Fear Itself (115 page)

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Authors: Ira Katznelson

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p. 3: Women supporting Franklin Roosevelt teaching other women how to vote, 1935 (Kheel Center for Labor Management Documentation & Archives, Cornell University)

p. 26: Swastika-adorned Hindenburg flying over New York City, May 6, 1937 (Bettman/Corbis)

p. 29: Breadline established by “White Angel” philanthropist in San Francisco, 1933 (National Archives)

p. 58: General Italo Balbo’s “Cruise of the Decade” arriving in New York, July 19, 1933 (Bettman/Corbis)

p. 96: President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first inaugural address, March 4, 1933 (Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

p. 130: Women demonstrating for segregation, Poolesville, Maryland, 1956 (Reprinted with permission of the D.C. Public Library, Star Collection © Washington Post)

p. 133: African-American Movie Theater, Leland, Mississippi Delta, 1939 (Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ds-01351)

p. 156: Antilynching banner hanging from the office of the NAACP, New York City, 1938 (NAACP collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress 046.00.00, Courtesy of the NAACP Digital ID # ppmsca-09705)

p. 195: U.S. Army soldier casting his vote, 1944 (University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, SOC3523)

p. 224: Crowd awaiting the arrival of Adolf Hitler at the Berlin
parade to celebrate the Austrian Anschluss, March 16, 1938 (AKG Images)

p. 227: “Interior of Scroll Case at Norris Dam,” Tennessee Valley Authority tunnel, 1936 (FDR Library)

p. 276: Isolationist sentiment at antiwar protest, 1941

p. 317: Evacuees of Japanese ancestry waiting to board buses to the War Relocation Authority Center in Manzanar, California, April 1, 1942 (National Archives)

p. 364: Women supporting the Democratic Party ticket of Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman, 1952 (International Ladies Garment Workers Union Photographs, Kheel Center for Labor Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University)

p. 367: CIO rally to defeat the Taft-Hartley Act, Madison Square Garden, New York City, May 4, 1947 (Kheel Center for Labor Management Documentation & Archives, Cornell University)

p. 403: “Fat Man,” the atomic bomb detonated over Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 (Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Courtesy of the Harry S. Truman Library)

p. 442: President Harry Truman with the National Security Council, August 19, 1948 (Harry S. Truman Library)

p. 467: President Harry Truman looks on as Dwight Eisenhower delivers his first inaugural address, January 20, 1953 (AP/Wide World Photos)


Page numbers in
refer to illustrations.

Page numbers beginning with 487 refer to notes.

ABC, 327

absolutism, 32, 104

Academy of Military Jurisprudence, Moscow, 59

Acheson, Dean, 453–54, 638

Acton, Lord, 523

Adams, James Truslow, 118

Adamson, Ernest, 433

Adorno, Theodor, 50

Advertising War Council Conference, 407

African Americans, 22, 353, 462

cheap labor and, 163

in Congress, 159

doubts about loyalty of, 340–42

as ignored by Justice Department, 159–60

in military, 24, 218, 313

NRA and, 241

TVA and, 254–55

unions and, 174–75, 392–93, 395–96, 550, 553

voting rights of, 88, 89, 90, 134, 140, 145, 148–49, 185, 212, 285, 554

World War II’s economic effect on, 182–83

see also

Agee, James, 410–11

Age of Roosevelt, The
(Schlesinger), 10, 37–38

agrarian poverty, 127

Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933), 30, 123, 178, 251

Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 85, 232, 268, 576

Aid to Dependent Children, 260

aircraft, 396

Air Force, Italian, 52, 58

Air Force, U.S., 450

Alabama, 136, 140, 141, 142, 143, 165, 166, 199, 253, 304, 394, 426,

A. L. A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States,
243, 248

Alien Act, 122, 325

Alien Registration Act (1940), 332–34, 353, 433

Allen, Asa, 301

Allied Control Council, 71

Allison, John, 451

Alpine Corps, 63

Alps, 101

Alsop, Joseph, 415, 635

Alsop, Stewart, 415

Alter, Jonathan, 243

Aluminum Company of America, 273, 397–98

Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 174, 571

America First Committee (AFC), 70, 281–82, 587

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 430, 461

American Association of Scientific Workers (AASW), 455, 461

American Bankers Association, 139

American Civil Liberties Union, 55, 78

American Creed, 207

American Dilemma, An
(Myrdal), 138, 139, 218

American Expeditionary Force, 197

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 174–75, 183, 230, 258, 344, 386, 391–92, 393, 398, 440, 550, 627

American Independent Party, 446

American Institute of Public Opinion, 204

American Labor Party, 604–5

American Legion, 12

American Magazine,

American-Palestine Fox Film Co., 61

American Physical Society, 463

Americans for Democratic Action, 424, 459

American System, 262

American Textile Machinery Association, 229–30

American Vindicators, 285

Anderson, John, 340

Anderson, Marian, 90

Andrews, Walter, 449

Angleton, James, 440

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,

Anschluss, 300

antilynching bills, 90, 149, 160, 166–68, 176, 179–82, 205, 268, 269, 541

anti-Semitism, 39, 87, 189–90

ANZUS Treaty, 48

appropriations bill, 381–82

Ardennes, 101

Arendt, Hannah, 39, 50, 521

Arizona, 145, 212, 339

USS, 316

Arkansas, 136, 199, 204, 385, 394

Armenians, 42, 102

Armoian, Tomasina Grella, 512

arms embargo, 302–4, 305, 309–10

arms race, 12–14

Army, U.S.:

Military Intelligence Division of, 326

segregation in, 185

Army and Navy Munitions Board, 323, 438

Army Corps of Engineers, 345

Army Service Forces, 344

Arnall, Ellis, 379

Arnold, Henry Harley “Hap,” 410, 414

Associated Press, 273, 398

associationalism, 234

Atlanta World,

Atlantic Charter, 207, 321, 354, 357, 361

atomic bombs, 14, 24, 34, 42, 92, 348, 349–50, 362, 403–5, 409–10, 416, 417, 419–20, 421, 428, 435, 441, 447, 450, 470, 472, 633

of Soviet Union, 349, 416, 441, 450, 451, 452

atomic energy, 635

regulation of, 419–20, 423,

Atomic Energy Act (1946), 421, 422, 428, 430–31, 432, 433, 434, 446–47, 451, 463, 468

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 416, 422, 428–29, 430, 431–33, 434–35, 451, 453, 454, 456, 468

Atomic Scientists of Chicago, 461

Attlee, Clement, 359, 637

Auschwitz, 214

Australia, 41, 42, 418

Austria, 60, 100, 101, 105, 277, 300

Austria-Hungary, 289

(Mussolini), 56, 62

automobiles, 37, 177


aviation, 69

Fascism and, 61–62

Babi Yar, 41

Bachmann, Carl, 328

“Back to Africa” campaign, 89

Bacon, Francis, 29

Baer, John, 487

Bailey, Josiah, 161, 179, 266, 573

Bailyn, Bernard, 11

Baker, Newton, 197, 290

Baker, Ray Stannard, 134

Balbo, Italo, 52, 59–71, 92, 95, 506–9, 510, 512

death of, 70–71

flight of, 59–60, 61–62, 64–66, 116, 227, 228, 352

Italian ceremony for, 67–68

militarism of, 62–63

58, 59–60, 61, 63

Baldwin, Hanson, 416

Baldwin, Roger N., 55–56, 505

Baltimore Sun,

bananas, 288

Bankhead, John, 189, 266, 591

bank holiday, 123

Banking Act,
Glass Steagall Act

Banking and Currency Committee, 149, 150

banking reform, 84

Bank of America, 139

Barbarossa, Operation, 79, 283

Barden, Graham, 272, 395

Barkley, Alben, 86, 211, 256, 271, 434, 466, 538

Barnard, Chester I., 638


Baruch, Bernard, 278, 343–44, 368, 407, 419, 420, 510, 632

Barzun, Jacques, 369–70

Bataan Peninsula, 213

Beard, Charles, 3, 304, 487

Beaumont, Gustave, 136

Belarus, 41

Belgium, 70, 279, 418, 592

Bensel, Richard, 134

Berle, Adolph, 236

Berlin, 350, 353

Berlin, Isaiah, 6, 200, 218–19, 406

Berlin airlift, 448

Berlin Olympic Games, 69

Berlusconi, Silvio, 512

Berman-Yurin, Konon Borisovich, 81

Bethe, Hans, 414

Beveridge, William, 488

Biddle, Francis, 71

Bikini Atoll, 362

Bilbo, Theodore, 83–92, 95, 128, 519, 520, 591

death of, 59

racism of, 83–84, 86–92, 141, 180

segregation defended by, 190, 193

Senate committee’s hearings on, 91–92

soldier voting bill opposed by, 211

“Bilbo Is Dead” (song), 90

Bill of Rights, 250, 452, 606

Bill of Rights Day, 353–54

“Bill to Expedite the Strengthening of the National Defense, A,” 308–9

Birmingham, Ala., 183, 187, 388

Birmingham, England, 41

Birmingham Age-Herald,

Birth of a Nation, The
(film), 145

Bismarck, Otto von, 40

Bittner, Van Amberg, 391–92

Bituminous Coal Conservation, 178

Black, Hugo, 86, 167, 240, 268, 547, 573–74, 608

Black Horn, Chief, 66

black people, German racism against, 282–86

Blackshirts, 63, 67, 123

Bloch, Marc, 490

Blue Eagle, 228, 229, 243

Blum, John Morton, 43

Board of Economic Warfare, 338

Bogart, Humphrey, 330

Bohr, Neils, 414

Bolsheviks, 123, 162, 474

Bonner, Herbert, 222

Borah, William, 241

Borden, William, 483

Borges, Jorge Luis, 488

Boulder Dam, 147

Bradley, Michael, 198

Brains Trust, 236

Brand, Donald, 246

Braunschweig, Germany, 111

Brecht, Bertolt, 62

Breedlove v. Suttles,

Brewster, Kingman, 587

Bricker, John, 217

bridges, 230

Bridges, Styles, 91, 644

Brinkley, Alan, 246, 247, 248, 487,

Britain, Battle of, 41, 70

British Expeditionary Force, 101

Brittan, Vera, 501

Brodie, Bernard, 416, 446, 447, 636

Brogan, Denis, 13–14, 23–24, 299, 301

Brookings Institution, 381, 408–9

Brooks, Charles Wayland, 210–12

Brooks, Overton, 427, 445

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 89, 186

Browder, Earl, 331, 604

Brown, Edgar, 200

Brown, Paul, 180

Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 569

Brownlow, Louis, 53–54, 93

Brown v. Board of Education,
137, 400, 563

Bryce, James, 104, 114, 119

Budget and Accounting Act (1921), 622

SS, 326

Bukharin, Nikolai, 82

Bulgaria, 105, 277

Bull Run, Battle of, 156

Bunche, Ralph, 138, 176, 538

Bund, 56–57, 327, 329, 330, 604

Bundy, McGeorge, 360

Burdick, Usher, 311–12

Bureau of the Budget (BOB), 139, 372, 375–78, 380, 381, 383, 399, 408, 430

Burke, Edmund, 29

Burma, 41

Burma Road, 314

Bush, Vannevar, 346–48, 403, 404, 408, 444, 455, 638, 642

Butler, Nicholas Murray, 68, 115

Byelorussia, 82

Byrd, Harry F., 161, 189, 193, 239–40, 378, 426, 431, 475, 573, 591

Byrnes, James “Jimmy,” 159, 167, 177, 180, 256, 343, 361–62, 407, 411, 413, 439, 587, 609, 638, 647

Cagney, James, 330

Cairo, 195, 197

Calhoun, John C., 193, 590

California, 143, 339

Cambridge Modern History, The,
100, 103–4

Camp Bliss, 218

Camp Breckenridge, 218

Camp Phillips, 218

Camp San Luis Obispo, 218

Camp Shenango, 218

Camp Stewart, 218

Camp Van Dorn, 218

Camus, Albert, 31

Canada, 418

Cannon, Clarence, 379

capitalism, 20, 25, 30, 36, 37, 41, 114, 254, 471

Italy’s claim to have saved, 93

New Deal’s rescuing of, 92, 231, 272, 471

Carey, James, 386

Carlock, Levon, 97

Carnegie-Illinois, 398

carpetbaggers, 190

carpet bombing, 42

Carr, E. H., 6

Carter, Jimmy, 532

Case, Clifford, 390

Case Bill, 389, 390–91

Catholics, 22, 23, 87

prejudice against, 189–90

Catledge, Turner, 265

Cayton, Horace R., Jr., 15, 210

Cecil, Robert, 102

Celan, Paul, 42

Celler, Emanuel, 333

Census Bureau, 556

Central Committee, Soviet, 80

Central Committee Plenum, Soviet, 78

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 409, 439, 440–41, 444–45, 465

Central Intelligence Group (CIG), 440

Century of Progress Exposition, 93

Chamberlain, Lawrence H., 490

Chamberlain, Neville, 302, 305

Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 229, 235

Chapman, Virgil, 257, 427

Charleston News and Courier,

Charlie and His Orchestra, 587–88

Chase, Stuart, 118, 487

Cheater, George, 97

Chevrolet, 173, 174, 273, 398

Chiang Kai-shek, 195

Chicago Daily Tribune,
302, 424

Chicago Defender,

Chicago Federation of Labor, 85

Chicago Tribune,
69, 199, 201, 221, 270

Chicago World’s Fair, 58

Child, Richard, 56

child labor, 146, 243, 270

children, 258


civil war in, 417

communist victory in, 46–47

Japanese invasion of, 39, 41, 102, 295–96, 310, 314

in Korean War, 47

republic founded in, 104

U.S. arms given to, 309

China, People’s Republic of, 418, 451, 470

Christian Democrats, Italian, 440

Christian Nationalist Crusade, 285

Churchill, Winston, 75, 195, 350, 362, 521, 634

Atlantic Charter issued by, 321

Iron Curtain speech of, 362, 414

Moscow Declaration signed by, 75

at Potsdam conference, 403

at Yalta summit, 357, 358–59

cities, 23

citrus packing, 242

city bosses, 22

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 24, 160, 176, 200, 217, 253

Civil Rights Act, 555

Civil Service Commission, 459

Civil War, U.S., 22, 156, 158, 159, 197, 310, 318

Claiborne, James, 256

Clark, Bennett Champ, 145, 538, 573, 597

Clark, Joel Bennett, 239, 241, 368

Clark, John, 381

Clark, Thomas, 646–47

Clawson, Marion, 379

Cleveland, Grover, 156–57

clothing, 184

coal, 242, 326

cocoa, 288

coffee, 288

Cohen, Morris Raphael, 46

Cold War, 32, 34, 42, 92, 95, 407–21, 425, 436, 472

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