Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) (31 page)

BOOK: Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)
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Kun had just finished telling him about some of his ventures. Elijah smiled. “I was really impressed with your fighting ability today,” he said.

Kun replied. “Thank you. I was taught since I was but a child.”

“I can tell,” answered Elijah, nodding.

“How much further until we get to Habarga?” Kun asked.

“Probably two days. I will go half way with you, and I will give you the directions,” said Elijah.

Kun frowned. “Why can’t you come with?”

Elijah paused for a moment. “I, well, I am exiled from that place,” he said.

“Really? What did you do?” answered Kun.

Elijah grinned. “Rescued a crusader, loved a princess. You know, just the normal thing to do to get exiled.”

Both men chuckled as Kun continued. “Really? A princess?”

Elijah smiled. “Yeah.”

Kun grinned. “How many times have you told this story?”

“Too many.”

Kun nodded as they continued across the sands.

“What about you? Been exiled much?”

“No. I have not,” replied Kun frowning.

“So does your caravan just travel the world?”

Kun looked at the ground. “Yes. It is the only thing I could do to get away from my country.”

“Where are you from?”

Kun’s voice suddenly lowered. “I belong to the Sun Empire. It is corrupt and has been since our new emperor took over.”

Elijah glanced off into the distance. “I am sorry to hear that. Seems like no place has honest leaders now.”

“When I was a child, we were very prosperous. But when Emperor Sun Lou took over, everything seemed to fall by the way side,” said Kun.

“I am sorry, Kun.”

“I have been meaning to go back. However, when that child stole our precious artifact, it delayed me,” said Kun scowling.

Elijah continued. “Are you looking forward to going back home?”

Kun shrugged. “Yes and no. I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family. However, I received a letter that my sister was kidnapped. I was planning on leaving immediately. But, right when I read the letter, our artifact was stolen! I am afraid the universe was against me that day.”

Elijah quietly replied just as several soaring birds cast their shadow in front of them. “Well, I will be thinking about her, Kun. I pray that everything will be okay.”

“Everything is corrupt. Even the guards and army are corrupt. If someone goes missing, you cannot count on the law to help you. But, you must do it yourself. So when I get back, I will be hunting for my sister,” said Kun.

Elijah paused again. “I wish I could help,” he said.

Kun bowed slightly. “Thank you. What about you? What will you do?” he asked.

Again, Elijah shrugged. “I don’t know. I ran into some crusaders heading over here. This is what the root is for,” he replied grinning and raised up Antilles gift. “After that, I was promised that all my heart’s desires would come true. I am starting to doubt it now.”

Kun glanced at Elijah as he paused.

“Maybe, I will just be a barbarian, and explore the desert for the rest of my life,” said Elijah laughing.

Kun grinned. “I am sure the universe has bigger plans for you.”

“Perhaps,” said Elijah as he stared of into the distance.

A female voice suddenly caused them to turn around. “Wait!” she said.

Kun said, “Who is that?” as he shielded the sun.

“It’s the girl that fed us in the pit!” exclaimed Elijah. He thought how he could never forget someone as beautiful as her.
Maybe, this is a dream
, he wondered as the image grew before his eyes.

Kun agreed. “You’re right. It is!”

By the time she reached them, she nearly collapsed trying to draw in another breath.

Elijah stared at the sun shining off her silky blonde hair. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, I am fine. I am coming with you,” she declared.

Elijah glanced at Kun. “Uh… what about your family?”

Her eyes grew wide. “My family does not care for me. I want to go with you,” she replied.

Elijah paused. “Sure, well, I mean, …,” Then he looked back at Kun. “You don’t even know where we are going.”

Her timid voice replied. “Any place is better than home.”

“What’s your name?” asked Elijah.

“My name is Sameen. But you can call me Sam.”

Elijah reached out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Sam, I am…”

But she quickly interrupted. “I know your names,” she said still huffing. “You told everyone at the arena, remember?”

“Oh, right. I guess I did.”

“So, why do you want to come with us?” asked Kun.

“I am supposed to avoid marrying Magnus, you know, the guy that knocked you out when you first arrived?”

Elijah scowled. “Yes. Thank you for reminding me.”

Sam continued. “You’re welcome. Well, I am too young to have children, and he says he wants 12. So I ran away.”

“Oh, well. I completely understand.

Kun stared. “Is that even possible?”

“I don’t know and I don’t want to know,” she exclaimed quietly.

“Well, won’t he be looking for you?” asked Elijah.

She replied evasively. “Maybe. But I know he won’t find me.”

Elijah listened as Kun replied. “The last thing we need are those barbarians chasing us down.”

“You’re right,” added Elijah.

Sam threw her shoulders back. “I can handle him if he does. Please let me go with you? I need to taste freedom,” she pleaded.

Elijah paused again. “Sure… That will be fine,” he finally said.

Suddenly, the beautiful girl from the desert jumped into Elijah’s arms. “Thank you so, so much!” she exclaimed.

Kun shook his head. “I hope you are making the right choice.”

Elijah grunted. “I haven’t made a right choice in so long, I think I forgot how to,” he replied.

Still shaking his head, Kun said. “Well. I still make right choices, and this doesn’t seem to be one of them.”

Sam beamed. “I won’t slow you down. I promise.”

Elijah held out his canteen. “Do you want some water?” he asked.

She smiled and nodded. “Please.”

While she drank, Kun turned to Elijah. “How much further to the crusader camp?” he asked.

Sam suddenly spit out a mouthful of water. “We are going to a crusader camp? Are we going to kill them?” she asked smiling.

“What? No! They are friends of mine,” blurted out Elijah.

“You are friends with crusaders?” asked Sam in disbelief.

“Yeah. They are all not that bad,” replied Elijah grinning.

Kun looked at the stunned girl. “Will you be okay with that?” he asked.

Sam smiled. “Oh, yeah. I have never actually had a conversation with one. I am sure it will be…fun…” she said.

Elijah let her slide to the ground as he turned. “Well, come on!”

Chapter 42

or some reason,
today’s heat didn’t seem as bad to Elijah as his hand moved across his forehead. Suddenly, he broke out into a smile. Chuckling to himself, he felt so free, more than he had in a long time. He realized that he had nearly forgotten his back pain. The taste of freedom, not only from the Barbarians, but also from the chains of his old life made his heart yearn for more. He shook his head and smiled again when he pictured Kun thrusting his short spear into the tiger’s neck. His eyes grew wider as he replayed his own sword piercing through the tiger’s throat.
What a great move that was
, he thought, but not as good as when he took down the warrior with the cow skull on his head. Each step through the shifting sand seemed weightless compared to these thoughts of victory.
Edward and Aiken would be so proud of him when they heard
, he pondered
. I wonder if Aiken ever had a fight like that
? he thought.

The cooler air in the mountains was a pleasant relief today, but the loose rocks weren’t. Elijah and Kun had slipped several times, and their hands and knees showed it. Each wincing step reminded them of the smoothness of the sand, far below. As Elijah watched a bouncing heard of mountain rams scale the cliffs nearby, he wished his footing was even close to theirs. An ear splitting ‘CRACK’ shattered nature’s silence when two males smashed, head on, in their brutal mating ritual.
, thought Elijah.
I think I’d rather face a tiger and cow skull any day
, he said to himself grinning.

The small, blonde barbarian worked hard to keep up, but she never complained. Elijah wondered if she would. He wondered if he would have to carry her, but she held her own. She walked in between Kun and him, giving him pleasant relief from the monotonous scenery. He marveled at how fit she was. Her legs were far stronger than Natalia’s, and so was her back.
must have to fend for herself a lot
, he considered. Suddenly, Sam lay sprawled before him. He quickly ran and lifted her light body upright, grinning. He licked his finger and rubbed in against her knee, cleaning the small cut as best he could. She nodded, but neither said a word as they continued down the loose bits of shale.

Kun stopped abruptly and pointed. Elijah stared for a moment and realized that their journey was about over. “There it is,” he shouted, scrambling faster toward his goal.

He heard Kun’s sigh as he sped past him.

Sam held back. “They won’t hurt us, will they?” she said timidly.

Elijah stopped. “No, of course not. They are my friends,” he said smiling.

They drew close just as one of the crusaders quickly disappeared, shouting, into one of the tents. Suddenly, nearly the entire group of crusaders appeared. “It’s Elijah!” echoed into the weary group’s ears, causing Elijah to smile.

Sam quietly fell back behind Kun and Elijah as they approached. Elijah scanned for Aiken and spotted him coming out of Edward’s tent. Aiken, grinning, waved excitedly. Elijah’s arm shot into the air, and then he was surrounded by his awaiting friends.

Elijah felt a warmth spread throughout when he heard Aiken’s familiar voice. “Elijah! You’re alive!” said Aiken. “I can’t believe it! You’re alive!” he said, throwing his arms around his friend.

Elijah suspended the bag filled with Anglican root in the air. “I got the root, Aiken!” he shouted.

Tears came to Aiken’s eyes as he hugged Elijah again. “Ha! I knew you would do it! I just knew you would!”

Suddenly, everyone stopped. “I’m surprised you made it. I guess you are more useful than you look,” chided Darrel, walking up from behind.

“We need to get this to Edward, on the double!” said Elijah, keeping his back turned to Darrel.

Darrel continued. “Wait just a moment! Who are they?”

“Darrel! Now is not the time!” said Aiken. The grin had left his face.

“It’s okay, Aiken. This is Kun,” said Elijah as he pointed toward Kun, “and this is Sam,” he said with a nod.

“Well, where are they from?” said Darrel frowning.

Elijah glared. “Okay. We really don’t have time for this. Come on. Let’s give this to Edward.”

“Right!” exclaimed Aiken as he reached out his hand. “Get me some boiling water,” he shouted. Kun, Sam, and Darrel followed the two into the crowded space.

Elijah’s first sight was a very pale Edward, lying on the hard surface of the cot, coughing. He felt a sick feeling well up inside of him, a feeling of hopelessness.

“Hold on, Edward. Elijah has brought back the root for you,” coaxed Aiken gently.

Edward swollen eyes barely moved as he muttered, “Thanks!” Suddenly, a small smile appeared.

“Hold on, friend,” repeated Aiken, glancing back outside for a moment.

Elijah whispered, “How is he doing?”

“It has gotten considerably worse,” whispered Aiken back.

Elijah felt the familiar tightness in his chest. “Am I too late?” he whispered.

A pot of boiling water and a mixing bowl was passed through the tent flap just as a gust of hot wind rattled the fragile shelter. “I do not know,” replied Aiken, pouring the water over a mixture of Anglican root and several other green shoots.

Darrel’s back pushed up against the fluttering wall. “You’re one of those savage barbarians, aren’t you?” he asked gruffly.

Her eyes quickly narrowed. “Shut your mouth or I’ll remove your tongue myself!” the small, blonde girl blurted out.

Elijah glared at Darrel. “Hey! Stop.”

“Darrel, get out,” said Aiken.

Darrel’s mouth dropped open. “What?” he shouted.

Aiken repeated himself, “Get out!” This time, he rose up, bowl in hand.

Darrel turned and stomped out of the tent, muttering under his breath.

It took several long minutes for the herbs to steep, when Aiken finally said, “Here, Edward,” and handed him the steaming brown liquid. Elijah propped him up and he started gingerly sipping from the bowl.

Aiken peered into Edward’s glazed eyes as several words stumbled out.


Aiken and Elijah breathed ever so slowly.

Edward tried again. “Tell Elijah….about…his….princess…,” he whispered.

Aiken glanced at Elijah.

“What? What is he talking about?” exclaimed Elijah as he repositioned his hands behind Edward.

Aiken nodded. “There is something I must show you,” he replied.

Elijah’s eyes quietly widened. “What is it, Aiken?”

Aiken paused as Edward continued to sip the bitter concoction. “Come with me,” he said softly.

Elijah nodded and slowly lowered Edward onto his sweat-stained pillow.

Another crusader stepped into the tent at Aiken’s request and held Edward’s bowl. “Give him all of it,” commanded Aiken. He then led the three into another tent. Inside, a pole with a boy tied to it marked the center of the structure.

Elijah immediately exclaimed. “Caleb!? What is he doing here? Why is he tied up?” Elijah remembered the last time he had seen him when they said goodbye. He wondered if the boy had made it through the desert and back to Habarga, but wasn’t sure he felt relieved now.

Kun stepped up to the captive boy. “That is the boy who stole the artifact!” he shouted.

Elijah and Kun exchanged glances. “What? Caleb?” exclaimed Elijah.

Kun grabbed Caleb’s shirt and started yelling. “Where is the dragon statue? Where is it?”

Caleb shouted out in fear, shaking his head back and forth.

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