First Women: The Grace and Power of America's Modern First Ladies (44 page)

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The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.

ABC network, 48, 59, 137, 240, 270

Abell, Bess, 67, 114, 144, 147, 149, 153, 176, 248, 249, 289, 323, 330

Abell, Tyler, 67, 330

Adams, Abigail, 130

Adams, Cindy, 240

Adams, John Quincy, 19

Adams, Louisa, 19

Afghanistan, 19

Agnew, Spiro, 123

Ailes, Roger, 182, 273

Air Force One, 67, 81, 91, 177, 249–50


abuse by Betty Ford’s father, 232

Betty Ford and, 98, 215–17, 323, 324

Carter family and, 223–24, 230

George W. Bush’s quitting of, 19

LBJ and, 148

Pat Nixon’s alleged use of, 119, 211

Alcoholics Anonymous, 98, 323

Aldrin, Edwin “Buzz,” 116

Alford, Mimi, 201

Allen, Eugene, 65

Allen, Kimberly, 307, 308

Allen, Richard, 234, 307

Alsop, Joseph, 198

Alsop, Susan Mary, 198

Alzheimer’s disease, 16, 78, 79, 268, 308

American Heart Association, 186

American Newspaper Publishers Association, 237

Andrews Air Force Base, 71, 177, 292

Angelo, Bonnie, 122, 180, 189

Anthropologie, 170

Appalachian Mountains, 178

Arkansas, University of, Law School at, 158

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, 160

Arlington National Cemetery, 3, 12, 74

Armstrong, Neil, 116

Aspen Ideas Festival, 38

Aspen Lodge, 121


attempt against Reagan, 6, 15–16, 75, 79, 130, 303–6

attempts against Ford, 6, 14, 79, 300

of JFK, 12, 14, 61–62, 66–68, 103–5, 110, 112, 203, 249–50

of Martin Luther King Jr., 144

of McKinley, 13

precautions for Rosalynn and Amy Carter during Venice trip, 309

of RFK, 144, 310

of Sadat, 260

threats against Lady Bird Johnson, 151

threats against Obama, 40

Associated Press, 158

Associated Press Stylebook
, 24

Atkins, Ollie, 295

Atlanta Work Release Center, 126

Atwater, Lee, 273

Auchincloss, Janet Lee Bouvier, 66, 202

Axelrod, David, 53, 173

Baker, James, 234, 236

Baldrige, Letitia, 90, 91, 106, 167

Ball, Andi, 278

Ball, George, 85, 87

Bartlett, Charles, 200

Begin, Menachem, 14–15, 226, 227

Behn, Gerald, 301

Beijing Zoo, 179

Bentsen, Lloyd, 239

Bernard, Jeremy, 169

Bernstein, Carl, 119

Bernstein, Leonard, 101–2

Berry, Marsha, 37

Bessette, Lauren, 69

Bethesda Naval Hospital, 93, 97

Betty Ford Center, 42, 98, 100, 323–24

Biden, Jill, 278–79

Biden, Joe, 278–79

Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, 136

Black, Shirley Temple, 96

Blair House, 25, 217, 255, 258

Bloomberg News, 4

Bloomingdale, Betsy, 28

Boggs, Hale, 152

, 214

Bostock, Bob, 56

Boylan, Mary, 90–91

Bradlee, Ben, 204

Brady, James, 302, 305

Brady, Sarah, 305

Bravo (network), 47

Bridges, Styles, 247

Brown v. Board of Education
, 222

Bruce, Preston, 40, 72, 107, 118, 146, 175

Bruni-Sarkozy, Carla, 25

Bryant, Traphes, 31, 107

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 232

Buchanan, James, 10

Buell, Susie Tompkins, 279

Bull, Steve, 296

Bundy, McGeorge “Mac,” 85, 86, 200

Burros, Marian, 240, 311

Burton, Bill, 54, 142, 312–13

Bush, Barbara

campaigning and, 30, 319

child-rearing advice to Hillary Clinton given by, 135

commencement speaker controversy and, 42, 271–72

on cost of food at White House, 21

daughter’s illness and death and, 132–34

difficult relationship with Nancy Reagan, 8, 16, 54, 263–68

friendship with Johnsons, 70

hostility toward Hillary Clinton, 273–74

joint work with Betty Ford, 80

Lady Bird Johnson admired by, 266

Lady Bird Johnson communication of, 45, 77

Laura Bush and, 19, 275, 276

“National Treasure” nickname of, 265

Pat Nixon invited to White House by, 43

as political wife and mother, 130–34, 272–74

politically themed birthday cards to Betty Ford sent by, 43

post–White House years of, 327–28

Quayles disliked by, 269–70

on transition to Ford presidency, 297

on White House life, 16

Bush, Columba, 328

Bush, George H. W., 19

alleged infidelity of, 273–74

Barbara supported by, 30

Bill Clinton friendship of, 275

daughter’s illness and death and, 132–34

on Donald Regan, 234

as fondly remembered by White House staff, 55

Jeb Bush and, 131

Johnson friendship of, 70

Johnson’s Civil Rights Act supported by, 70

post-White House years of, 327

refers to Barbara as “silver fox,” 269

Secret Service forbids attendance at Sadat funeral, 260

“voodoo economics” and, 266

Bush, George W.

alcohol abuse of, 19

becomes governor of Texas, 131

Betty Ford escorted to Ford’s funeral, 217–18

Clinton’s ethics attacked by, 50

courtship and marriage to Laura, 163

and Robin (sister), 132, 133, 134

smoking and, 318

veterans’ hospital visited by, 316–17

White House staff and, 55

Bush, Jeb, 51, 131, 328

Bush, Jenna, 163, 275

Bush, Larry, 80, 102, 196, 197

Bush, Laura

advice to Columba Bush given by, 328

Afghan women supported by, 19, 278

attends 2013 African summit, 29

collaboration with Betty Ford of, 80–81

courtship and marriage of, 163–64

as critical of Rove, 28

as first lady, 7, 162–66

first woman executive chef appointed by, 25

and governors’ spouses’ luncheon, 51

Hillary Clinton’s advice to, 58

and husband’s war policies, 20

Lady Bird Johnson’s correspondence to, 42

Lynne Cheney and, 271

Michelle Obama and, 8, 9, 29, 41, 45, 53–54, 59–60

9/11 and, 19–20, 164

relationship with Barbara Bush of, 19, 275, 276

relationship with daughters of, 28

Save America’s Treasures supported by, 282

Shanksville visited by, 165

and smoking, 318

veterans’ hospital visited by, 316–17

and White House staff, 55

Bush, Marvin, 327

Bush, Prescott, 70

Bush, Robin, 30, 132–34

Caddell, Pat, 226

Califano, Joe, 113, 148, 225

Cambodia, 117, 119

Camelot (Kennedy presidency), 202, 204

(musical), 204

Camp, Christine, 108

Campbell, Guy, 159, 160

Campbell, Mary Ann, 74–75, 136, 280

Camp David, 116, 121, 227, 310, 329

Camp David Accords, 14–15, 226, 260


of Betty Ford, 14, 83, 93–94, 95–100

feared contagious, 96, 132

of Happy Rockefeller, 97

of Nancy Reagan, 128–29, 302

of Jimmy Carter, 326

of Ronald Reagan, 97

of shah of Iran, 231

Cape Canaveral, 202

Capital Speakers’ Club, 288

Caputo, Lisa, 2

Caroline, Princess of Monaco, 108

(musical), 294

Carpenter, Liz, 145, 176

Carr, Vikki, 32–33

Carter, Amy, 22, 124–28, 223, 263, 309

Carter, Billy, 223, 224

Carter, Jimmy, 15, 124–28

as campaign chair of Democratic National Committee, 261

cancer treatment of, 326

on children being bullied, 152

on gifts to family, 22

Luci Baines Johnson invited to papal inauguration by, 43

on marriage, 231

meets and marries Rosalynn, 220–21

Mental Health Systems Act signed by, 230

interview of, 82

post–White House years of, 326

Sadat’s funeral attended by, 260

strained relationship with Clintons, 261–63

Carter, Lillian, 152, 220, 223

Carter, Rosalynn

on accepting gifts, 22

Betty Ford eulogy given by, 325

on bias against southerners, 76–77

Cabinet meetings attended by, 227, 228

on Carter’s loss to Reagan, 257, 258

on Carter’s
interview, 81–82

childhood of, 219

on cost of food at White House, 21

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