Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) (34 page)

BOOK: Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)
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Elijah could hear Sam’s breathing as she crouched beside him. “Where are we going now?” she asked.

He pointed across the way. “We are going to get more help.”

“Do we have to sneak into another prison?” she asked evasively.

He looked at her wrinkled forehead. “No,” he answered grinning. “We are going to my home.”

“Oohh… interesting!”

They took off along the wall, careful to cling to the darkness. It didn’t take long before the silhouette of their hideout emerged. Elijah peered across the flat roofs as Sam shuffled nearby. He reached out his hand and she stopped.

He watched the shadows carefully, trying to detect any movements, but saw none. Slowly, they approached the dark structure. The air was completely still as Elijah continued to stare. He took a deep breath and said, “This is it.”

After a quick wave of the hand, he whispered, “Come on.” The two scaled up the wall to an awaiting door at the top. It wouldn’t budge so Elijah tried a window. After a second shove, it broke free and he jumped into his room. Immediately, he was filled with emptiness when he remembered saying goodbye to all his friends. His nostrils filled with the familiar scents of home as he slowly paced. He shuddered in the dead quiet with Sam by his side.

The floor creaked and Elijah jerked around. “I didn’t expect you to come back,” said a familiar voice when out stepped his friend Karim.

Instantly, Elijah beamed. “Karim! It’s you!” he exclaimed and threw open his arms.

Karim grabbed him, smiling. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he replied.

“It’s good to see you,” said Elijah, gently pulling back. He couldn’t believe that his friend was there and started wondering about the others. Suddenly a crash from the other room caused him to jump again. He couldn’t see anything in the dark until a tall shadow started to approach. He squinted as an older man appeared. A closer look told him that it was Markis, the shop owner. Elijah’s hand immediately felt the pouch that Sam had returned.

Markis broke the silence. “I remember you. The one who wanted a necklace made for the prince,” he said snickering.

Karim and Elijah chuckled. “Yeah! That was me,” answered Elijah.

Karim reached out to Elijah. “What are you doing here?” he probed.

“I’m here to take back the city,” he said.

Karim’s eyes grew wide.

“Where is everyone, Karim?”

Karim walked toward the open window and stared toward the palace. “They are gone, Elijah. They were taken by Karam’s men.”

Instantly, Elijah was by Karim’s side. “What?” he said.

“He plans to execute them tomorrow.”

Elijah clenched his fists. “How crazy is this man! Will he not kill the entire city?”

Karim glanced back. “His bandits have complete control of the city. There is nothing we can do. He will kill them, the sultan, the city guards, and your precious princess.”

Markis stepped closer. “He is the devil, I tell you! He is not a man! He’s a demon from the underworld!” he said scowling.

Elijah’s fists grew tighter. “We will stop him,” he shouted.

Karim pleaded. “How, Elijah? He is going to have the executions tomorrow! What can you possibly do?”

Elijah grabbed Karim’s shoulders. “I have a plan and I need your help, Karim.”

Karim immediately pulled back. “I have done nothing but help you in the past, Elijah, and nothing good has
come out of it! In fact, it’s because of you that this all started in the first place!”

Elijah’s eyes widened. “Then, let me fix it! I need your help, Karim! We can do this! I have help! I am not alone this time. Karam is going to get what’s coming to him. I promise you that!”

“Elijah, quit…,” said Karim, shaking his head.

“I rescued the city guards! I saved some crusaders, and now they are going to help us, Karim!”

“What?” exclaimed Karim.

Then Sam spoke up. “It’s true! He did! We have a small army now!”

Karim’s eyes darted between the two. “Who?”

Elijah quickly motioned toward his blonde friend. “This is Sam, by the way. She is a barbarian,” he said grinning.

“A what?” answered Karim.

Elijah’s face started to beam again. “We can do this, Karim. I know I let you down in the past. But this time is different. Let’s make our mark on history today and let’s save this city,” he declared.

Finally, a smile crossed Karim’s face. “Well. I don’t want to sit around here all day while my friends are in need of help.”

Elijah stepped toward the door. “Come on. I have some people that I want you to meet.”

“Let me get my sword,” nodded Karim.

Markis stepped back into a shadow. “If you don’t mind, I think I will hide out here for a bit. You know, keep a good look out?”

Elijah smiled. “That sounds good to me. Here,” he exclaimed, and handed over the silver and the emerald.

Markis’s eyes widened.

Emphatically, Elijah asked, “Can you make me a necklace of a hummingbird, please?”

Markis stuttered. “I…”

“Thank you,” replied Elijah, smiling as he turned to go.

Back by Karim, he quickly said, “All right, let’s do this!” And they left the hideout.


Elijah heard the commotion long before he turned the corner facing the prison. He peered around as the voices grew louder, hand outstretched. Karim and Sam pressed up against the dark wall. Ghais and his city guards faced the crusaders, all with their blades drawn.

Darrel’s voice was unmistakable. “I will kill you where you stand, pig!” he shouted.

“Crusader scum! Your death is near!” shouted Ghais, waving his sword.

Elijah sprang from the shadows. “Hey! Stop!” he shouted.

Aiken wiped his forehead. “Elijah! I am glad you came. We are just short of having a bloody fight right here.”

“Enough, Ghais! They are here to help!” demanded Elijah.

Ghais yelled back. “What! Help us take our city and then keep it for themselves?”

Then Darrel stepped forward. “Look how many of us there are, you dope! There are not enough of us to secure a city! Oh, the stupidity!”

Edward leaned hard on his walking stick. “Enough, Darrel!” he shouted.

No sooner had Edward spoken then did they all start bickering again, threatening to kill one another.

Aiken shook his head.

“Reminds me of supper back home,” snickered Sam.

Kun suddenly broke through the guards. “Hey!” he shouted.

Everyone turned toward the voice.

“Kun!” exclaimed Elijah.

Kun paused, chest heaving. “The black powder is set in barrels alongside the palace walls where he will be holding his executions,” he said in between gasps of air.

Aiken scratched his head. “Won’t the hostages be in danger if we fire them off?” he asked.

Kun nodded. “Yes, but they are spread out enough for you to choose one that is furthest from the hostages.”

“Well done, Kun,” said Edward smiling.

“How did you get the barrels without getting caught?” asked Elijah.

Kun winked. “Easy! Karam even wanted the Acrobats to put on a show for his executions, so we just put them there as part of the stage, or so he thinks.”

Elijah quickly frowned. “He would have acrobats put on a show to glorify him,” he scoffed. He could feel the pressure building when the horrible thought of Karam being near Natalia crossed his mind.

Ghais glanced at Elijah. “What is the plan!? How are we going to infiltrate the palace?” he asked.

But Aiken intervened. “We need a distraction. We were hoping your men could be that for us.”

“And have us slaughtered! You’re mad!” scowled Ghais.

“That would give us positions on the roof. We can provide archery support. Plus, when the time is right, I can set the tip of my arrow on fire, igniting the black powder. We have already scouted out the city. We know the best vantage points from the palace,” continued Aiken.

After a brief pause, Ghais replied. “Whatever we’re going to do, we need to set up quickly! We are supposed to be executed today! They will send some bandits to gather us up.”

Aiken shrugged. “Then, some of us will stay and help you disband them,” he said.

Suddenly, Elijah blurted out, “I know the secret passage into the palace. I will take a few people and try and sneak in from behind.”

Ghais spun around. “You what? How do you know that?” he yelled.

Elijah smiled and turned to his friend. “Kun. You will be in charge of keeping Karam entertained. You must keep him distracted long enough so that I can get through and help the hostages. Ghais, you must trust Aiken. Keep him focused until we can get behind the palace walls and open the gate.”

Caleb had been listening quietly. “What about the chimera and his tamer?” he asked.

“I didn’t think about that,” said Elijah frowning.

Aiken quickly replied. “Let it out. We can take it out with our arrows.”

Elijah sighed. “Right! Aiken, come with me. I will show you where a few of the crusaders can position themselves. It’s very close to the palace. You can probably hit some bandits from that vantage point.”

Nodding, Aiken continued. “Take us there, friend.”

“Right. We need to hurry,” said Elijah as he walked over to Karim. “Will you go with me into the palace?”

Karim beamed at his friend. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Just as Elijah patted Karim’s shoulder, Sam piped up. “I’m coming with you!”

Caleb also stepped forward. “So am I.”

Elijah thought about it for a moment and looked back at Caleb. “I know the palace, Elijah. I can lead you to where Karam is,” reasoned Caleb.

Elijah waved his hand. “All right. Come on.”

“Do not let him out of your sight, Elijah,” demanded Kun, practically yelling.

“I won’t. Come on. Let’s get ready.”

As Elijah, Karim, Sam, Caleb and Aiken hurried to the house Elijah had chosen, they looked at the passersby in amazement. Elijah noticed how fearful they looked. Even the children had no smiles. He couldn’t ignore the slumped shoulders of a group of men, briskly walking into a building.
Karam caused this
, he thought as he drew his hood closer. The others followed suit, doing their best to conceal their identities. Elijah pointed toward a house and grabbed onto a wall. Soon, they stood together on top while Elijah dreamed of Natalia.
This is where we would meet
, he thought. His stomach suddenly fluttered.

The palace stood before them in its entire splendor. As Elijah stared at the wall, he had a difficult time thinking Karam was inside, ruining his princess’s life. Down below, people milled about near the palace entrance. He pointed across the street. “I can see the barrels from here,” he said, eyeing four perfectly spaced wooden containers at the base of the long wall.

“This is where I would meet Natalia at night…,” said Elijah softly, letting his voice trail off.

Aiken smiled. “You will meet her here again, Elijah. I truly believe that.”

Elijah nodded. “I know.” A quick glance down showed Kun helping the acrobats setting up. In minutes, the crowd nearly tripled in size. Nearly a dozen bandits rode away as Aiken set his bow and arrows onto the roof’s surface. Elijah glanced back across, only to see a steady stream of bandits emerge onto the top of the wall. His heart immediately started pounding. “What is going on?” he demanded.

Karim stuttered, “…I…I…”

Aiken immediately bent down and struck his flint. One of the arrow tips burst into flame.

The bandits steady flow hadn’t stopped as the people thronged down below. “They are starting!” shouted Karim.

“What!? No! It’s too soon!” Suddenly, several men flew through the air, meeting in mid-air, and releasing their hold as soon as they touched. Kun watched his friends perform from the street as the commotion continued to grow. “This can’t be! We’re not ready!” shouted Elijah.

Elijah grabbed a bag and turned to go. “Karim, Caleb! We have to go now!” he shouted.

“Elijah! Wait!” said Aiken.

“There is no time to wait!”

Sam suddenly shouted. “I’m coming too!”

Elijah scowled. “No! Not this time! You have to stay with Aiken in case he needs help. Come on Karim.”

Aiken shouted over the trumpets in the background. “Elijah! Wait!” But it was too late as the small group bounded across the roof and disappeared into the crowd.

Chapter 46

hush instantly came
over the crowded street when Zeke appeared on the second story terrace above the street. With his sword pressed hard against the sultan’s back, they walked into view above the people. One of the Sultan’s hands, bound behind, dripped red. The people just stared when the wall came alive with bandits, screaming and cheering. Elijah had just reached the roof tops and glanced back at the commotion, realizing that he needed to be there. He waved to the others and ran back in the other direction. Soon, he rejoined his friends and they ran over to the edge of the roof. The three of them, he Karim and Aiken, watched as even more bandits flooded onto the large, open area.

“It’s the Sultan!” exclaimed Karim.

Elijah stood, motionless, expecting the princess any second. His chest throbbed painfully.

Aiken stepped in front of Caleb and shouted, “Curses!”

Karim’s eyes were fixed on the opening to the palace. “Elijah….It’s the…,” he stuttered.

Tears pooled in Elijah’s eyes when her beautiful face appeared out of the darkness. Two bandits prodded her along as if she were an animal. Elijah quickly leaned up against the wall, holding his stomach. He suddenly doubled over in pain. He glanced back but couldn’t keep looking. His mind flared with anger that he wasn’t able to prevent this terrible display of insanity. His head felt like it was going to explode. Through his tears, he watched her being shoved along toward an awaiting pole beside her father. Karam drug her by her arm and strapped her around the rough wood. Elijah’s clenched fist rose and fell as Karam groped her body and kissed her neck for all to see.

That’s all he could take when he shouted, “Let’s go.”

Aiken just stared.

“We have to go, now!” shouted Elijah again.

Aiken looked into his tear-filled eyes. “Wait for the right time, Elijah!”

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