First Time: Penny's Story (First Time (Penny) Book 1) (28 page)

BOOK: First Time: Penny's Story (First Time (Penny) Book 1)
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I stood on legs that were still basically
jelly and tentatively put my arms around his shoulders, bringing
our bodies together, skin to skin, every bare inch against every
bare inch for the first time. The length of his erection pushed
against my stomach. His arms encircled me, and I leaned my cheek
against his chest.

Do you still want to do
this?” he asked softly.

Yes. More than anything, I wanted to do this.
“Yeah. I really do.”

I turned around and pulled the duvet back.
The slight bend of my waist made me seriously consider just leaning
over and letting him fuck me from behind, but that seemed kind of
advanced for a beginner.

Now, for the potentially embarrassing part. I
slid onto the bed and looked up at him, hoping I didn’t appear as
nervous as I felt. “Look…I’m not sure if it’s true that you bleed
the first time, or… I mean, if you don’t want your sheets messed
up… The internet says no, that doesn’t happen, but my friends in
high school said that it does—”

I wouldn’t know,” he said,
brushing the backs of his knuckles down my cheek. “I’ve never been
anyone’s first. But I promise, I’m going to be careful. And the
sheets are the last thing on my mind.”

He retrieved the condom from the folds of the
bedding and tore the wrapper open. I watched, fascinated, as he
rolled it on.

Aren’t you supposed to put
a drop of lube in there, so it feels better?” I asked, remembering
something I’d read in Cosmo. “Do you have any lube?”

I do, but the last thing I
need is more stimulation. I’m worried about lasting long enough as
it is,” he said, opening his nightstand. He took out a black bottle
with a pump top. “Probably better if we use some for you, just to
make things easier.”

He was worried about lasting
long enough? Like, he was
turned on by me? My skin pricked all over with
goose bumps. “How do you want me?”

He frowned, squirting a few drops of the lube
into his palm. “I think that’s up to you. Whatever you want.”

Okay.” I shivered as I
watched him slick the gel down his cock. My bottom lip trembled,
and I didn’t know why, but I felt like I might cry, despite how
much I was anticipating this. “I think I want you on

Why couldn’t I be sexy? Like, even for two

My total non-sexiness didn’t seem like a
deterrent, because Ian practically leapt onto the bed, between my
legs. He kissed me, my mouth, my neck, the hollow of my throat and
the tops of my breasts. All the while, the tip of him prodded
against me, but never quite made it inside.

Are you ready?” he
whispered beside my ear.

I gripped his shoulders and lifted my head to
whisper back, “Yes.”

His hand moved between us to
guide himself.
This is it.
My toes curled against the sheets in tense
anticipation. I’d imagined this in hundreds of different ways,
tried to figure out how it would feel. I’d compared it to fingering
myself, because it just made sense to me. But the head of his cock
pushed against me, and I realized how wrong that comparison was. I
was slick, the condom was slick, and the lack of friction made
everything seem so fast. I stretched, and he was in. At least, a
little. It didn’t hurt, but I definitely felt full to capacity, and
he was barely inside.

He looked up, and his expression flickered to
panic as our eyes met, so I must have looked scared out of my mind.
I kind of felt scared out of my mind. Out of control, at least.

Are you all right? Do you
want me to—” he asked, moving like he would pull out.

No, keep going,” I

He pushed deeper, and I spread my legs wider.
He withdrew a little, and my muscles tensed.

I hate to ask,” he began,
his voice pained. “But it feels like you’re going to snap my cock
off. Is there anything I can do to help you relax?”

Oh! I’m sorry!” I laughed.
I sounded like a crazy person. I took a deep breath and blew it
out, closing my eyes. “This is just really exciting. And a little
nerve wracking.”

Well, you’re doing fine,”
he reassured me. He leaned down to kiss me, sliding deeper as my
mouth opened under his.

I turned my head away to gasp, “Oh my god,
Ian!” against his cheek. I wanted something from him, but my brain
and my body were too confused to articulate what, exactly, I was
looking for. He withdrew and stroked back in, gentle and slow. I
wanted him to really be inside, so that our bodies were flush
against each other. “You can go deeper. You’re not hurting me.”

He obliged me on the next stroke, filling me
until he bumped my cervix, and I startled. He pulled back. “Too

No, it’s perfect, I just…
I’m surprised by how different this feels—” The pitch of my voice
rose with the slow drag of his cock as he pulled back. I shifted
under him. I didn’t know what to do with my hands, so I tentatively
laid one on his shoulder and the other on the small of his back. I
pushed my face into the bend of his neck. His cologne smelled
amazing. “Please fuck me. For real. Please.”

For real?” I heard the
amusement in his voice. He reached to snag one of my legs and pull
it up, around his waist, opening me wider as he moved.

I tipped my head back and rocked with the
rhythm he set up, slow and steady. It felt good, but I still needed
more sensation to take me all the way. “Um, do you mind if I…play
with myself a little?”

Fuck, no, I don’t mind,” he
practically growled. “I want to feel you come.”

I slipped my hand between us. The angle was
different, and I definitely didn’t have much wiggle room. Curiosity
drove my fingers lower, to feel where his cock glided in and out of
me. He groaned when I spread my fingers around him.

There wasn’t a single thing about the night
that I was going to forget. Not the feeling of his hands on me, not
the way he smelled or how his chest hair felt scraping over my
nipples. Not the panting sound of his breath or the flex of his
hips between my legs, or the way his body seemed so much bigger, so
much stronger and thrillingly intimidating when I was under him. My
fingers slid over my clit, and it only took me a few seconds to
reach the edge. My feet cramped, and I heard myself moaning, but
all but one sense, tactile sensation, had faded into the
background. I dug my nails into Ian’s back and practically screamed
as my orgasm washed through my body. My internal muscles seized on
him in sharp pulses, and my limbs went weak. I clung to his
shoulders, not exactly sobbing, but not exactly moaning, either. I
was so overwhelmed, I blurted, “Oh my god, I’m actually having

Ah, Doll, not for much
longer, I’m afraid.” He laughed, out of breath, and kissed me.
Then, with an almost disappointed-sounding groan, he drove deep,
his body jerking and trembling over me. His cock pulsed in me, and
I realized with a shock that he’d just come, buried so deep in me I
couldn’t breathe.

After that, it was like all the strength had
poured out of his body. He eased out gently and rolled off me, onto
his back. Still breathing heavy, he caught my hand and brought it
to his lips. “You all right, Doll?”

Yeah.” I blinked up at the
sky through the window over our heads. “Yeah, I expected that I
would be… I don’t know. Weepy? That I would feel some profound
sense of transition from one phase of my life to the next? But I

Fair enough. How do you
feel?” He reached for something in the dark. Probably a tissue so
he could take off the condom.

That supposition was confirmed when he
flinched and hissed a second later. I covered my mouth to keep from

I feel…tired. And really,
really good. Can I have two orgasms every time we do it?” I rolled
onto my stomach to lean up on my elbows beside him. He was so
handsome I couldn’t resist dropping a kiss on his cheek.

God, minimum, I hope.” He
grimaced. “Maybe I’ll last longer than five minutes next

It’s okay. I think probably
a little bit of sex the first time is better than way too much
sex.” I reached between my legs. I was definitely puffy and a
little bit sore. “But it didn’t hurt at all.”

Thank God!” He put his
hands over his face and mumbled through them, “That was my biggest
fear, doing this.”

I know. Which is why I
wasn’t nervous.” It was a lie but a harmless one. I would have been
nervous no matter who I’d done it with. With Ian, those nerves had
been at a minimum.

This may sound a bit
creepy. You’ll have to just forgive me for that,” he began
haltingly. “But thank you. I know you waited a long time, and I
know how much this meant to you. So, thank you for letting me share
it with you.”

I leaned over to kiss him. “I love you. I
know I didn’t say it when you did, but I felt it, then. I just
wanted it to be…special.”

You’re special, Penny
Parker.” He cupped my jaw with his big hand. “And I love you,

* * * *

Sleeping naked next to someone, feeling all of
their skin, their entire body pressed against yours, it was…sweaty.
Really, super sweaty. I hoped Ian didn’t notice how gross I was
when he woke up. I tried to wipe some of my perspiration off on the
sheet before he opened his eyes.

The alarm clock on the
bedside table read ten-thirty in the morning. That was some serious
sleeping in for me. My bladder was more than aware of it. I rolled
out of bed, praying I wouldn’t sneeze or cough or laugh or even
just walk too fast. I kicked the bathroom door closed behind me and
sat on the toilet, groaning in relief as I urinated. Dammit, that
was another
tip I’d forgotten! I was supposed to have peed after sex, so I
wouldn’t get a bladder infection.

When I wiped, a little pink showed on the
toilet paper, and my whole general area was sore. I guess any body
part ached after you introduced it to a new exercise. I just hoped
it would fade quickly so we could do it again.

I hurried back out to the bed, feeling pretty
awesome about my nakedness. Nothing to be modest about, now. The
thought put a little swagger in my step. And why not? I felt
amazing. Like a big ashamed-of-my-virginity shaped weight had been
magically lifted from my shoulders. I wanted to shout it from every
rooftop in New York.

Oh my god! Rosa!

Ian was still snoring away—I was so glad I
didn’t snore, that would be mortifying—and snuck downstairs to get
my phone. Walking around his bedroom naked was one thing, but
walking around his apartment naked? I felt super exposed in the
wide-open space, in front of all those damn windows. I ran on the
balls of my feet to the sofa, where that soft white knitted throw
was, and snatched it up.

A pair of jeans slid off the back of the

Are these the same…” I
frowned, trying to wrap the throw around myself and get a better
look at the pants. They were. They were the same jeans, he’d just
re-hidden them.

Wow. Ian’s life was a mess.

I slipped my feet into the pants and pulled
them up. They were way too big for me. I cinched the belt to the
tightest hole and rolled up the legs, then pulled the throw around
me like a poncho and shuffled off to get my purse.

My phone’s battery was almost dead, so when
Rosa answered, I greeted her with, “I had sex last night!”

I’m at the post office,”
she said, her voice a forced normal.

Don’t care. Put me on
speakerphone, if you want. I will not care.” I flicked my gaze
upward and tiptoed away from the open section of ceiling. I would
be fine with the post office hearing my squee, but Ian would tease
me mercilessly.

So, the parent test
worked?” she asked.

I nodded, even though she wouldn’t be able to
see me. “He flipped out. He called them monsters.”

He did not!”

He did! He basically called
them the worst parents in the world, which, you know, they are. Oh,
and by the way, that whole family curse thing? Was a total

I knew that.”

,” I said, ignoring her, “we got fortune cookies, and mine

Skip to the dirty part. I’m
almost at the front of the line,” she ordered.

I took a deep breath. “We came back here, and
I was like, ‘I want tonight to be the night,’ and he took me
upstairs and basically had me accessing the Akashic records, I came
so hard.”

Good job, Ian.” I heard the
smile in Rosa’s voice. “Are you back home now? I want

No, I’m at his place. He’s
still asleep, actually.”

Well, have a good time,”
she sing-songed.

Oh please, we’re not doing
it again right now. I’m way too sore.” But not too sore for more
oral action. I might actually suggest that when he woke up. I could
even go down on him. I could wake him up that way. And maybe I
wasn’t actually too—

You’re going to do it
again,” Rosa said flatly. “Welcome to the point of the relationship
where all you do is fuck.” Something muffled the mic on her phone,
and I heard Rosa snap, “Then maybe you shouldn’t listen to other
people’s conversations!” She came back on. “I have to go, I’m next
in line. Do not think we’re not celebrating. You only lose your
virginity once.”

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