FATED (17 page)

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Authors: A.S Roberts

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‘Well can I just say, and I’ll say it only once. Please don’t be so busy compartmentalising your life in order to stay safe, that you end up pushing away maybe the one thing that could make you truly happy.’

‘Wow!... when did you become so....SO knowledgeable?’ She looked at me smirking.

‘When I appreciated, that for probably only the second time in our friendship, my bestie needed help.’ I stepped towards her to close up the gap and embraced her in a squeezing hug.

‘You do know that one day; somebody is going to hug you so tightly, that all of the pieces he broke will just fit back together.’ I kissed her forehead.

She looked at me and pulled together a tight lipped smile.

‘Right enough of this serious shit, let’s order takeout and have a nice bottle of wine. By the way you’ll be pleased to know, I didn’t ruin the wine either.’ I handed her the phone so she could make the choice of what we were eating this evening. An hour later we were settled watching an old black and white movie surrounded by chocolate wrappers and empty Chinese boxes. In that brief instant, we weren’t concerned with anything other than where our next glass of wine was coming from.



I knew that if my little brother peer
ed through the spy hole and saw that I had come bearing gifts, he would let me in. I glanced down at the pack of beers in my right hand and I knocked on the door again using my ring. The door swung open with some velocity.

‘I knew it was you,’ Nathan let go of the door now and it started to swing closed. I just managed to get my boot wedged in the doorway before it shut in my face.

‘Whatever you want, dude, just get it the fuck over with and leave.’ He didn’t even turn his head back towards me.

‘Why wallowing today, asshole?’ I questioned.

He moved stiffly around the furniture and flung himself back onto the couch, lifted out his bad leg straight in front of him and he rested it on the table. I watched him close his eyes and run his hands over and over again through his hair. After moving nearer, I could see the evidence of a couple of empty bottles of beer in front of the couch, yep definitely wallowing today then.

‘Here,’ I said, passing him a fresh one.

‘I came over to talk about Frankie, but I can see your need is greater than mine. What is it? Trouble with your sponsors?... bike team? What the hell’s going on?’

He opened his eyes and looked up at me. For a split second I could see trepidation there. I hadn’t seen alarm in his eyes since we were small.

‘Just this, fucking leg! I need out of here, I need it sorted so I can get on with my job. Just ignore me I’m just spewing crap. What do you need to talk about?’

‘What is it, fucker? It sounds like pussy trouble to me.’ I smiled at him ready for the onslaught of abuse that was bound to follow. Leaning back in the chair, I raised my right leg and hooked it over the arm. Taking the top off the beer bottle, I started to drink the cool liquid, and waited for him to answer.

‘Bro, you know us Blackmore’s never have any trouble getting pussy,’ a trademark grin spread all over his face and I knew the moment had gone.

‘OK, is it trouble with keeping pussy then?’

He sat up quickly and coughed on his mouthful with pretend shock, and then he flicked beer in my direction. Pointing the end of the beer bottle at me and shaking his head, ‘Unlike you I haven’t found any that’s worth keeping. You know me, if it’s worth a fuck, I’ll do it. But then I force it to move on.’ I could see he was enjoying getting at me so I let him continue.

‘So come on then, Bro, let me have it. I know I caused you a lot of grief this weekend and I apologise. For once I just wanted you to have what you want, and need... BUT... if you hurt Frankie, then brother or not, dude, I’ll kick your ass from here to the Hamptons.’ He stared at me now, just trying to make me feel the depth of his intent.

‘Nathan... I love her.’ What surprised me was the ease with which I could say it; it was like I had been telling people my whole life. When in truth the only other people I had ever said these words to, were my siblings.  I went to carry on, but stopped myself as he stood and made his way to the window. Considering he was injured he did it in pretty quick time. I watched as he lifted a hand to shade his eyes.

‘Do you see that?’ He questioned. ‘That, my pussy whipped big brother, is a...  fucking pig flying.’ He loved his own jokes, and laughed his head off watching me smirk. He really was a prick, but I conceded a comical prick at that.

‘I need a favour from you though; I need you to give nothing away about the shit that’s going on at home.’

‘Right... but I won’t knowingly lie to her.’ His face became serious once again, as he started to shake his head.

‘I’m not asking for lies, Nate, just don’t eagerly drop me the fuck in it... I need a little bit of fucking time, that’s all. I am sitting on a knife edge here, trying to juggle my own life and at the same time keeping the warring factions at home on an even keel.’

‘You know Al; you can’t carry on putting us before yourself. If you really love Frankie, then shit, dude, you need to grab her with both hands and run.’ He took a deep breath, ‘I know what you promised dad... but that promise was made when you were five years old. We’re adults now? Man you really have to let it go. Take Frankie as an example, I could have had a team physio, but no you wouldn’t hear of it, so you pulled her over
here... I’m still trying to work out who the hell that was for? I can probably guarantee it was for me or her, rather than you, Alex... I guess what I’m trying to say is, you have got to let the promise to dad go; you cannot seriously still think it’s your job to protect us? I know we don’t talk about it...’ He was back sitting down now. I could tell he was going to go for it and mention what we never talked about. I could feel my fingers gripping the beer bottle tighter, my whole body strung so tight, I could probably be played like a fucking guitar. My head was beginning to thump with my rising blood pressure.

‘Nathan... Don’t fucking go there,’ I threatened. I took a long drawn out swig of beer.

He lifted up his gaze and his eyes met mine, challenging me. ‘Scott and I know what you went through to protect us... we know, dude. But you can’t protect everyone all of the time, Alex you deserve a life.’

Little cunt, you’re weak just like your father.
I squeezed the fucker out, once again.

‘Don’t you think I don’t fucking know that?’ I put the beer bottle down before the inclination to throw it became all consuming. It banged the table, and fell over onto the floor.

I jumped up and started pacing. ‘Really, don’t you think I don’t know?... I, better than anyone I know, KNOW.’ I forced both my hands into my front pockets, almost scared of what they would do if I left them loose.

‘I couldn’t look after you three, once he sent me away.  I didn’t bring all of my men out of Afghanistan. The woman I have loved since she was a girl has had such a fucked up life and even now I’m trying to help her stay away from another goddamn awful situation at home. In doing so, I am bringing her into our fucked up lives.’ I sat suddenly and grasped my head in both hands.

‘I think it has to be said, my track record for protecting the people I love... seriously fucking sucks.’

The silence in the apartment was almost deafening.

‘Since she was a girl, eh?... you have it bad, dude.’ I didn’t look at him but I could hear the smile in his voice.

‘Really? All the crap I have just put out there and that’s the bit you home in on?’ I grinned at him, feeling my blood pressure starting to slow down.

‘Alex, it’s two more months man, just two more months.’

I threw him another beer; we opened them and chinked them together.

‘I’ll drink to that, Nate, just two fucking more months.’

I was a man who exuded control; surely I could keep all the shit up in the air for two fucking more months?



The kettle slowly came to the boil as
I listened to Nathan on the phone to his team manager. I couldn’t help but earwig, I was born a nosy cow.

‘Yep, that’s what they’re saying, Brock.....Yep........mm hmm.......So after the New Year it is then. OK I’ll be seeing ya........yeah, really looking forward to it, I’m going stir fucking crazy here........See ya.’

I could hear him fist pump into the air ‘YES.’

‘So, good news then?’ I shouted out.

‘The best fucking news, everyone is happy with the progress, with more work from us,’ he moved his head, gesticulating between me and him as he arrived back into the kitchen, ‘And me focusing on my upper body strength, I go back into training after the New Year, and I couldn’t be happier.’

‘Well thank God for that, because you’ve been in a right bloody depressive funk, for ages.’ I smiled at him quickly, and handed him his black tea. I’d managed to convert him to having a cuppa with me sometimes. I was pretty pleased with that.

He turned now and leant his backside onto the polished concrete worktop; he grasped his tea in both hands. ‘So, chocolate drop, tell me about you and my brother, I’m ready for a good girlie gossip.’ The grin on his face was infectious. I smacked his shoulder for good measure.

‘Ow..... What is it about British girls? Always looking to inflict pain on me, me a poor injured man.’

‘Get over yourself, in fact let’s turn the tables to you my friend, how are you and my bestie getting on together?’ He let out another sigh and let go of his cup, one hand came up to run through his hair. Exasperation I recognised.

‘Oh, you know, she can’t get enough of me,’ he winked, and slowly made his way out of the kitchen. By moving away it was like putting a full stop to the conversation. I followed him out.

‘Alex was here last night,’ Nathan offered as he dropped down onto the settee.

‘He was? I was having a girl’s night with Bella.’

I remembered the text I received last night when he obviously came across my surprise hanging on the hook in his bathroom. It was dirty and full of need.

Inhaling your intoxicating scent, baby.

I need to be in between your thighs, licking away your arousal, now


We had sent texts back and forth until I had been so turned on I had to resort to using my own hand in order to sleep.

It was a gift that just kept on giving, so to speak.

I brought myself back to the here and now after feeling the flush on my face.

‘He’s pretty complicated, my older brother. He carries a lot of emotional baggage. Whatever happens, have a bit of patience with him and know this, I have never known him to fall in love. In fact he doesn’t really do relationships.’

‘OK.’ I tentatively added, ‘He told you he loved me then?’ I couldn’t help the teenage girl inside me, and had to ask.

‘He sure did, and do you love him?’

I could only smile at him in response to the question. I sat down next to him on the settee and snuggled under his arm. I had got to be the luckiest person in the world right now. I had a gorgeous man I loved, a bloke that treated me like his kid sister and my bestie. Life didn’t get much better than that.

After spending the afternoon at a local beauty parlour getting the essentials maintained, I made my way back to our apartment.

What the hell was I going to wear this evening for our dinner?

I closed the front door behind me and I couldn’t help but wrap both arms around myself and squeal out loud. I then very quickly decided to do a Bella. I ran and jumped onto the nearest settee letting out a loud ‘woohoo’ as I plonked my bum down on it hard. Laying on the huge settee now I opened up my arms and legs doing a pretend snow angel. Maybe finally my luck had changed. The flowers he sent yesterday were filling the space with a gorgeous scent. On the way to my room I buried my head in them and inhaled deeply.

When I reached my room, I stood and stared into the walk in closet, it was hilarious really, my sparse amount of clothing barely took up an eighth of the closet.  I didn’t really have a lot of choice as my wardrobe was hardly extensive. I was trying to keep some things by for our weekend away. My underwear was even less promising as two sets had pieces missing now. I struggled to contain my laugh as it rumbled up inside of me. I thought tomorrow I would have to go out shopping, I wondered if Bella could join me and help. My bank account was unbelievably healthy as my wages had just gone in and I really didn’t have many things to pay out for. For the first time in my life I could really enjoy a shopping trip and I believed some new underwear purchases were maybe just what were needed. But tonight I would have to settle for something in here. I pulled out my iPhone and quickly text Alex.


Hope your day is going well?

Just a quickie (no pun intended)

Is our meal casual?

Or smart this evening?


My day is shit. I didn’t wake up with you this morning.

I don’t mind what you want to wear, as long as you have on a skirt

or a dress.......

I thought we would go to a little Italian place near here, they have old fashioned table cloths and my hands could wander?

Love you Baby


PS I don’t do quickies

My God what does this man do to me?
A simple flirting text message and I was on fire, my clit was throbbing with the need of him. But two could play at that game.

Mr wandering hands

I thought perhaps I could wear a wrap dress and no underwear, as some greedy man is withholding my best knickers. Perhaps under the tablecloth, you could examine my newly waxed areas?

Love you too

Miss Smooth

Dear Miss Smooth

Jesus woman, what are you trying to do to me?

I’m in the middle of a meeting my cock is straining so hard against my zipper, it’s painful to sit, but I can’t stand as my arousal is not what the rest of the board need to see.

Lie down on your bed!


Lie down on my bed?
I questioned it but did it anyway.

Lying down now.

Remove the bottom half of your clothing....

Oh God I had started something now. But I did as I was asked. I must admit it was leaving me nearly breathless; I was already so turned on. I hoped Bella didn’t come home early; my bedroom door was still open. I stifled a nervous giggle.

My phone began to ring. I knew it was going to be Alex but he wanted to face time me!

I touched the screen to allow the incoming call, the feeling of suddenly being way out of my comfort zone rushed over me. All at once his face filled my screen. His hair was slightly messy and his pupils were dilated, the green of his eyes had the tell; flashes of amber in them. It was empowering to see what kind of effect I had over him and it made me feel bold.

‘Alex,’ I tried in my best coy voice.

‘Baby,’ he replied, his voice having dropped even deeper, confirming what I knew already, just how turned on he was. ‘Stop running your tongue around your lips and show me.’

‘Show you?’

‘I have suspended a meeting; I have approximately ten minutes..........SHOW ME.’

I could see a faint smirk on the corner of his lips, so I continued to play with him.

‘You know I’m no good at selfies I just can’t get the angle right,’ I smiled back at him, ‘I can show you this though.’ I ran my index finger through my folds and over my clit, slightly grazing it. It caused me to take a sharp intake of breath and I closed my eyes momentarily, it felt so good. I heard him swear, I opened my eyes and I removed my now glistening finger. I held it up to the phone to show him.

‘Put it in your mouth and suck it clean, baby.’

I did as asked and I heard him groan. Hearing that nearly made me orgasm.

‘You’re lucky I’m not there, you wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.’

Why does that statement make me flood the top of my thighs?


I decided to be a bitch and give him a very quick glimpse at what he was missing. I moved the phone down to my pussy and showed him my smooth mound and as I had decided to be a bitch, I went for complete bitch. I ran my index finger back through my folds several times.

‘Holy HELL.....YES.....YES,’ came out of the phone. I couldn’t remove my fingers now after listening to him come, and I finished myself off easily with a few more rubs on my clit. After getting my breath back I lifted the phone back up. There he was in all his sated glory, the man I loved, smiling at me.

‘Miss Jones, I do believe you have made me shoot my load at the office, AGAIN. That’s a very bad girl, you shall be punished later,’ he said in his best British accent. He winked and the call was disconnected.

I laid back on my bed feeling very pleased with myself. I was so looking forward to seeing him tonight and I clutched the phone to my chest.  I must have dosed off, because I came to a bit later at the sound of my name being called. I jumped off the bed and hastily got into my clothing from earlier. I turned my head and checked the clock beside my bed, my one remnant of home. Bella was home early, I wondered if we could shop now.

‘Bella, do you fancy hitting the shops for a couple of hours?’ I enquired as I reached the lounge area. Just in time to see her taking off her coat and kicking off her shoes.

‘Retail therapy... I’m all for it, just let me jump in the shower and get changed and I’m all yours.’

I ran back to my room and grabbed some jeans, boots, jumper and my parka. I brushed through my hair and put it up in a messy twist. Unbelievably she only took another ten minutes to get ready and we left the apartment. Outside our door we bumped straight into the awaiting figure of Edwards.

‘Frankie,’ he nodded his head ‘Bella.’

‘Alex has sent me to take you shopping. He thought possibly that you may wish to buy some clothing?’ I didn’t question his ESP.

‘That’s fantastic, we are so short of time... the first stop needs to be a lingerie shop please, Edwards,’ my voice had become quieter, tinged with a little embarrassment. But he was a very welcome sight, as outside in the dimming natural light New York was becoming bloody freezing and I knew it would be so much easier being dropped around by the limo and then having him wait to pick us up. How time changed, I laughed to myself. Once upon a time I wouldn’t have even been able to afford the bus fare. Now it seemed I could only think in limo!

He took us to a beautiful area, quite near Midtown and stopped outside a boutique looking lingerie shop. Just as we got out, Edwards handed me a black credit card. ‘Alex wanted me to let you know, anything in here is on him.’

I could feel my eyes widen in embarrassment. But Bella grabbed it out of his hand, before I could answer. She pulled me towards the front of the shop, shouting over her shoulder to Edwards, ‘Tell Alex I’ll make sure she uses it.’ I heard him chuckle as we stepped into the
welcoming warmth of the shop. I had never been to a shop before, where you try on lingerie in a huge changing room complete with chaise longue and mirrors on the wall. They were all so beautifully framed; they were like works of art. I tried not to let it intimidate me too much, as the saleswoman handed me everything they had in my size. The material was exquisite, and with Bella’s help I picked out six new sets in varying colours and designs... all with the thought of hanging the bottoms up outside his shower. Bella paid, as quite frankly I didn’t want to see how much of Alex’s money I had just spent. We ran out grasping the equally beautiful bags filled with coordinating tissue paper and jumped into the back of the limo. My phone pinged.


I was hoping to meet you at the shop.

The thought of surprising you and helping you pick out new panties, is all that’s got me through the afternoon.

Can’t wait until this evening, Baby

Love you


Half of me was pleased he hadn’t made it and the other part was disappointed. I hurriedly shopped in another local store for a couple of dresses, shoes and jumpers that would go with my jeans. If it was getting this cold here, God knows how much colder it would be up in the Catskills.

We made it back to the apartment by six o’clock and Bella, being the lovely friend she was, drew me a huge bubble bath, whilst I put away my new purchases. I had to laugh; even with some of Bella’s clothes in there the closet was still so empty. I chose my new black dress for this evening with a long line cardigan for warmth and of course some new black underwear. I laid them out carefully on the bed, and made my way to my en-suite smelling my orange blossom bath oil and on the way I grabbed my bathrobe.

‘Thanks, Bella, that is just what the doctor ordered and it’s much appreciated.’

‘It’s OK, gorgeous, I’ll leave you to it now and I’ll listen out for Alex knocking, OK?’ I smiled in answer.

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