For the Night: Complete Box Set (48 page)

Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘Dale, you’re …
,’ she whispered.
So it seemed I wasn’t the only one somewhere else tonight, she was imagining it
was her biker boy fucking her. It didn’t dent my ego, it was still my cock that
made her come, even if I hadn’t myself. I slowly pulled out, lifted her up and
carried her over to the bales of hay. She was trembling in my arms and looked
done in.

‘Close your eyes for a while, sweetheart, sleep it
off,’ I advised, as I lay her down on the blanket I’d set up when I came out
this morning to prepare. I relieved myself of the rubber and tucked myself back
in as I opened the picnic basket and grabbed myself an apple before lying down
next to her and covering her up with her jacket. I frowned as I felt something
square and heavy through the leather and slipped my hand in to find she had a bloody
mobile on her. I turned it on to find that luckily it wasn’t password protected
and checked her photos and video content to make sure she hadn’t tried to
capture any of tonight’s events, blowing out a sigh of relief to find she


Full Inspection


I couldn’t believe it was
already two a.m. when Logan roared back up the street to the garage. He’d woken
me in the hay barn and made sure I’d had some of the bread, pate, cheese and
fruit he had in a picnic basket and a miniature bottle of port to warm me up,
before zipping me up and ordering me to sit behind him on the bike as we headed
back to the city. I’d clung to him tightly, slipping my hands under his jacket
to clutch his slim waist as he sped back. I was so buzzed, adrenaline from so
many powerful orgasms and the adventures on the bike. I’d never been so turned
on in my life.

And it wasn’t just gorgeous Mr. Steele to blame
for my super aroused state. I’d been imagining it was Dale bending me over the
bike that last time, taking me so forcefully and I’d felt myself flooding
Logan’s cock as he pounded into me. God I wanted it to be Dale for real. Maybe
Tiff and Logan were right. Maybe I just needed to grow a pair and try a few
dates with Dale, if he’d still have me. If it didn’t work out, there’d be no
wondering about lost chances and my family need never even be in the picture.
Logan looked up as I stood biting my lip, wondering what now. He’d fucked me so
hard I doubted he had anything left in him. What were we supposed to do, to
talk about?

‘Fancy a shower before we move this to my bed?’ he
asked, as he flicked his head to some wooden stairs leading up the side of the

‘You can go again?’ I gasped.

‘Yes,’ he chuckled. ‘Doesn’t say much for the
stamina of your previous men.’

‘It really doesn’t,’ I sighed, as he grabbed my
hand and tugged me behind the offices, through a door into a surprisingly clean
wet room and toilet area. He helped me strip off and started the shower for me,
it was steaming hot, which was welcome after that icy chill as we’d had the
long ride back from the barn. Thankfully he’d zipped me up and not had me
flashing at motorists for the return journey. I swallowed hard as I watched him
ditch his clothes. However good Logan looked wearing his jeans, bare chested,
it was nothing compared to seeing all of him in the flesh, nothing covering
that sensational body of his. He turned around to put his clothes on a chair in
the corner and I let out a slight groan. He had the most enormous cross
tattooed on his back, stretching from one shoulder blade to the other, then
from the base of his neck to the top of that sexy dip before his biteable
backside curved out. He strode towards me and pushed me up against the tiled
wall, yanked my wet hair and bit my neck making me shudder.

‘Still want it rough?’ he demanded.

‘Can we … I can’t believe I’m about to say this …
I mean look at you, wow, but can we have a break for a while? I’m exhausted.’

‘I’m going to need you to pay off your debt at
some stage before you flee in the morning, Eve. I plan on fucking you while
you’re lying on your back,’ he growled, as he kissed the side of my neck.

‘O believe me, I want that too, I’m just not used
to so many orgasms in one night.’

‘Then how about I get you clean, give you a gentle
one with my fingers to relax you, then carry you up to bed where you can sleep
for a while?’ He pulled his head back to look at me with raised eyebrows and a
much softer tone to his voice. I could see the concern in his eyes. This was
the real Logan, he wasn’t playing bad biker mechanic now, he was actually a
really sweet guy. If my head wasn’t so full of Dale, I’d be pursuing Mr. Steele

‘That would be amazing,’ I smiled, then sighed
happily as he soaped up his hands and started to gently wash me. I closed my
eyes as his hands skimmed over my shoulders, his long fingers curving over them
and sweeping down my arms. I stretched my neck as he worked on the tight
muscles between my shoulder blades and moved lower, crouching behind me to run
his hands up and down my legs, caressing my backside. I reached out and placed
my palms on the tiled wall in front of me, to hold me upright as his skilled
hands brought my skin to life. Everything was tingling, all the way to top of
my scalp, I was saturated in gentle pleasure. When he tucked in behind me and
started to work on my stomach, slowly moving up to my breasts, it didn’t take
long for me to feel aroused again. I pushed my breasts into his fingers,
encouraging him to work harder against them and shivered as I felt his cock
slowly coming to life behind me. Could I do it again? Did I have the strength
and energy in me for another Logan Steele fuck? I sincerely doubted it, but it
was such a shame to let that beautiful erection go to waste, especially when
I’d paid so handsomely for it.

‘Hmmm, changed your mind now have you?’ Logan
murmured in my ear, as he gently tugged at my nipples.

‘Yes and no,’ I moaned. ‘I feel so good, you feel
so good, but … I’m … O God,’ I uttered, as his right hand slid down my stomach,
edging closer and closer to my overworked clit.

‘You’re exhausted. It takes someone in remarkable
physical shape to keep up with me, Eve. It’s nothing to be embarrassed or
ashamed about. So how about we stick to our plan and I give you a gentle orgasm
and put you to bed?’

‘But you’re aroused too,’ I objected.

‘I’m a young guy, I’m always aroused,’ he
chuckled. ‘This is for you, not me. Just enjoy it.’

‘Ok,’ I whimpered as he lightly brushed his
fingers over my sensitive nub and I shivered. He circled and flicked, taking
breaks when my panting gave away how close I actually was, moving his fingers
down to circle my entrance, stimulating all those nerves then returning to my
clit until I was a sobbing, shaking mess. ‘Please,
I need to …
come,’ I groaned.

‘Your wish is my command, Lady Myers,’ he
whispered in my ear. My toes cramped as he started kissing my neck in a spot
that nearly had me wilt. He increased the speed and pressure of his skilled
fingers, bringing me to a fast and explosive climax, leaving me light headed.
When I wobbled on legs of jelly, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me
until I’d calmed down and reassured him I could stand on my own. He grabbed
some out of place, luxurious looking navy towels and dried me, then let me dry
my hair under the hand drier as he rubbed his hot body down and tucked a towel
around his waist. I straightened up, yawned and stumbled, straight into his
waiting arms. ‘Ready for bed?’ he grinned.

‘You must think I’m such a flake. I mean who turns
down sex with you?’

‘It happens more often than you’d think halfway
through the night. Come on, you need a rest,’ he advised and I shrieked as he
scooped me up into his arms. He made his way up some wooden stairs to a
sleeping platform on top of the office and shower block. It was cosy, tucked into
the peak of the brick arch and had a thick mattress on the floor, with the
duvet turned back, all dressed in navy blue linen. ‘Don’t worry, it’s all brand
new, especially for tonight,’ he whispered.

‘I told you, I’m not the Lady everyone makes me
out to be.’ I smiled as he lay me down and pulled the duvet over me. ‘You’re
not getting in?’

‘Trust me, if I got in sleep wouldn’t be on the
agenda,’ he winked, making me laugh. ‘So, what’s Lady Myers going to do about
this real life biker fantasy of hers?’

‘You make it sound like I’m desperate for him.’

‘You called me by his name after sex in the barn

‘No!’ I shot back horrified.

‘Yes,’ he nodded with a dimpled sexy grin. ‘It’s a
good job my ego isn’t easily bruised, or that you didn’t call it out during
sex, or that could have put a dampener on a fast and furious session.’

‘Not so fast from what I remember, you have
amazing stamina.’

‘I work out,’ he shrugged, with a naughty twinkle
in his eye.

‘I’ll bet.’

‘So, Dale?’

‘O God, I don’t know. I mean I like him,
obviously, he’s just so … my father would say he’s “beneath” me.’

‘Your father’s not the one who’s going to go out
with him. It’s not easy to risk disappointing the people who love you, but if
you don’t follow your heart then what’s the point in being given the gift of

‘Wow, that’s deep for after two in the morning.
You sound as if you speak from experience.’

‘Do you want to live with regrets?’ he frowned.

‘No, of course not, but it’s not that simple. You
don’t know my parents, the expectations they have of me. It’s not befitting of
someone with my heritage to break the mould and follow her heart, no matter how
much I may want to.’

‘Human beings would never have made progress if
there weren’t trailblazers, Eve. We’d still be huddled in caves, rubbing sticks
together to keep warm, if people didn’t try new things. Text him, set up a
date, see how it goes. You may decide he’s not the one worth risking it for, or
he may be the one that changes everything, for the better.’

‘Even if I did contact him, I’m not sure he’d be
interested anymore anyway. I’ve knocked him back so many times, he’ll have
moved on.’

‘Surely to try and to fail, is better than to have
never tried at all,’ he advised. I shrugged and yawned.

‘Come on, sleep, I’ll be waking you in a few

‘You don’t sleep when you’re working?’

‘Not when I need to run a full body inspection
before you leave, make sure that everything’s in working order. Can’t have you
unhappy with the service I’ve provided,’ he grinned.

‘Trust me, I’m happy, more than happy.’ He turned
his head as he heard a noise coming from the street. I gasped as I saw his side
profile and it suddenly came back to me where I knew him from. ‘You’re Summer
Beresford’s boyfriend.’

‘What?’ he uttered, as he snapped his head back
around to look at me with a frown.

‘I saw you together on Celebspot on the net, a
picture of you both on the red carpet and you were kissing the side of her
head. You were listed as an unknown date.’

‘We’re not dating, you’re mistaken in your

‘I’m sure I’m not, I thought I recognised you when
I saw you. You’re really seeing her? She’s gorgeous.’

‘I can promise you categorically that I’m
seeing her,’ he responded forcefully.

‘It was you though, wasn’t it?’ I enquired. I
wasn’t stupid, his whole body language had changed, he’d tensed up and his eyes
had turned dark, bringing her up had angered him.

‘I was there as a friend, that’s all, there’s
nothing between us. Now sleep please, you only have a few hours.’

‘Ok,’ I nodded. His tone had turned dominant, this
wasn’t something he wanted to talk about. I knew I’d recognised him, I remember
thinking what a stunning couple they made and how hot he was. Had she hired him
for the night as well? Was someone as pretty as Summer that desperate for dates
that she needed to pay Logan? I stifled a laugh. I was paying for a date with
Logan, who was I to judge her? Maybe she was like me, just needing an escape, a
perfect night to keep her going and I’m sure that Logan would have made sure
she got that.



I sat with her until she was fast asleep, then
quietly headed downstairs and grabbed my phone out of my bag, seething. How the
hell had Ian missed a photo of me out there with Summer? I rubbed my forehead
in frustration. I’d been stupid going to that premiere with her, thousands of
fans were there with cameras, as well as the media. How the hell did I expect
Ian to source every image of me that got uploaded, without my name on for him
to search for? I suddenly straightened up with a smile, my best friend had
developed a software package to scan and recognise faces in pictures and video,
to protect his identity when he went into hiding. Christ knows how it worked,
something to do with facial bone structure and distance between the eyes. Ian
must have access to it as he worked for him, as his permanent job anyway, he
probably ran it daily, he could just upload my profile picture to the system
for it to work its magic. I sent him a message asking him to use it, to make
sure he traced any footage of me and deleted it immediately, mentioning the
blog that Eve had seen me on as well.

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