For the Night: Complete Box Set (45 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘I’m just going out with the girls, it’s really
not necessary for you to come. I’m perfectly safe.’

‘That’s my call to make, not yours. I’ll be
waiting out here for you and I’ll accompany you down and follow the driver.’

‘Fine, whatever,’ I sighed as he stepped outside.
I gave him a fake smile then shut and locked the door. He was only doing his
job, but it was seriously infuriating and restrictive. I dropped the dressing
gown and headed over to my bedroom window, opened it and eased my legs over the
frame to sit on the stone sill, my feet firmly planted on the decorative stone
border that overhung the floor below. Charles and I did this all the time as
children, working our way from one room to another on this ledge, but that was
either barefoot or in trainers. Never in five inch heels. I took a deep breath,
spun around, eased myself upright and started to edge my way along the exterior
wall towards the open window of one of the guest rooms, next to mine, making
sure not to look down at the perilous drop below me. One slip and I’d probably
end up with a broken neck or back, if I was lucky enough to survive. I made it
to the guest room, which was in darkness and slid headfirst through the gap,
wriggled my way in, carefully stood up and made my way in the dark to the
bookcase on the far wall. A click of a switch under the middle shelf had it
swing open and I turned on the light to the narrow stairway that headed all the
way down to the servants quarters, following it down as quietly as I could,
with my heels making clip cloppity noises on the old stone steps. I gently
eased the door open, it was set into the old wooden panelling on the other side
and virtually undetectable. It had taken Charles and I years to find it. As I
stepped out I cursed. Kane was leaning on the wall opposite with his arms
folded and a smirk on his face.

‘I told you I wasn’t born yesterday. You really
thought you could lose me?’

‘How the hell did you know I’d be here?’ I

‘We fitted cameras on the exterior of the building
in Summer. I was alerted that you’d risked your neck by sneaking along the
ledge and I discovered this passageway last year. It wasn’t hard to figure out
where you were going.’

‘You drive me
,’ I groaned. ‘Fine,
follow me, ruin my night as usual. No one dares approach me with you attached
to my damn hip.’

‘It didn’t seem to put that biker off earlier in
the year,’ he observed, as he followed me down the corridor. ‘He had balls,
continuing to kiss you when I warned him to back off.’

‘Like I’d know if anyone had balls, you don’t let
go of the leash with anyone other than men on a pre-approved list from my

‘He pays my wages. Are you going to tell me where
we’re going? Or do you wish to continue to make my life difficult?’

‘The Anaya Club in Mayfair. Happy now?’

‘I’ll be happy when I get you back home in one
piece. And preferably in an outfit more befitting of a Lady. Your mother would
have a heart attack if she saw you now.’

I stuck out my tongue and rolled my eyes at him.


I felt really bad to have shaken Kane off, I could
feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins from the high speed chase,
dodging up alleys, down side roads and even the wrong way up a one way street.
I’d never felt so alive. When my driver, David, assured me that we’d lost Kane,
I sent him a quick text to tell him that I was fine and that I was sorry to
have duped him. I told him to pretend that he was with me, if anyone asked, and
that I’d never let my parents know that he’d lost me. Father would fire him on
the spot and he may piss me off sometimes, but he didn’t deserve that. I gave
him the location of a café in Chelsea to meet me at nine a.m. so that he could
take me home, as if he’d been with me all night. I made sure I had a read
request receipt before I turned my phone off, he had a sneaky habit of tracing
the GPS when it was on. It had taken me a while to figure out how he kept
finding me.

‘I hope you’re not too shaken, Lady Myers?’ came
David’s voice.

‘I’m fine, it was quite exciting actually. That
was some driving.’

‘Thank you. We’ll be at your location shortly.’

‘Have you met Mr. Steele?’ I enquired, beyond
curious. Other than the seriously hot picture that had come with the response
to my enquiry, I’d not been able to dig up anything on him. Though I had a
feeling that I recognised him from somewhere and it was bugging me why I
couldn’t place him.

‘No. I’m just doing a favour for my friend, who’s
Mr. Steele’s regular driver. My instructions are to collect you at nine-thirty
tomorrow. Logan has my number in case you want me to call for you before.’

‘Actually would you mind collecting me earlier? I
promised my bodyguard I’d hook up with him at nine in Chelsea, so he can
accompany me home. I don’t want to get him into trouble.’

‘How did you let him know?’ came the fast

‘I texted him, then turned off my phone so he
couldn’t trace it.’

‘My understanding was that you’re not supposed to
have a phone on you at all. It’s one of Mr. Steele’s rules.’

‘It’s not as if someone in my position can simply
vanish into thin air without causing a panic. I had to bring it, to let him
know I was safe,’ I protested.

‘On your head be it,’ he replied, as we crossed
the river and headed towards the East End.



The Workshop


I was dropped in a cobbled
street, lined with brick archways, housing various businesses under the railway
lines that ran above. “Ray’s Auto Repairs” took up three of the arches and I
headed to the one on the far left, as instructed and tried the small steel door
set into the larger steel arched ones. I pulled it behind me and drew the bolt
across, locking myself in. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. I’d never
even had a one night stand with a guy I’d spent the night cosying up to and
getting fresh with, let alone had sex with a complete stranger for cash. I
heard some metal clanging and walked into the brightly lit workshop.

‘Hello? Is anyone here?’ I called, as I wiped my
damp palms on my tight rubber trousers. I jumped as feet suddenly appeared from
under a car, on some kind of skateboard and took a deep breath as more of the
person was unveiled. He was wearing loose black army boots with a pair of
distressed and ripped jeans, covered in splatters of grease and his legs
broadened out to show off a pair of firm muscular thighs which narrowed to some
slim hips. A very obvious bulge to his left leg made me gulp, if this was Logan
he was packing and I didn’t even think he was stiff at this stage. He had on a
black belt with a silver skull buckle and a white t-shirt, which had risen up
and showed off a seriously toned stomach, abs protruding in perfect symmetry,
that sharp dip over his hip bones which contained some deliciously sexy black
ink. I didn’t have time to read it as his broad chest and shoulders came into
view, one firm pec visible through the rip in his oil stained top, and I nearly
groaned as I saw his lightly tanned arms were covered in more ink, all the way
up to where the edge of his t-shirt strained around his large toned biceps. I
could just imagine him being Dale, their bodies were so similar and I felt my
pussy clench, as I tried not to dampen my knickers before anything had even
happened, then chuckled internally as I remembered that I wasn’t even wearing

‘Hi, can I help you?’ came a deep gravelly, light
my pussy on fire, dripping with sex voice. I reluctantly tore my eyes away from
that body and looked up at his face, which had emerged from under the chrome
bumper of the classic car he was working on. I gulped as I looked at him.
Beautiful wasn’t a word I would usually use for a man, but it fit Logan Steele
perfectly. He had a square masculine face, with chiselled cheekbones that could
cut granite, perfectly proportioned full lips, a manly chin with a slight dent
and shit … his smile could stop traffic, even in Rome’s rush hour. Wow, those
dimples and that flash of white even teeth! He had a rough and ready five
o’clock shadow, just adding unnecessarily to his sex appeal and a black grease
mark on his temple, where it looked as if he’d run his hand through his unruly
dark hair. I gasped as we locked eyes, he had the most reflective light grey
ones I’d ever seen. I lost the battle to maintain dry status, as a tsunami of
moisture surged out and I felt the lips of my pussy swell. O yes, Logan Steele
was breathtakingly beautiful and all of a sudden I didn’t care that I was
paying him, that I didn’t know him. I just wanted him to throw me face down
over the bonnet of that car and pound the hell out of me.

‘I … I …’ I shook my head, totally thrown by my
reaction to him.

‘Are you lost?’ he enquired, as he lifted his
t-shirt to wipe the sweat gathering on his forehead. He had the overhead old
fashioned red bar heating on full blast, as if it wasn’t hot enough in here
with the pheromones he was giving off. I heard myself groan slightly, as he
revealed more of his torso when he mopped his brow. I caught a glimpse of what
looked like a wolf inked on his left pec.

‘I broke down, just up the street, I was hoping
you might be able to get me started again,’ I replied, playing along. He
dropped his t-shirt, pushed himself away from the car and got up, kicking the
skateboard out of the way. He was tall, holy shit, even if I didn’t get to have
sex with him, just being in his presence, basking in the raw sexual energy
flowing from this gorgeous man, was worth the fee I’d paid.

‘Did you pump the clutch before turning the engine
over?’ he enquired, as he grabbed a towel and wiped his hands. I nodded as I
watched him slowly stroke over each of his fingers, removing the oil. He had
slim hands with long fingers that looked like they could reach places some of
my partners’ cocks hadn’t even got to. I felt my breathing coming harder, I was
hot, seriously hot and it wasn’t just the overhead heaters. The smell of engine
oil and diesel was a heady mix, one that turned me on. With my upbringing, you
would have imagined it to be the smell of Champagne, or a good Châteauneuf-du-Pape,
rare orchids or freshly washed men with expensive cologne, but no, they’d
broken the upper class mould when I was born. The sight of a rough and ready
guy and the smell of a dirty garage had my nipples pressing painfully against
the tight rubber bra I was wearing. Some Lady I was. ‘Excellent, there’s not
many women that realise sometimes all it takes is a good pumping to get things
going,’ he winked. I shivered and laughed.

‘A good
pumping,’ I grinned. ‘So
what’s your call out fee?’

‘Well, considering I’m off duty now, it’s not
going to be cheap. You’re looking at after-hours charges and I’ll have to tow
it in, which will add to the cost too.’

‘I’ll pay whatever it takes, I can’t leave it out
on the street.’

‘I’d need to thoroughly inspect it,’ he replied,
as he bit his lower lip and slowly ran his eyes up my body, lingering on the
zip over my crotch. Shit things were getting even hotter in here. I sincerely
hoped the fact I was dripping in the rubber trousers wasn’t going to glue the
damn things to my pussy. ‘I’d need to hoist her up and tinker with her parts,
find out what’s in need of fine tuning. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of
lubrication in the right place, a tweak here and there, some good thrusts and
before you know it everything’s firing on all cylinders.’

‘Yes,’ I breathed, as I wiped my palms on my
thighs again. Shit, everything he said sounded so sexy.

‘So, how are you going to pay?’ he smiled, as he
cocked his head and tossed the dirty towel out of the way.

‘I have cash on me in my … damn it,’ I muttered,
as I played the game. ‘I left my handbag at home.’

‘Sorry, lady, no can do then. You’ll have to come
back on Monday,’ he shrugged as he turned around and lifted the bonnet on the
E-Type Jaguar he’d been working on. He grabbed a spanner and bent over as he
fiddled with the engine and I swallowed hard as I inspected his firm tight arse
encased in that denim. Damn, his body was so muscular, I wanted to kneel down
and take a bite of that peachy backside, dig my nails into it as he rammed into
me, splitting me in half with his legendary thick cock.

‘There must be some way I can pay you,’ I pleaded,
as I unzipped my jacket. ‘Some
method of payment? One you’d
consider had equal monetary value?’ I added, as I put my hands on my hips. He
froze and slowly turned his head, his eyes going straight to my bare stomach
and rising up to see my firm tits clad in the black rubber, the harsh glare of
the spotlights overhead glinting off the chrome metallic zips. He ran his
tongue over his lower lip, as a low growl came from the depths of his stomach.
I felt my chest rising and falling more rapidly as I fixated on his biceps and
the skull tattoos covering them. I slowly shrugged the jacket off my shoulders
and let it drop to the floor. ‘Is there really nothing I could give you in

‘I told you it wouldn’t be cheap,’ he replied, as
he straightened up and turned to face me. I heard a slight groan escape my lips
as I saw he was hard, seriously damn hard. I was amazed that the pressure of
that cock straining at his jeans hadn’t forced his zip down on its own, or
ripped a new hole in them, like the one over his thigh.

‘So how about you tell me what you want and I
comply?’ I nodded, as I reluctantly tore my eyes away and looked back up at his

‘Any limits?’ he grinned.

‘None,’ I replied breathlessly. I reached up and
slowly undid the zips on my bra, my throbbing nipples springing free through
the gaps, full, pink and seriously damn pert.

‘You’d have to spend the whole night with me to
cover the costs of a tow and diagnostic.’

‘Deal,’ I replied.

‘Do whatever I wanted, without question.’

‘Still not saying no,’ I nodded.

‘I’m not your softly, softly gentle type of guy,’
he warned.

‘That bodes well then, as I’m not your softly,
softly, gentle type of girl. Sometimes a girl just needs her throttle opening
up, you know? A complete oil change, tune up and road test, get all that dust
out of the pipes,’ I replied with a wink. He groaned and tossed the spanner on
the floor as he marched towards me, slamming me up against the 4x4 behind me.
He lowered his head and bit one of my nipples. I let out a scream of pleasure
as he did it again, then sucked powerfully as he pinched my other one. The
frisson of pain and pleasure that surged through my breast was heavenly. His
stubble rubbing against my tender areolae just added to the rawness of his
attack on my breasts and had me squealing with pleasure.
was what I
craved, a dominant, rough and aggressive fuck, not a wishy washy tender “Can I
make love to you?” effort, by one of father’s stiff upper lip brigade. Dale
would be rough and raw like this. I just knew it. I closed my eyes as I
clutched the back of Logan’s head, holding him to me. ‘Harder,’ I ordered,
screaming with pleasure as he pulled and bit at the same time, my nipples
burning as my pussy throbbed and clenched with need.

He broke away, grabbed my hair into a pony tail
and anchored it firmly at the base of my neck, tipping my head back as he
licked up my throat and then bit me there, making me groan as his other fingers
continued their pleasurable torture on my nipple. His mouth moved upwards,
biting and kissing along my jawline as my breathing got faster and faster.
Shit, this was just what I wanted, just what I
, to feel like
someone couldn’t get enough of me, that they wanted to devour me. To be taken
by a real
I whimpered as he thrust my head forwards, his lips
crashing down on mine as his tongue ploughed into my mouth. I’d never been
kissed like it, the power and control he exuded with simple thrusts of his
tongue. I could only imagine the damage his large cock would do if the bruising
of these lips by his was anything to go by. The man took no prisoners.

‘Is your cunt hot, swollen and wet yet?’ he
demanded, his breath heating up my ear as he moved to bite my ear lobe.

‘Soaked,’ I mewled.

‘So you like it rough, do you?’

‘Yes,’ I replied. I tried to nod, but he was still
holding on tightly to my hair.

‘I think I need to test how wet you actually are,’
he murmured in my ear, as he twisted my nipple and nearly had me come undone.
Damn it, I was so close to coming, just the whole scenario had me at the point
of climax, let alone his attentions so far, or the smell of masculine glorious
sweat and oil lingering on his skin. I gasped as he released me and spun me
around, forcing me to bend over the Jeep bonnet, the cold metal painfully
flattening my peaked nipples. He gripped the back of my neck with one hand as
his other slowly caressed the smooth rubber, stretched tight over my rear. I
moaned as I lifted my arse up higher, craving more. I jolted, closing my eyes
as my mouth dropped. I let out a sigh of pleasure when he spanked me, hard. He
did it another three times, two on each cheek in total, which had me squirming
with delight on the bonnet. I held my breath as he kicked my feet apart,
spreading my thighs open and reached between my legs for the zip over my
crotch. I’d never been so desperate to be touched, never been so wet before.

‘Shit,’ I squealed as he yanked the metal zip
open. Thank God I waxed, some stray pubic hairs caught in there would have been
a painful step too far.

‘Fuck, your cunt is so swollen and you’re
absolutely sodden,’ he groaned as he ran a finger between my lips.

‘Yes,’ I moaned.

‘Being a dirty girl really turns you on.’


‘How badly do you want my big cock in there,
bruising you, stretching you, as I pound you until you scream for mercy?’ He
growled as he bent over me, bit the back of my neck and sucked hard.

‘I need you to fuck me, hard,’ I pleaded. I could
feel my pussy clenching of its own accord, I needed something inside me,
anything to quell this burning urge to come, and fast. I cried out as he
plunged two fingers inside me and started to pump them in and out, roughly. My
nerves were screaming at me as I panted and he tightened his grip on the back
of my neck. ‘Harder,’ I begged. I heard him grunt in surprise as he did as he
was told and curved his fingers to glide over my g-spot at the same time. ‘Yes,
yes …
,’ I cried. I could feel myself soaking his hand, hear the
sounds of my excitement as he pumped in and out, over and over, building me
higher and higher. Shit, Logan Steele knew exactly what he was doing. His
fingers worked at exactly the pace my body could handle and he just zeroed in
on my g-spot with no hesitation. Even I had trouble locating it with a
vibrator. My fingers clawed at the smooth metal below me, desperate for
something to grip as I lifted up onto my tiptoes, thrusting myself back onto
his hand, the lower half of my body stiffening up.

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