Fallen Star (24 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #steamy romance, #alpha hero, #shadow assassins, #mystic healer

BOOK: Fallen Star
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Chapter Nine


Sevrin paused outside the holding cell and
adjusted her midnight-blue bustier. She’d taken off the matching
jacket, leaving her in a short, tight skirt and high-heeled ankle
boots. The outfit was one of her favorites because it perfectly
showcased her figure, and she needed every advantage for this
negotiation. Satisfied that she looked her best, she triggered the
door and stepped inside the small room.

Flynn charged the energy barrier separating
them. His hands touched the shimmering field and he shook with what
had to be agonizing pain. His dark gaze remained locked with hers
and his murderous expression didn’t change, but he didn’t make a
sound. Stubborn fool.

“Cut it out. You’ll only damage

He slowly lowered his arms, yet remained
half a step from the barrier. “I should have listened to Nazerel.
You’re a deceitful bitch!”

“But I don’t have to be. I don’t even like
being bitchy. You drove me to it.” She dragged one of the two
chairs in the observation area closer to the barrier then sat. With
her legs crossed, her skirt crawled well up on her thighs. The fact
wasn’t lost on her prisoner. “You can either be my reluctant
messenger or my willing partner. I’d much rather work with you than
force you to do my bidding, but I am able to accomplish either

He tugged on the metal collar circling his
neck. “Take this off me

“After I’ve gone to all this trouble?” She
snickered. “You really must think I’m a fool.”

“I told you what I think you are. This is a
waste of time.”

She lifted one bare shoulder in a careless
shrug that drew his attention to the swell of her breasts. “The
precautions are necessary. You and your brothers have significant
advantages. The collar simply ensures your obedience while you’re

“Where the hell is here? I can’t believe I
let you drug me.” He turned his back on her and tried to rip open
the collar for what had to be the hundredth time.

“This is my new headquarters. None of you
will ever know its actual location. It has been under construction
for the past two years and houses state-of-the-art technology. You
would not be better served if you were taken to the Rodyte
capital.” She paused, allowing her words to sink in. “For obvious
reasons, I must be careful. You and your brothers have disregarded
many of my fundamental rules and you’ve ignored my warnings. That’s
about to change.”

“Fuck.” He turned back around. “You.”

“We’ll get to that in a moment.” She stood
and slid the chair out of her way. “You need to pay attention. You
will be required to explain my expectations to the others. Now that
we have the staff and the technology required for success, there
will be no more self-directed hunts. I will sanction one hunter at
a time. Anyone who disregards this rule will be shot on sight.
There will be no second chances. Do you understand?”

“I understand that you’re insane. How do you
intend to stop us from hunting? Are you going to kill us all?”

“If need be,” she replied without pause.
“You seem to have forgotten that there are thousands of Shadow
Assassins back on Ontariese. Everyone is expendable.”

“We’re the strongest. The best.” He planted
his fists on his hips and dared her to argue with his belligerent
expression. “Are you ready to settle for second best?”

“I’m ready for success. If that requires a
massive purge in personnel, I’m prepared for the sacrifice. Are

He just glared at her.

She held up her index finger. “No
unsanctioned hunts.” Adding her middle finger to the gesture, she
went on. “The sanctioned hunter will bring his mate to the old
warehouse. He will be collared. He and his mate will be drugged
then they will be transported to this location. I am the only
female allowed in the team houses.”

“The others will never agree.”

She shrugged. “They have no choice.”

“They’ll run.”

She smiled, anticipation making her giddy.
She’d tried to play nicely with these men and they’d taken
advantage of her generosity. Well, they were about to find out why
people whispered her father’s name with fear and reverence. And
everyone that knew her said she was just like her father.

“Your nanites were manufactured on Rodymia.
I now have the means to track them. And unlike an Ontarian tracking
chip, your nanites cannot be removed.”

He stared at her silently, nostrils flaring,
eyes narrowed and hostile. “This is intolerable.”

Again she shrugged. “Only if you make it so.
The rules are flexible. You’ve lost my trust. Regain it and I’ll
grant you more freedom.”

“How do we regain your trust?”

“By following the rules.”

His hands folded into tight fists. “We had
it better on Ontariese.”

“Oh now that’s just nonsense. You will each
be granted the opportunity to hunt and I will enable you to
transfer your abilities to your mate. Can Overlord Lyrik say the

“None of your attempts have been successful.
Why should we believe you now?”

“I have staff and equipment now that I
didn’t have before. Dr. Porffer, bless her soul, tried as hard as
she could, but even she admitted that she was in over her head. Her
teacher’s teacher and his hand-selected team are now at my
disposal. The next time we attempt a transfer, it will

The fury in his gaze gradually became
something more calculative. He licked his lips and gazed into the
distance. “What do I have to do to be the one you choose?”

Now that was more like it. “This is rule
number three. Each hunter must pay for his sanction with sexual
tribute. I’ve decided it’s too great an honor for any hunter to
know that he fathered my child. I will enjoy the talents of each
hunter before he begins searching for his mate.”

“If you’re hoping to absorb our abilities;
it doesn’t work that way.”

“Let me worry about how it works. All any of
you need to worry about is pleasing me.”

He tore his shirt off over his head, chest
heaving. “I’d like to pay for my sanction. Please.”

He added the last word with such rancor it
made Sevrin smile. This was going to be even more fun than she’d
imagined. “Tribute must be offered willingly.”

“Oh I’m more than willing. I’ve been
imagining this since I first saw you.”

She chuckled. No doubt he’d been imagining
all sorts of cruel things, but this was about her pleasure and his
surrender. These men were impossibly arrogant and in desperate need
of a lesson in humility. “Take off your pants. Let me see what
you’re offering.”

It took a moment for him to unclench his
hands enough to use them. He ripped open the front of his jeans and
shoved them down his thighs. He wore nothing underneath. All the
while he glared at her, rebellion evident in every movement. He had
a fabulous body, but then they all did. The current generation of
Shadow Assassins had been genetically engineered for height and
muscle mass then sculpted to perfection by exercise and discipline.
Flynn also had a pleasant face. Symmetrical features and light
brown hair.

She took her time, enjoying every aspect of
his masculine form. Strength and tension were evident in every
limb, every bulge and ripple. Except his cock. Though well shaped
and full of potential, the shaft wasn’t even hard.

“You don’t look very willing to me.” She
motioned toward his crotch.

“Let me touch you, mistress. I promise you
won’t be disappointed.”

“No. I’d be dead. It’s obvious you’re still
angry.” She moved to the control panel on the wall and activated a
compartment at the head of his bunk. The compartment slid open and
restraints spilled onto the thin mattress. “Lie on your back and
cuff your wrists.”

“I can’t perform in such a demeaning manor,”
he snapped. “Shadow Assassins are always in control.”

“Not anymore.” She kept her tone light and
tried to look bored. “Restrain yourself or I’ll find another
messenger. It really makes no difference to me.”

He stomped to the bunk and spread out on his
back. Each movement radiated resentment, which made his surrender
even sweeter. He closed his eyes and blew out a harsh breath. “You
have my word I will not harm you. Please leave my hands free.”

Did he really think she was that stupid?
“Not a chance. Stop stalling.”

With obvious reluctance, he raised his arms
over his head and fastened the alloy cuffs. Then he turned his head
and glared at her. “Let’s get this over with.” Anger intensified
the green of his eyes. They were really quite beautiful.

She deactivated the energy barrier and moved
two steps closer. “It doesn’t work like that.” Angling her body so
he could see her cleavage and her ass, she bent from the waist and
unlaced her ankle boots. “I haven’t had a man since Zacharous was
captured. I intend to savor every moment of this.”

After kicking off her boots, she reached
beneath her skirt and removed her panties. She looked at him,
pleased to find his eyes had followed each move. A zipper secured
the front of the bustier, the laces on the back largely ornamental.
She lowered the zipper several inches, allowing most of her breasts
to spring free. The semi-ridged cups skimmed over her nipples,
revealing a hint of areola with each breath.

She looked at his cock and smiled. That was
better. “If you hurt me, I’ll slit your throat.”

He said nothing, just waited for her next

Tired of the perpetual ache between her
thighs, she was tempted to just climb on and ride him fast and
hard. But it had been weeks since a man last touched her. She
really wanted to play. Besides, the longer she made him wait, the
wilder he’d be when she finally took him.

She moved closer to the bunk, pulling up her
skirt as she went.

His eyes drooped, nearly closing, and he
inhaled deeply. “Are you as wet as you smell?”

“Why don’t you find out?” She straddled his
hand and closed her eyes, trembling with anticipation. He shoved
his fingers into her wet passage without warning or preparation.
Was that two or three? Gods she felt full. Her inner muscles
rippled with near orgasm and she groaned. “Watch it. That almost

He rotated his hand and found her clit with
his thumb. “Is this what you want? Or this?” He shuttled his
fingers in and out.

She caught his wrist and pushed his fingers
deep. “Now
touch my clit and make me come.”

His touch obeyed, but his words were another
story. “You might think you want it gentle, but we both know you
don’t. You want me on top of you, pounding into you, while you
fight against the cuffs.” He spread his fingers, stretching her as
his thumb carefully circled her clit. “Or better yet, let me hold
you down so you feel my fingers biting into your flesh as my cock
thrusts deep again and again.”

An orgasm burst with shocking intensity,
dragging a startled cry from her throat. Her inner walls caressed
his fingers while his thumb prolonged the spasms with undeniable

“Straddle my face so I can lick you.”

She’d been just about to do just that, but
his command made her change her mind. She unzipped the bustier and
tossed it aside then climbed on top of him. Rubbing her breasts
against his chest and her mound against his shaft, she ignored his
frustrated thrashing and concentrated on pleasing herself.

Unfortunately, he was right. She enjoyed sex
much more when she was being taken, overpowered and overwhelmed by
a masterful lover. His body slid against hers, arching with obvious
frustration. It was fun to deny him, but she was also denying
herself what she really needed.

“Your scent is making me crazy.” He panted.
“I want you to ride my tongue.”

“This isn’t about what you want.” She
bunched the skirt up around her waist so she could straddle his
hips. Then she reached between them and found his cock. “It’s about
what I want.” She used his cock like a toy, rubbing it up and down
her crease and around her clit, anywhere but into her core.

“Put me in. Gods! Put me in.” He forced the
plea out between clenched teeth.

Again she’d been about to do so. Why
wouldn’t he shut his damn mouth and enjoy the ride? “Each time you
make demands, you postpone the pleasure.” She slid back onto his
thighs and waited until he looked into her eyes. “You do not have
permission to come.”

His exasperated growl made her grin, then
she bent and sucked him into her mouth. He felt enormous as he slid
between her lips, incredibly hard, yet also soft. She caressed his
base with her hand as she worked his tip with her lips and tongue.
Each of his shudders and groans made her bolder, more determined to
hear him beg.

“I can’t… Stop or I’ll…” She pulled back
just in time to watch his seed burst from his tip and splattered
across his flat belly.

“Now look what a mess you’ve made.” Careful
to avoid the splatters, she crawled upward and positioned herself
directly above his mouth. “You didn’t have permission to do that,
so this is your punishment. You will lick me until
enough, regardless of how long it takes or how many times I come.
You’ll keep right on licking.”

“Yes, mistress,” he muttered as she lowered
her sex toward his mouth.

* * * * *

Jillian had never seen her mother at a loss
for words. Estelle Taylor was known for her strong opinions and her
willingness to defend them, yet she’d barely spoken since Lor
teleported her to the Bunker.

The men had made themselves scarce after
facilitating the transportation. Jillian, Tori and Estelle sat
around a small table in someone’s office. The office likely
belonged to Elias. Jillian just didn’t know for sure.

“Do you want something to drink?” Tori

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