Exception to the Rules (9 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Morris

BOOK: Exception to the Rules
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That kiss in the V.I.P. room plagued him. He’d felt something wonderful in there, something that he hadn’t experienced in a long time. Gaea leaned her head back on the wall of the elevator and closed her eyes. His gaze traveled over her face, taking in the lush curve of her mouth. He pondered how much of what he felt was lust, and how much of it was his excitement at having someone with such a sharp mind at his disposal.

The last woman he’d been involved with hadn’t been nearly as intelligent as Gaea, although she was by no means boring. Linda had been a very attractive woman and had she focused, she could have achieved something in her life. Unfortunately, she’d been obsessed with her beauty and spent insane amounts of time and money on shopping and primping. In the beginning of the relationship, when it was filled with that new relationship excitement, he hadn’t minded at all. After a while, though, he’d gotten tired of it, preferring the company of his friends. She’d broken up with him, which had been a relief. That was over two years ago, during which time he’d only had two brief encounters, and those were with an old friend who’d visited from Colorado twice on business and had left after a few wild nights.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he was sexually attracted to Gaea. Still, he was just as eager to talk with her as he was to make love to her. Well, maybe
was an understatement. He definitely wanted to sleep with her, to explore all of her deepest desires and fantasies. In fact, that was something he planned to do as soon as he could. She’d sworn that she would tell the truth, and he was going to push her as far as he could. Get her to open up as no woman ever had, at least to him.

This was more exciting than any mission he’d ever been on. He wanted to know what she fantasized about. It wasn’t being dominated, that much he knew, but what? In her dreams, was she in control? Or did she crave something sappy and romantic? The ultra inquisitive part of him wanted to know.

Gaea turned her head and opened her eyes to look at him. “Are we back at the hotel yet?”

He looked out the window, recognizing a drug store on the corner. “Almost.”

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to get out of the car. I’m exhausted.”

He moved over a little, slid his arm around her so her head rested on his chest. “I’ll carry you up if I have to,” he replied.

She shifted against him, getting comfortable. “You were great tonight. Arnold was barely a bother.”

“My pleasure.”

“Sorry we didn’t get the dance I promised.”

“No worries. I’m sure there will be other opportunities for us to dance.”

She didn’t respond, and a few heartbeats later, her breathing was slow and even. He thought she must be asleep. They’d be at the hotel in a few more minutes, so he’d have to wake her, but in the meantime, he enjoyed the feel of her resting against him. She was so delicate, so warm. He ran his fingers over her shoulder, amazed at the softness, the silky texture of her skin. Then his gaze lowered to her breasts, the tantalizing view a little too tempting.

It wasn’t a good idea to get all aroused, not right now. Gaea needed her sleep and he needed to remember why he was here.

The truth was, he didn’t want to rush anything. He wanted to finish his research, and treat her right. There was no rush. She didn’t have any plans to go anywhere.

The limo turned the last corner and pulled in front of the hotel. Gaea woke when it rolled to a stop, sitting up and glancing around. “Are we here?”

“Yes, we are,” he replied, sad that the ride had ended.

The door opened, and Sebastian got out, offering Gaea his hand. She took it and smiled as she got out. He tipped the driver, then tucked her hand under his elbow as they made their way inside.

Gaea didn’t say anything on the ride up, and he felt just as comfortable in the silence. After a slow walk down the hall, they entered their suite. She stood still while he turned on a few lights. When he stopped back by her side, she reached out and fisted his lapel, tugging him down to eye level. Gaea kissed him softly on the lips, just a peck really.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

He wanted another, but all he did was smile as she released him. “You should use the bathroom first,” he said. “You’re exhausted and need to get in bed.”

“I have to be up at six,” she responded.


“I’ll say. Although, I’m sure you’ve had to get up at some awful hour before.”

“Several times, especially for a mission.”

“Will you tell me about them sometime?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t, due to the nature of most of them. But I can tell you I never lost a man and we always accomplished our goal.”

Gaea brushed her cheek against the back of his hand. “Well, I won’t be doing anything as courageous tomorrow, just a photo shoot. I’m hoping it’s not too bad.”

“That sounds like fun.”

“It won’t be. However, if you get bored, you can watch the models change.”

“I don’t think I’d ever get that bored,” he stated with a grimace.

She gave him a half smile. “As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I’m almost dead on my feet.”

She made her way toward the bedroom, swaying a little. Bas watched her until she shut the door, then he reached up and undid his tie. He was glad the pull out bed was comfortable, because he needed his beauty rest, too. His jacket came off next, and then his shoes and cummerbund. While he felt like tossing all the items on the floor, and worrying about it all in the morning, he hung them up like a good little guest. By then, Gaea had exited the bathroom in her silk robe and rushed toward the bathroom.

He paused on his way to making his bed, staring at the bathroom door. Was she naked underneath that robe? Bas could envision her so clearly it was painful. He wanted to walk in on her, lift her up and sit her on the edge of the counter. Spread her legs apart and stand real close, so the heat of her could warm his already hot body. Kiss her until she forgot about sleep, forgot about work. Run his hands over her beautiful breasts, feel the weight of them, the rigid peaks of her nipples. He’d take his time tasting her, sucking each nipple until her fingers clawed his back.

And then he’d get on his knees, pulling her forward until her hot center was open before him. He’d work his tongue slowly, teasing all around her clit until she begged, and then he’d become relentless. To make her come until she couldn’t stand it another second. When she was almost to the point of madness, that’s when he’d stand up, hold her right there at the edge, and he’d enter her in one hard stroke, filling her, making her come yet again.

The bathroom door opened and he turned to the right, very aware of the bulge in his tuxedo pants. He didn’t want her to think sex was all he ever thought about, although with her, that was mostly true.

“You can have the bathroom now,” she said, as she made her way to the bedroom.

“Thanks,” he mumbled over his shoulder. Bas didn’t relax until he was alone, and then, the relaxation only went as far as his shoulders.

He grabbed some pajama bottoms, which he didn’t care much for. Sebastian slept in the nude, but his mother had gotten him the red pair last year for his birthday and he figured it would be decent to wear them. He was pretty certain Gaea wouldn’t want him walking around the suite in the nude.

Once in the bathroom, he turned on the shower, took off the rest of his clothes, and stepped inside. He probably would have done better with cold water, but that seemed ridiculous when there was a perfectly acceptable alternative.

Bas reached for the soap and after a quick wash, he took matters into his own hands. Well, hand, if one wanted to be technical about it. Eyes closed, he considered picking up where he left off, but he enjoyed foreplay too much.

The venue changed to the living room. Right out there, with the couch already made into a bed. And Gaea wasn’t wearing the silk robe. No, she was wearing the incredible dress she’d had on tonight. He placed her in front of the sliding glass door. Behind it, downtown Dallas glittered brightly, but his gaze would be focused on her reflection, so clear he could read her eyes as he stood behind her. Close enough to nibble on the soft curve of her neck, right where it became shoulder. He’d run his fingers softly over the expanse of her back, giving her goose bumps, making her quiver. Then he’d find the soft little lobe of her ear and run his tongue up into the shell, then nip again at the lobe as he grasped her zipper and pulled it down.

His breathing got heavier as the images flashed in front of him, each more erotic than the next. But he didn’t want it to end, not yet. There was still too much too see.


* * * *


Gaea opened her legs, and ran her hand down her stomach as the images in her head went from hot to scorching. She’d tried to sleep, but it was useless. Not while Bas was on the other side of that door, and not with the memory of his kiss still on her lips.

Goodness gracious, what had he done to her? It was crazy. She hardly knew him, and she wasn’t one of those aimless females who’d drop her panties at the first sight of an attractive looking guy. Okay, so Sebastian was more than attractive. He was drop dead gorgeous, and the way he kissed left her mind numb.

Her fingers found the folds of her sex, and she didn’t waste any time going for the spot where she ached the most. She’d learned years ago to take care of her own needs, and saw nothing wrong with it. In fact, her ability to pleasure herself had kept her out of trouble on more than one occasion. Tonight, for the first time she could remember, she felt how incredibly lacking it was. Not that she couldn’t get herself off, that was just a matter of imagination and persistence, but oh, how she wanted to feel him next to her. To see his body, to see what he would do with her.

His creativity, she felt certain, ran deeper than just security systems. No, this was a man who would take his time. Who would use everything at his disposal to bring her pleasure. His kiss had told her so much...too much. And she wanted more.

 She fixed an image in her head while she increased her speed and pressure. Sebastian, entering the room, naked and hard. Big and hard. So hard. Throwing back the covers, catching her touching herself. Giving her that tempting grin of his. Climbing onto the bed, pulling her hand away. Telling her to relax, and let him take care of her.

Her nipples hardened as she pictured him taking each one between his lips, circling, suckling, while his hands explored her body. She’d reach out and find that hard length of his and do her own exploration. There was something so intoxicating about the softness of the flesh encasing something so rigid. Gaea loved exploring the male anatomy, although she didn’t often get the chance.

But then she’d let him go as he slid down, licking her every inch of the way from her breastbone to the juncture between her thighs.

Oh, God, she needed to slow down... If she didn’t she would...


* * * *


...come. Bas wasn’t ready yet, but damn it, the images in his head! He had her up against the glass, so cool she’d cried out when her naked back has pressed against it. His hands cupping her ass, holding her up so that her body was perfectly aligned for his entry. He’d taken her mouth with his, and kissed her deeply, and then he’d thrust inside her so hard he’d nearly lost it in that second.

But he’d held on and now, in an image so vivid he could practically taste her, he continued to the thrust, pretending it wasn’t his hand.

It was too late; he couldn’t hold back any longer. He pumped fast, and his pelvis pushed involuntarily until there...there... “Gaea!”


* * * *


“Yes, Bas! Yes!”

Gaea removed her hand from between her thighs and turned her face into the pillow. She’d been so loud, she’d probably woken him, and that would be a disaster. She shivered as an aftershock took her, then squeezed her legs tight as she tried to slow her breathing.

The room door was thick; he probably hadn’t heard. Or thought it was the TV. Or something. She couldn’t worry about it, not when it was so late and she had to get up so early.

Gaea fluffed her pillow, straightened the blankets and closed her eyes. And immediately visualized Sebastian. Naked.

This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all. She reached over and grabbed the remote, turning the TV onto a late-night sitcom re-run. She turned down the sound so it was just loud enough that she’d have to struggle to make out the words.

That should do it. Gaea hoped.


* * * *


Kallie stared a hole into the clock on her bedside table. It was almost four, and she wasn’t the least bit sleepy. She couldn’t stop thinking about the night she’d just experienced. About Dax.

He had talked to her so much! Every time he wasn’t being interviewed, having his photo taken or doing some other stuff, he’d come right back to her and just picked up the conversation as if it had never been interrupted.

It was simply too much. How she’d survived through it without doing something mentally defunct was beyond her. Dax Kavanagh. He’d laughed at her jokes, and most people didn’t because her sense of humor was, well odd, but he’d gotten her jokes, and it turned out his humor was also different, and even though they were different offs, they still kind of complimented each other, in which case was... Better than anything.

They talked about his work, and how he wasn’t crazy about being a model, but they paid him so much money that he couldn’t turn it down, but now that he’d invested a good amount of it. He was going back to school to agriculture because what he really wanted was to have a big ranch in Wyoming with lots of cattle and horses. And he wanted a few cabins on his property so he could invite his friends to come and visit for as long as they wanted, which was the most wonderful thing she’d ever heard.

He’d asked all about her, too, and she’d told him about college and how wonderful it was to work with Gaea, and that she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to stay in marketing, but she felt as if she had time to figure it out.

While she stood talking with him, a hundred local celebs and prominent members of the community came to talk. Dax introduced her to each one as if
were the celebrity, which kind of made her nervous, but then it didn’t because he was so relaxed about the entire thing. She’d met so many people that they blurred in her mind. All of them were so famous and good-looking it made her feel dull, except Dax was, by far, the best looking guy there. Kallie could tell that people were wondering what he was doing standing by her all night, but she didn’t care. Nothing could have been better than her night, not one thing.

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