Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) (5 page)

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Authors: SJ McCoy

Tags: #contemporary romance, #romance series, #romance, #summer lake, #wealthy, #rich, #sweet n steamy

BOOK: Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4)
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“Well, since you dragged me out here for breakfast, can you at least put your wife down for a minute so we can order some?” she asked, picking up her menu.

Jack shot her a puzzled look while Emma slid back into her own seat. Laura felt bad. Where the hell had that come from? Never mind. She really was hungry. She ordered the full Boathouse breakfast.

“Not you as well?” asked the guy sitting across from her. Michael, was that his name? “I thought Missy was the only tiny female around here that could put away that much breakfast.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “Tiny? I'm five feet nine!”

He smiled at her. Nice eyes, hmm, green eyes. Her favorite. He deliberately ran those green eyes over her before meeting her gaze.

“I said tiny, darl'. Not short.”

Wow! Another cocky, good-looking guy. Did they breed them out here or something? And that accent, sexy! What was it, Australian?

“Quit it, Michael,” said Ben. “Let's get this order in, can we?”

Michael shrugged. “Just sayin'.” He smiled at Laura. “Anyone up for a ride on the boat this afternoon?”

“No,” Jack cut in.

God, he really was trying to be her dad!

She shot him a look, but he gave her a hard stare and continued. “Laura's coming up to North Cove with us, and Pete and Holly are heading back to LA.”

Laura didn't have chance to argue before Ben said, “I'll come out with you, bud. I've got a quiet afternoon for once.”

She had to laugh at the look on Michael’s face. Ben winked at her. It seemed they all thought they were saving her. This was small town life as she remembered it—and one of the reasons she'd been so eager to leave it behind her in Texas and move to San Francisco. For a moment, her stubborn streak was tempted to say she'd join Michael and Ben, just to push back against having other people make her decisions for her. She bit her tongue though. No way was she going with Jack and Emma, and it sounded like Smoke would be working this afternoon, taking Holly and Pete back to LA. So, she could do what she really wanted, kick back at the cabin and hang by herself, doing a whole lot of nothing.


m, will you tell him I'm not coming with you?” They were standing in the square. Everyone had gone about their day and Laura had walked with Emma and Jack to his truck.

Jack smiled. “I know you're not, sweetie.” She looked at him and he shrugged. “You already told me that. It's just, I'm having a hard enough time backing off on you and Smoke, no way was I going to start worrying about Michael trying to get you alone on his boat!”

Emma slapped his arm. Laura had to laugh. “Seriously?”

Jack gave an exaggerated nod. “Seriously! Work with what I'm giving you. I'm backing off on you and Smoke, isn't that enough? Where is he anyway?”

Laura shrugged. “I haven't seen him today.”

Jack raised his eyebrows disbelievingly. “What, not even this morning?”

“Jack!” Emma slapped his arm harder this time.

Laura just shrugged again. “No, not even this morning.”

Jack frowned at her.

“Oh, for God's sake!” Laura laughed. “Will you two get going and leave me to enjoy my day in peace? If you keep this crap up I may just head home instead. My business is
business and
of all people know that.”

Jack hugged her. “Sorry. I'm just looking out for you.”

“I know and I appreciate the intention, but the reality is getting to be a bit much. Give me some space, huh? That's what I came here for.”

“Okay. But call if you need anything.”

“I won't!”

Emma laughed. “Come on hubby, take the hint.” She hugged Laura. “You know where we are. I'm sure we'll all be getting together to celebrate with Missy and Dan sometime this week. Is it okay if I call you for that?”

Laura hugged her back. “Of course it is. I do want to see you guys, I just want a little chill time first. I'll call you.”

She waved them off then went into the resort's little grocery store to get some supplies. Once she had what she needed, she took the path that led down to the water's edge. She needed a walk after that huge breakfast.

Back at the cabin, she stocked the fridge and cupboards, then wandered around checking things out. It was a great little place; she'd have a good time here. She stepped out onto the deck and smiled at the sofa. Now that had been a good time! She wondered if Smoke would even be back tonight or if he'd be staying in LA waiting to bring Holly and Pete back.

It was warm. The days were getting cooler, but the sun shone brightly today and the deck was a perfect sun trap. It had been a long time since she'd had chance to lay out in the sun.  One of those loungers would be perfect. They might technically be on Smoke's side of the deck, but she doubted he'd complain. Once she'd dragged the lounger into the perfect spot on her side of the deck, she settled down to read. It really was warm. She wished she'd thought to bring a bikini, but she'd hardly expected to be sunbathing. Maybe she should walk back up to the resort and buy one? No, she was enjoying this too much, and knowing her luck it'd probably cloud over if she did.

There was no one around, and no one likely to come out this way. She stripped down to her underwear—it was no different than wearing a bikini. Well, perhaps a little more revealing than your average bikini, hmm and lacier too, but hey, it worked. She smiled to herself—it was a pity Smoke wasn't around, she was quite sure it'd work for him. Maybe he'd be back? She pulled her purse closer and checked inside, just in case. Yep, she had some. She pulled her hair up off her neck and tied it into a ponytail, then settled back into her book.


moke waited for the hangar door to roll back into place. Once the motor whirred to a stop he checked to make sure it was secure. He hadn't really needed to wash the plane this morning, but it was a job he enjoyed. It was one of those mindless tasks he could get lost in for a couple of hours, and feel a sense of satisfaction when it was done. It was his go-to whenever he needed to occupy his hands while his mind sorted itself out. And man, did his mind need sorting out! What the hell was he playing at? He'd fantasized about getting Laura in the sack since the first time he'd laid eyes on her. She was his kind of sexy. What he hadn't banked on was her being his kind of smart, with a sassy mouth too. She was everything that turned him on about a woman. Worst of all, she was a challenge. A challenge that would take time to conquer. He badly wanted that conquest. He'd told her the truth. He
normally sleep with a woman like her. He normally went for women who presented no challenge. They weren't hard to find. The ones who were wanting and willing to please him. He liked his women to look him for their lead. He was used to taking it, especially in bed. It made it easy to walk away afterward.

Laura sure as hell wasn't one of them. She was just like him. The same kind of animal. She expected her men to roll over and do as
pleased. He'd left her sleeping this morning because he'd needed to get away from her before he tried to end the game too soon. Lying there with her, watching her sleep, he could have woken her. Had her under him. But something made him want to see how this played out. She'd give in to him—give it up to him—he had no doubt, but he believed they had a lot more fun in store before they got to that point.

The trouble was, he shouldn't even be considering it. She was Jack's cousin. Jack his friend. Jack who owned Phoenix. Jack who would tear a guy limb from limb if they hurt someone he cared about. Not that Smoke intended to hurt her, but women could get weird about that shit. Laura seemed like the kind of girl who could play the game and then move on, but the smart move would be not to even take the risk. He smiled as he walked back into the FBO . Too bad he was a risk taker then, huh?

There was no one at the desk, so he went into the back. “You around, Rochelle?” he shouted. Rochelle's family ran the airport, and he needed to talk to her about hangar fees. She wasn't in the back either, though. He'd catch her another day. He picked up the keys for the crew car and left a note. It seemed he was the only one that used the old pick-up, but he didn't like to take it without letting her know.

It was supposed to be fall, but it was a beautiful day. He rolled the windows down as he drove back to the resort, glad to have the day off, even if it was unexpected. He'd thought he'd be flying today, taking Holly and Pete to LA and dropping Laura back in San Francisco. As so often happened in his job, everything had changed. Holly had decided to drive back to the city so she'd have her car there for some fashion show later in the week. And Laura...well. He smiled. Laura was staying the week, staying right next door to him. He stepped on the gas. She probably wouldn't be there this afternoon, but still. And she'd be around tonight, even if she was going out, she'd be back by bedtime.

By the time he pulled up in front of the cabin, his head was full of images of what they might do later. He ran up the steps and knocked on her door, hoping maybe she'd be here and he wouldn't have to wait ’til tonight. He waited and then knocked again. Nothing. Ah well. He'd go take a shower and then maybe sit in the sun a while. It was such a beautiful day.

He emerged from the shower and toweled himself down. Fastening the towel around his waist, he tried to decide whether to sit out or go for a hike in the hills. He wasn't one to sit around doing nothing, especially on a day like this. He slid the door open and stepped out. The lake sparkled in the sun and a light breeze whispered through the pines. No way. It was too good a day to sit out here.

Then he noticed that one of the loungers had been moved. Was Laura out here? He walked over to the screen that separated her end of the deck from his and peered around it. Jesus! His cock sprang to life under the towel and his throat went dry. She was asleep on the lounger, one arm flung above her head, the other hanging down at her side. She was in her god-damned underwear, and man was it sexy. Purple, and lacy. Her bra plunged between perfectly round little breasts and her panties were just a scrap of lace covering the place he needed to be. Her legs were parted slightly, just enough to look like an invitation, and one that he was not going to turn down. He walked around the screen and over to the lounger, making no effort to be quiet. Part of him hoped that she'd hear him and wake. She didn't.

He stood over her, heart pounding. She was so gorgeous. He sat on the edge of the lounger, expecting her eyes to open. They didn't. He traced his fingers over her ribs. Her eyelids fluttered, but still didn't open. He let his hand travel up and close around her breast. She gave a little moan and her hips rose up. He let his hand slide back down over her soft skin ’til his fingers met lace again. He slipped his fingers inside her panties, all the while watching her face. Her hips rose up to meet him, she moaned and writhed, but her eyes still didn't open. His fingers worked their way down, she was already wet. He smiled and slid her panties down. He couldn't decide if she was only pretending to be asleep, but either way, she was ready, and he couldn't wait any longer. He covered her body with his own, losing the towel as he positioned himself above her. He took hold of her wrists and pinned her hands above her head. Her eyes fluttered open and filled with surprise as he spread her legs with his knees.


She really had been asleep. He smiled. “Were you expecting someone else?”

Her smile reassured him that she wanted to play along, even as she tried to pull her hands away. He held them fast. She wriggled underneath him. She could escape if she wanted, but she wasn't really trying, just tormenting him, making him harder.

“What are you doing?” she breathed.

He pushed at her slick entrance. Her heat reassuring him that she wanted this as badly as he did. “You, unless you say no.”

She smiled. “What took you so long? I've been waiting for you.” She spread her legs wider.

“Really?” he breathed. “You're going to claim that this was your idea? That you set me up?”

Her pink tongue darted out and moistened her lips as she nodded.

Smoke grinned. She did not want to be beat in this game they were playing. He'd let her have the victory if he could have her body. “Okay. Then you've got me where you want me. Now what?”

Her smile was triumphant as she pulled her hand away from his and reached under the lounger and into her purse. “Now you put this on.”

! She was good at this game. He may have lost this round, he admitted as he rolled the condom on, but he'd won anyway. She held her arms up to him. He lowered himself to her, and did as she pleased.

Chapter Four

hat do you think?” asked Smoke. “Do you want to get out of here for a while?”

What the hell was he saying? He should get out of here himself, not ask her to come with him. He didn't hang around after sex. Women got too clingy, it made him feel claustrophobic. He looked at Laura. She wasn't exactly clingy, sitting there staring out at the lake. Messy hair, kiss-swollen lips...the freshly-fucked look suited her!

“Where do you want to go?”

“I'm heading for the hills.” Wasn't that the truth!

She raised an eyebrow with a knowing smirk.

“No!” Dammit! He wasn't going to prove her right. “I'm saying, how about you come with me. Take a hike instead of wasting the afternoon sitting around here.”

“Okay, I'll go and get changed.”

She disappeared inside, leaving Smoke wondering why he'd asked her along.

He was surprised when she knocked on his door five minutes later. Surprised she was ready so quickly and even more surprised that she was actually dressed for a hike. He'd been taking his time, expecting the typical female thing...her taking at least half an hour to fix her hair, or makeup, or whatever it was they did that always took them so long.

As he'd pulled his boots on he'd been cursing himself for asking her. They'd just gone one round, so she wasn't likely to have sex with him out there. What else did he want her along for? Now she stood at his door waiting for him. He ran his gaze over her body appreciatively.
she was hot. From her ponytail all the way down her long, long legs, to a pair of well worn hiking boots that had evidently seen a few trails.

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