Fallacy (Apprehensive Duet Book 1) (27 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Bracco

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Fallacy (Apprehensive Duet Book 1)
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“In another life before our exes fucked us up royally and where I like dick better than pussy.” Tiff sighs. Before my ex fucked me up royally. I don’t think Tiffany is as screwed up as she’d like to believe. She got burned, and badly, but I don’t think she realizes she was destined for something better than Lena. I’d like to think there’s something more out there for her.

Not for me, though. Quinn was my one true love. I felt her in every fiber of my being and I sure as hell felt the loss of her in every part of me too. I haven’t felt whole in two fucking years.



“Alex, we need to get moving. You said we had to leave by eleven-thirty and it's eleven-fifteen. What the hell are you doing in there? Having trouble taming that wild mane of yours?” I hear Tiffany yelling on the other side of the door to my bedroom.

Dropping the ties I was trying to decide between down on the bed, I head to open the door to let her in. Maybe she can help me decide which stupid tie to wear. I fucking hate ties.

“Why aren’t you dressed yet?” she scoffs when I open the door.

“I am dressed,” I say looking down at the red dress shirt I’m wearing that’s waiting to be buttoned and tucked in.

“No, you aren’t. And you aren’t wearing that shirt,” she scowls at me before heading to my closet where she immediately starts pulling out an array of dress shirts.

“What the hell are you doing? And what is wrong with my shirt?” I ask as I watch her spread out a bunch of shirts I don’t even remember owning.

“Did you even put any thought into your outfit or did you just reach in and pull out the first shirt you saw?” she questions, shaking her head at me in frustration.

“I’m a dude. I grabbed the first shirt I saw. Why? What's the problem?”

“Because I distinctly remember telling you that you needed to remind Quinn exactly what she’s missing. You’re going to be forced together with her all day today. She can’t escape you, and you can’t escape her. Force her to notice you. Force her to see the amazing, hot as hell guy you are. We’re on a mission today, buddy, and you’re not ready for battle.” She’s flinging shirts and ties everywhere while babbling on about our mission.

I stand there staring at her, waiting for her to stop her rambling so I can get a word in edgewise. When I’ve finally had enough, I whistle to get her attention. “What the hell are you talking about, woman? You’re making no sense whatsoever.”

“I was thinking about this last night,” she starts. “You guys haven’t been together with the exception of the hospital in two years, Alex. It’s easy to pretend someone isn’t as good-looking or as nice as you remember. It’s easy to paint them differently from a distance. But there’s no more distance. Today is the day you barge back into her life and make her remember who you are.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I like to consider myself an intelligent person but right now I have no idea what the hell Tiffany is getting at.

“Women are really good at making ourselves believe things we want to believe. I can almost guarantee Quinn has made you out to be some random dude she had a fling with years ago. I bet in her mind, you’re just some average-looking guy, who has okay moves in the sack. She’s probably blocked out all the great there was about you two, so she doesn’t have to deal with the regret of letting you go. She’s not going to regret anything with you wearing that ugly ass maroon shirt,” she grunts at me while waving her hand dismissively at my shirt.

“Quinn isn’t the type of girl to regret anything, Tiffany. That’s where your plan fails. She’s as stubborn and thick-headed as they come. Once she sets her mind on something, she’s not going to change it.”

“She will when she sees you looking downright irresistible and me on your arm. I’m part two of the plan. See the cleavage and the hooker makeup? It was done on purpose. Nothing mixes with regret as well as jealousy.” I take in her appearance for the first time since she walked in the room. She’s wearing very form-fitting black dress pants and a cream-colored, sleeveless blouse with a plunging neckline. Her brown hair is curled and hanging over one shoulder. Her brown eyes are framed with some eye shit that makes them stand out and her lips are painted a bright red.

“No way, buddy,” she snaps, drawing my attention back to the now.

“No way, what?” I ask.

“We’re not fucking,” she says, calling out my dirty thoughts.

“Why not? Your plan is working just fine because all I want to do right now is test the durability of your lipstick,” I joke as I take a few steps closer to her.

Shaking her head at me like I’m an errant child, she says, “Not happening. You cannot show up at church smelling of sex, and I’m not into blow jobs, remember? You want her to think we’re fucking not actually confirm it.”

“You think she’s not letting her fiancé bend her over before they leave? I know Quinn, and sex is very much a part of her daily routine.” It’s probably her number one priority if I'm honest.

“Illusion, Alex. We don’t need to actually fuck to make her jealous. She’ll do that all on her own with her imagination. And trust me, her imagination will be far better than anything we can bang out in the next five minutes. So shut your dick down and go put on this shirt. The green will make your eyes look fantastic.”



“You ready for this part?” I ask Tiffany as we head up the walkway to Ashley and Tanner’s front door. The church part of today was quick and easy. In and out. I didn’t really have a chance to properly introduce Tiffany. The time is now. I know she was worried about this earlier, so I just want to make sure she’s still doing okay.

“So ready,” she smiles. “I have a feeling today’s going to be a lot of fun. Ashley and Tanner know about the real us, right?”

The real us? “What does that mean?” I ask confused.

“That we’re friends, and we’ve had sex, but I’m into girls. That I have no illusions about you falling madly in love with me and getting married and having a brood of babies,” she explains, laughing.

“Yes, they know. But please don’t be offended if they question you more about how we can be friends after sleeping together. Tanner and Ash have had a terrible experience with a friend with benefits scenario before.” I cringe thinking back to how much havoc that little bitch, Melissa, wreaked on Tag and Ash.

“Sounds like there’s a story there. But it will have to wait for another time. We need to get in there and establish ourselves before Quinn and her man get here,” she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the front doors. “And we’re not friends with benefits. It was one time. And I still prefer vag,” she throws over her shoulder.

I ring the bell before heading into the house. Behind the doors is a cluster of servers weaving in and out with trays of food and drink. I search out the proud parents through the chaos. We almost run over Ashley as we make our way back to the kitchen.

“Oh, you’re here. Can you take Michaela? I need to help the staff out on the deck,” she smiles, handing over my little princess.

“Of course I can. Come to Uncle Alex, baby girl,” I coo as I grab Michaela and kiss her forehead.

“I’ll go help out back; you need to just relax for a minute. Everything’s fine, Ash,” Tanner says as he appears behind Ashley and wraps an arm around her.

“I know, but the tables aren’t set up the right way,” she says, leaning into his embrace.

“And I understand how you want them done. You’ve only told me a hundred times in the last week. Spend some time with Alex before it gets crazy here. I know how much you’ve missed him.” And he walks away before she has a chance to protest.

“So you missed me, huh?” I tease as I bump Ash with my hip.

“Of course I have. No need to get all cocky about it. I’m dealing with enough ego around here thanks to Superstar over there,” she says with a nod of her head. Superstar. I haven’t heard that nickname in a long time, and I’m surprised by the effect it has on me.

Sensing the change in my demeanor, like the good friend she is, Tiffany grabs my hand and squeezes. “You okay?” she whispers.

Nodding, I answer honestly. “Yeah, it’s just been a while since I heard anyone refer to Tanner as Superstar.”

Ashley’s face falls as she realizes what I’m saying. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“It’s okay, Ash. There are always going to be things that remind me of Quinn,” I tell her, squeezing Tiff’s hand for support. I feel like a fucking bitch, getting emotional over a stupid nickname my ex gave my best friend.

“Is she here yet?” Tiffany asks. I don’t want to know the answer to that question right now, so I decide to change the subject.

“I’m such an ass,” I say when I realize properly introducing Tiffany and Ashley is the perfect distraction to Quinn. “Ashley, this is my friend Tiffany Michaels. Tiffany, this is Ashley Garrison.”

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Tiffany says extending her hand to Ashley. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“It’s nice to meet you as well,” Ashley says, taking Tiff’s hand. “Thank you so much for taking care of Alex while he was out in the desert.”

Rolling my eyes, I tell her. “It was Scottsdale, not the damn Sahara.”

“Whatever. They’re both hot as hell,” she says with the flip of her hand.

“You have a beautiful home,” Tiffany says. She’s trying to win Ashley over with kindness. She really doesn’t believe that Ashley and Tanner will like her regardless.

“Thank you. How do you like New York? Do you think it will be an easy adjustment for you?” Ashley asks.

Tiff doesn’t get a chance to answer because just as Ashley finishes her question, Quinn rounds the corner.

“There you are. I’ve been looking for you…” Quinn’s words fade when she notices Tiffany and me standing there.

This is the closest we’ve been to each other in a very long time and everything kind of goes into overdrive. My heart rate picks up and my breathing slightly accelerates. Something flutters in my stomach and my eyes don’t want to look at anything but her.

I watch Quinn as she takes in the scene before her. Her eyes rake over me, zeroing in on Michaela.
What the hell was that about?
There’s no time to dwell on the thought because her gaze moves to Tiffany, staring her down. I can’t help but finding it amusing as Quinn gives her the death stare.

“Classy,” she murmurs before turning and taking her fiancé with her.

“Looks like today is going to be real fun. I told you to trust me,” Tiffany says, molding her body against mine. She beams up at me with a smile so genuine, anyone would think she’s really in love with me.

“You’re an evil mastermind. You could have a future in acting if the nursing thing doesn’t do it for you,” I say with a laugh as I hug her toward me with the free hand not holding Michaela.

“What the hell are you two talking about?” Ashley says, looking between us, her face giving away her confusion.

I’m unable to contain my grin as I answer, “Tiff here has a plan.”

“Yup, mission Get Quinn Back,” Tiff confirms with a devious smile of her own.

“Get Quinn back?” Ashley questions. “Where did that come from? Since when do you want to get her back? I thought you were enjoying your single life. ”

Tiff breaks out into full-blown laughter. “If by enjoying you mean trying to fuck her out of his system, then yeah. He’s been enjoying the single life.”

“You want her back?” she asks incredulously.

“I never wanted to let her go in the first place, Ash. I loved her then, and if I'm honest, I love her now. The last thing I want to see is her marry some other dude.” I haven’t admitted that to anyone other than Tiffany. I have trouble dealing with my emotions when it comes to Quinn. I think because I’ve spent so much effort keeping my feelings about her tamped down so I didn’t scare her. They overwhelm me now, so I distract myself with the lovely little bundle in my arms.

“Wow,” Ash says as she brings her hand to her face and wipes the corner of her eye as if my words caused her to tear up. “I’ve never heard you actually say those words before, Alex.”

“Tell me more about this plan you have,” she says turning her attention to Tiffany now. If anyone knows Quinn as well as I do, it’s Ashley. Having her on our side will definitely be helpful.

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