Read Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) Online

Authors: R.C. Martin

Tags: #A Made for Love novel

Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) (62 page)

BOOK: Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)
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ast night, as soon as Teddy left, I headed straight to my office and turned my computer back on. I had every intention of going to sleep until she mentioned she wanted to go hiking. I know there are plenty of local trails that we could take—but if she really wants to capture nature’s color change with her camera, I won’t let her settle for Horsetooth.

I’ve been to Beaver Creek, Colorado during the summer. Last year, Benjamin had some sort of business conference there, and I met him over the weekend for a couple games of golf. I’m a city boy. The mountains—especially during the winter—don’t particularly appeal to me, but even I couldn’t deny how beautiful it is up there. If Theodora wants to experience the rich hues of autumn, then that’s where we’ll go, and I guarantee she won’t be disappointed.

Despite the late hour and the short notice, I was able to secure a suite at The Ritz Carlton, Bachelor Gulch resort. She doesn’t know it, but we’ll be spending our weekend out of town. Now, as I load my bags in the Land Rover before heading into work, the familiar feeling of triumph washes over me. I know how much Teddy loves my surprises, and I’m eager to see the look on her face when I go pick her up later.

It’s during my drive to work when the phone call I’ve been expecting all week finally comes through. I hit the
button on my steering wheel, and my vehicle fills with the white noise of her background.

“Hi, mom.”

“Hey, JD. How’s my oldest this morning?”

“I’m doing well. How are you?”

“It’s good to hear your voice. I’d like to hear it more often.”

“I know,” I mutter, well aware that it’s been weeks since I’ve bothered to call. Longer since I’ve dropped by for a visit. Much like my visits with Benjamin, it was easier to make the trip home when I lived in Denver. Castle Rock was down the road. Now the trip seems just long enough to be cumbersome for an hour or two long stay. “I’ll make it down there soon.”

“Good. And you’ll bring this Teddy that I’ve been hearing about? You
know that’s why I’m really calling, don’t you?”

“I figured as much,” I reply with a smirk she cannot see.

“Is this Saturday too soon? Joe has the weekend off; you two could come down for dinner. We could meet you in Denver at that place you like.”

“I’m going out of town this weekend, mom. It’ll have to be another time.”

“Next weekend, then. I think Joe might be on call, but we’ll work it out. We want to meet her. Edda says she’s a darling. Joe won’t believe you’re calling anyone your girlfriend until he sees proof, and I can’t blame him. I’ve waited
for that special someone to come along for you. Don’t make me wait too long to meet her.”

“Teddy and I are in a relationship, mom,” I insist, shaking my head. “This isn’t marriage we’re talking about.”

“Oh, pfft,” she huffs. “You just bring that girlfriend of yours down to meet your family.”

“Yes, mother.”

“Next weekend?”

“I’ll check my schedule and get back to you.”

“Next weekend,” she insists.

With a sigh and a nod, I concede, knowing our conversation will never end if I don’t.

“All right, next weekend.”

She keeps me on the line until I’ve arrived at work, and then she lets me go when I promise to confirm our dinner plans once I’ve spoken with Teddy. As usual, I’m the first in the office, and I waste no time getting started. With plans to cut my day short, and a weekend with limited access to anything work related, I have much to accomplish before I can leave.

I don’t break until two o’clock, not even bothering with lunch. Semi-content with what I managed to wrap up, and with the desire to be on the road in an hour or less, I shut down for the day. On my way out, I stop by Aunt Eddalyn’s office, informing her that I’ll be off for the rest of the afternoon. Rather than question me, she lifts a knowing eyebrow. I don’t elaborate on my plans, but that makes no difference. I’m sure I don’t need to give voice to the fact that they are with Teddy. The look on her face surmises her assumption.

It isn’t until I pull up to the gallery that I stop to think that if Teddy doesn’t leave with me now, our evening will be shot to shit. We have a three-and-a-half-hour drive ahead of us, and I was hoping to make it in time to freshen up before dinner. I don’t see why Geoffrey and Andrew can’t go without her for one afternoon, but I’m determined to see this plan through by any means necessary.

As I walk through the front doors, I remove my sunglasses and check my wrist watch. With any luck, I’ll have her out of here in ten minutes.

“Hey, Judah,” greets Geoffrey as he approaches.

“Hi.” He offers me his hand and we shake before I scan the room for my shy girl. “I’m looking for Teddy.”

“She went to take something back to Andy. She should be…” His voice trails off as the echo of her heels against the hardwood floors fills the room. We both turn our attention in her direction, and the smile that lights her face at the sight of me makes my chest tighten and my dick twitch.

Her shoes are navy, covered in some sort of floral pattern; her light grey dress pants stop at her ankle, making them a focal point. The white shirt she has on clings to her body, while her blue blazar hides just how fucking sexy she really is. A large flower pendant necklace is draped across her collarbone, and her hair is gathered to the side, her wavy locks hanging down her chest. She’s just as beautiful now as she was the last time I was in here—
the first time
. Only instead of her storming off after our exchange, I have every intention of escorting her out.

And tonight, she will be the exceptionally welcome beauty in my bed

“Hi,” she murmurs as she closes the distance between us. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m picking you up. I was hoping you might be relieved of your duties for the rest of the afternoon.” As I say the words, I look between her and Geoffrey.

“Where are we going?”

“Away,” I reply with a mischievous smirk.

“Away? That’s all you’ll tell me?” she asks with a laugh.

“You’ll know where we’re going when we get there. But first, we need to stop by your place so you can pack a few things. I’d like to be on the road as soon as possible.”

“Away. With a packed bag. On the road,” mumbles Geoffrey. “I’m intrigued. Intrigued enough to cover for you. Get gone, Freckles. Text me when you get there.”

“Are you sure? Should I—”

“Don’t question the man, Teddy. Grab your purse.”

She pauses for a second before she lets out a squeal, throwing herself into Geoffrey’s arms.

“Thank you!”

“Any time, baby girl. Count on it.”

“I’ll be right back,” she promises before she hurries for the reception desk.

I take advantage of her absence, turning to address Geoffrey. “Thank you,” I mutter with a curt nod.

He studies me for a moment before he speaks. “You make her joyful. It’s bigger than happiness. I appreciate it. Wherever you’re going, I hope you have a good time.” With that, he turns and walks away from me, calling out a goodbye to Teddy before he heads to the back.

“Okay, I’m ready.” When she returns to my side, she slides her hand into mine, lacing our fingers together. “So, if you won’t tell me where we’re going, how will I know what to pack?” she asks as I escort her out of the building.

“You’ll need something to wear to dinner for the next two nights, something comfortable to wear outside tomorrow, and whatever else you feel you can’t go without.”

“Jude, that’s so vague!”

“Sweetheart—I’m not dropping any hints,” I say, opening up the passenger side door for her to climb inside. “Come on. The sooner we leave, the sooner you’ll know where we’re going.”

She tries to frown at me, but it gets lost in her smile. Without further argument or inquires, she takes her seat and I close her inside. When I join her, occupying the driver’s side, she leans over and kisses my cheek.

“Thank you,” she says softly.

“For what, sweetheart?”

“For whatever it is you have planned. I’m sure I’ll have a wonderful time. I always do when I’m with you.”

Her gratitude makes me pause, and I reach for her chin, admiring my beautiful woman before planting a firm kiss against her lips.

“You’re welcome,” I say—meaning every word.




I pack entirely too much. I’m usually not that girl who has trouble packing light, but given that I have no clue where we’re going or what we’ll be doing, I toss enough options in my suitcase to be ready for almost anything. Judah loads everything in the back, but I keep my camera with me in the front—
just in case
. It’s entirely possible that our journey may be worth a captured moment or two.

We’re on the road for all of twenty minutes before my curiosity starts to get the better of me, and I can’t keep my questions to myself.

“So, how long is our drive?”

“Few hours,” he answers simply, keeping his focus on the road.

“Have you been where we’re going before?”


“By yourself?”

He sighs, a small smile playing at his lips. “Teddy…”

“I’m sorry!” I say with a laugh. “I’m just really curious. Why didn’t you mention you were taking me someplace last night?”

“I didn’t know we were going anywhere until after you left.”

“Really? And this is okay? I mean, I’ve never known you to work half a day before. Oh—is this a work thing?”

“Theodora, this is not a
thing. I wanted to take you out of town, so I’m taking you out of town. It’s as simple as that.”

I smile at him, his answer warming my heart. Suddenly, I don’t care where we’re going. Just knowing that he felt like spending a weekend away with me means so much. I remember what Carrie told me the other night—about how as long as he treats me well, he’s worth waiting for. Judah treats me better than well; he spoils me, and I know, deep down in my heart, that what we share is unlike anything either of us has ever experienced before. I hope, with everything that I am, that it lasts.

“My mother called today,” he says, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Oh, yeah?”

“She and my stepfather would like us to come down for dinner next weekend.”

“Oh,” I mutter, taken aback by his announcement.

Judah doesn’t talk about his mother much; but when he does, it’s always with a sense of respect. I get the impression that he loves her a great deal, in the way that only Jude can love. I always imagined that their bond is a unique one, given that Jude never knew his dad. Until his stepdad came around, it was just him and his mom.

I would wager a guess that they probably aren’t too much alike. After having met Ben and Edda, I understand that Judah is…
Supposedly, he’s more like Edda than anyone else, but even their similarities are minor—aligned mostly with their passion for what they both do for a living.

His family means something to him, but he’s not like them. So the idea of meeting his mother isn’t just intimidating because it’s his
, it’s also intimidating because I have no idea what to expect. If meeting Eddalyn had me anxious, I don’t even want to know how I’ll feel next Saturday.

“I told her I’d check with you to be sure you were free,” he continues.

“So, you want to go?” I ask, somehow feeling that if I hear him tell me it’s what he wants, it’ll bolster my confidence.

“I’ve met your parents.”

“Yes, that’s true. But—have you ever brought a girl home to meet

“I’m sure you can guess the answer to that, Teddy.”

He’s right. I
guess. It’s been a decade since he’s claimed anyone as his girlfriend. Even then, their relationship was somewhat complicated. Yet, knowing that I’ve been invited into unchartered territories doesn’t make me feel
so much as it makes me feel
. It’s a lot to live up to—being the first worthy of an introduction. Jude is so amazing. Who he is, all that he’s accomplished, I’m sure his mom is incredibly proud. I’m also assuming that she probably has high expectations in terms of who she would consider up to par for her son. My parents had their doubts, and I’m sure she’ll have hers.

What if I fall short?

“You’ll be fine, sweetheart.”

“What? Hmm? Did I say that out loud?”

“You don’t have to say anything,” he tells me, reaching over to slide his hand over my thigh. “You’re worrying for nothing, I assure you. Are you free next Saturday?”

Feeling comforted by his touch, I rest my hands over his, preventing him from pulling away as I tell him, “I’ll be wherever you are.”

“Good. Now put it out of your mind. This weekend is not about her.”

“Speaking of this weekend,” I murmur, giving his hand a squeeze. “Are you
you don’t want to give me any hints?”

“Not one.”

“You know, for someone who doesn’t like surprises, you sure are good at creating them.”

like surprises—but I like surprising you.”

I bite my lip in a failed attempt to hide my grin as I look over at him. I would argue that I’m not a fan of surprises either, but it would be a lie. He always keeps the best secrets, and the thrill of the unknown makes this whole thing that much more adventurous.

BOOK: Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)
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