FATED (14 page)

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Authors: A.S Roberts

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‘Number two, I definitely don’t fuck women here,’ he inhaled deeply, almost as if to calm himself down.

‘Number three, we didn’t fuck last night, I made love to you. And number four...’ his voice dropped now, ‘Did you not feel that? If you didn’t, baby, then I sure as hell wasn’t doing it right. I obviously need to rectify that situation, NOW. THIS. VERY. FUCKING. MINUTE,’ he started to gently nip my neck in between each word.

Suddenly he picked me up, my clothes fell once again onto his floor and he kicked them away. I had to accept I could get very used to this deliciously dominant male. He found my lips with his and began an onslaught of kisses that simply blew me away. He cleverly manoeuvred us into his en-suite and holding me up with just one arm he turned on the massive shower heads and steam began to fill the room.

I gasped in shock at being placed down on the cold tiles of the bench seat in his shower. I felt the goose bumps running up and down my body. He carefully left my face and grabbed both of my breasts to rest his face in the middle of them, turning his head from side to side to lick and suck at both of my nipples.

My hands grasped at the back of his neck, pulling slightly at his now soaking wet hair. He ran his tongue straight down the centre of my body, circling my belly button and then down to my pussy.

The embarrassment hit me, ‘Alex... please you need to stop. I need a wee.’

He talked whilst still eating me out and laving at my clit. ‘Uh uh baby, hold it... your orgasm will be more intense.’ With a hand on each of my inner thighs, he spread me as wide as he could. The feeling was exquisite. The hot water was pulsing over my whole body, his talented tongue flicking, teasing and pressing on my clit. He didn’t move it away at all, staying exactly right where I needed him, my whole body tensed up. Behind my closed eyelids I could see white light dancing. I felt myself convulsing against his face time and time again.

‘OH MY GOD! ALEX...ALEX... I’m coming,’ I could hear myself screaming as the waves of pleasure pushed sharply through the whole of my body.

He lifted his head up still holding my thighs. With his eyes closed, he leant his head back under the strong spray of the shower. Shaking his head now and running the one hand that had now left my thigh through his hair, he brought his focus back to me.

‘Tell me you don’t feel this, Frankie?’ He moved his index finger backwards and forwards, from him to me.

‘I do... but it scares me.
’ There I’ve said it now; it’s out there, with no returns.  I lapsed into childish thoughts.

‘I will look after you; just give yourself to me... all of you. I have always looked after you.’ His hands gently clasped each side of my face.

Our moment was disturbed by the phone. He started to stand up, leaving the shower and going to the door, where he picked up the receiver, abruptly.

‘‘Yep... yeah, OK... We’ll be there in ten.’

‘That was Bella, I gave her my number, just in case she needed us... it seems she could do with some food,’ he informed me, as he climbed back into the shower. ‘I thought you needed a wee? Get it done now, Frankie, as I need to clean you.’

I hurriedly left the shower as a smack stung my bum cheek. I gasped and threw him a look. He smiled quickly at me and returned to rubbing that gorgeous smelling shower gel
all over his body.

Can I wee whilst he’s here?
I didn’t think twice I was that desperate. After all he had seen me up close, how could I be embarrassed about having a wee?

I felt cold as I got back in behind him and I ran my hands around his waist and hugged him tightly to my front.

‘I have one rule, baby, about my bathroom. When you’re in here I clean you. I want to look after you.’ He began to fill a natural sponge with his cologne smelling shower gel. ‘Turn around.’ I turned and he directed me under the hot stream of water. Very gently he washed all of me down.

My gaze drifted to outside the shower cubicle and I saw my thong hanging on the towel hook.


‘You short on linen, Alex?’ I smiled at him.

He moved his head and followed to where I was looking.

‘They’re mine now, for emergencies.’ He grinned back at me.

‘If I don’t get rid of this soon,’ he glanced down at his hard-on.... ‘We may soon fucking have one, but now we don’t have the time,’ he grimaced.

‘OK, jump out, baby. I need to turn the temperature to fucking freezing so we can go feed Bella and my asshat of a brother.’


I had to put on my old clothes,
in order to make it across to our apartment. I didn’t feel comfortable doing so, though. It came to my attention that Alex seemed to enjoy watching me do everything. As I pulled up my jeans he was already dressed and laying back on his bed. The smile on his face was captivating. I took in everything about him, just so I could remember him like a photograph, when needed. He was wearing an old, navy blue T-shirt, stretched across his chest. The slogan on it now faded, but it read “for those about to ruck, we salute you.”

An old rugby T-shirt then?

As his hands were clasped behind his head, the T-shirt had risen slightly away from the waistband of his jeans. It was just showing the hint of a very happy trail leading down to his cock. Looking momentarily at the crotch of his jeans, I realised I could see movement.

Oh God, he was getting hard again.

‘Well like what you see? Keep staring and you’re playing with fire, baby... Frankie, if you stop fucking staring at it, hopefully it will die down again.’ His face was alive with the amusement of it all.

I lifted up my gaze to meet his, smiling back at being well and truly caught out.

‘Come on, before I jump on you... Stud.’ I offered my hand, to help pull him off the bed. Of course it was a bad move. His hand grabbed mine and pulled me down on top of him; he expertly rolled me over and underneath him in one swift movement. His eyes were on fire and he devoured my mouth with such force, I felt breathless. I only just registered that his hands had moved down my sides. All of a sudden I felt like screaming. The bastard was tickling all over my ribs.

‘Say you’re mine and I’ll stop. It’s so simple.’

My knees came up the moment he lifted some of his weight up off me. I tried rolling from side to side.

‘Enough... Stop... I can’t breathe properly,’ I heard the words I was saying, but only just over my giggling and the creaking of the bed underneath me.

‘Say it, Frankie.’

‘Yes...Yes... OK, I’m yours, now bloody stop it!’ He lifted away from me, but stayed to hover over my gasping form.

‘Right get your ass up, then,’ he pushed my knees down to one side of the bed and smacked my bum with a resounding thwack. Then standing he went to make his way towards the closed door, throwing me a look and a grin over his shoulder as he opened it.

‘Honestly, jumping a guy like that,’ I could see him shaking his head as he left the room, laughing.

We parted ways in the marble hallway. He walked me over to the apartment Bella and I shared and placed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. He clasped me to him for the briefest of time.

‘See you in five.’

I watched until he disappeared from view. I could still however make out his deep voice from the other side of the door and the laughter that followed it. The door opened again and Bella appeared.

‘Well, Frankie, you look... erm how can I put it?’ she stopped to pretend to think for a minute. ‘Yeah well and truly, thoroughly bloody shagged.’ She placed her arm around my shoulders and squeezed me tight to her. ‘And now you need to tell your best friend all the details.’ I looked at her and smirked. She was waggling her eyebrows at me and loving being able to take the mickey. Luckily we didn’t have time for the heart to heart just yet, as apparently Nathan had given her the “ten minutes and we’re outta here” demand.

I stripped quickly out of my God knows how many days old clothes, dropping them on the floor in my bedroom, such was my haste, and started rummaging in the closet for something that said comfy, casual, made no effort, but stunningly gorgeous all at the same time. Surprisingly there didn’t seem to be anything that quite fitted the bill.

Finally deciding, I got into my solid black, skinny, ripped jeans, pulled on my good brown boots and stood staring into my drawers trying to find a decent long-line jumper. I finally found my aubergine one. I started to turn it the right way, in order to put it on. I had just got it over my head and was busy thrusting one arm in each sleeve frantically, when suddenly I felt the hairs on my body stand on end. My bedroom door clicked shut.

‘Purple underwear, baby?’ questioned the deep voice behind me. I managed to pull down the jumper to my neck and as my head appeared through the gap, I could see Alex behind me grinning, in the reflection from my mirror. He snaked both arms around my front and drew me to him quickly. He was still hard and it made me gasp.

‘We need to eat now, you need to come back and shower again. I need you smelling like you, and not me... I want to be inside you again, this hard on is just about fucking doing my head in.’ He
smiled at my reflection, and lifted his eyebrows.

‘Why, Mr. Blackmore, you seem to have an endless list of wants and needs,’ I teased.

‘Baby, I’m only just getting started, now come on. Put a brush through your hair and let’s get outta here. Let’s feed my asshat of a brother and your best friend and make our way back to my apartment.”

‘Yes, Sir,’ I saluted him, taking the piss.

‘Be careful what you wish for, baby, I could get used to... Sir,’ he released me, winked and grinning he left my room. My body was on fire

Is that all it takes for him to do this to me?
A hug and a bit of banter and I’m dissolving into liquid inside?
I laughed out loud at the realisation. Moving fast, I ran a brush through my hair, trying to tame the waves, applied some lip gloss and a very quick stroke of mascara.

I stood back to take a look at my reflection. Yep I’d do.

The four of us made our way down in the penthouse lift. I was not sure I would ever get used to the speed of the bloody thing. Although I was somewhat grateful today, as the atmosphere inside it was a little tense.  Alex had hold of my hand and it was clasped behind his back, pulling me as close to his side as was possible, which surprisingly I loved. It was becoming very apparent that he still had a problem with Nathan though, as he continued to glare at him. Bella and Nathan were paying no attention; they just kept flirting with each other in their own little world.

‘George is bringing around my Range Rover, I’m driving,’ he said to no one in particular.

‘Range Rover, huh? That’s a bit English.’ I smiled when making the remark and looked up at him. I felt his grip get a little bit tighter on my hand as he smiled back.

‘Yeah, well that’s what happens when you spend nearly ten years of your life in that country,’ Nathan stated from the other side of the lift.

Alex stared at me intently, almost waiting for the penny to drop. ‘We still need to do some talking, Frankie,’ he whispered in my ear.

My face was obviously doing its normal thing, showing every bit of confusion that I was now feeling. Alex released my hand as the lift reached its destination. He clasped my face in both of his hands as he began to kiss each of the lines on my face making up my frown.

‘I know, Frankie, we still need to talk,’ he added in again. ‘Let’s get food inside us first though,’ he grabbed my hand, and led us outside the lift, to a waiting Nathan and Bella.

The Range Rover had to be top of the range, of course. It was British racing green in colour, with blacked out back windows. I opened the backdoor, in order to sit next to Bella.

‘No, Frankie, I want you in the front with me, please.’ Alex actually seemed to be very aware that I was trying to recoil into myself. I was intending to go for a little space between us. Just so I could think things through. It seemed when we were in close proximity, thinking just didn’t seem to happen.

‘OK... I guess.’ I walked around the car to the front passenger seat. He was watching me now, even more questioningly than before. Bella helped Nathan up and into the back seat. I heard them laughing together as they clambered in.

‘Don’t over think it, Frankie,’ he shot over at me, as he pressed a button to start the engine.

‘As if I would,’ I muttered back sarcastically.

‘Sarcasm doesn’t become you, Frankie,’ he added.

‘You sounding like my bloody mother also isn’t helping’ My voice had risen now, silencing the giggling coming from the back seat. Great, the atmosphere in the car was now so thick; I could  cut it with a knife.

Alex turned on the music and I gazed out of my window, just trying to make sure my eyes didn’t latch on to him. I wasn’t sure why I felt so pissed off with him. I spent the time whilst we were driving, just trying to weigh up the new revelation. Logically we had only actually been in each other’s company off and on for 24 hours.

So I’m not going to know everything, am I?

I watched New York go past my window and began to calm down a little.

‘I thought we were off to Denny’s,’ suddenly came out of Nathan’s mouth.

‘We are,’ answered Alex.

‘Why the hell are we going out to Brooklyn, then? The nearest to us, would have been in Tribeca.’

‘I thought we could do with the drive and change of scenery,’ retorted Alex. As he answered I felt one of his hands beginning to lightly rest just above my left kneecap. I refused to move a muscle. The hand gently squeezed my leg and I knew he was questioning if I was OK. I really needed to snap out of it and slowly I began to turn my head back to face front. I placed my hand over his now, just starting to relax and actually listened to the music playing in the car.

‘I never did tell you,’ I said in a small voice, ‘I loved the song you texted me yesterday.’ I casually turned to look at him.

He didn’t reply, or even take his eyes from the road, but squeezed my leg in response. The corners of his mouth began to lift, and a small smile spread over his lips. I spent the rest of the journey watching him expertly drive us through the busy streets. Thinking how wonderfully safe I felt with him.

Denny’s all day breakfast hit the right spot. We spent a couple of hours, just the four of us, sitting in the all American restaurant, squashed into a booth. Laughing and joking and teasing. The previous atmosphere had long gone, thank God and I loved the relaxed one that seemed to have taken its place.

‘Oh God, Frankie... don’t forget about our date for Thanksgiving, will you. I know how much you’re looking forward to it,’ Bella suddenly burst out.

I wasn’t sure what she was trying to do. I could see from the expression on her face it was something.  I glared back at her.

Alex immediately tensed beside me. ‘Date?’ he forced out, placing his coffee mug back down on the table.

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