Feral Revised (Weekend Treats Collection) (7 page)

BOOK: Feral Revised (Weekend Treats Collection)
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Shelby groaned with excitement as Morgan pumped his cock in and out of her. She also imagined that it was Tobias as she leaned forward and enjoyed every minute of the wildly intense sex they were having.



The Premonition


A few hours later, Shelby woke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. Morgan was gone, but he left her a note with his number. She of course crumbled it up and threw it in the garbage.
  Her cell phone rang again and she cursed the person calling her at six in the morning, however after seeing Jason's name on her caller ID she answered immediately.


"Hello?" Shelby answered.


"Do you have the money?" Jason asked.


"I have half," Shelby replied sternly.


"Hey I didn't ask for half," Jason snapped.


"Well let me tell you how this works. You get half now and the rest when the job is finished." Shelby returned.


Jason knew she was right; however, he had other plans, and hoped she wouldn't come to her senses completely. "Fine!"


"There's another thing," Shelby added.




"Tobias and that tramp are in Wyoming. I have the address to the cottage where they are staying and also the code to enter the cottage," Shelby informed him.


"That's even better. Have it ready and with the money. Meet me at the shop in an hour," Jason said then ended the call.



 It was now eight in the morning on a perfect Friday; a blanket of fresh white snow covers the cozy luxury cottage and the surrounding area.  A deer stood off in the distance watching Tobias as he helped his wife out of the rental car. He had insisted they be left alone for the weekend and on Monday they would check into the luxury hotel in town. Tobias held his wife's hand as they walked on the path way towards the cottage.


"Oh this is beautiful and so quiet," Azura commented as they made it to the front door.


He punched in a security code that unlocked the door. "Remind me to have the code changed tomorrow," Tobias said to his wife as he opened the door.


"Okay," Azura answered anxious to see inside.  She gasped as they entered the cottage. The smell of homemade food filled the air.  She walked down the short steps from the foyer into the living room. The fire place was lit and the house was at a comfortably inviting temperature.


Tobias began to remove her heavy winter coat and his. "I had the local staff hire a crew to come in and prepare the cottage for us and cook us a hot meal."


"It smells wonderful," Azura said entering the kitchen. Her eyes lit up as a fun thought crossed her mind. "Do you know how to cook?" Azura asked turning to face her husband.


"I have no clue where the kitchen is in the mansion so," he laughed.


Azura laughed along with him. "Well my mom insisted that we girls learn, and it was something that I did enjoy. Let me cook for you this weekend, it will be great!"


"Are you sure?" Tobias asked.


"Yes," she smiled. She stood for a moment and admired his handsome face. "I had no clue I would feel this way about you," she said moving closer to him.  Her spirit was opening up to him like a lotus flower and the love that she now had for him flowed like and endless fountain. "I thought that I would be miserable, that we would just be some sort of public show piece," she said wrapping her arms around him, and burying her head in his chest. Tobias wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Let's eat breakfast then go to bed," Azura said with a giggle in her voice as she looked up at him.


"Why not," Tobias smiled taking her hand and leading her to the dining room. The food was still warm and they sat down to enjoy a full breakfast. After eating they showered together then spent the rest of the day in bed watching television and talking about their life experiences. Neither knew who fell asleep first, but for a few hours they enjoyed restful slumber within each other's arms.


Azura was enjoying her rest when her light hearted dream became dark and sinister. In the dream she found herself bound and gagged in a dark place. Her head throbbed as if she had been hit in the head. She could see the outline of another women close by, she also appeared to be bound and gagged.  A bang was heard and Azura jumped.


"Honey!" Tobias called to Azura waking her from her sleep. "Are you okay?" he questioned. "Maybe you’re too hot," he said more to himself than to Azura as he pulled the blankets back.


"Tobias, I had a weird dream," Azura finally spoke as she sat up in the bed.


"What did you dream?"


I was tied up, my head hurt, and there was this other women there with me too and she was tied up also, but she wasn't moving. I don't think she was dead, but..."


"It was just a dream, sweetie. Maybe we stayed in bed too long or something," he suggested.


"Yea...maybe," Azura replied, but the dream was still unsettling to her. "It felt so real," she added.


"Maybe it's a repressed fear?" he suggested.


"Could be," she whispered.


"Is there anything that I can do to make it better?" Tobias said admiring his wife's breast as she wore a loose fitting tank top and panties. In the commotion of her dream, one of her breast had slipped out and it was taunting Tobias.  He gently placed his mouth over her nipple and began to suck gently. Azura enjoyed the sensation he was giving her. She gently ran her fingers through his soft hair. She moved her hand to run down his bare back and slipping them under his sleeping trunks, then over his firm butt.


"Tobias..." Azura groaned.


"I'm here honey," Tobias said standing up to remove his pants.


 Azura pulled off her clothes and spread her legs eager for her husband to enter. She slid her hands down to her pussy and gently tapped it. Tobias was amazed at how much she turned him on. He climbed back on the bed and dove into his wife.  He kissed her lips as they made love. 


"Honey, there's something that I have to tell you," Azura whispered in his ear.


"What is it?" Tobias mumbled lost in the passion of love.


"I'm pregnant," the words seem to float out of her mouth, but Tobias heard every word.


"What?!" Tobias blurted, his eyes began to water and joy exploded from his heart.


"Yes..." Azura cried overjoyed by his reaction.


Tobias held his wife tightly and they both cried. He had no clue he would feel this way over hearing the news. They made love again then fell asleep in each other's arms.



It was after one in the morning when Jason made it to cottage in Wyoming. The cottage was in a perfectly secluded area. He wouldn't have to worry about neighbors, and there was no security guards keeping watch.  After his partner and him kidnapped Shelby, they loaded her in the back of a van while his partner Duke was driving to Miami. It was there that they planned to meet with a buyer. If he liked what he saw he would purchase the girls for a very handsome price. Jason and Duke had been doing this for over four years and they had no intention of stopping despite the risk because it paid very well.


Jason walked quietly towards the cottage. As a precaution, he walked all around the house, and through the bedrooms sliding glass door he could see Tobias and Azura's bodies entwined.  Jason cursed under his breath. It was going to be harder than he thought. He made it back to the front door then entered in the code that Shelby had given him with the money.  The door unlocked and he entered quietly.


He pulled out a hand held dart gun, shooting Tobias first and Azura after. He put his dart gun away, tied Azura's arms and legs and placed duct tape over her mouth. He then wrapped Azura in a blanket and swung her over his shoulder. He took one last look at Tobias to make sure he was not conscious then left the cottage. He dumped her body in the back of the rental van and then drove off into the darkness.


He pulled out his cell phone and called his partner...


"How did it go?" Duke greeted.


"Like stealing candy from a baby," Jason laughed. "This one is a real beauty; we might be able to get more for her. She has that exotic look."


"Good, I just gave Shelby another shot of Heroine, she shouldn't be a problem anymore," Duke said in between a yawn.


"Well, sit tight and see you in two days," Jason replied.


"Keep me posted," Duke insisted. "We can't let our guard down. You have the wife of a billionaire, so we have to stay as low as possible until the deal is made. "


"All right, I got it," Jason replied.


"Talk to you later," Duke said ending the call.


Azura's body lay still on the uncomfortable cold metal floor of the van, the drugs that she was injected with seem to keep her completely paralyzed. All she could think about was Tobias and wonder if she would ever see him again. She didn't know if he was dead or alive or if she would be able to escape and find her way back to him. She fell back into a deep sleep with thoughts of her husband consuming her mind.


Five hours later...


Tobias woke to the smell and sound
of bacon being cooked in the kitchen. He remembered Azura's eagerness to cook him breakfast in the morning. He decided he would go and greet her, but as he tried to get up he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and an excruciating headache taking his full attention. He fumbled off the bed and to the bathroom looking confused by the disarray of their bedroom.  He looked in the bathroom mirror and gasped. It looked to be like a small dart was sticking out of his arm. He rushed back into the bedroom and realized the blanket was missing. Azura's clothes were still on the floor. He threw on his pajama pants and began calling for Azura.


"Mr. Cavanaugh?" the hired help responded as she stepped out of the kitchen.


"Have you seen my wife?" he asked anxiously.


"No," Debbie, a local woman hired to cook the meals for Tobias and his wife answered.


Tobias ran his fingers through his hair. He ran outside uncaring about the harsh cold weather. He noticed large foot prints by a nearby bush and then more. The cold winter air brought him back to reality and he rushed back inside.


"Call the police!" he orders to the hired help.


She quickly stops what she was doing and called the local police department.  Tobias tore through their suit cases and put on warm clothes, he rushed back out to the foyer to put on his coat, gloves, and boots.


"The police are on their way, Sir. Is there anything else you need, anything that I can help you with?" she asked.


"Yes...help me find my wife," Tobias broke down.


"Sir, now is not the time to let your emotions take over. Maybe she went for a walk, check for tracks, and I'll stay by the phone," she said placing a hand on his shoulder.


"Tracks!" Tobias jumped to his feet remembering the large foot prints he found out side.


He rushed back outside and made sure to keep a good distance from the tracks he found. He realized they surrounded the house and that whoever it was, lingered for a bit at the sliding glass door leading to their bedroom. He followed the tracks back around to the front door. Whoever did this, knew the security code to their cottage. Tobias froze as he remembered Azura's dream. He wasn't the type to interpret dreams or find any real meaning in things of that nature. He pulled out his cell and called his cousin Tamarius Martinez in Florida.  His cousins Tamarius and Maxwell, who are brothers, are also profound spiritual warriors. It was never something that Tobias could really wrap his mind around, but when it came to dreams, and premonitions he knew that it was his cousins’ department. He had to contact them, he knew that they were there for him and they would give him hope in finding Azura before it was too late.


Tamarius didn't answer his phone, so Tobias left a frantic voicemail. He hoped that his cousin would call him back before it was too late.  A vision of his wife telling him she was pregnant hit him and he fell to his knees.

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