Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (36 page)

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Authors: Meka James

Tags: #Itzy,

BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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I buried my face in my hands as I thought about my behavior.
I’d almost had sex with him in a photo booth

Oh god, what was I thinking? What came over me?
  I’d never acted like that; never thought about acting like that, but with him, I felt like a different person. 
Was it his change of attitude?
 Last week was so stressful; I guess all that frustration came pouring out of me, and in public, of all places. I was so embarrassed. 

I flopped back onto the bed, reliving how our night ended, or morning started depending on how I wanted to look at it.
 The first time we were together I thought was amazing, but last night proved he was holding back even then. There were places on my body that he touched that I never knew could be so erotic. But touching
, all of
was a first. I’d never touched Paul, never wanted to. When I hesitated on his instructions, he took my hand to place it there. The feel of Seth in my hands was strange at first, but it didn’t take long for me to get accustomed to it. I was twenty-five and had never touched a man’s penis; it’d taken a lot for me not to giggle like a school girl. I doubted he would have understood my laughter. 

With nothing on under his shirt and his scent all around me, I closed my eyes, remembering the feel of his hands on me as I sat astride him.
 I clenched my thighs together, feeling myself getting aroused at the mere thought of being on top of him.   

The feel of his hard chest beneath my hands when I braced myself and the look of pure desire in his eyes burned away any uncertainty I
’d had with being in that position. Clenching my thighs tighter, my hips started rocking, causing enough friction to start familiar sensations to build. I saw Seth perfectly in my head as my hands skimmed the top of the shirt, my nipples hardening on contact from the light touch. Squeezing my breasts through the shirt, I pinched my nipples like he did, a moan escaping my lips. I could feel the dampness building between my legs, and I rocked my hips faster.   

Slowly, I let my right hand wander down towards my thighs while my left continued to knead my sensitive nipple.
 Biting my lip, I parted my legs a little to touch myself. With shaky fingers, I copied the action Seth would do, slowly circling and stroking my clit. It felt strange to be my own hand, but I concentrated on his face, on the feelings and desires he brought out of me. He had the ability to make me feel so desirable, as if I were the sexiest woman on earth. I held my breath, feeling the silkiness between my legs. I’d never embraced the idea of satisfying myself, yet here I was seeing Seth so clearly in my head, wanting to feel the way he made me feel last night, and intent on creating that sensation myself.

Continuing to rock my hips, I started finding a rhythm. Unbuttoning the top button of his shirt, I was able to have skin to skin contact, and I pinched and tweaked my nipple.
 My tongue slipped across my lips, and a ragged breath released in a tiny moan.
It’s not bad; in fact it was pretty nice.
I was really arousing myself, and the friction under my fingers made me want more. I turned my head into the comforter, and kept thinking of the intensity of my orgasms last night.

“Seth,” I moaned softly.

Becoming bolder and needing more my hand traveled to my entrance. Without hesitation I slipped two fingers inside.
 I let out another low moan as the palm of my hand continued the friction on my clit while I eased my fingers in and out. My fingers moved faster remembering the grip of his hands on my hips, guiding me as I rode him last night. I remembered how hungrily he kissed me when I leaned forward just as my climax hit. My breathing was getting more labored; I felt the building of my impending orgasm. With my eyes closed, Seth’s face was what I saw. The look when he came beneath me, the gruff sound of his voice calling out my name in that moment, and the power I felt knowing I’d brought him there made me move my fingers faster. They became wetter, and my muscles clenched. My other hand gripped the blanket, my back arched, and my body shuddered as I brought myself to climax while calling out his name.

My breathing was labored as I lay there coming down from my high. “Wow Calida, you
’ve got it bad,” I laughed to myself, shocked over the way my body craved his, even when he wasn’t around.

Once my breathing was steady, I sat up, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Seth standing in the doorway.
Was he watching me the entire time?
 I felt my face flush with embarrassment, and I calculated how many steps it would take for me to get from the bed to the bathroom before I died of horror.

“H-h-how long w-were you...there?” I asked.

Seth stood silent with a sexy smirk on his face. He wore nothing but his boxer briefs, and I could easily tell he was there long enough. My hands covered my face, and I wanted nothing more than for the floor to open up and swallow me whole. 
I can’t believe I masturbated and he caught me doing it.

’m sorry,” I mumbled from behind my hands. 

Seth didn
’t say a word, but I felt the bed dip under his weight as he sat down. His warm fingers circled around my wrists as he slowly pried my hands away.

“What are you sorry for?”

I shrugged my shoulders, unsure of why I was apologizing, but I didn
’t know what else to say. 

’m pleased to know I can elicit such actions out of you. I am, however, sorry I missed out on the fun.”

Seth brought my hand to his lips. I got hot with embarrassment when he inhaled deeply.
 Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he slowly licked my palm, working his way up to my fingers. I wanted to look away as his intentions were very clear, but I couldn’t. Instead, I watched as he slipped the first finger into his mouth. His tongue swirled around slowly; the sensation was strange yet erotic. I found myself slowly moving my finger in and out of his mouth, his eyes smiling in surprise. Once he felt that one was sufficiently cleaned, he moved over to the next finger to repeat the process. Using his weight, he leaned forward, gently forcing me back down onto the bed. 

“A problem I plan on rectifying right now.”




Once we
’d made it out of bed, the breakfast he had fixed for me was cold. I’d eaten it anyway because I was starving and didn’t want it to go to waste. Pulling me into his arms once I’d finished, he gave me a soft kiss which was all it took to set my body on edge. We had round two on the kitchen counter. I was amazed at how little it took for me to be so responsive to him. We had round three in the shower, and I wasn’t sure we’d ever leave the house.

“Okay, I
’m all ready to go. Sorry it took me so long.” 

folded the newspaper and placed it on the table when I entered the room. “Perfection can’t be rushed.”  His voice was like velvet and held the same power as his strategically placed touches.

We were spending a relaxing day at the beach.
 Being in Miami, it was damn near eighty degrees, so a perfect day for such an activity. The weather was warm with no clouds in sight. It had already been an amazing morning, and I was looking forward to an equally amazing afternoon. 

’s get going.” He spoke the words softly against my lips. 

I moaned in protest, not wanting to pull away, but he did it for me, taking my hand and leading
us out the door.

We found a nice spot that wasn
’t too crowded since this was the off season. Seth put down a large blanket then moved one of the shade umbrellas closer. I kicked off my flip flops before settling down. The squeals of a little girl rang out as she played near the edge of the water with her father. I watched them for a little while, my mind wandering to what could have been. The test they gave me at my appointment was negative, but the nurse said it could still be too early. Depending on how things went, I would need to take another. 

“Are you hungry?”
 Seth whispered against my neck, bringing me out of my reverie. 

I gave him a quizzical look since I
’d eaten not long ago.

’re holding your stomach, so are you hungry?” he responded, clarifying his question.

I hadn
’t realized I was doing that. “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m fine.”

“Well, just let me know, and I
’ll get you something.” 

Turning to face him, I placed my hands on his cheeks then gave him a kiss.
 Seth’s arms circled my waist, pulling me into his lap. His tongue invaded my mouth while my arms snaked around his neck. Just when I thought I might lose all my senses again, he pulled back. 

“There are kids present,”
 he said between his labored breaths. “We can’t do such things.” 

My face got hot again as I quickly glanced around.
 Luckily, it didn’t appear that we had attracted any attention. 

“Why are you still wearing that?”
 he asked, tugging at my cover-up.

“Um, I like it.”

“Take it off.” 

’d rather not.” I shifted off his lap, drawing my knees to my chest. 

’d managed to convince Seth to stop by my house yesterday before we left. I’d told him I needed to make sure the house was secure, alarm set those sorts of things. I’d packed a quick bag when I was there to keep from having to go shopping, but it didn’t matter anyway.

Seth stood, putting his hand out for me to grab.
 He pulled me to my feet then lifted my arms above my head, and seconds later, my cover-up was being lifted off me. Seth stepped back to take a look, and even though his eyes were hidden behind his Ray-Bans, I could tell he didn’t approve.

“I…um Macy talked me into buying it last summer.”
 I felt the need to explain, hoping to dispel the tension that was building as we stood there. “I’ve only worn it twice before, and both times I kept the cover up on.”

Not wanting to put a damper on what could be a great afternoon, I reached to take the cover up from him only to have him put it behind his back.

“Seth, please, give it to me so I can put it back on.”

Seth responded by tossing it off to the side near my beach bag. “I
’ll have to send Macy flowers as a thank you for her excellent fashion sense.”

Taking my hand, he pulled me back down onto the blanket.
 He reclined back, and I snuggled up next to him.

“Do me a favor though.”

 I replied, turning to look at him. 

He lifted his glasses allowing me the full effect of the seriousness of look. “Keep the cover up on if you
’re not with me. Never mind, better yet I will buy you a more appropriate one for occasions when we aren’t together.”

“I don
’t need you to buy me a new one. This one works fine.”

“Well, I need to buy you a new one,” he said, putting his sunglasses back in place, ending the conversation.

I thought about pushing it, but it didn
’t really matter. I didn’t go to the beach often, and I preferred the cover up anyway so it wasn’t really a big deal. 

“How long did this take?” I asked after I started tracing the tattoo on his chest with my finger.

“I don
’t remember; a couple of hours I think.”

“And the one on your back?”

“A little longer because of the size.”

’t it hurt?”

“Pain is relative I suppose.”

“I toyed around with the idea of getting a tattoo once, but I’m too scared of the pain.”

“Some people find pain to be therapeutic.”

Rambunctious laughter drifted from above distracted me from the conversation. Turning to look in the direction of the noise, I saw guys setting up on the volleyball court.
 When I turned back, Seth was watching me.

“See something interesting?”


He removed one of his hands from behind his head to draw me closer to his side.
 His thumb softly stroked my back. 



“Why did you take so long to kiss me when we first started…um,”
 I hesitated a bit trying to figure out the right word, “dating?” 

’s breathing was slow and even, and I feared he might have dozed off when he didn’t answer right away.

“Why do you ask?”
 he inquired after a few minutes.

I sat upright, and he did the same.

“I don’t know. It’s something I sorta wondered about.” 

I ran my hand over the blanket feeling the coarseness of the sand particles that had found their way onto it.

“I kiss you now. That
’s what is important.”

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