Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) (9 page)

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Authors: SJ McCoy

Tags: #contemporary romance, #romance series, #romance, #summer lake, #wealthy, #rich, #sweet n steamy

BOOK: Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4)
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Laura rolled her eyes. “I don't think so. I'll rent a car.”

“I'll pay for the fuel if you want to fly?”

“Thanks, but no thanks, Danny. I'd rather drive.”

“Are things okay between you two?”

She laughed.
When did Dan get so perceptive?
“I don't know and I don't have time to think about it. Just call me, or have Miss call me when you figure out your engagement party, okay?”

“Sure, but if you're going to come back for it, why don't you take my Jeep? It'd save you renting something.”

“Oh. Now that could work.”

Dan laughed. “Yeah and it'll make sure you come back, too if you have to return my Jeep. I know you. If I don't make you come back you may disappear for months, go into hiding again.”

Laura smiled. He was right. “Thanks, Dan. I will if you really don't mind.”

“Don't mind at all. Want me to come get you? You're at the resort, right?”

“I am. Cabin Eleven B. How about I call you when I'm ready?”

“Perfect. Hopefully Miss will be back soon and I'll bring her with me.”

“Great. See you later then.”


aura was surprised to see Emma when she answered the knock at the cabin door. “Hey. Come on in. I'm afraid I can't chat for long though, I have to leave.”

Emma stepped inside. “It's okay, I know. I talked to Missy, she's bringing Dan's car over. I said I'd meet her here so we can have a girly half hour before you have to go. I'll give her a ride home so you can hit the road.”

Laura smiled. She wasn't used to having girlfriends around who would just show up for a 'girly half hour', or for anything else. She liked it. “Come on through. I'm all packed and ready.”

Emma looked around the cabin. “It's nice, isn't it?” she said, walking over to the windows. “And great views.”

“It is beautiful. I'll tell you what, I'll just go leave the door open for Miss then we can sit outside if you like.”

Emma opened the sliding door and stepped out onto the deck. Laura went and wedged a shoe in the front door so Missy could come straight in when she arrived. Out on the deck, Emma looked at her wide-eyed and pointed at the partition on the deck.

“Is anybody staying there?” she asked in a comical stage whisper.

“Yes, but don't worry, he's not home.”


“That's where Smoke is staying.”

“Oh.” Emma's face fell. “I'm sorry Jack had to go to the city. I guess that ruined your day, huh? And now you have to leave. You two have the worst luck.”

Laura shrugged. “Maybe it's good luck. Maybe fate or the universe is trying to tell me something. We've been trying to get together for months and it just never works. I think it's time to take the hint and give up.”

“Nooo! You mustn't give up! What if the universe if just testing you to see how much you want it?”

Laura laughed. “I don't really think the universe has anything to do with it, Em. He's a good-looking guy, actually he's gorgeous, so it was worth giving it a try, but we can never make the time to see each other, so there's not much point.” She was telling herself more than telling Emma, that it was time for her to forget about Smoke. A heavy weight settled in her chest at the thought, but it was true.

“Hey, ladies.” Missy poked her head around the screen door.

“Hey, Miss. Come on out.”

Missy came and gave her a hug. “It's such a shame you have to leave.” She smiled. “But wasn't Danny clever, lending you his Jeep so you have to come back?”

Laura was so happy for Dan, that he and Missy had gotten together—and gotten engaged! She'd never in a million years have put the two of them together, they were polar opposites, but they couldn't be more perfect for each other. She grinned at Missy. “He is clever, but then we all knew that. What I can't get over is how head-over-heels in love with you he is.”

Missy smiled. “Me neither! And you know it's a two way street.”

“I do. I'm so happy for you both.”

“Well you can show me that you mean that by making sure you come back for our engagement party.”

“I'd like to, but when is it?”

“When can you get back?”

“Oh, you mustn't wait for me!”

“Yes, we must. We both want you there. And besides it's not going to be anything big, we're just having everyone over to the house, since we haven't done that yet.”

“When are you thinking?”

thinking tomorrow night, but I know you can't make that.” Missy wrinkled her nose. “Unless you get Smoke to take you and bring you right back?”

“No. No can do.”

Missy gave her a hard stare. “What's going on with you two?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all.”

Emma looked at Missy. “We need to work on this, sister.”

Missy laughed and looked at Laura. “You need to watch this one. She has a pretty good track record on making predictions—and helping things along too.”

“Not in my case,” said Laura.

“I'm two to zero so far,” said Emma with a laugh.

Laura's pulse quickened at the way Emma's words echoed Smoke's. “Well, enjoy your successes, but I won't be joining your list of victories.” She wouldn't be joining Smoke's list either, close as it had been this morning. “Anyway,” she looked back at Missy, “I could be back by Wednesday night.”

“Wednesday and Thursday are out, because Holly is gone. So how about Friday?”

“That works,” said Laura. And it would mean she didn't have to rush back too. The idea of spending the week here had lost its appeal. “I'd better get going for now though. If I get on the road soon I can be home before it's dark.


t was dark by the time she got home. She let herself into her apartment and dumped her bag in the hallway. That was one long-ass drive! Tired and hungry, she rummaged in the kitchen drawer for a takeout menu and fished her phone out of her purse. There were three new texts—all from Smoke. She forced herself to ignore them and call for the food first—that was more important. Call made, she opened them up and smiled.

14.17:  Sorry about this morning. I'll make it up to you  :0)

17.30: I'm home. Where are you?

20.22: Call me?

Wow! She’d wondered if she might get a text from him. She'd never have expected three of them. She pictured him sitting out on the deck at the cabin. Ah well. He had been a nice idea, but it really was best to quit while they were both still ahead. She took a quick shower while she waited for the food to arrive. When it did she ate quickly. Once she'd cleared the dishes she wandered around the apartment, wondering whether she should call him. There really wasn't much point, but then it would be rude not to. She smiled and picked up her phone. That was it. She was just being polite.

He picked up on the second ring. “Hey, lady. I've got a really nice Cab Franc waiting for when you get back.”

He sounded as cocky—and as sexy—as ever. Missy was right, his name suited him. Smokin' hot and even his voice was smoky. Ah well. Too bad. “I'm not coming back.”

“What? Where are you?”

“I'm back in San Francisco.”

He was silent for a long moment. “I'm sorry, Laura. You didn't need to leave, though.”

She laughed. “Don't flatter yourself. I had something come up at the store I had to get back for.”


Oh, my God! He didn't believe her!

“That's quite an ego, Smoke, if you think I'd up and leave, just because you'd rather talk to Jack on the phone than have sex with me.”

When he spoke again his voice was low, controlled—angry? “It was about doing my job, Laura. Not about talking to Jack.”

“Whatever, Smoke. It doesn't matter.”

“It does matter. I'd rather have sex with you than do just about anything else.”

What was it about his voice? Low and smoky, it wrapped itself around her, vibrating through her body. She didn't dare respond, not trusting what she might say.

“So, if that's not why you left, when can we get back to where we were?”

She pulled herself together. She couldn't go there. “We can't.”

“Yes we can, and you know we will. So why not just tell me when?”

Damn him! He was sure of himself, and of her! She stared at the phone, not knowing what to say.

“Call me. Let me know. I'll be waiting.”

She nodded, then felt stupid—he could hardly hear that, could he? “I have to go.”

He chuckled. “Sleep well, lady. Dream of me.”

She hit the end call button. What an arrogant prick!


moke sat out on the deck watching the moonlight reflect off the lake. Another beautiful night in Summer Lake. Only now there was no beautiful Laura to share it with. Why the hell hadn't he ignored his phone this morning? What man in his right mind would have climbed off her for any reason? Let alone to answer his phone. He shook his head. No point thinking like that. It was how he was. It was
he was. His job defined him. In the air he was responsible for the lives of his passengers. That wasn't something you could just shut off when the wheels touched down. When Jack or Pete called, he answered. Every time. Immediately. Women couldn't understand it. Women expected to come first. They were miserable when they realized they didn't. And then they made his life miserable, too. That was why he stuck to the 'nice and easies.' They were grateful for some fleeting attention—and the sex. He should just forget about Laura. He went inside and poured a glass of wine, which reminded him—he really should call his folks soon. Returning to the deck, he stared out at the lake, still unable to shift Laura from his head. Maybe she'd call him?

Chapter Seven

aura turned the Jeep onto South Shore Road. She was glad to be back in Summer Lake. This place was growing on her. It had been a productive week, the meeting with Colin had gone well, and it looked like they really did want to buy her store. She was pleased she'd gone back, but still more pleased to have the weekend in Summer Lake. She jumped in her seat as a truck headed in the opposite direction honked its horn. Emma's Gramps was behind the wheel, smiling and waving. She waved back with a grin. He was a great old guy. That was another thing about this place; she actually bumped into familiar faces around town. That never happened in San Francisco. As she turned onto Main Street her grin faded as she spotted a very familiar figure. It wasn't the pilot's uniform or the gray hair, but the familiarity of the broad shoulders and narrow hips that told her who he was. A shudder ran through her. He was walking arm in arm with a woman. A woman with short brown hair who was chatting away to him. She looked vaguely familiar, but Laura couldn't place her. Maybe she'd been at Missy's party? Well, wow! Just, wow! He didn't waste any time, did he?

She'd intended to go straight to Missy and Dan's, but after seeing that, she needed a drink! She pulled in to the square at the resort and headed straight for the bar. Ben was chatting with some customers at one of the high top tables. He smiled and waved when he saw her. She waved back and took a seat at the bar. She ordered a Jack Daniels and took a big slug.

“I hope whiskey nights don't mean the same to you as they do around here?” Ben climbed on to the stool beside her.

It really was a pity he wasn't her type. He was certainly good looking, and he was such a great guy. “Hey Ben. What do they mean around here?”

“That something serious just hit the fan.” He smiled. “In fact the last whiskey night I can think of was when Em saw you and Jack on the beach and didn't know who you were. I guess it's a drown your sorrows kind of thing.”

“No sorrows here, Ben.” There weren't, were there? So Smoke had already moved on? So what? She'd done that herself when she left here on Monday. Hadn't she?

“Glad to hear it,” said Ben, the concerned look he was giving her not quite matching his words.

She laughed, wanting to reassure him—and herself. “To me this is like a toast to my cousins.”

Ben gave her a puzzled look.

She raised her glass. “Jack and Daniel!”

Ben laughed. “Damn, that had never occurred to me.”

“Yeah, most people don't realize, and I wouldn't bring it up if I were you. You know about their dad, right?”

“Yeah. Mind if I join for you one, and then we'll go get your key. You could have taken it with you.”


“For the cabin. You are staying for the weekend aren't you?”

Laura thought about it. She'd paid for the room before she came last weekend, but when she'd checked out so early she'd assumed she'd lost the rest of the week. She'd intended to stay at Missy and Dan's.

“It's yours if you want it,” said Ben.

She smiled. Why not? It'd be fun to mess with Smoke's head. He could hardly start screwing his new friend out on the deck with her next door. “Thanks, Ben. I will. I'd rather not impose on Missy and Dan at the moment.”

Ben gave her an odd look, but didn't question her.

“Are you going to their house tonight?” she asked.

“Course I am. I wouldn't miss that for anything.”

“Good. So, how about I come look for you once I've dumped my bag and had a quick shower? We can head over there together.”

“Sounds good. Come on, let's go get you that key.”


moke pulled up at the cabin after dropping Rochelle back at the airport. She'd given him a lot to think about. He wanted to talk to Jason too, but in principle, it could really work. He'd agreed to have lunch with Rochelle tomorrow to start going over initial ideas, but he liked the possibilities she’d pitched at him.

He checked his watch before stepping into the shower. He'd need to get a move on if he was going to get to Dan's on time. He was still trying to find a balance between work and social life. He liked to keep the two separate. It had been easy when he was based out of Miami and Houston. Even the short while he'd been in Santa Monica, he'd have a beer with Jack and Pete now and again, but that was all. They were old friends, but he'd never wanted to become 'one of the gang', with all that entailed. He smiled as he soaped himself down—he'd kept his social life 'nice and easy'. That seemed to be changing up here, though. It was such a small town it would be hard for it not to. Breakfasts at the Boathouse, nights listening to the band, dinner at each other’s houses, everyone hung out together and they were trying to draw him in to the circle. Even Dan, whom he hadn't known that long, was becoming a real friend, and had insisted that he come tonight.

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