Read Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) Online

Authors: R.C. Martin

Tags: #A Made for Love novel

Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4) (59 page)

BOOK: Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)
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“I don’t know that he would ever say it. I mean, he’s not the most sentimental man I’ve ever met. I told him I missed him, and instead of just telling me that he felt the same way, he told me to prove it. Oh, my god—why are men so confusing? Why can’t you just say what you mean?”

“Teddy, I
say what I mean. Maybe he does, too. Sounds to me like he was just wearing his selfish ass-hat today.”

“You don’t understand,” I say, shaking my head at him. “This wouldn’t be the first time he’s done something like this. I mean, it didn’t lead to a fight, but…”

I love you.

Tell me again tomorrow.

“But what? You’re losing me, baby girl.”

“I love him, Geoff.”

I watch as a soft smile graces his features, washing away his frown. “I know.”

A hint of a blush kisses my cheeks and I return his smile with one of my own. “Well, Judah knows, now, too.”

“You told him?”

“Yeah,” I reply with a nod.

“Did he say it back?”

“No—but that’s what I’m getting at. He’s not ready, and that’s okay. Really, it is,” I assure him when he gives me a dubious frown. “If you knew his history…” I shake my head, waving the thought away, knowing it’s not my story to tell. “My point is, he’s just a little emotionally handicapped. He hasn’t done this in a long time.”

“So, let me get this straight,” Geoff says, leaning his forearms against the table. “He’s mad at you because he misses you?”

I groan, wishing it made more sense than it does. “Maybe.”

Geoffrey studies me for a long while, a contemplative scowl tugging at his brow. Then, without another word, he takes my phone out of his pocket and slides it across the table.

“Go make up.”

My back straightens as I gape at him in surprise. “Really? But tonight—”

“Tonight hasn’t been about us since you got that phone call. I love you, you
me, but tonight, your company is better spent elsewhere. Get out of here.”

“Geoff—” I start to say, feeling overwhelmingly guilty.

“Tomorrow night. You’ll buy me dinner. It’ll be our do-over. Now, go.”

“I love you so much.”

“You bet your ass you do.”

I lean across the table and he offers me his cheek for me to kiss. I thank him and then hurry my way out of the bar, anxious to get to Judah’s. I decide not to call, assuming he wouldn’t answer even if I tried. A surprise attack will work out better, I’m sure.

I had to park a couple blocks away from The Tap Room, since I didn’t really have the patience to circle my way around until I found something closer. After stopping at home for a quick bite and a change of clothes, I was running a little behind to meet Geoffrey. Now, as I hurry my way to Agatha, I tug my knee length cardigan around me tighter, the late September night air giving me a chill. October is just a few days away, and I know winter will be here before I know it. The leaves are starting to change, and that means cuddle weather.

Of course, cuddling makes me think of Judah, and my stomach knots up with nerves. I don’t like the way things are between us right now, but I’m hoping my impromptu visit will soften him up enough for me to get through to him. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spot a silver Porsche, causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

It’s true that Jude can’t be the
person in all of Fort Collins who drives a Porsche, but it’s not everyday that you see one. I’d be willing to bet that
little, sexy sports car belongs to my sexy man. Turning around, I make myself more aware of my surroundings, and I see that I’m standing right in front of Cooper’s Pub. Now, I’m even more certain who that car belongs to. Only Jude could get a parking spot
in front of the place he’s chosen to dine.

I hesitate for about two seconds, and then I decide to go in after him. I head straight for the bar, assuming that he’s here for pizza and baseball. It takes me just as long to spot him as it did for me to make up my mind to come inside. What I see makes my heart fall all the way to my feet, splattering on the floor.

Now, I know what they say is true—assuming makes an ass out of you and me.

And Judah Danyl St. Michaels, the man I love, is most certainly an


fter work, the last place I wanted to go was home. As soon as I got into my car, I knew that the absence of Teddy wouldn’t just be felt when I went to bed—it would be felt as soon as I pulled into my garage. I used to imagine her all over the house. I would picture her naked; I would plot out the ways in which I wanted to ravage her—all the ways in which I wanted to possess her body on every fuckable surface I could find. But now, it’s more than that.

Now I have the
of all the places I have fucked her. I also have the memory of the way she looks when she enters my kitchen, wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts as she goes hunting for ice cream. I remember the sound of her footsteps as she pads into my office, looking for me when she finally wakes up from a restful bout of slumber. I see her sitting beside me at the dining room table, dusk lighting her gorgeous red hair just right.

She’s a part of my home in such a way that
no one
has ever been.
No one
. In a matter of
, she’s left her mark in every room. Tonight, that truth makes me
—and what I
is pissed off and resentful. I latch onto the anger, knowing it’s better than whatever the hell I was feeling after I got off the phone with her earlier.

Fuck. Life was easier when I lived by the rules of the little black book.

I shake my head, rubbing the palm of my hand against my stubble-covered jaw, knowing good and damn well that I can’t give Teddy up. Not for a random hook-up. Not anymore. My dick wants one cunt—
cunt. My mind sees no one else. Just Teddy. My Theodora. My sweetheart. My shy girl.

All. Fucking. Mine

I polish off my last slice of pizza, wiping my hands and pushing the empty plate across the bar as I chew. I shift my focus up to the game playing just above the bar. As I watch, I try to think of something
than Teddy. Anything—anything at all.

“Is this seat taken?”

I look beside me just as Diana pulls out the stool to my right, sliding on top of it as she smiles at me. Her blonde hair is a little longer, and she’s dressed more casually than I’ve ever seen her—in jeans and a simple pink t-shirt that clings to her chest. My cock remains still at the sight of her, but her timing is impeccable. She’s just the kind of distraction I need.

“Guess it is now.”

“Are you here alone?”

“Yes,” I answer honestly. “You?”

“I’m here with some girlfriends,” she says, nodding to a table behind me.

I don’t bother looking.

“So how have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while. You stopped

“I’ve been busy.”

“St. Michaels, that’s always your story,” she says with a smirk.

I chuckle, shaking my head, knowing she’s right. I always had an excuse to keep her close enough to reach, but far enough for her to understand that we were never going to be more than just sex.

“Surely, an attractive woman like yourself has no problem finding company when it’s desired.”

“True,” she replies, pursing her lips. “But not all company is worth keeping.”

I offer no more then a slight tilt of my head, acknowledging my agreement.

Her smirk transforms into a knowing smile, and I wonder what it is she thinks she knows. I don’t have to wonder for long before she asks, “You’re seeing someone, aren’t you?”

“What makes you think that?”

She quirks an eyebrow at me, clearly amused. “You’ve wanted in my ass for months. You’re no quitter, Judah. Either you lost interest, or you’re playing the part of a faithful lover—and for the sake of my pride, I’m going to guess it’s the latter.”

Before I can reply, her eyes flicker away from me. Whatever grabbed her attention makes her eyes grow wide in surprise, and I turn just in time to see Teddy stomping her way toward me.

In an instant, my heart starts pounding, and my cock jerks—the sight of her beautiful, angry face igniting my need. Just one look at her and I’m reminded of all that I’ve been trying to forget since I walked into the Pub. And then she speaks.

“Is this how this works? I do something you don’t like, and you go running to her? I mean—what is it with her?” she cries.

She’s all fired up and ready to fight, but I don’t miss the tremble in her voice.

“What are you doing here?” I ask calmly, genuinely interested in how she found me. She’s supposed to be off somewhere with Geoffrey—the man she chose over me.

What are
doing here?” she shrieks, her eyes welling up with tears. “It was
night, Judah!
One night!
I’m not available, so you just decide to pick someone else for the night? How could you do this to me? I told you I loved you and—”

“Enough,” I bite, standing to my feet, towering over her. For reasons I don’t even care to understand, my patience snaps when she speaks of her love. Those words are
—they belong to
—not the fucking general public.

“Holy shit,” Diana mumbles.

When I look at her, her eyes are bouncing between Teddy and me. I don’t acknowledge her with anything more than a glance. As I reach for my wallet, I shift my gaze back to Teddy, just in time to see a single tear rush down her cheek before she declares, “You’re an asshole.”

I toss a a few bills on the bar as she begins to turn away, and I catch her around the arm. She gasps when I draw her flush against me.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

“Home!” she cries, pushing her fists against me in a feeble attempt to be set free.

“Think again, sweetheart.”

Without another word, I grab my jacket from where it hangs over the back of my stool, and I lead her out of the bar. She’s coming with me. There’s no way in hell I’m taking no for an answer—and this time, I mean it.

“I don’t want to go
with you,” she argues as we approach my car.

“Stop lying to yourself. Get in,” I counter, opening up the passenger side door for her.

“Why won’t you answer me? What are you doing here? Why were you with her? Were you going to take her home with you? If I hadn’t shown up—”

“Stop,” I demand. I’ve heard
than enough, and every word that comes out of her mouth heightens my rage. “We’ve been over this. I have a sexual history. Deal with it, sweetheart. It won’t fucking change. What you just walked in on was a
—I have those from time to time. But this—” I pause, grabbing her hand and forcing it against the hard-on currently trying the seam of my pants. “
is for you.

her. Now get in the goddamn car.”




I don’t know why I listen, but I do.

Wait. No. That’s not true.

I know exactly why I listen, why I sink down into the passenger seat of his Porsche; why I let him close me inside; why I don’t say a word as he gets in and pulls out of the parking spot, speeding towards home. I’m a mess, and I don’t know what to make of the last five minutes, but I want him.

BOOK: Fool For You (Made for Love Book 4)
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