Feral Revised (Weekend Treats Collection) (6 page)

BOOK: Feral Revised (Weekend Treats Collection)
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"Soon, it will be me and you, alone in a cabin, under some blankets, beside a warm fire." He kisses her lips.


"I can't wait." Azura smiles.


"Neither can I. Wyoming is beautiful this time of year."


"I've never been to Wyoming. My parents kept me home a lot."


"Well, now we will travel as often as you like."


"What business are you doing there?"


"I'm really trying to entertain some Japanese investors. If everything goes well, and they want to do business with my company, it will be great."


"I've always wanted to start a business. My parents wouldn't let me, saying it would be too much pressure."


"It can be stressful, but very rewarding." He pulls her closer. "If you want to start a business, I fully support you and your dream."


Azura blushes. She has never felt a love like this. It seems to sooth the beast inside of her. "I guess my parents were right in choosing you."


"Why do you say that?"


"You are genuine, and I feel you won't deceive me." She rests her head on his chest. Guilt of what he is hiding tears at him. How is he going to continue facing her with the weight of that guilt on his shoulders? Making the final decision to come clean was painful, but first, he must speak with Mr. Hanson, so they can prepare for Azura's reaction to the situation. Of course, it will have to wait until after their trip. Tobias does not want to ruin the happy adventure waiting them.


"Why don't we leave now," Tobias questioned.


"Now? Right Now?" Azura laughed.


"Yes, we can have a few days to ourselves," Tobias smiled. "So what do you say?"


"Yes!" Azura smiled joining in on his enthusiasm.


"Pack! Get dressed my love. I'm going to make some calls," he kissed her lips then left their room.



When Strangers Meet


Tobias made his way to the second floor of the mansion where his office was located. He rushed in and went directly to his planner. He realized he had an early morning appointment with Adam Judd, an inventor and scientist. He remembered his business plan and liked what he saw. "Would it kill me to just give him the deal he's asking for?" Tobias spoke out load. His father had always taught him to the most he can out of any business venture, however, Tobias wasn't interested in how his father did business. He sat down at his desk and proceeded to make notes for Shelby.

He called the pilot and flight manager and requested the jet be ready to go as soon as possible. He then notified his butler and began to return to his bedroom suite to help his wife pack and to get himself ready. He paused thinking about the meeting he would not be attending in the morning. He wanted to make sure that Adam Judd would be notified. He realized he would have to call Shelby, and make sure she was aware of his new plans. Something he was avoiding. He became angry with himself knowing it was a mistake still keeping her around. The deeper in love he fell for Azura the more he wanted to distance himself from Shelby, but he felt responsible for her. If it wasn't for him she would not have the comfortable life she is enjoying today.

"I will pay you ten thousand each to kidnap this girl, beat her up and dump her unconscious body in the river somewhere," Shelby spoke quietly to the gentlemen seated across from her. It wasn't easy to find someone to take her seriously, but eventually one person would lead her to another, that eventually led her to a rundown bar on the wrong side of town. The two men she was now talking to were named John and Eddie.

"Twenty," John finally spoke after a few minutes of listening to Shelby babble on.

"That's what I said. Ten for you ten for him," Shelby replied.

"No! Twenty each. We kidnap, beat her up and dump her somewhere, but we are not murderers."

"I never said you had to murder her, I just implied that if it happened, it’s okay," she returned.

"Twenty each or go find someone else," they began to leave.

Shelby's cell phone rang. "Excuse me for a minute," she said realizing it was Tobias' number. She left the table quickly to answer the phone. "Hello?" she answered hoping he had a change of heart.

"Shelby, there has been a change of plans... My wife and I are leaving for Wyoming in a few hours. I left a note on my desk for you. Tell Adam Judd that I accept his offer and I look eager to working with him." Tobias informed her.

"You’re leaving now?" she spoke slowly, realizing her plans would have to change also.

"Yes, well, you will be joining us on Sunday," Tobias added. "Have a nice night and sorry for calling you so late," he said then hung up.

Shelby slumped her shoulders and looked down at the pavement. "There's no other way," she mumbled to herself. "He's falling for her, and I can't lose him." Getting the money together for Jason and waiting on his call on Tuesday would be her only hope to get Tobias back. She didn't even bother to go back into the bar and let the two men know she had changed her mind. She simply walked to her car, got in, and drove away. Just knowing that Azura was enjoying the life she almost had with Tobias was too much to bear. The only thought that brought her comfort is seeing Azura's dead body.

"It's about a four hour flight." Tobias said as they entered the luxury jet. "We can watch a movie, have some champagne and just relax," he suggested to his wife.

"Sure, that sounds nice," Azura replied nervously.

"Is everything alright?" he questioned noticing her apprehension. "Oh my goodness, honey are you afraid of flying?"

"I-I don't know," she laughed nervously. "Maybe?"
  She shrugged her shoulders.

"Honey, come here, you have nothing to worry about," he said taking her hand and leading her to a nearby seat. He sat her down and motioned to the stewardess to bring them some refreshments. "When I was a little boy, my father and uncle would travel a lot. My uncle lived in a town called Lexington, it's far west of Orlando. My father and uncle would fly back and forth from Trinidad to New York, weekly. Well my cousins would travel with them occasionally and I was scared of flying. My father had to force me on most flights until one day. My older cousin Maxwell pulled me aside. He was seated near a window, and he told me to look out at the wing of the plane. I did and he said do you see?" Tobias paused, and looked at his wife who was hanging on his every word; he loved it and almost forgot where he was going with his story. The stewardess came back with a tray of crackers, exotic cheeses, and a bottle of wine. She placed it on a small table besides them and walked away.

"See what?" Azura asked.

"He told me to relax and look out the window and I will see an angel sitting on the wing. He told me that there was an angel at each wing and more on standby. And if anything should go wrong that they will come and lift the plane up and keep us safe," Tobias finished.

"Did you see them?" Azura questioned in amazement.

"No," Tobias laughed. "But, I felt at peace with what he told me." he smiled at his wife enjoying her childlike innocence. "Do you feel at peace?"

Azura sat quiet for a moment then glanced out the window. "Yes, yes I do," she turned her head back to face him and smiled.

"Good," he leaned over and kissed her lips. He wanted so badly to tell her that he loved her, but a foolish fear stopped him from forming the words, and he pulled away.

Azura tilled her head to the side and observed his odd behavior. She could feel that he wanted to express himself more, but was unsure. "You have nothing to fear with me," she said to him as she gently placed her hand on his knee.

Her touch sent shivers up his spine. He could not believe he had found someone who could make him feel this way and he had no clue if it was right or wrong to feel so much love for someone so soon. "You’re very perceptive. Maybe I should have you with me at all my meetings to help me sort these characters out," he half joked. "I would be happy to," Azura answered with a smile.

"Well you’re turning out to be the ultimate woman," Tobias replied looking deep into her eyes.

"Why did you do it? Why did you marry a stranger?" Azura asked.

"I was staring at you, at a local charity event. I was going to speak with you, but you disappeared. Later that night my parents approached me." Guilt struck him again and he desperately needed to change the topic. "When he agreed to help Azura's parents he was not thinking with his head, but a lot further south. He wanted her and that was all he knew.

Azura looked at her hus
band and smiled. She wanted to tell him that he was going to be a father, but the words wouldn't materialize. She turned her head and looked back out the window. Maybe another time she thought.

Morgan couldn't rest all he could think about was the danger that Azura was in. It was now three in the morning. He couldn't take it, he jumped out of bed and decided to go down to his favorite bar and play a little pool. Normally that would take his mind off of his problems. He dressed and left his one bedroom apartment for a rundown bar at the edge of town. He parked his car, grabbed his pool stick and began walking towards the bar when he froze. "There she is?" Jason whispered to himself.

Just a few feet away was Shelby speaking on the phone with someone. He couldn't hear what she was saying, but she didn't seem happy about the news. The call ended and she slumped her shoulders and pulled out her car keys. Morgan wanted to find out why she was placing a hit on Azura, so he had to act fast.

"Hey beautiful," he greeted approaching her.

Shelby turned to see a handsome dark hair; blue eyed man walking towards her. He wore a plain dark blue t-shirt, jeans and work boots. She was immediately attracted to him, but all she wanted was Tobias.

"What’s a beautiful woman like you doing around here so late at night, it’s dangerous here." Morgan said coming to a stop before her.

"I guess I'm lost," Shelby lied.

"Lost? Well do you mind some help?" Morgan asked.

"I don't know if I'm ready to call it a night just yet," Shelby began to flirt back.

"Well let’s have a little fun," Morgan smiled.

Shelby looked up into his handsome face, "Yea let’s have some fun," she grinned.

"This place just doesn't seem like the kind of spot for a classy lady like you; maybe we can go somewhere else?" Morgan suggested.

Shelby only had one thing in mind. Since Tobias ended their relationship, she had been sexually starved and playing with her toys had become frustrating. She wanted a real man; a warm body and this one seem just perfect. "We live in Orlando, there's nothing classy open now," she paused and looked down at her phone. "It's going to be four a.m. soon. Why don't you follow me to my place? And we can have our own little party there." she suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Morgan replied.

Shelby pulled out a tube of red lipstick and grabbed Morgan's arm. She wrote down her cell number on his fore arm and then admired his physic for a moment. "Just in case you get lost, that’s my cell," she said looking up at him.

"I'm parked right around the corner, the black Charger," Morgan said with a smile. She was too easy, he struggled to hide his excitement, going to her place was perfect, he would be able to get all of the information he needed, he was sure of it.

"I'm the red BMW, right there," Shelby said pointing to a car behind her.

"Red, hmmmm" Morgan teased as he gently touched her red hair.

Shelby giggled, "Yes, red is my color, but please call me Shelby."

"Sure. My name is Morgan."

"Shall we?" Shelby said stepping back and placing her closed lipstick back in her purse.

"Certainly," Morgan agreed.

They both went to their cars and about forty minutes later they were entering Shelby's condo. It was a beautiful condo on the more established part of town. Her home was well kept and filled with elaborate art and expensive pieces. On her walls she had pictures of Tobias accepting different awards and participating in different charity events. It didn't take long for Morgan to figure her out. She had some sort of fixation on Tobias, but then a small picture on the coffee table caught Morgan's attention. He began to move closer to it while Shelby babbled on about meaningless things, but she quickly moved ahead of him grabbing all the scattered pictures, placing them in a file, and shoving them in a packed suit case that sat on her couch.

"I'm sorry, I have an upcoming business trip I'm leaving for on Monday," she smiled, but Morgan could see she was not excited about it. "Well, sit down, and relax. I'm going to get something for us to drink."

Morgan smiled at her seductively then stepped closer to her. He leaned down and kissed her lips. "Take your time, I will be right here," he said then he sat down on the couch beside her suit case. Shelby smiled then left the room for the kitchen. Morgan didn't waste time opening her suitcase and pulling out the file. He gasped at the explicit pictures of Shelby and Tobias together intimately. They all seemed to be recent, but he was not sure. Now he knew that Shelby was intimate with Tobias, he had a better understanding of why she wanted Azura dead. He placed the file back into the suitcase then asked himself, "Why would you take these photos on a business trip?"

Shelby reentered the room with her arms filled with a variety of hard liquor. Morgan jumped into action and helped her place the bottles down on the coffee table.  He opened a bottle of rum and poured shots for Shelby and himself. They down their shots quickly then smiled at each other. There was an awkward silence, so Morgan found it a good time to ask her a question. He glanced at all the pictures on the wall of Tobias. "Are you a fan?" Morgan asked.

"Oh, no, well...He's my boss," Shelby blushed, feeling embarrassed.

"Oh you work for this guy?" Morgan said surprised.

"Yes, for some time now," Shelby said pouring herself another shot.

"Well you must be a proud employee, I don't know anyone who has pictures of their boss displayed in their home," Morgan replied.

Shelby grew more embarrassed as she down another shot. "You would think he'd appreciate it," she grumbled as she moved pass Morgan and stared at one of the pictures on her wall. "That tie he's wearing in this picture," she pointed to one of the pictures. I'm the one who picked out that suit and tie for the charity he was attending that day." She glared at the picture intensely. "That’s the day everything changed for me. The day he saw her...the day his parents put crap in his head!" Shelby said exploding into an angry rage and throwing the shot glass across the room slamming it into the wall.

Morgan put down his shot glass and took her into his arms. "I may not be what you want, but I am what you need right now!" he said. He kissed her while he unbuttoned her blouse.

Shelby didn't protest she wanted someone to make her forget Tobias' touch. They removed each other's clothes and Morgan lifted her and placed her on the dining room table. He had pulled out a condom from his wallet earlier while their clothes were being removed. He looked down at her naked body and imagined it was Azura. His cock became harder and he rolled the condom on. He closed his eyes only picturing Azura as he slipped his cock into Shelby.

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