Feral Revised (Weekend Treats Collection) (5 page)

BOOK: Feral Revised (Weekend Treats Collection)
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"Which ones? Who?" Tobias asked jealously.


"Oh, I don't want any trouble," she giggles, amused by his response.


"I'm sorry; you must know I've wanted you since the day I laid eyes upon you," he confessed.


"Wha- really?" she says fumbling on her words. His confession run through her, sending shivers down her spine. "I had never experienced anything like this before," she whispers.


"Didn't you date in high school?" he question, then the name Morgan resurfaced again in his mind.


"No. High school does not hold the best memories."


"Why not?"


Azura comes to a stop and looks him, squarely, in the eyes. "Everyone assumed I was a lesbian."


Tobias' mouth falls open as the typical male fantasy plays out in his mind. "What gave them that idea?"


"All of the women in our house wear skirts and dresses...you have no idea what took place for them to get me into that awful wedding dress."


"Awful? You looked breathtaking in it."


"Yeah, well, that is the first time my sister got me into a dress without finding me naked somewhere, minutes later." She softly laughs to herself as they continue to walk.


"Seriously? You hate dresses that much?"


"I'm just not that type of person."


"But, that doesn't mean you’re a lesbian."


"I had a lot of lesbian friends, because they understood me. I played a lot of sports, because it felt great being outdoors, and active." She thinks back to her positive, high-school memories, remembering why she chose certain sports, such as soccer and powder-puff football. Exertion burned up the sexual energy boiling over inside her. Unfortunately, when she stopped, it came back twice as strong.


"Teens enjoy the gossip train; that’s all it was."


"At the prom, I refused to have my date pick me up and be a part of traditional limo parade. I also refused to wear a dress, opting for a tux.
My date showed up, but with another date. Then, he went on to tell everyone I was indeed a lesbian, and that I was only using him to fool my parents."


Tobias pauses, and takes her hand. "I'm sorry for everything you went through."


"It's not all your fault," Azura smiles. "Sometimes, late at night, I would sneak outside and howl..." Tears began to flow down her cheeks. Tobias pulls her into his arms. "I wanted to be back where I felt safe and comforted. I wanted to be back with my pack."


Tobias kisses the places where her tears fall, consoling her. The heat between them rises, and passion consumes them both. Taking her by the hand, he leads her back to their suite and royal, king-sized bed. "I won't force you to do anything you don't want to," he says nervous she might change her mind, or feel pressured by his persistent cravings for her.


"I don't want to think right now." Tears continue flowing from her eyes, as years of suppressed pain pours out of her.


"Please, let me heal you," he slips his hand under her chin, kissing her soft lips.


He removes both of their clothes. Tobias lifts her shapely frame and lays her on the bed. Her long, dark, brown hair cascades around her. He kisses her from her lips down to her belly button, pausing over her moist pussy. Spreading her thighs apart, he runs his hot tongue between her lips. A groan escapes her as he glides over her clit. Back and forth, he rubs his tongue over her clit, bringing her to the edge of orgasm. His cock, hard and throbbing, aches to be inside her.
Grabbing hold of it, he slowly stuffs it inside her tight pussy. Her nails claw
his skin as they make love. While their bodies fall into a hypnotic rhythm, he softly whispers loving words into her ear, "Let's be our own pack. You’re all the woman I need and desire. Making love to you is beyond a dream come true." Azura cries. Never before has she felt these emotions that elate and frighten her. "Let me heal you," he continues. They ride into ecstasy deepening their connection and love.



Azura's Happiness


The conversation between Jason and Shelby played in his head. He had overheard everything and could not believe his ears. He knew that his boss was dirty but not to this extent. Although Morgan Judd did not hear the entire conversation, he had heard enough. He had to warn Azura, but now that she lived in that fortress there would be no way he would be able to get a message through to her, unless he had help. He parked his car hastily in the lavish drive way of her parent’s home and marched right up to the front door and rang the bell.

"Morgan Judd, what are you doing here?" Amelia Hanson answers the front door.


"Mrs. Hanson...I thought you were sick?" Morgan said startled.


"What do you want, Morgan?" Amelia questions impatiently as she realizes Azura must have confided in him the reason she is marrying so quickly.


"How can I get a hold of Azura?" He asks, breathless.


"Morgan, you know she is married to Tobias Cavanaugh."


"Azura is in danger, Mrs. Hanson."


"Danger?" Ameila looked at him with unbelieving eyes.


"I'm not joking or trying any game Mrs. Hanson," Morgan insisted.


"Danger? Okay, come in, come in." She hurries him, stepping aside so he can enter. "Now, please, tell me what’s going on with Azura."


Morgan told everything he overheard by ease dropping on his boss’s conversation earlier. And prayed that she believed him...


"My goodness, are you alright? Are you sure it's safe for you to be working there?" Amelia questioned.


"I didn't believe my boss is the terrible, drug-dealing, hit-man everyone assumes he is. I know that he is dishonest, but this... They were arguing over the price, he was asking for a lot." Morgan replied.


"Yes, sweetie, but are you sure you will be okay?" she asked, looking directly into his eyes.


"I just want Azura to be safe and happy, that’s all." Morgan said as he tried to avoid eye contact with Amelia.


"All these years and you've never said anything," she mumbles. "You're in love with my daughter."


"No, it's not like that. Well, yes, I love Azura, but not that way," he lied, feeling embarrassed.


"Why didn't you say anything?" Amelia picks up a nearby phone to notify her husband.


"Please, just tell me where she is so she can be warned," Morgan pleaded.


"Yes, dear, where are you?" She breaks from their conversation to speak with her husband. "Well, can you come home, as soon as possible? Something has come up." She ends the call and places the phone back on its base. "My husband and I will handle things from here. Don't worry, Azura will be fine."


Realizing she will not give him any more information, he drops his head in frustration. "Okay."


Amelia walks Morgan to the door in silence.


"I am truly grateful for all you have done; being Azura's friend all these years, and warning us of this danger. Thank you."


"It's my pleasure," Morgan steps out of the house.


"And, please keep what you've seen here between us." Amelia requested.


"I really don't want to get involved, but why did you lie to her?" Morgan couldn't help but ask the troubling question.


"Please, don't question our parenting decisions. We know how to deal with our daughter. I don't need to be judged."


"I did not mean it in a disrespectful way, I just can't understand...why."


"Please leave."


Morgan does not hesitate as he leaves their property. He vows to seek out Azura and tell her everything, on his own. Pulling into the nearest gas station, he throws his car into park next to a phone booth. Grabbing the attached phone book, he searches through the advertisements, looking for one of Tobias' companies. All the while, grumbling to himself for being so angry he did not take the time to hear Azura out, when she came to him about the arrangement between her and her now husband. Everyone knows this guy; it cannot be too difficult to find out where he lives. His cell phone rings, and it's his uncle, so he begrudgingly answers. "Uncle, I really don't have time to hear another one of your schemes."


"Scheme?" his uncle shrieks back at him.




"Tobias Cavanaugh doesn't think my business is a scheme!"


"What? What was that name?"


"Are you really that dumb?


"No, it's just..."


"I had a meeting planned with him this afternoon, but he rescheduled it for tomorrow morning, first thing." "First thing!"




"Oh, now you're excited. Well, I need a ride, and I am considering you my partner, if you’re interested. I don't like you working for that guy. You really need to start thinking about your future. You deserve a classy broad, and she's not going to want a grease monkey."


"Uncle, being an automotive technician is a good career."


"Is that what the young bucks are calling it now?" He chuckles in the background.


"I will be happy to take you."


"Great, pick me up at seven. Breakfast is on me."




Albert Hanson leans back in the desk chair of his private home office. His wife sits adjacent him. She just finished filling him in on the conversation she had with Morgan Judd. Albert ponders over everything, carefully. "I don't know who this Shelby is; maybe a bitter ex. Azura is very safe where she is. Isn't that why we choose him?"


"Yes, dear, but Morgan seems pretty upset about it."


"Morgan is just bitter for not having the balls to stand up and be a man, get a real job, and be someone I could have trusted to care for my daughter."


"Albert, he's been her best friend since high school. Yes, he may not be the richest man in Florida, but he certainly is a good man."


"You know what we have to deal with, concerning Azura. I really don't think Morgan can handle her," Albert protests.


"And, Tobias can?"


"I haven't heard any complaints. Besides, he loves her."


"So does Morgan. But, what’s done is done."


"Don't worry about this. I'll speak with Tobias and let him know about the situation," Albert simply wants to end the uncomfortable topic.


"Which situation dear? The thing with this Shelby character, or the fact that we lied and manipulated our daughter into marrying a man she barely knows?" Amelia makes her point.


"We will not discuss this again. You know she would not have married anyone, if you have not made it your dying wish."


"It is my dying wish, but not like this." She breaks out into sobs as she leaves the room.


Albert sighs; he knows his wife is right. She does not want to lie to her daughter, but they believe Azura will never understand their reason for wanting her to be married. He picks up his office phone and calls Tobias' cell phone. His heart lightens at the sound of his daughter laughing in the background as Tobias answers. "Well, good evening, Mr. Hanson." Tobias sounds joyful.


"Sounds as if things are going well."


"Yes, we are getting ready to go on a business slash mini vacation. We leave this weekend."


"Wow, that’s great!" He is relieved his daughter is not in danger. Still, he feels he should inform Tobias, just in case. "Well, the reason..."


"Hold on sir, someone wants to say hi."


"Sure, no problem."


"Hi, Daddy," Azura greets her father.


"Hello, baby. How are you doing? You sound a lot better than the last time we saw you. "I am, Daddy. I'm sorry for being upset. How is Momma?"


"Oh, she's doing fine, sweetie. Doctors are saying she may pull through, we just need to be positive."


"And, keep praying?"


"Yes, angel, keep praying." Guilt explodes in his gut. He must escape the conversation, quickly. "Well, I won't bug you with how much we miss you. Enjoy your trip and tell your husband to call me as soon as he's free."


"I will, Daddy. Love you."


"I love you too, sweetie." Albert places the phone on the cradle and weeps, quietly. He only wants the best for his daughter. Yet, fears he and his wife will leave this world worried sick there will be no one to love and care for their daughter. Even more important, she needs someone who understands her condition.




"What did your father say?" Tobias takes the phone back from his wife.


"He said to have you call him when you're free."


"Then it must not be important, which gives me more time to torture you. Okay, this is the last time I'm doing this, I look ridiculous." He laughs.


For the past hour, they laughed and joked about old-school dance moves. Tobias performed the running man and cabbage patch, causing Azura to fall to the floor in hilarious tears. He would do it all day if he had to, just to keep that smile on her face. He performed it again, Azura laughed so hard, she struggled to breathe. Tobias laughs as he scoops her into his arms and twirls her around the room. He gently places her feet back on the floor and kisses her neck. "I love seeing you like this."


"Why?" she asks, playfully.


"You’re so happy. That's all I want and need to see."


She turns in his embrace and looks up into his handsome face. His hazel eyes sparkle, and she finds herself admiring his lips, perfect white teeth, the color of his skin, the shape of his nose, and the softness and color of his hair.


"See something you like?" he asks, softly.


She blushes, realizing she is staring at him without saying a single word. "Yes."


"I see something I like, too."




"Yes, really."


"What is it?" she continues the playful line of questioning.


"A gorgeous, deep caramel beauty wrapped around me."


"What do you think our children will look like?"


His heart and mind race with questions. "Do you think you are pregnant?"


"It's just a question."


Tobias forces his body to relax, not wanting to frighten her with his anxiousness. He is ready, and eager to bring life into this world with her. "If it's a girl, I pray she looks just like her momma, with bright, blue eyes, deep caramel skin, lustrous hair, and a captivating smile," he looks deep into her eyes.


"If it's a boy, I want him to look just like his father. You're so bold and handsome, it's no wonder my sisters get all silly about you."


"They do?" He blushes. "So, why did you ask that question?"


"We both have such a mixed background, I think it's beautiful. It just makes me wonder how interesting our children will look."


"They will be beautiful, because they came from us. Are you against us making one?"


"Not anymore." She knows it no longer matters, since she is already pregnant. Since she has not seen her cycle, she privately took a pregnancy test. Only one house staff member knows about it and vows to keep her secret. At the time, she was not ready to become a mother, and did not plan to keep the child. So much has changed since then, and now all she can think about is becoming a mother, for the first time. Her mind fantasizes on what it will be like to raise a child with Tobias. She enjoys those daydreams, and looks forward to each time they make love. The connection between them has intensified, immensely, in such a short amount of time.

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