Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) (12 page)

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Authors: SJ McCoy

Tags: #contemporary romance, #romance series, #romance, #summer lake, #wealthy, #rich, #sweet n steamy

BOOK: Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4)
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“If you want to,” he added.

This was no game. The question in his eyes was genuine. This wasn't cocky Smoke. This was the Smoke she'd seen out on the trail. This was for real—and as scary as that thought was, she did want to. She nodded and his face relaxed.

“Then let's get out of here.” He called for the check.

“It's all taken care of,” said the server. “Doc Morgan picked up the tab on his way out.”

Laura smiled. Michael was a good guy. She owed him one—big time!

Smoke took her hand when she stood up, and led her back through the restaurant and out into the square. She liked the hand-holding Smoke. He led her to the passenger side of the pickup. Before he opened the door he lifted her hand to his lips. Holding her gaze, he kissed her knuckles one by one. “I don't want to let go.”

Wow! Her body was melting in the heat of that look, it was full of need, lust...and something else. She didn't have chance to figure out what as his other arm snaked around her waist, pulling her against him. Her breath caught in her chest as she sagged in his arms. He was overpowering her senses, it was all she could do to stay upright. She was completely surrounded by Smoke; his muscular arm, his hard chest, the warmth and the scent of him. Yet she didn't want to run. All she wanted was more.

He lowered his mouth to her upturned face and nipped her bottom lip. She gasped as the message went zinging through her, alerting her breasts and the very core of her to expect some Smoke. Soon. He gently pulled her lip with his teeth then stepped back. “Let's go home, lady,” he breathed.

When he parked at the cabin he came around and opened her door for her. Taking her by the hand again, he led up her up the steps on her side of the building. She fished the key out of her purse with shaking hands. He smiled and took it from her. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open, gesturing for her to step inside. When she did, his hand came down on her shoulder and he closed the door behind them. She turned back to him and he took her face between his hands. The look in his eyes was even more intense now—lust and...? Again there was no time wonder what else, before he was biting her lips. He backed her against the wall, pinning her there with his body while his hands raked through her hair.

He tilted her head back, giving himself better access to her mouth. She surrendered to his kiss. There was no other way to describe it. He was claiming her mouth, plundering with his tongue. Owning her. All she could do was willingly, desperately, surrender. His hands moved to her breasts as his hips moved against her. She needed him to be inside her. She fumbled with his buckle and zipper, needing to touch him. He got rid of her top and bra and dropped his head to her breast. She leaned her head back against the wall with a moan as his tongue circled her nipple and his hand unzipped her and found its way inside her panties. She reached for him, trying to get him out of his shirt, wanting to see, to feel his muscular body. He stepped back and shook his head. She felt bereft of his warmth, his touch.

He shrugged out of his shirt and pulled her to back to him. She gladly wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against his naked chest. Running a hand over her ass and down the back of her thigh, he lifted her leg and wrapped it around his waist. With a wicked smile, he leaned back so her other foot left the floor and she had no choice but to wrap that around him too. He carried her through to the bedroom where he climbed on the bed and lowered himself forward, pinning her underneath him, his erection pressing into her heat, tormenting her through layers of fabric that she needed to get rid of. She reached down, intending to solve that problem, but he caught her wrist and pinned it to the bed. He shook his head and continued to torment her, moving his hips against her. Her breath was ragged now. She needed him, wanted to undress him, ride him. He held her gaze and she felt herself getting wetter in the heat of that look.

“Remember where we were?”

She could hardly focus on where she was, let alone where they might have been. He took her other hand and brought it up above her head, transferring both of hers into one of his. She pulled and tried to get away, but he only gripped tighter and trailed his free hand down her cheek, then on down her throat.

“This time you're mine....” He thrust his hips, making her moan. His hand closed over her breast as he held her gaze, that other thing in his eyes outshining the lust. “...If you want to be.”

Her breath caught in her chest as part of her screamed,
She did want to be his, in every way. His hand was back inside her panties, stroking, circling, tormenting her. Oh, God! Her hips moved of their own accord. She instinctively went to put her arms around him, but he kept her hands pinned to the bed above her. He slid a finger inside her and then another, flattening his palm against her, the pressure driving her crazy as his fingers slid in and out. She was no longer in control of her own body—he was. She struggled now, trying to get away, she was getting too close.

“Smoke, please?” she moaned.

“Come for me, Laura.”

“But....” She wanted to come with him, not for him. She couldn't stop it, he really was in charge. The heat was building. He increased the pressure of his palm against her. She came undone, crying his name as the heat tore through her and he kept working her, sending her flying away in a haze of pleasure. When she lay still, he brought his lips down to meet hers in a deep, possessive kiss. She brought her arms up around him, clinging to him as she kissed him back.

He bit her lips, then her chin, then nibbled his way down her neck. He mouthed each breast in turn before carrying on, down over her stomach. He slowly pushed her jeans and panties down over her hips, following their progress with his tongue on her skin. He pushed them over her knees, then with a wicked smile, he somehow bound her ankles together with them. He ducked his head under her feet so her legs were wrapped around his shoulders, and she had no way to escape. His smile was even more wicked when her hands came down to his hair.

“Smoke, I....”

He took hold of her hands and held them under her ass with both of his, lifting her up so his mouth was inches from her. He spread her legs wider with his shoulders and blew into her heat.

“Now I want to eat.”

“Smoke, no! I don't like....”

“Trust me, lady. You will.”

She squirmed, trying to get away before.... His mouth closed over her. Oh,
God! That felt so good!
Why did she think she didn't like this? As his tongue trailed over her, she had no idea. When his lips teased her clit, she screamed. What was he doing to her? She tried again to free her hands, but he held them firm, sinking his tongue into her then sucking her hard, over and over again. She couldn't take much more, he was owning her again. The sensations were so intense. She let go, her orgasm wracking her body as his mouth demanded more, and more, ’til she was spent.

When he finally freed her hands, he pushed her jeans off her ankles, leaving her naked. He really was something else! Two mind mind-blowing orgasms before she was fully undressed, and before she'd even seen his cock. She reached for his zipper, needing to rectify that part of the situation.

He blocked her hand. “Lay back, lady.”

She did as he said. Her limbs were still weak and shaky anyway.

He stood up with a satisfied smile on his face.
Oh, no!
This wasn't still some game to him was it, another victory? He seemed to understand what she was thinking. His face softened and he shook his head.

“No games, Laura. I'm deadly serious.” As he spoke he unzipped his jeans. He pushed them down over his hips, freeing his cock which stood proud, looking like it was deadly serious too. 

He came back to the bed and lay down beside her. She wrapped her arms around him, kissing him with all the need she felt. His big arm closed around her, holding her close to his hard, naked chest. They lay on their sides, facing each other, kissing, hands wandering over each other. She felt like they were kids, exploring each other for the first time.

Smoke propped himself up on one elbow, his other arm drawing her closer, drawing her underneath him. He shifted his weight onto her and spread her legs with his knees. She ached for him now. He was pressing at her entrance. This time he didn't pin her hands, but kept one arm underneath her, around her waist. His other hand tangled in her hair. Pulling her head back so she was looking up into his eyes. He lowered his lips at the same time he thrust his hips. She moaned into his mouth as he filled her. He was so hot and hard, moving inside her. She curled her legs around his as he crushed her lips in a deep, demanding kiss. He was entering and possessing every part of her, taking her deep and hard. She couldn't take much more, he was going to make her come again, she felt her legs stiffen in anticipation. He felt it too. He lifted his head and looked down at her. She felt him get harder and closer as their bodies moved together.

“You. Are. Mine.”

He marked each word with a deep thrust and sent her hurtling away. With one last push, he gasped, “Laura!” His own climax exploding deep inside her as he buried his face in her neck.

They lay that way for a long time. He still filled her. She still clung to him. Even after their breathing had slowed back to normal. He nuzzled his face into her neck and she held him even tighter, not wanting the moment to end. She shuddered when he kissed her neck, sending goosebumps racing up her arms.

He brought his lips to her ear. “Mine,” he whispered.

Chapter Nine

aura stepped out onto the deck, not knowing what to expect. Smoke had been so sweet afterwards. He'd held her close for a long time. He'd been the gentle Smoke, not the cocky one. He'd even told her he'd missed her this week. But then he'd said he had some work to take care of, a few phone calls to make, and he'd see her on the deck in a little while. She'd taken a shower and pulled on some yoga pants and a t-shirt, then fiddled with her designs for a while. There was no point, though. She couldn't concentrate. She'd decided to come out to enjoy the air, and the view. The days were getting shorter now and the sun would be setting soon.

No sooner had she sat down than she heard Smoke's door slide open. He peeked around the partition. He was so damned handsome! He took her breath away. He took everything else away too as he stepped around the screen.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he murmured.

“Who are you calling gorgeous, gorgeous?” Sexy-as-sin, unbelievably gorgeous in his case! He must have showered too, his hair was still damp. He wore only an old pair of faded jeans that hung low on his hips. His broad chest and shoulders were beautifully naked. Even his bare feet were sexy.

He came and squatted in front of her. Putting his hands on her knees, he pecked her lips. “You! Gorgeous. What are you up to?”

“I just came out to enjoy the view.”

He smiled and fixed his eyes on her breasts. “Me too!”

She laughed. “Not much to see there. Definitely no mountains.”

He scowled at her and cupped them in his hands. “How dare you! They're perfect!”

She closed her eyes enjoying the feel of his hands on her.

“And besides,” he continued, “they're mine!”

That opened her eyes in a hurry. When he'd said it in bed, she'd thought it was something muttered in the heat of the moment. She raised an eyebrow at him.

He shrugged. “Okay, so they're yours. Can they dance?” He flexed his pecs. “Mine can.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Men and their muscles! Honestly!”

His face darkened and he stood, pulling her to her feet to face him. “So you're used to men with muscles are you?” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her so close she had to look up to see his face.

“As a matter of fact, I'm not.”

His face relaxed as he nodded. “I didn't think so.”


“It's another reason you wouldn't normally sleep with a guy like me, isn't it?”

She had to think about that for a minute.
right! What did bookish really mean? If she was honest, it meant weak and weedy. But why? She looked up at Smoke, he seemed to have had her figured from the beginning. “Why do you think that?”

His face softened. “Because you're afraid to make yourself vulnerable. And the best way to avoid being vulnerable is to be the strong one.” His eyes gleamed with mischief now. “ normally go out with little skinny guys that you can push around, right? Do you put 'em over your knee and spank 'em?”

“Watch your mouth, Captain, or I'll start pushing you around.” She put her hand to his chest to give him a shove. Somehow though, before she knew what was happening, he'd scooped her up and thrown her over his shoulder. He had a firm grip on her legs and she was face to face with his ass.

“Put me down!” she laughed.

“Nope! You can't push

She couldn't help laughing, this was ridiculous. She slapped his ass. “I said, put me down. Or you'll be sorry.”

His whole body shook under her as he laughed. “We'll see who's going to be sorry, lady.” He slapped her ass.

“Ow!” She wriggled to get down, but he just held her tighter. She giggled and paddled his backside with both hands now.

“That does it, lady! Now you're really going to be sorry.” He tightened his grip on her legs and strode around the partition to his side.

She watched the upside down lake bounce by in wonder. This was a first. He'd never invited her to come in here before.

“How about I put you over my knee and spank
” he asked as he slid the door open and headed for the sofa.

He wouldn't, would he? She wriggled for real now. “Smoke! No!” He was laughing. She was too, but he wouldn't really, would he? “Don't you dare!”

He stopped at the sofa and dropped his shoulder so she slid down his front to stand facing him.

“You!” She put both her hands on his chest and shoved as hard as she could, but he stood his ground, still laughing

“You'd better get used to it, lady. I told you, you can't push me around.” He pulled her down to the sofa with him and somehow he was on top of her. Her hands were pinned and her legs were spread and he was still laughing. “I'm bigger than you and I'm stronger than you.” The laughter faded from his face as he looked down at her.

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