Fallen Star (28 page)

Read Fallen Star Online

Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #steamy romance, #alpha hero, #shadow assassins, #mystic healer

BOOK: Fallen Star
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“Where are we going?” Flynn asked after
using the utility room.

“To clean up one of my father’s messes.”

Flynn paused with a clean shirt in hand,
obviously confused by her statement. “You better not mean Roxie.
You’ll have a mutiny on your hands.”

Sevrin threw her hands in the air and shook
her head. “What is it about Roxie that turned trained killers into
mother hens? I think I could strip her naked and lock her in a room
with ten of you and no one would lay a finger on her.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” Flynn pulled on
his shirt and tucked it into his jeans before zipping them up.
“More like nine would end up dead and lucky number ten would claim

“Well, lucky for me this particular mess is
middle-aged and male.”

He sat on the edge of his bed and pulled on
is boots. “Capture or kill?”

“Kill. Fast and clean, but there are

His scoff sounded almost strangled as if
he’d tried to suppress the sound. “Aren’t there always.”

“His range is extremely limited, but he can

“So give him one of these.” Flynn tugged on
his collar with obvious distaste.

“I was going to give him yours unless you’ve
grown attached to it.”

He stilled, gaze boring into hers. “A few
orgasms and we’re friends again? Am I supposed to believe

She sauntered toward the bed, knowing the
snug denim accented the sway of her hips. “I need a partner not a
pet. Which would you rather be?”

“Partners have to trust each other. Pets
only have to obey.”

And he had obeyed every command she’d given
him as if he were born to the role. “So let’s start with obedience
and work our way around to trust.”

He parted his legs and pulled her between
them. “I’m listening.”

She ran her hands up his chest and along the
collar. “I need your word that you won’t desert me if I take this

His brows drew together and his eye narrowed
to glistening slits. “I thought you’d want my promise not to hurt

“You don’t need access to your powers to
hurt me. You’re much stronger than I am. If you’d wanted to hurt
me, you would have last night.”

He clasped his hand around her throat and
squeezed just hard enough for her to feel the pressure of his long
fingers. “I’m so glad you realize that fact.”

“I need an assassin. Are you available and
are you willing?”

His fingers released, trailing down over her
chest as he lowered his arm. “How do you intend to pay me?”

Excitement tingled through her, but she
didn’t let it distract from the task at hand. “What’s your

“Your submission for one night.”

She paused as if she were considering it,
but already her insides were melting, softening, anticipating the
things he would do to her. “
you’ve successfully ended
Gerrod Reynolds’ life, I will submit my body to you for one

He stood, forcing her to step back. “What
are the logistics? Where is he?”

“He lives alone in a small suburban house.
I’ll drive you to the neighborhood and you can flash inside. It
shouldn’t take long. Slap him in the collar so he can’t get away,
then do what it is you do.”

“Can I operate the collar? I thought it was
DNA sensitive.”

“Anyone can push it closed. It takes a DNA
scan to open it.” As if to prove her point, she reached up and
scanned open the collar, disentangling the flexible band from
around his neck.

She watched him for a moment, half afraid
he’d leave.

“It will work much better if you go with me.
You collar him while I do my thing.”

“If I have to participate, you only get two

“At the end of two hours, we’ll
renegotiate.” When she didn’t object, he asked, “Not that it
matters, but why have you waited so long to take out the

“He served my father faithfully, so Father
assured him that he’d be safe on Earth. It took me a long time to
justify why I’d go back on my father’s word, but there is no help
for it. Gerrod knows too much. He needs to die.”

“Then take me to his house. I’m anxious to
enjoy my payment.”



“Are you sure you want to go through with
this? Lor is convinced the Shadow Assassins are on their way out of
Las Vegas.”

Talking with a disembodied voice shouldn’t
have seemed odd. People talked on speaker phones all the time. Even
so, it still felt strange to hold a conversation with someone
Jillian couldn’t see. She glanced in the rearview mirror, but the
backseat appeared empty.

“If they’re really on the move, then this
opportunity is more important than before.” She pulled her car into
a parking space near the front door of Unique Ink and turned off
the engine. “What do we have to lose? My new tutor doesn’t arrive
until tomorrow. I’ve got time to kill.”

She opened the door and stretched, giving
Odintar a moment to float out of the car. He could push his energy
through the door if he needed to, but this was less exhausting.

With her purse slung over her shoulder and
her sunglasses holding back the front of her hair, she walked into
the shop.

“Hey there, beautiful,” Jett greeted. “I
thought you weren’t coming in until tomorrow.”

“I’m not official until tomorrow, but I was
in the area. Figured I’d stop by and see how things were

Roxie snatched the privacy curtain open and
rounded the display case, welcome shining in her pale blue eyes. “I
thought I recognized that voice.”

Before Jillian could do more than return her
smile, Nazerel stepped into the opening. “Well, isn’t this

Her mouth dried up as her heart thundered in
her chest. What was he doing here?

You shouldn’t know who he is.
cautioned, his signal reed thin and heavily shielded.

“Excuse me?” She recovered enough to
reestablish her role. “Do I know you?”

“Oh I think you do.” He brushed past Roxie
and stalked toward Jillian, menace emanating off him in waves.

In a flash Odintar, Lor and Blayne
surrounded Nazerel and the two humans crumpled to the floor.
Jillian summoned Air, creating a swirling vortex around Nazerel.
His eyes widened as he struggled against the confinement. Then he
looked at her and smiled. “Very good.” His dark gaze shifted to Lor
and his smile evaporated. “Someday you’ll have to tell me how you
turn latent females into Mystics overnight.”

Lor’s arms were extended and fire swirled
around his fingers. He ignored Nazerel’s jibe and motioned Blayne
forward. “Grab him. Let’s go.”

Nazerel drove Blayne back with a wave of his
hand, but his gaze remained on Lor. “I am
looking for a
fight. I came to warn Roxie.”

Odintar crept forward. Nazerel pushed him
back as well, though it took considerably more effort. “This is
neither the time nor the place for a battle.” Nazerel forced the
words out between clenched teeth as Blayne and Odintar combined
their energy. “She must be warned!”

Jillian poured energy into the vortex, but
the struggling men barely noticed. Forget the invisible tug-of-war;
they needed to get Nazerel out of here before Jett or Roxie woke

“Warn her about what?” Lor asked without
relaxing his stance, then to his men he added,
Let him

Maintaining his hold on Nazerel, Odintar
neither forced his way forward nor allowed himself to be driven

Nazerel panted, sweat now beading his brow.
“Gerrod wouldn’t tell me why, but Roxi is important to Sevrin. That
bitch has a use for Roxi and I don’t think it’s good. She needs to
disappear and disappear now!” As if following his own advice, he
flashed out of sight, Lor and Blayne half an instant behind

“Damn that man is strong.” Odintar rested
his hands on his knees, panting harshly.

“What the hell just happened?” Jillian
rushed over to where Roxie lay. She didn’t seem to be harmed, just
unconscious. “Can you wake them up?”

Odintar stumbled to the couch and collapsed.
“It’s better if the compulsion wears off naturally. They’re still
going to feel like shit. There wasn’t time to be gentle.”

So Odintar had been responsible for their
sudden collapse. She’d known it was one of the Mystics. She just
hadn’t known which one. She checked Jett as well, straightening one
of his legs so he lay more comfortably. “How long will it take to
wear off?”

“Not long.” Gradually his breathing returned
to normal, but his face remained flushed, his hairline damp. “He
resisted us, but why didn’t he attack? He could have done some
serious damage. Why’d he just stand there?”

“Trouble in paradise?” She crossed to the
couch and sat beside him. “If Sevrin’s hold over the men is
slipping, it could be a very good thing for us.”

He looked at her and smiled. “I like the way
you said us.”

She nudged his shoulder. “I might not have
your mad skills, but I’m a member of the team.”

“I consider you one. I’d just never heard
you place yourself among us.”

The door flew open and Elias rushed in,
followed by two of his men. “There are definite advantages to the
way you guys get around.” He waited until his team confirmed that
the scene was secure before leaving his position by the door. “Do
they need a medical team?” He nodded toward the two lying on the

“They’ll be fine,” Odintar assured. “But we
better figure out what to tell them. They’re going to be more than

“Gas leak?” Elias offered with a sardonic
smile. Then his gaze returned to Roxie and lingered. “Damn,” he
muttered under his breath as he went and knelt by her side. He
pressed his fingers to the pulse point at the side of her throat
then slid his knuckles along her jaw.

Jillian couldn’t help but smile. Checking
her pulse was probably procedure, but that caress had been
interested male.

“Is this Roxie?” He glanced over his
shoulder then carefully lifted her in his arms.

“Yeah.” Odintar rubbed his temples, eyes
tightly closed.

He was obviously distracted by his massive
loss of energy. Still, Jillian was fascinated by this softer side
of Elias.

Elias crossed to the large easy chair and
arranged Roxie as comfortably as he could. “Her pictures don’t do
her justice and that’s saying a lot.”

Jett stirred, groaning loudly before his
eyes flew open. “What the…” He sat up then pressed his hands to
each side of his head. “Why do I feel like I just came off a
three-day binge?”

Not trusting the men to invent a story that
would satisfy the curious artist, Jillian hurried across the room
and helped Jett to his feet. “Nazerel was right. I not only know
him, he’s the real reason I applied for the job.”

“They’re criminals. I knew it.” Jett’s usual
enthusiasm was muted by his pain, but he hung on her every word.
“What sort of technology are they into?”

She wasn’t sure what he meant, but it set up
her story perfectly. “Can’t you guess? You just experienced the
effects of one of their toys.”

“They’re arms dealers?”

“They’re many things. Inventing new weapons
is just one of their businesses.”

Apparently Elias didn’t want her tall tale
to grow any taller. He moved up beside her and stuck out his hand.
“Special Agent Elias Bertram.” Jett shook his hand. “We’re sorry
about all this, but the less you know the safer you’ll be. Suffice
it to say that Nazerel and his companions are extremely dangerous.
We believe they’re headed out of Las Vegas, but we want you to lock
up the shop and head out the back if you ever see them again.” He
handed Jett a very official-looking business card. “And then
contact me immediately.”

Jett nodded and put the business card in his

Jillian tapped Elias on the shoulder and
pointed to Roxie, who was just beginning to stir.

Elias moved to the chair and waited until
she opened her eyes. “Hello. How are you feeling?”

“Like someone kicked me in the head.” She
pushed her hair back from her face, her light blue eyes finally
focusing on Elias. “Who are you?”

“Special Agent Elias Bertram.” He held out
his hand, but she ignored it in favor of rubbing her temples.

“Holy mother of God, my head hurts.”

Odintar stood and moved behind her. “If
you’ll allow me to touch you, I can ease the pressure.”

He could barely stand. Did he have enough
energy to heal her?

I can do this in my sleep,
. But your concern is sweet.

Roxi sat quietly as Odintar pressed his
fingertips against her temples. Elias, on the other hand, looked
ready to dive over the chair and tackle Odintar to the ground.

“Wow.” Roxie blinked several times and then
opened her eyes. “What did you just do? The pain is just—gone.”

“Pressure points,” Odintar told her.
“Western doctors scoff at the concept, but they really do

Roxie didn’t argue, but she wasn’t totally
convinced. She stood, swaying a bit as she walked over to Jett. “Go
cancel the rest of the appointments for today. I don’t think either
of us is fit to work.”

“You got it.”

He disappeared into the back and she turned
on Odintar, gaze flashing. “What the hell are you?”

am I?” He laughed, genuinely
caught off guard by her hostility. “I’m a human. What are you?”

“Humans can’t materialize out of thin air or
heal with a touch. And it wasn’t just you. I saw the others. Don’t
bother denying it. I know what I saw.”

“The weapon Nazerel used on you can cause
hallucinations,” Odintar told her.

“All right. Let’s talk about whatever kicked
in my head. Why didn’t it work on you?” When he had no ready reply,
she shifted her gaze to Elias. “I’ve had it with this bullshit. Who
are you people and what are you doing on my planet!”

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