For the Night: Complete Box Set (68 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

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‘I like him, too,’ she replied, as she wiped under
her eyes, still facing away from me. I hated feeling so damn helpless, but I
just didn’t know whether me being here right now was helping. I was so out of
practice. Sexual desires I was fully versed in handling. Emotional women was a
totally different matter. I was seriously rusty.

‘I’m going to give you some space, I’ll be in the
lounge until Ellie gets here, but then I’m just a phone call away if you need
me. Don’t mistake my consideration for your hurt as a weakness. I’ll be coming
back to stay with you tonight and I won’t be sleeping in the spare room. I
always sleep with my arms around you and tonight will be no different.

‘What if I’m not ready? I just need some time,
Lucas. I keep closing my eyes and imagining you ….’ She took another deep
breath and covered her face with her hands.

‘If you dwell on this you’ll never be ready.
Asking me not to touch you is like asking me to stop breathing, angel. It’s a
physical impossibility. I’m so in love with you I feel like I’m dying when
we’re apart. Don’t do that to me, not for something I have no control over,
something that happened before we even fell in love.’ I quickly turned, heading
to her dressing room to get my clean clothes, then headed to the en-suite to
brush my teeth and shave, taking the time to calm myself down. Summer wasn’t
going anywhere, even if she tried to end it with me, I wouldn’t let her. We
were meant to be together, I’d never been more sure of anything in my life. I
just hadn’t expected to have to convince her of it. When I walked back out, she
was sitting up in bed, cradling her coffee. I grimaced as I saw how red her
eyes were. She flitted them over to me, appraising me quickly before she looked
back down. ‘Are you still my girl?’

‘Of course I am,’ she whispered. ‘I’m just upset.
I know I’m being irrational, that it’s not your fault and you haven’t cheated
on me, but it still hurts.’

‘I’ll see you tonight, I won’t come too early to
crash your night with the girls. I’ll ring your trainer as well and tell him
you’re having the week off. You’re tired and emotional and your foot needs time
to heal. DON’T argue with me,’ I barked, as she finally looked up at me with
defiance in her blue eyes. ‘Just fucking don’t. Not today. I’m scared shitless
that someone’s going to try to hurt you, Summer. I need to make sure you’re
safe, don’t argue with me.’ I shoved a frustrated hand through my hair,
adrenaline pumping through my veins. ‘I’ll see you later. Call me if you need
me.’ I lingered as I looked at her, desperate to pull her into my arms and
claim her with a kiss. Something to quell the fear that she was going to
stretch so far away from me, that the band holding us together would break. She
opened her mouth, as if she was going to say something, then quickly closed it
and nodded. I sighed heavily, picked up my bag and headed for the door. ‘I’ll
wait for Ellie, so you’re not on your own.’

‘Lucas, wait.’ I’d nearly made it to the lounge
when I heard her voice calling me. Her tone made me spin around. She was
leaning on the door frame, her injured foot raised off the floor, more tears on
her cheeks. ‘Don’t go without … that was Logan, it was Logan that did those
things with her. You’re
. I need to remember the difference. Don’t
go without touching me first. I feel like I’m dying too,’ she added in a
whisper, as she finally raised her emotional eyes to mine.

‘Angel,’ I sighed, as a surge of happiness tore
through my tense body. I dropped my bag and strode back to her, wrapped my arms
around her and lifted her off the floor as I enveloped her in my arms. Just
being close to her, feeling the warmth of her skin against my body soothed me.
Her arms wrapped around my neck, her fingers threading together as she buried
her face in shoulder. I nuzzled through her hair with my nose and kissed the
back of her neck.

‘Do you think less of me, now you know the sorts
of things that I did?’ I asked, apprehensive to hear her answer.

‘I’m not ashamed of your escorting, Lucas. I told
your mum that I’d booked you and how wonderful you were, to reassure her as she
was upset about it. I worry what will happen if it comes out as other people
may not be as understanding. It also hurts that you have a past, that nothing
we do is new to you, that maybe you like to do the sort of things that I can
never offer to you, like group sex.’

‘I did that because I was paid to, Summer. I’ve
done it in the past because I could, because I didn’t care about anyone enough
to be bothered about sharing them. Not with you. Never with you. I don’t want
anything like that anymore, I just want you.
with you is new
to me because it’s not just physical, I connect with you emotionally, Summer. I
don’t know how I can explain the difference in a way that you’d understand. I
guess sex before you was like cheap champagne. I enjoyed it because pretty much
everyone likes champagne, but until I had
Champagne, with the
sweetness of that thick, potent Cassis liqueur, I hadn’t realised how much
better it could be. You’re my Cassis, you make everything taste so amazing that
I never want to go back.’

‘I’m your blackcurrant?’ she sniffed, then let out
a small giggle.

‘I’m trying to be all sincere and you’re laughing
at me?’ I kissed her hair, breathing in the aroma of her honey shampoo. Just
the smell of a jar of honey instantly made me visualise her, made my cock hard
for her, as it was now. She hitched herself up, wrapping her legs around my
waist as she pulled back to look at me. While it was still obvious she’d been
crying, there was a little sparkle back in her eyes, which warmed my heart.

‘I’m sorry, I feel so pathetic, getting all
go and sort this out, I can’t take much more of it.’ Her
big blue doe eyes met mine, remnants of her tears on her lashes which had my
heart break for her.

‘I will,’ I nodded and kissed her forehead, just
as we heard the phone ringing. ‘Can you manage to get dressed? It’s probably
Albert letting us know that Ellie’s in Reception.’

‘I’ll be fine, though I may need a bit of time
before sex, in case you’re expecting that tonight.’

‘As long as I can hold you in my arms tonight,
that will do me fine,’ I replied as I kissed her forehead again and reluctantly
set her down. ‘See you later. Try and have fun with the girls, get drunk, but
keep that foot in the air.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ she saluted. I shook myself down, just
that word was bad enough without her looking so damn sexy in my crumpled barely
buttoned shirt. I could smell her all over me as well, it was fucking torture
walking away. I cast one look back as I picked up my bag. I
to go, I
had to get to the bottom of this. She blew me a kiss, which I swear I felt
caress my lips, the way hers always did. I blew one back and went to get the
phone which was still ringing intermittently and confirmed they could send
Ellie up. I grabbed the box of roses, not wanting to leave them here for Summer
to be reminded of this arsehole messing with us, then waited for Ellie in the
lobby. She came in, with a worried expression, deposited a couple of bags then
hugged me quickly.

‘What’s going on?’ she asked, as she stepped back
to look at me.

‘More threatening notes and roses. This time there
was a picture of me, with a former client, during the act.’

‘O God, no! Did she see it?’

‘No, but she heard me explaining it over the phone
to Ian and has spent the last hour in tears, refusing to let me near her until
just now.’

‘She’ll come around, Logan. God sorry, I’m still
getting used to calling you Lucas. With you and Dan having alter egos it’s very
confusing.’ She smiled, as she rubbed my arm reassuringly. ‘She adores you,
anyone can see that. All you can do is keep telling her that you love her and
if she asks any questions answer them honestly. Hugs are really good too, even
if we say we don’t want one, sometimes that’s code for
we need one
. Dan’s parked up outside waiting for you. He insisted on
coming, saying he’s going to help you get to the bottom of this, so go. I’ve
brought Champagne, ice cream and chocolate and Brooke and Molly are on their
way with takeout menus for later. We’ll look after her for you.’

‘Thanks.’ I smiled weakly, having my woman so
upset was unsettling. I really didn’t like it and I was going to have to think
of a way to make it up to her. I kissed Ellie on the cheek and headed
downstairs. I found Jake sitting behind the front desk with his arms folded,
and instructed him that if any notes were delivered, or flowers, he was to hold
them for me, not to give them to Summer. When I asked who delivered the one
this morning, I was told it came with the flowers this time. Great, another
bloody dead end.
What the hell was going on?
And who would have anything
to gain by splitting Summer and I up?



Love is in the Air


‘Jesus Christ,’ I muttered
as I helped James lift Summer’s suitcase to get it into the boot of the Merc.

‘How long are you going to Paris for, Sir?’ James
enquired, with an incredulous look on his face as we heaved it in and the car

‘Three nights,’ I chuckled, with a shake of my

‘Women,’ James replied, raising his eyebrows in

‘Tell me about it.’ I laughed and gave him a
friendly pat on the back of the shoulder. ‘She’s got that many shoes and
clothes now, she’s had to convert one of her spare rooms into a dressing room.’

‘Why do they need so many shoes? I just don’t get
it.’ James shook his head as he closed the boot.

‘Beats me.’

‘If I’m out with Mrs. Smith, I’d much rather spend
the evening looking at her face, than marvelling at whatever ridiculous fashion
statement she has strapped to her feet.’

‘My point exactly. I find a pair of heels on a
woman very sexy, but I’m not on a date with them, I don’t want a permanent
crick in my neck from observing them for the entire night. I couldn’t care less
if she wore the same ones every damn day.’

‘I can hear you both,’ she called from inside the

‘Now we’re in trouble.’ I winked at James as he
grimaced. I slid into the car next to her, planting a kiss on her temple as he
shut the door for me. ‘You look sexy barefoot and naked, which is how I’d like
you most of this weekend. You didn’t need to bring everything but the kitchen

‘If I was just Summer Beresford, girlfriend of the
super sexy personal trainer to the stars Lucas Steel, I would have been
travelling light. But I’m not. According to my agent I’m “Summer Beresford
International Movie Star and Style Icon,” so I need to look good at all times.’

‘You do, even in sweats when you’re working out,’
I confirmed, my cock stiffening at the thought of it.

‘Well the national newspapers wouldn’t think so,’
she sighed, as she reached down and brushed some fluff off her jeans.

‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ I frowned, as I tucked two
fingers under her chin and forced her to look at me as James set off.

‘I guess I’m going to have to get used to all of
this,’ she shrugged. ‘It’s just a big change from my life before. No one cared.
I didn’t expect things to change so fast.’

‘Angel, if you’re unhappy I earn enough money to
support us both. If you give up this shoe fetish, that is,’ I chuckled. ‘You
don’t have to do this job if you don’t want to.’

‘That’s really sweet of you.’ She gave me a smile
as she reached up and touched my face gently, my skin crackled in response. ‘I
love my job, it’s just all the “fame” that’s taking some getting used to and if
my films do even better, it’s only going to get worse. I have people following
me now, leaving things at my place, taking my picture wherever I go. It’s like
nothing’s private anymore. I guess that’s the price to pay for doing a job that
pays so well where you’re in the public eye.’

‘People following you?’ I felt the tension flood
my body immediately. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I’m sure I’ve seen the same guy in a number of
places I’ve been. He looked a bit shifty, I mentioned it to Mandy the other day
and she agreed she’d seen him before. He’s probably just a fan.’

‘You mentioned it to
’ I snapped, as
I hit her with my full on furious glare. Her blue eyes went wide with surprise.
‘If you think you’re being followed, you mention it to
, Summer. God
damn it! What were you thinking not saying anything about this before?’

‘I … I didn’t think,’ she whispered, dropping her
head to her chest.

‘Angel, I’m sorry, but this is serious,’ I sighed,
taking her hand in mine and squeezing it tightly. ‘That’s made up my mind,
we’re getting you a bodyguard.’

‘Seriously?’ She looked back up at me and rolled
her eyes.

‘Seriously,’ I replied firmly. ‘James, didn’t you
hook up Dan with his team?’

‘I did, Sir. Would you be wanting a male or

‘Female?’ I snorted in disgust. ‘I know Ellie has
Jenny, but with all due respect however strong a woman is, she can always be
outmatched by a larger muscular man. We’re definitely having a male.’

‘You’re such a chauvinist sometimes, Lucas Steel!’
Summer exclaimed, as she shot me a disapproving glare. ‘I think you’re over

‘Well I don’t think I am, not with these damn
notes we’ve had as well. It’s only a matter of time before a bodyguard becomes
essential anyway, with the way your career is taking off, why not get ahead of
the curve.’

‘I have to say that I totally agree with Mr.
Steel, Miss Beresford. You’re in the public eye now, there’s always the risk of
a threat. Would you like me to put you in touch with some potential candidates,

‘Please, James. I’d also appreciate your input for
interviews and the selection.’

‘I’ll sort something out for when you return next
week.’ He gave me a curt nod in the rear view mirror.

‘I don’t get a say in the matter?’ Summer uttered,
as she tried to pull her hand away from mine. I tightened my grip as I narrowed
my eyes at her.

‘No, and don’t even think of arguing with me on
this. Your safety comes first, end of discussion.’

‘I wasn’t aware we were having a discussion. You
and James seem to have decided this without any input from me.’ Her eyes
flashed a warning at me. Normally it got me hot for her when she challenged me,
not today.

‘I want you safe, Summer. There’s nothing else to
say on the matter. I don’t even care if you don’t like the guy we choose, if
he’s not attractive enough, or funny enough for you. None of that matters,
because all he’ll be there to do is protect you. On this your opinion doesn’t

‘So much for a weekend of romance,’ she muttered,
as she firmly yanked her hand out of mine. ‘Some Valentine’s break this is
going to be if you’re just going to plan my life and boss me around.’

‘You can sulk until we get on the plane, then you
leave your indignation on the tarmac. We’re not going to fight, not this

She sighed as she stared out of the car window,
avoiding looking at me. I meant it, I’d planned a romantic getaway and nothing
was going to fucking spoil it. If she thought for one second that I’d leave her
vulnerable when I wasn’t around to protect her, she really didn’t understand
the depth of my love for her. James’s eyes met mine in the mirror and he gave
me a look that said he didn’t envy the position I was in. I moved closer to
her, so our hips were touching and reached around, draping my arm over her
shoulder. I heard her breath hitch as I pulled her to me, tipping her head onto
my shoulder as I kissed her hair.

‘I know what you’re suggesting is practical, given
the circumstances,’ she sighed, her voice full of defeat. ‘I just don’t like
the way you go about things sometimes.’

‘Hello? Have you met me? Lucas Steel, domineering
jackass, nice to meet you,’ I teased, as I kissed her soft silky hair again,
closing my eyes for a moment as the scent of honey filled my nostrils bringing
back memories of the last time I’d been inside her, my nose buried in her hair
as I’d whispered in her ear. She giggled and slid a hand across my hard
stomach, to clutch my waist. One of the many things I loved about her was that
she didn’t hold grudges. We’d fight, but we’d move on. Granted it was usually
because I wouldn’t back down, but the hot makeup sex that normally followed one
of our spats more than compensated whoever lost the argument. ‘Can we agree not
to fight this weekend? I want it to be perfect for you.’

‘It’s always perfect with you,’ she replied, as
she lifted her head to look at me, adoration shining from her eyes, which
interrupted my steady heartbeat. It slayed me when she looked at me like that.
‘I’ll agree on one condition.’

‘What?’ I asked, with a shake of my head.

‘That I pay for my own bodyguard and
argue with me on this. I earn more than you do now, you never let me pay for
dates, or trips away, so I get to pay for my own bodyguard.
it’s end
of discussion.’

‘Women,’ I sighed, as I nodded, then kissed her

‘Welcome to a new liberated and equal opportunity
world, Lucas Steel,’ she grinned. ‘I pay and we have a deal.’ There was a time
that I would have had my ego bruised at the fact that she earned far more than
I did, but even with the hefty fees I charged my wealthy fitness clients, no
way could I compare to the amount she’d just commanded for this latest film.
And that figure was set to rise. I’d quickly realised if I wanted her, I was
going to have to accept that. That didn’t mean chivalry was dead though. I
could still afford to spoil her with jewellery, dates and trips, but paying a
bodyguard’s salary would have made a serious dent in my annual earnings as well
as some lifestyle changes.

‘Ok, agreed. Now can we move on with the romance
portion of the weekend? Because I have a few more ideas that won’t be met with

‘There’s no privacy screen,’ coughed James, trying
to be discreet.

‘Like I’d want anyone seeing her in a compromising
position,’ I laughed. I had a sudden flashback to when I’d paid him to watch
Yasmin playing with herself in the back seat. My Summer was too good for that.
‘I take it you can handle me kissing her, James.’

‘Kiss away, I’ll keep my eyes on the road and put
some music on so I don’t have to listen to you sucking each other’s faces off,’
he winked, as he reached over and turned on the radio while I laughed.

‘James, I do love you,’ Summer giggled.

‘In a purely platonic way I hope,’ I added,
arching a brow at her.

‘Of course. There’s only room in my heart for one
man,’ she nodded, as she reached up and grabbed the lapel of my jacket, her
lips homing in on mine.



I gazed up at Notre-Dame as we sailed past on the
Seine cruise, Lucas’s arms tightly wrapped around my waist, my gloved hands
covering his. I was in love with Paris almost as much as the man who’d brought
me on this magical weekend break. I’d never been to Europe before and was so
excited. We’d arrived Thursday evening and had a quick change, then raced off
for dinner up on the Eiffel Tower, Lucas rushing us back to our luxury hotel
suite to take advantage of me a number of times. We had a lie in, with
breakfast in bed and the most delicious croissants I’d ever eaten, then had
spent the day up at the Sacré-Coeur, browsing all the artists’ stalls and had a
caricature done of the two of us, which I loved and was going to have framed
for my bedroom. We didn’t bother with lunch, just shared a stuffed crêpe and
saved ourselves for a cheese fondue dinner in a cosy little restaurant. We’d
spent today at the Louvre, where I could have spent days marvelling at the
Egyptian section, which fascinated me, but we had this river cruise to fit in
before we headed back to the hotel for whatever he’d planned for our
Valentine’s night.

‘We’ll come back as you love it so much,’ he
whispered in my ear.

‘Can we?’ I leaned my head back on his shoulder as
I gazed up at his reflective grey eyes. He looked so relaxed and happy, I loved
seeing him like this.

‘Anything that makes you smile like this, angel,
is so worth it. Where else do you want to go? You know I love to plan,’ he
winked. I laughed, he did. So far he’d planned everything to perfection. Down
to calla lilies and red roses waiting for me in the hotel, along with a box of
gourmet truffles.

‘I’d love to go to Egypt and see the temples for
real. Where would you like to go?’

‘Anywhere with you, especially somewhere that
involved you wearing a tiny bikini.’ I groaned as he started kissing my neck. I
could feel the hunger in him, as well as another impressive erection pressing
into my lower back. I spun around in his arms, forgetting about the beauty of
the old buildings along the banks of the Seine, Lucas was the thing currently
taking my breath away. I kissed him urgently, my lips hungry for him. He
grunted in surprise and responded with equal ferocity as his hands moved down
to grip my backside, lifting me up onto my tiptoes as our tongues lashed at
each other’s. The heat radiating off us both soon took away any thoughts of the
cold, as the Parisian winter wind whipped at our faces. ‘What do you say we cut
the sightseeing trip short when we get off this boat, head back to the hotel,
grab some champagne and warm up in the bath.’

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