographer who was taking their picture. At that moment she looked at him as if he was the love of her life and for a brief moment he believed her. Then the photographer moved away and she removed her hand looking away towards the others
who were now leaving the theatre. On the ride back he forced his brother now to sit opposite him as he took the seat next to Bailey. Where she had been relaxed on the ride coming there she now sat stiffly making sure no part of her body touched his. When the limo stopped and the driver opened the door she waited as first Trent and Ethan exited then Beckett. When he held out his hand to assist her she took it aware of the role she was still expected to play. She allowed him to escort her inside but once the door closed she removed her hand and thanking them all for a lovely evening she excused herself complaining of a headache. Beckett offered to escort her up but she declined insisting he enjoy a drink with his brothers in the study. When she kissed him gently on the lips he was surprised till he noticed the staff was watching. Taking advantage of the situation he pulled her into his embrace deepening the kiss till he felt her legs go weak. When he pulled back he saw the desire in her eyes before she was able to mask it. Suddenly her face filled with anger and her eyes challenged him to release her. He smiled wickedly as he removed his arms enjoying her anger over the cold façade she had given him during the night. He stood there watching as she walked up the stairs her head held in defiance while his brothers came up behind him.

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