Authors: Ira Katznelson
military segregation defended by, 213
Moscow Declaration signed by, 75
Neutrality Act signed by, 295
neutrality in Spanish Civil War enforced by, 294
New Deal defended by, 249–51
on NIRA, 229
NRPB created by, 374
postwar planning of, 368, 408
purge of southern members of Congress attempted by, 175
report on South requested by, 169–72
rumor-mongering by, 322
Second Bill of Rights requested by, 196, 379–80
“Sixty Million Jobs” speech of, 380
Smith Act signed by, 333
Southern support for, 22, 149, 159, 160
State of the Union speeches of, 195–96, 197–98, 201–2, 221, 243–44, 300
states of emergency declared by, 335–42
at Tehran Conference, 555–56
USES recentralized by, 382
on voting rights of soldiers, 195–96, 197–98, 201, 556
at Yalta summit, 357–61, 406
Roosevelt, Theodore, 120
Rosenberg, Alfred, 72, 283
Rosenberg, Ethel, 462, 653
Rosenberg, Julius, 462, 653
Rosenblatt, Josef (Yossele), 61
Rosenman, Samuel, 201, 522, 555
Ross, Harry, 96
Rossiter, Clinton, 123, 349, 465, 466, 531
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 351
Royal Air Force, 64, 70
Royal Navy, 305
rubber, 177, 184, 288
Rusk, Dean, 643
Russell, Richard, 128, 180, 188, 189, 266, 426, 431, 434, 443, 645
Russia, 105
in alliance with France, 100
Tsar dethroned in, 104
see also
Soviet Union
Russian Civil War, 59
Russian Revolution, 326
Rutledge, Archibald, 567
SA, 98, 108, 509
Sacco, Ferdinando, 55, 60
St Mary-le-Bow, 41
St Paul’s Cathedral, 41
Sandel, Michael, 19
Santayana, George, 93, 531
Saturday Evening Post,
56, 235
Sayre, Francis, 298
Scandinavia, 40, 105, 173
Schattschneider, E. E., 402
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 10, 37–38, 247, 424, 459, 465, 474, 497, 499
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr., 35–36, 247
Schmitt, Carl, 107, 114
Schmitter, Pilippe, 573
Schorske, Carl, 105
Schuman, Frederick, 298
Schuyler, George, 589
Schwellenbach, Lewis, 383, 388–89
455, 462
Science: The Endless Frontier,
scientific research, 346–50, 455–59
Scopes trial, 55
Scribner’s, 62
SEC, 36
Second Bill of Rights, 196, 379–80
Second Treatise of Government
(Locke), 109
Securities Act (1933), 252
Securities Exchange Act (1934), 35, 252, 256
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), 44, 162, 252, 257
Sedition Act (1918), 122, 325
Seed of Chaos
(Brittan), 501
segregation, 14–15, 16, 25, 86, 88, 89, 95, 128, 133–55, 163, 166, 169, 177, 185–87, 212–13, 289–90, 387, 388, 39203
end of, 474–75, 486
fair employment bill and, 188–91
federal inaction on, 133–35
foreign policy and, 567
geography of, 136–37
in housing, 24
of military, 42, 185, 313, 340, 558–59
New Deal and, 17–18, 159–62, 172, 545
NRA and, 241–42
rules of, 140–41
Taft’s cavalier attitude toward, 133–35
Selective Service Act (1917), 290
Selective Service System, 313
Selective Training and Services Act (1940), 214, 314, 316, 343, 393, 585
Senate, U.S.:
Agriculture Committee, 150
antilynching bill in, 167
Appropriations Committee of, 150
arms embargo ended in, 309–10
Banking and Currency Committee, 150, 256
Commerce Committee, 150
defense bill in, 309
District of Columbia Committee, 88
Education and Labor Committee, 268
fair employment bill in, 188–91
Finance Committee, 150, 239, 260, 387
Foreign Relations Committee, 293–94, 304, 422, 426
Internal Security Subcommittee, 331, 462, 464
Judiciary Committee, 205–6
labor standards bill in, 268–69, 271–72
Military Affairs Committee, 149, 150, 311, 314–15, 324, 437, 454, 644
Munitions Investigating Committee, 292
sectional votes in, 164,
soldier voting bill in, 207–15
Special Committee to Investigate Campaign Expenditures, 91
Special Committee on Postwar Economic Policy and Planning, 368
Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program, 92
separation of powers, 8, 12, 110, 123–27
Servicemen’s Voting Act (1942), 197–222, 560–61
Seventh Party Congress, Soviet, 74
Seventy-fifth Legion of Fascist Militia of Ferrara, 70–71
Shanghai, Japan’s attack on, 39, 102
sharecropping, 171, 266–67, 478
Share Our Wealth movement, 161
Sheffield, England, 41
Shell Oil, 246, 273, 398
Sheppard, Morris, 147
Sherwood, Robert, 359, 555
Shils, Edward, 462
shipping, 326
Shonfield, Andrew, 398–99
Short, Dewey, 423, 433, 644
show trials, 78–82
Siedler, Wolf Jobst, 501
Sikes, Robert Lee, 446
Simons, Hans, 49, 503
Sims, Hugo, 466
Singapore, 41, 315
Sixteenth Amendment, 261–62
slave labor, 72
slavery, 13, 282
Smiley v. Holm,
Smith, Adam, 19
Smith, Al, 85, 228, 262, 540, 578
Smith, Ellison “Cotton Ed,” 149, 168, 211, 216, 538
Smith, Gerald L. K., 285
Smith, Harold, 377
Smith, Hoke, 146, 147
Smith, Howard, 273–74, 389, 396, 433
Smith, Walter Bedell, 470
Smith Act, 332–34, 353, 433
Smith-Connally Act (1943),
War Labor Disputes Act
Smith v. Allwright,
90, 185, 218
Smoot, Reed, 262
Smoot-Hawley tariff, 262–64, 580–81
Smyth, Henry DeWolf, 350
Smyth Report, 435
Snyder, Timothy, 41
Sobell, Morton, 462
Social Democratic Party, German, 110
socialism, 6–7
Socialist Workers Party, 333–34
Social Mobilization Bill, 455
Social Security, 24, 291, 474
Social Security Act (1935), 35, 43, 162, 250, 252, 258, 259–60, 265, 268, 382, 386–87, 552, 580
Society of Friends, 220
Somaliland, 68
Somme, Battle of the, 101
Sorokin, Pitirim, 32
Souers, Sidney, 440
Souls of Black Folks, The
(Du Bois), 494
South, U.S., 535–53
AEC members from, 432–33
antilynching bill opposed by, 166–68
army bases in, 427
Congressional votes of, 192–93,
draft supported in, 312
economic interest in internationalism of, 287–91
FDR’s request for report on, 169–72
federal employment practices opposed by, 384–86
Finance Committee dominated by, 387
foreign policy and, 585
industrial employment in, 183–84
internationalism of, 280–81, 301, 303
labor organizing in, 183
Nazi admiration for, 282–86
New Deal partially shaped by, 15–16, 17–18, 23, 24–25, 95, 127–29, 152, 155, 160–61, 163–64, 165, 252–53, 378–79, 471–72, 542
as pivotal bloc in legislature, 21–22, 24–25, 148–55,
pro-British stance of, 287, 288
quasi-feudal tenure system in, 157–58
racial structure of,
soldiers’ voting rights and, 196–222
Truman administration’s reliance on, 425–26
unions in, 183, 371, 389–90, 549
voting patterns in, 180–82,
World War II jolt to economy of, 182–85
South Carolina, 136, 140, 142, 165, 199, 204, 207–8, 394
South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, 387
Southern Agrarians, 157
Southern Cotton Association, 206
Southern Historical Association, 169, 170
Southern Labor Conference, 392
“Southern Man and the Negro” (Wright), 143–44
Southern Manifesto, 400
Southern Politics in State and Nation
(Key), 127–28, 264
South Korea, 418
U.S. soldiers stationed in, 436
Soviet Union, 5, 12, 13, 17, 43, 92–93, 105, 106, 117, 277, 278, 279, 354–56, 407, 409, 411–12, 634
in alliance with Allied powers, 42, 324, 332
American attachment to ideology of, 39, 54–56, 326
anti-Fascist repression in, 94–95
atomic bomb of, 349, 416, 441, 450, 451, 452, 465
border of, 359
class criteria for citizenship in, 52
elections in, 412
famine in, 55
Germany pillaged by, 357
Germany’s invasion of, 70, 94, 314, 315, 354, 355–56, 485, 616
Gulag system in, 39, 52, 79, 356–57
Iran and, 408
Kennan’s analysis of, 412–14
limited bombing capabilities of, 469
markets eliminated in, 51, 234, 238
Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine seen as threatening by, 418
military investment in, 52, 102–3, 182, 291, 310
Poland invaded by, 274
spies for, 462
World War II casualties of, 355
World War II dictatorship of, 354–57
see also
Cold War
Spain, 277
Spanish Civil War, 31, 293–94, 296, 299
Sparkman, John, 219–20, 312, 400, 468
speculations, 35
Speer, Albert, 72
Speier, Hans, 500–501, 503
Spirit of St. Louis,
Spirit of the Laws
(Montesquieu), 110
Springer, Raymond, 208
SS, 98, 509
SS Einsatzgruppen, 41
Stalin, Joseph, 52, 94, 105, 195, 236, 355, 412, 515
Katyn Forest massacre ordered by, 356
Korean War sanctioned by, 418
liberal democracy denounced by, 113
Moscow Declaration signed by, 75
plot against, 80
at Potsdam conference, 403
show trials ordered by, 78–82
victims of, 17, 79
at Yalta summit, 357, 358, 359
Stalinist Bolshevism, 40, 113
Standard Oil, 246, 273, 348, 398
Standley, William, 68
Stark, Louis, 370
Starnes, Joe, 269–70, 330
Stason, E. Blythe, 432
State Department, U.S., 32, 293, 321, 406, 407, 409, 439–40, 448, 451–52, 454, 462, 464, 602
State Science Plan, 355
State Security, Soviet, 39
“stay neutral” drive, 304
Steagall, Henry Bascom, 60, 255, 578
Stearns, Harold, 36
steel, 177, 262, 288, 326
Steiner, Zara, 103
Stennis, John, 59, 86
Stephens, Hubert, 85
Stettinus, Edward, Jr., 307, 408, 595
Stevens, Thaddeus, 220
Stevenson, Adlai, 219, 312, 400, 468, 480
Stewart, Paul, 386, 391
Stimson, Henry, 349, 444, 457, 458
stock market crash of 1929, 37
Stone, Donald, 377
Stone, I. F., 640
Strange, Dorothy, 89
Strategic Air Command (SAC), 445–46, 447
Strauss, Leo, 50
Strauss, Lewis, 483–84
Streicher, Julius, 72
strikes, 391
Stürmer, Der
, 72
Subversive Activities Control Board, 46
Sudetenland, 289
sulfur, 288
Sullivan, Edward, 330
Sullivan, Mark, 306
Sumner, Charles, 543
Sumners, Hatton, 179, 180, 384, 433
Supreme Court, U.S.:
anti-segregationist ruling in, 90
FDR’s planned packing of, 151, 170, 178, 269
NRA struck down by, 245, 247, 257, 267
studies of, 4
Supreme Court, USSR, 59
Surplus Property Act (1944), 368–69
Survey of Racial Conditions in the United States
(RACON), 341
Swanson, Claude, 66–67, 68
Sweden, 277, 593
Sweeney, Martin, 597
Swift, 398
Swiss Confederation, 40–41
Switzerland, 277
Swope, Gerard, 244
Symington, Stuart, 447–48, 451, 470
Szilard, Leo, 349, 414, 613
Taber, John, 236, 449
Taft, Robert, 219, 221, 337, 394, 395–96, 559, 568, 644
Taft, William Howard, 133–35, 148–49, 457, 534–35
Taft-Hartley Act (Labor Management Relations Act; 1947), 372, 389, 393–98, 400, 402, 423, 474, 629
Taiwan, 418
Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization
(Bilbo), 90–91
Talmadge, Eugene, 86
tariffs, 144, 146, 158, 261–64, 288, 580–81
Tarver, Malcolm, 180, 312, 568
taxation, 161, 171, 230, 266, 372, 540
Teheran Conference, 195, 197, 555–56
Temporary Commission on Employee Loyalty, 459
tenancy, 266–67
Tennessee, 136, 141, 199, 211, 253, 394, 426
Tennessee Coal and Iron, 174
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 36, 160, 205, 253–55, 289, 432, 576, 644
Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933), 252
Terkel, Studs, 12
Terrell, George, 254
Ter-Vaganyan, Vagarshak Arutyunovich, 82
Texas, 136, 141, 165, 199, 204, 394, 426, 553–54, 555, 597
Texas Manufacturers Association, 387
Thirteenth Amendment, 133, 200
Thirteenth Party Congress, Soviet, 80
Thomas, Charles A., 638
Thomas, Elmer, 91, 538
Thomas, J. Parnell, 330
Thomas, Norman, 56, 281, 495
Thomason, Robert, 254, 312, 644
Thoreau, Henry David, 29, 522
Thurmond, Strom, 23, 610
Tibbs, Andrew, 90
Ticarico, Leonard, 512
Tily, Herbert, 243
58, 59–61, 63, 350–51, 411, 427
Tindall, George, 287
tobacco, 127, 184, 264, 266, 289
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 10–11, 136, 137, 475
“Todesfuge” (Celan), 42