First Time: Penny's Story (First Time (Penny) Book 1) (32 page)

BOOK: First Time: Penny's Story (First Time (Penny) Book 1)
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It’ll get warm here soon,”
I said, pulling the duvet tighter around my shoulders.

For you.” He waved his arms
up and down to demonstrate how not-covered they were by the
blanket. “I’m basically just wearing fluffy down

Ooh, I didn’t think about
that.” I tapped a fingernail against my front teeth as I considered
our problem. I’d been looking forward to cuddling, as well as
getting dirty, but he was right; he would freeze to death out here
in just his shirt. I would have to speed things along. “You know
what? I can just pull the blanket over my head—”

I didn’t wait for an answer before wriggling
down farther on the chaise and pushing the duvet up to replace the
space where my body had been. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?” I
called up to him.

Not really, no.” His reply
came through the thick, muffling layer of down.

I opened his fly and slid my hand inside to
grip him. “How about now?”

I curled my fingers around
his shaft. He was half-erect already, as if he’d been envisioning
this exact same outcome. “Well, that
a little better, now that you
mention it.”

There was something almost meditative about
lazily gliding his foreskin up and down. I didn’t have to think
about anything except the measured pace of my hand and the way his
chest rose and fell a little faster as I stroked him. I licked my
lips and leaned closer, until I felt just the heat of his skin near
my lips. I blew a long, soft breath across the tip of him. The vein
along the underside of his shaft thrummed harder, which was
thoroughly gratifying. I barely parted my lips to brush them
against the head. His hips lifted up, and I laughed, my mouth still
pressed to his cock.

Before I’d met Ian, there
had been no possibility that one day I would be so carefree about
sex that sucking dick on a Brooklyn roof wouldn’t faze me. Sure, I
wasn’t entirely
fazed, and I was hidden from view by the thickest, warmest
blanket in New York, but with Ian, I could act on all sorts of
impulses that were once sexually out of my league, and I never once
got the impression he would judge me for it.

I pulled his foreskin up to cover the head of
his penis and ran my tongue all the way around, then pushed my
tongue beneath that flexible skin. I’d read up on blow jobs online,
and every website I’d looked at had suggested that particular move.
They hadn’t misled me; I took him into my mouth and heard him
exclaim, “Jesus!”

Getting Ian to take the Lord’s name in vain
as a curse word wasn’t that difficult in general conversation, but
hearing him blaspheme during sex was somehow extra hot. Especially
after church.

Did that make me a church pervert or

Rather than examine those implications, I
took him into my mouth, all the way to the back of my throat, and
triggered my gag reflex. Not enough to puke all over him—Sophie’s
vividly worded shower-blow-job-emesis story came disgustingly to
mind—but enough that he would hear it. The first time it had
happened, it had been an accident, but he’d made the most delighted
sound when he’d heard it; I hadn’t been able to help myself since.
Plus, it made me drool a ridiculous amount, which he’d confessed to
really enjoying, so I kept doing it.

Another great tip I’d gotten from the
websites I’d visited was to go slowly and change it up, so you
wouldn’t hurt your neck. I took this good advice to heart, letting
my hand do some of the work as I licked and sucked. I pressed my
thighs together; the crotch of my panties was wet. I leaned on one
elbow to tug them down halfway then let the natural shifting of
positions wiggle me out of them altogether.

It occurred to me I could get Ian off with my
mouth; he would make sure I had an orgasm, whether we had
intercourse or not. But I really wanted to fuck him. I debated this
for a while, until I settled on jumping to a finishing move and
letting him decide how to proceed.

I rubbed my lips up and down the underside of
his shaft. The little vertical ridge right beneath the head was
super-sensitive, and if I kept concentrating on that, he would have
to stop me soon. He fumbled a hand beneath the blanket to touch the
top of my head. “Why don’t you come back up here before I embarrass

Why should you be
embarrassed?” I asked, but I toed my panties from my ankle and came
up for air. The cold was surprisingly tolerable; giving head under
a blanket for an extended period of time got you all sweaty. “You
always say that. Trust me, I would be so pleased to make you come
too soon.”

I knew I’d gotten close before. I would break
him, eventually.

You’d be pleased? How would
I fuck you?” He leaned up and steadied me with his hands on my
ribs, just beneath my breasts, so I could straddle his lap. Then he
got his shocked, blinky face on. It was one of my top five favorite
Ian facial expressions. “You had panties on when we left the house,
didn’t you?”

What kind of pervert did he think I was? My
jaw had just gotten too much of a workout to hang open the way it
did. “Of course I did!”

I rummaged behind me for physical evidence
and presented him with my satiny pink underwear. They went from my
hand straight to his nose.

Oh my god, that’s so
gross!” It didn’t really bother me to see him sniff my panties;
after all, he spent a lot of our time together with his face in my
pussy. But I couldn’t help my reaction. I may not have been totally
clueless about sex before, but knowing about something and
experiencing it have much different levels of shock value. The way
he savored the scent of me jarred me into realizing how sexy he
found me, and I was still kind of timid when it came to my own
perception of myself as a sexual person.

Not at all. You’re one of
my favorite smells.” The low, serious tone of his voice made it
clear that he was not joking, and I got a tingly thrill. I ground
myself against the length of his erection. It would have been so
easy to just shift and slide onto it.

His breath hitched. “We have to go back
inside for that. I didn’t come prepared.”

Well, we’d better go inside
I thought, and I was very proud of
myself for how rational and even-headed it was.

I wasn’t going to
that, if I could get
Ian to go along with me, but I was impressed that I had enough
non-horny brain cells to come up with a responsible

Oh, just this once? Just
for a little bit?” I begged. It wasn’t fair, I knew, to keep
rubbing my pussy all over his cock as I asked, but my hips moved of
their own volition. “Just to know what it feels like.”

He made the pained face of a person who saw
their future self doing something they should know better than to
do. “Just as long as you’re aware that this could have potentially
unintended consequences up to and including—”

I had health class, Ian.” I
rolled my eyes at him. We’d already done a risk analysis
conversation about our sexual pasts. As for the likelihood of
getting pregnant, the chances of that happening this one single
time were like, ridiculous odds. Become-a-millionaire odds.
Besides, “You could always just pull out.”

Well, here’s hoping,” he
said, all the resolve he might have been able to muster leeching
out of his voice.

He lifted me up before I could even move, and
I reached between us to position our parts. It took a little
wriggle to get him inside, and I sat back, sliding myself onto him
fully. We both groaned.

Without the condom between
us, I felt more of him. More heat, more texture, and definitely
more stimulation as the ridges and veins rolled through me as I
moved on him. I squeezed my eyes shut at the unbelievable
difference. “

Hey, they have their place.
I’ve had some very good times that wouldn’t have been possible
without them.”

I was glad that he had, because he was
passing a lot of that experience onto me. And obviously, if he
hadn’t been responsible in the past, I wouldn’t want to have
unprotected sex with him now. But I wasn’t an idiot; I liked this
enough that I was going to call my gyno first thing in the morning
and look into hormonal birth control. I laughed at how easily I’d
come to that decision, when it had been at the back of my mind for
the past month. “Shut up and let me feel this.”

Everything I did got a reaction out of him,
whether he realized it or not. When I clenched around him, he
stopped breathing. When I rocked fast on him, he dug his fingers
into my thighs. When I went too slowly, he lifted up impatiently
beneath me, as if he were threatening to take matters into his own
hands, or cock, as it were. And I guess I went a little too slowly
for him, because he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down.
The position restricted my movement and made good on that implied
threat, that he would drive us both if I wouldn’t keep my hands on
the wheel. He thrust into me fast as he held me captive in a
dizzying kiss.

My skirt bunched up between us and scratched
my belly. The top felt suddenly too tight, and the underwire in my
bra chafed my perspiring skin. “Get my zipper.”

You’ll freeze to death.” He
bit my earlobe playfully.

Shit, that was right. We were on a roof. And
here I wanted to take my clothes off, when it was snowing all
around us.

Snow would be really good for cooling off. I
gasped, “I don’t care. I’m burning up.”

His hand fumbled at my back, then I heard the
whiz of the zipper, and the dress became mercifully looser. I
pulled it over my head and tossed it aside. A gust of wind caught
it. Oh god, I hoped it wouldn’t blow away! Ian and I both stared at
it until it came a stop on the floor, and I heaved an inward sigh
of relief as I unfastened my front-closure bra. Ian watched me
reveal myself as though I were about to unveil a finely restored
painting or present him with a culinary masterpiece. Then he pulled
the duvet around me and started to thrust again, and I pushed down
on him at the same tempo.

It felt better than before. It felt…well,
extremely naughty, to be on the roof of a building, outside, in a
city of millions of people, riding my fully clothed boyfriend while
I was completely naked. It was even naughtier that I didn’t care
and that I was actually getting off on the idea. In fact, I was
going to make myself come, and I didn’t care a bit if anyone

I reached between us and slid my middle
finger over my clit. His cock put pressure exactly where I needed
it. “That!” I shouted, hoping he took it as a compliment when I
slapped my other palm against his chest. “Don’t stop doing

I was going to come. Right there, on the
rooftop, in an icy wind that hopefully would muffle the sound of my
cries, I was going to come. I leaned back, my muscles stretching
and tightening as his cock pressed mercilessly against my g-spot.
Ian edged me along with shallow thrusts and sharp moans of his own.
I was close. My pussy fluttered around him, ready to clench and
squeeze and—

With an agonized groan, he pulled out of me,
still thrusting his cock between us. The full, slick length of him
sawed over my clit for the space of a blink before the building
pleasure exploded, sending shockwaves from the epicenter of my clit
all the way to the tips of my fingers and toes. He grabbed my hips
and kept me moving, extending the pleasure when I would have
stopped. He jerked his shirt up, threw his head back, and groaned
as he shot pearly ropes of semen over his stomach.

I couldn’t hold myself up, anymore, and
though I knew it was going to be a big, sticky mess, I flopped onto
his chest anyway. “I know.” I laughed. “I thought about it, but I’m
too tired to stay up.”

He managed to pull his shirt and undershirt
over his head without jostling me too much. If we stayed there much
longer, I would fall asleep. I was never so comfortable as I was in
his arms. I snuggled my face into his neck. “I can’t believe we
just did that on the roof.”

We’re on the

I gave him a playful push. “By the way, that
feels really good. Can we do that all the time?”

If you don’t mind using an
alternate method of birth control.”

Well, obviously. I wanted to
have Ian’s babies. I just wanted to have them
. “Okay, I’ll look into it. And
as soon as I have something, we’re doing it this way every

Can we change the venue to
somewhere warmer next time?” he asked, and I remembered his earlier
comment. He held his breath as I reached between our bodies to cup
his balls.

See? They didn’t freeze

He slapped my butt, and I squealed. The
temperature was swiftly becoming an issue, so we cleaned up with
his shirt, grabbed my dress and panties, and hurried into the
elevator. He snagged me into a cocoon of his body and the duvet,
and I was powerless to do anything about it with my clothes folded
over my arms.

Do we still have any of
that ice cream from the other night?” I asked.

I think so.”

I smiled at him and hit the button for the
lowest level.

It was so nice to be warm, or at least,
warming up. Ice cream was a silly idea, considering the fact that
we’d just been fucking in the Arctic Circle, but I needed something

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