Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)
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“He was staking his claim on his territory and I would say he won
for now.”

“His territory!” Bailey said turning now to see Grace’s amused expression.

“Bailey my child you have a lot to learn, especially about the South.” She smiled gently then looked up at Beckett. “You behave exactly as we hoped you would.”

Bailey looked back at Beckett who seemed as confused as she was.

“What do you mean?” Bailey asked.

“Bailey since your arrival you have been the talk of
both Southern gentleman and cad alike in every private club and dinning parlor. Jasper spoke not only of your beauty but also of a strange arrangement involving a marriage agreement.” She smiled. “The betting began the day your grandmother threw him out of her house but the stakes were raised when you and your brothers gave him a well-deserved beating. Since then a line of would be suitors has cast in their name to see which one can win her hand away from you.” She said looking at Beckett.

Wait you mean to tell me all these men are betting and I’m the prize?” Bailey said shocked.

“You and a sizeable sum of money.” She smiled sympathetically. “The men like Jasper and Rhett are easy to spot, others like Ashton and Harrison will be more subtle.” She warned.

Bailey looked at Beckett and suddenly felt sick. Harrison had been playing her like Ashton the previous day. What she had taken as Southern hospitality was really their form of manipulation hoping to seduce her with their charms. Beckett understood and taking her arm looked for a place to take her where the air might help her.

“There’s a garden through
there.” Grace said pointing to a pair of doors on the opposite side of the gallery.


Beckett took Baileys arm and as he led her outside he noticed the way the men were watching them as if determining their chances. Bailey also noticed and he felt her tremble beneath his touch.
Once outside he led Bailey over to a stone bench where she sat. He noticed her hands were shaking and taking his jacket off he placed it over Bailey’s shoulders. Sitting next to her he took her hands in his.

“They think this is all a game.” Bailey said looking at him. “Who are these people?”

“Privileged people who think the rules don’t apply to them.” He said rubbing his thumbs over her hands. “Bailey, I’m sorry....I don’t know what kind of game your grandmother is playing but I’m going to end this.”

“Regina is not playing any games.”
Grace said as she and Lance joined them. “This is why she made sure I introduced you to Harrison tonight.”


“She knows you are capable of using your fists to protect Bailey. She wanted to know if you could also use your mind. You will find while doing business in the South that most deals are made in the back rooms of the gentleman’s clubs. Your worth is not based on your business ethics but in the success of your wagers and abilities to out think your opponents. You and your brothers need to understand the rules if you want to win the game.”

Beckett grew angry as he looked at Baileys face.
Since her arrival she had been physically attacked by two men. Ashton and Harrison were now attacking her on a mental and emotional level that was just as damaging. Still holding her hand he stood up facing them.

Bailey is not a prize to be won in a game of chance. I’m taking Bailey home then my brothers and I will be paying a call on your gentleman’s clubs.”

“No.” Bailey said. “All that would do is add fuel to the fire.”

“Bailey, I’m not about to sit back and watch these men treat you this way.” Beckett argued.

Bailey looked up and saw the sincerity in his eyes. Somehow it hurt more because he didn’t see he was treating her the same way only he wasn’t being honest with himself. Instead of her and the prize money, he and his family would win the business in the end. She sighed as she stood. Removing his jacket she handed it back to him.

“Beckett, our arrangement is no different than their game. It’s all a deception.” She said as she walked away.

Beckett felt as if she had knocked the wind out of him with her comment. She was actually comparing their arrangement with the sick game the men inside were playing. He noticed the way
both Grace and Lance were studying him. It was Lance who spoke.

“She doesn’t know you love her does she?”

Beckett looked at him in denial. “I’m not in love with her, we’ve haven’t known each other long enough to fall in love.”

Grace smiled “I didn’t know there was a time table on love.”

Beckett looked at each of them as if they were crazy. The fact that they just smiled at him indulgently as if he was a small child only infuriated him.

“It’s not possible to fall in love with someone you hardly know.”

“Really…..Grace how long did it take you to fall in love with me?”

“Not as long as it took you.” She smiled back at her husband. “I believe it took you a week.”

“I’m not in love with Bailey.” He stated firmly. “I don’t deny we have an attraction but that’s a far cry from what you believe you see.”

“Then since we were wrong there really isn’t any reason the other gentlemen
in there couldn’t pursue her.” Grace commented.

“Actually….Harrison or Ashton wouldn’t be a bad choice, both men could probably be faithful to her but if they took a lover on the side they would at least be discreet.” Lance admitted.

Beckett felt his anger grow as they discussed Bailey. Looking inside he saw she was standing now with Ashton. His blood began to boil when he noticed the way Ashton’s hand rested casually on the lower part of her back as they moved from painting to painting. The possibility that he was in love with her crossed his mind but he quickly dismissed it. His possessive nature stemmed more from his desire to protect her from the vultures within. He didn’t want to analyze it any further and excusing himself he headed once again in her direction. As he walked away he overheard Lance’s comment to Grace.

“As always my dear you are correct, he’s beside himself in love with her as she is with him. I wonder who will admit it first.”

The closer he got to Bailey the more those words ran through his head. Was it possible he was in love with Bailey? Better yet was it possible she was in love with him. He studied the way she stood with Ashton. She seemed to smile at his comments and respond to his comments but she also held herself in a reserved manner as if carefully guarding her true self from him. Beckett had seen that wall she put up when playing the role. He had seen her also put it up with him preventing him from seeing her true feelings. There had been occasions when they had first met that she had freely exposed herself to him. He wanted those moments back but didn’t know how. When Ashton saw him approaching he tried to discreetly remove his hand from her back but Bailey noticed. She turned and as Beckett approached a small frown appeared between her eyes as if she regretted his presence. It was at that moment Beckett realized the truth. He had fallen in love with her. This new revelation took him by surprise. This whole time he had been trying to deny what others saw. He didn’t question the when or how he just questioned what he was going to do about it. As he looked at her with her eyes flashing a challenged he realized he was going to get her to admit she loved him too. He also realized any doubt Macy had planted was false.

“Hello Ashton.” He smiled smoothly as he linked Baileys arm in his. “I’m sorry I was unable to see your stables, Ethan spoke highly of your Arabians.”

“I could say I regretted your absence.” Ashton smiled politely. “But I would be lying. It gave me the opportunity to enjoy the company of your fiancé for the afternoon.”

Beckett heard the hidden meaning beneath as if he meant to imply more happened between the two than Bailey may have divulged. Beckett didn’t take his bait knowing that Bailey was not that type of woman.

“Perhaps you wouldn’t mind if we visit your stables again, I am in the market of adding to my line of horses and hear next to Harrison you have some of the finest Arabians around.”

He saw the corners of Baileys lips lift slightly as she caught on to the game he was playing. Both men believed they owned the finest line of horses and it was common knowledge they competed with each other not only on the tracks but for breeding rights.

“Harrison may claim he has the lineage but I assure you, my Arabians cannot be matched. Anytime you would like to visit them I would be honored to show you my studs.”

Beckett grinned knowing he had hit his mark. He looked down at Bailey and was surprised her frown was no
w replaced by amusement.

“I saw a painting I thought you might enjoy in the other room.” He said then looking back at Ashton. “Would you excuse us?”

Without waiting for a response he led Bailey away and was pleased when she didn’t remove her hand from his arm as they stopped in front of a painting he had noticed earlier. Bailey studied it for a moment then looked up at him her eyebrows raised.

Do you really like the painting or was that just an excuse to get me away from Ashton?”

“Both.” He admitted. “Do you not like it?”

“I love it.” She said admiring the painting. Though she preferred impressionism the abstract painting intrigued her. It reminded her of a castle up on a cliff painted in varying shades of blues, greys, browns and blacks. The image seemed to be bleeding off the canvas as if the painter displeased with his work through a glass of paint thinner on it. She peered closer examining the artist’s application of his strokes.

“I thought it might look good in the library.”

Bailey stood back as she examined the picture. She could easily see it hanging over the fireplace in the room Beckett had planned on turning into the library. She knew he was waiting for her to response.

“I agree.” She said.

“Good; because I purchased it already.” He smiled watching her surprised expression.

its $2,000.00!” She said looking from him to the painting and back.

“The money goes to charity so it’s for a good cause, besides I like the medieval feel of it.”

“You surprise me…I pictured you would lean towards realism.”

There’s a lot about me that might surprise you.” He said taking her arm and leading her around the room to view the other work. “Out of curiosity why realism?”

She took one of his hands in hers as they stopped before another painting. He felt the heat in his hand where she held him and when she turned his hand over and ran a finger over his
callouses she left a trail of fire. She looked around the room then back to him.

“The men here were born to money. A gentleman’s life filled with the opera, horse races and art exhibits. They have their private clubs where they sit around drinking fine brandy, smoking cigars and entertaining their wagers. You and your brothers built up the family business with y
our parents. That takes time and hard work.”

“So you are telling me you see me more at ease in a pool hall somewhere with a beer in my hand?” He asked suddenly feeling insulted.

“I think where ever you are you would fit in.” She said. “That has been evident all week. I just meant that you understand and appreciate life. You see the reality not the illusion these men see.”

Beckett reached up and touched her cheek. “I do prefer a pool hall with a beer.” He grinned
bringing a smile to her face. “And I do prefer realism over impressionist and abstract painting but there are always exceptions.”

He slid his hand behind her neck holding her in place as he stepped closer. His body was acutely aware of hers as his other hand slid around her waist puller her up against him. Ignoring their surroundings he lowered his lips to hers teasing her slowly.

“Beckett.” Bailey whispered against his lips. “Everyone can see.”

“Let them.” He groaned. “I want it clear no one has a chance where you are concerned.” He said as he
reined kisses along her jawline. He felt her body tremble beneath his touch and he nipped her ear before pulling back. “I’m staking my claim on you and daring any man here to challenge it.”

He took her mouth again parting her lips as his tongue now conquered. She surrendered willingly as her hands slid up his chest to clasp around his neck. Her kiss matched his passion and
when her tongue spared with him he nearly lost his control. His hand slid down her back molding her soft contours against the hard ridges of his body. When she let out a moan of pleasure he forced himself to pull back. She whimpered as he rested his forehead against hers.

“I was beginning to wonder if I would have to find you two a room.” Trent said as he came up next to them.

Bailey blushed and when she tried to back away Beckett resisted pulling her against his chest as he looked over her head as his brother.

“What are you doing here?” He asked still trying to control his breathing.

“I came for the art.” Trent smiled. “Though I didn’t expect a live performance.” Beckett felt Bailey tense from embarrassment and he glared at his brother who only smiled in amusement. “Actually I came because I overheard an interesting wager going on but I guess so have you and you decided to change the odds.”

“Actually I planned on ending the wager.” Beckett admitted as Bailey pulled away slightly.
He kept his arms around her but loosened his hold on her enough so that she could now face Trent.

“I see my brother has things well in hand.” He grinned at her. “Have you two gotten enough culture or do you want to continue altering the odds?”

Beckett looked down at Bailey for his clue. He watched her scan the room then when her eyes stopped he followed her direction. Ashton had witnessed the earlier scene with the others and Beckett saw the defeat on his face.

“If you will excuse me, I want to thank our host first.” She said stepping out of his arms.

Both Beckett and Trent watched as she approached Ashton. For a moment Beckett saw the flicker of hope in his eyes but as Bailey talked to him he saw it once again fade. Whatever she told him seemed to spread like wild fire across the room. Beckett watched Bailey place her hand on his arm then she leaned up and kissed his cheek before turning and rejoining him. As Beckett scanned the room again he noticed a definite shift in the way the men watched Bailey as she crossed the room.

“Well, now that that wager is settled what do you think they will bet on next?” Trent joked as Bailey reached his side.

“The sex of our child.” Bailey said stopping before them.

Both men looked at each other than stared at her back as she headed for the door. It took a moment for them to react then they both rushed out behind her. Neither of them spoke till they were all standing on the curb waiting for the valet to bring the cars.

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