Read First Women: The Grace and Power of America's Modern First Ladies Online
Authors: Kate Andersen Brower
death of LBJ and, 70–71
dedication of the Grove and, 93
on LBJ’s decision not to seek reelection, 113
on life in White House, 122
on mother’s concern for White House staff after assassination, 251
papal inauguration attended by, 43
on parents’ relationship, 145, 155–56
reaction to leaving White House of, 114–15
Johnson, Lyndon B.
alleged infidelities of, 31, 68
Cape Canaveral renamed after JFK by, 202
and Civil Rights Acts, 70, 151, 280
friendship with Bush family of, 70
and Jackie Kennedy, 65–66
marriage to Lady Bird of, 143, 148–49, 153–56
retirement and death of, 115, 322
second term declined by, 113–14
“terrible” relationship with RFK, 248
Johnson, Ruben, 44
Jones, Paula, 34
Jordan, Hamilton, 226, 228, 261, 262, 263
Jordan, Vernon, 74
Justice Department, U.S., 230
“Just Say No” antidrug campaign, 309
Kantor, Jodi, 53
Karl, Jon, 59
Kass, Sam, 25
Kelley, Virginia, 159
Kennedy, Arabella, 12
Kennedy, Caroline
and Clintons, 2, 3
during Cuban Missile Crisis, 83, 84, 87, 88
effect of assassination on, 103, 110
on JFK’s infidelities, 201
letters from Lady Bird to, 68–69
life in White House, 72, 101–9
Pat Nixon’s invitation to White House for, 61, 63, 64
Kennedy, Carolyn Bessette, 69
Kennedy, Jacqueline
advice to Pat Nixon, 209
appearance as concern for, 289
assistance to staff, 80
on Carters’ folksiness, 76
and cost of food at White House, 21
during Cuban Missile Crisis, 83–93
death and burial of, 73–74
differences from Hillary, as first lady, 74
differences from JFK in childrearing, 103
donations to orphanages by, 80
as editor, 320
on first lady’s role, 8
friendship with Hillary of, 2, 3, 371–74
“Inquiring Camera Girl” work of, 247
and JFK’s assassination, 12, 14, 61–62, 66–68, 103–5, 110, 112, 203
on JFK’s infidelity, 31, 32, 200–201
and JFK’s legacy, 202–5
on lack of privacy in White House, 90, 109
letter to Khrushchev by, 92–93
marriage to Onassis of, 320
Nancy Reagan admired by, 75–76
Nancy Reagan’s admiration for, 266
on neglect of arts in White House, 2
and opening of Kennedy Library, 43
opinion of Lady Bird Johnson, 248–50
oral history interview of, 204–5, 249
relationship with Tempelsman, 1, 320
religious beliefs of, 111–12
struggle with depression of, 201
suicide contemplated by, 111
therapist seen by, 104–5
as third-youngest first lady, 12
tour of White House with Mamie Eisenhower, 245–46
White House family life of, 101–9, 198–99
White House redecoration by, 195–98, 246
White House revisited by, 61–62, 331–32
yacht trip with Clintons, 1–4
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of, 12, 14, 61–62, 66–68, 103–5, 110, 112, 203
and Cuban Missile Crisis, 83–93
differences from Jackie in child rearing, 103
on East vs. West Wing, 167
French lessons with Caroline taken by, 106
Hoover dismissal planned by, 28
Jackie’s burial with, 74
on LBJ as president, 249
and marital infidelities, 31, 32, 201–2
opinion of Eisenhower, 243
possible premonition of death of, 107–8
as senator, 62
Kennedy, John F., Jr.
Bill Clinton’s campaign donation of, 72
and Cuban Missile Crisis, 83, 84, 87, 88
death of, 68–69
effect of assassination on, 111
Gerald Ford interview of, 69
on mother’s friendship with Clintons, 74
in return to White House, 62, 64, 65
White House life of, 2, 72, 101–9
Kennedy, Patrick, 12, 74, 111
Kennedy, Robert, 3, 85, 87, 249
assassination of, 144, 310
on Lady Bird, 146
and LBJ, 248
pressures Jackie to vote for Johnson, 250
Kennedy, Rose, 65, 75
Kennedy, Ted, 3, 76, 230, 261, 280, 331
Kennerly, David Hume, 256–57, 323
Kent State University, 119
Kerry, John, 27–28
Kerry, Teresa Heinz, 28, 60
Ketchum, Jim, 72, 286
Khrushchev, Nikita, 85, 92–93, 195
Khrushchev, Nina, 195
King, Gwen, 174, 285–86, 293, 298
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 144, 280
King Timahoe (Nixons’ dog), 64
Kinstler, Everett Raymond, 23, 308
Kissinger, Henry, 71, 178, 223
Kitt, Eartha, 287
Kleberg, Richard, 148
Knebel, Fletcher, 200
Knebel, Laura Bergquist, 109
Kosygin, Alexei, 44–45
Kristofferson, Kris, 130
Kroft, Steve, 312
Ladies’ Home Journal
, 49
“Lady Bird Special” (campaign train), 150, 152–53
Lane, Harriet, 10
Lane, Kenneth Jay, 276
Late Show with Stephen Colbert
, 47, 282
Lattimore, Neel, 38, 56, 241, 316
Lelyveld, Katie McCormick, 142
Leningrad, 45
Leonardo da Vinci, 195
“Let’s Move” (healthy eating campaign), 4, 24, 29, 171–72
Lewinsky, Monica, 35, 36, 37–38, 241
affair made public, 34
called “Elvira” by West Wing staff, 277
effect upon Hillary Clinton of, 35, 36, 37–38
letter to Bill Clinton written by, 18
, 196, 202, 204
Limerick, Christine, 27, 162, 268
Limerick, Robert, 267
Lincoln, Evelyn, 199
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 10
Living History
(H. Clinton), 18, 329
Long Beach Naval Hospital, 216
, 109, 204
Lord & Taylor, 124
Love, Reggie, 52, 53, 141
Lukash, William, 95–96, 98, 127, 215
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library and Museum, 204, 248
Macaroni (Caroline Kennedy’s pony), 103
Maharajah and Maharani of Jaipur, 89, 90
Malraux, André, 195
Manchester, William, 204
Marine One (presidential helicopter), 13, 34, 88, 98, 296
Mastromonaco, Alyssa, 52
Matthews, Chris, 76
McBride, Anita, 19, 51, 166, 276, 280
, 189
McCarthy, Eugene, 37
McCarthy, Joseph, 11
McClendon, Sarah, 11
McCullough, David, 72
McKinley, Ida, 12
McKinley, William, 13
McNamara, Robert, 86, 87
McRae, Tom, 160
McSorley, Richard, 110–11
Meader, Vaughn, 108
Meese, Edwin, 236
Memorial-Sloan Kettering Hospital, 132
Mental Health Commission, 230
Mental Health Systems Act, 231
Mercer, Lucy, 18
Middleton, Harry, 330
Military Office, 37
Miss Porter’s School, 12, 90, 194
Mitchell, John, 188
Mona Lisa
La Joconde)
, 195
Mondale, Walter, 39, 226, 228, 238, 260
Moore, Sara Jane, 300
, 140
Morning Joe
, 54
Moro, Aldo, 309
Mowsesjan, Diana, 81
Moyers, Bill, 151, 286–87
MSNBC, 53, 75
Muscatine, Lissa, 39, 58, 315–16
Myers, Dee Dee, 3
My Turn
(Nancy Reagan), 129
National Cathedral School, 270
National Governors Association, 51
National Guard, 119, 210
National Health Care Reform, 239
National Institutes of Health, 186
National Park Service, 113, 137
National Women’s Conference, 254
Naval Academy, U.S., 221, 262
Neel, Roy, 171
Newhouse News Service, 180
, 228
New York
, 184
New Yorker
, 51
New York Post
, 240
New York Times
, 34, 51, 52, 179, 240, 258, 262
Nicaragua, 234
9/11, 19, 77, 164
Nixon, Ed, 207, 321
Nixon, Pat
Betty Ford’s support of, 13–14, 296–97
and changes to White House décor, 252–53
Christmas gifts of, 77
conflict between East and West Wing staff, 26–27, 174–84
correspondence with Barbara Bush of, 43
death of, 321
divorce rumors about, 182
early life and courtship of, 205–6
on Ford’s pardon, 297
foreign trips of, 109–210, 178–79
former first ladies’ support for, 77
Good Housekeeping
’s list of Most Admired Women, 13
heart surgery for child arranged by, 186
Hillary’s sympathy for, 57