Exception to the Rules (4 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Morris

BOOK: Exception to the Rules
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“And that’s interesting how?”

“Come on, Mom. Not everyone can be as well balanced as you.”

“No, but they can be a little balanced. I already assumed she has no real life. If she had, surely, she wouldn’t have had to hire you.”

“Yeah, she’s pretty focused. But that works in my favor. I figure she’s not going to get coy with me, or have a secondary agenda. I’ll ask. She’ll answer.”

“And what if she doesn’t have the answers?”

“I’ll keep looking. But at least I’ve tried.”

Jillian sighed as she ran her hand through her softly graying hair. “I think I should have said no when you told me you wanted to become a Navy Seal.”

He chuckled. “Mom.”

“I’m serious. I know your father and I encouraged you to go out and to learn from experience, but I think those Seals encouraged you far more. Just don’t get your hopes up too high, okay?”

“Look, even I know there aren’t going to be direct answers to everything. But there are going to be clues. Directions. Hints. I think, if I can just talk about it with no games, I can move to the next level.”

“Don’t you need someone on this level to be able to move on to the next?”

“I’m hoping this will help me find the sort of woman I can move with. Even you have to admit I’ve done a lousy job in my previous selections.”

“Oh, honey. Lousy it putting it lightly. But that’s mostly because you let your little head do your thinking for you.”

“It’s a good thing I stopped being embarrassed by you a long time ago.”

“I know. And I appreciate your acceptance.”

“So, you’ll take care of Harley?”

“The dog hates me, but yes, I will.”

He leaned over, kissed her cheek, then went back to his muffin. “Thanks.”

“And you’ll fill me in on what you learn?”

“Of course.”

“Can’t wait.”

He stood. “I need to run. If you need me, I’ll have my cell.”

“Ok, honey. Take some muffins.”

He grinned. “I planned to.”

“Take some vegetables and fruit, too.”

“I don’t think so.”

He kissed his mother on the cheek and headed for the kitchen where above the sink, was a picture he’d taken years ago of his father and mother. They looked so damn happy.

* * * *

The hotel suite was absolutely breathtaking. It was all chocolate, pale green, and high deco right down to the crown molding. Huge by any standard, but especially for uptown Dallas, it had to carry a price tag that would make her cringe. If she’d made the reservations, she’d have been several floors down in a single, but that wouldn’t have been the perfect setting for seduction, would it?

Arnold had definitely lost his mind, and for the first time since she’d met with Sebastian, she felt fine about the insane bargain she’d agreed to.

Her original plan still held true—that if Arnold saw she was involved, witnessed it with his own eyes, he’d back the hell off. What was new to the equation was Bas’ request, and worse, her attraction to the man.

She waited while the bellman put her large suitcase on the stand, then she tipped him extravagantly, fully expecting to have to work the hotel staff to the limit during her stay. He thanked her, gave a slight bow, and left her to unpack.

Once alone, she fought the urge to lie down on the comfortable-looking couch, to rest her head on the assembly of pillows and sleep for a couple of days. Instead, she unzipped her bag and went methodically through the contents, storing them in her typical organized fashion. Halfway through the task, she remembered that she was going to be sharing the space. Not only did that make her pause, it led her to open the door to the mini-bar and pull out a small bottle of Merlot.

Sharing a room with a total stranger. That had to be right up near the top of her own personal list of mentally defunct moves. Okay, so Cooper vouched for him, but what did that mean? This was the most important week of her life, and she couldn’t afford to take her eye off the goal. So what did she do? Hire the most attractive man she’d met in years to pretend to be her lover. No distraction there. No, sir.

The issue was, he fit her criteria to a tee. Which was definitely a rarity. She’d never met a man who had it all—the intelligence, the wit, the looks, the good taste in clothes, the strong hands. Her only hope was to get to know him. No way was he everything he appeared to be. Impossible.

He was undoubtedly vainglorious. Give his project, probably obstinate, too. All she had to do was play it cool until he let the real him show, then the problem would be solved. It’d better be solved.

She poured her wine into one of the glasses set on a silver tray by the wet bar, then sank down into the gray satin couch next to the window. Her view was of Victory Park, but she stared without seeing it as she thought of the daunting tasks that lie ahead.

Tomorrow started the festivities, beginning with a makeover party for seven lucky radio listeners, to be held at Neiman Marcus. All using Marcella Girardi fashion, of course. Tomorrow night was the grand-opening party at the Ghost Bar, one of the most highly sought after night clubs in the city. Then there was the dessert-and-jazz party at the Reunion Tower, a press party at Sambuca’s, Geocaching at the botanical gardens, a fashion show at the hotel, and finally, the final party slash banquet at the hotel.

By the time it was all said and done, she’d be ready to be institutionalized, but in the meantime, she had to make sure the celebrities were catered to, the models showed up and acted like civilized human beings, make sure the media was happy, and that every detail of every event was taken care of with no muss and utterly no fuss.

Thank goodness for Kallie. And Kallie’s troops. Gaea was extremely lucky to have them. And she mustn’t forget that every event had a professional planner in charge of it. Which did comfort, but didn’t alleviate the final responsibility, which lay directly on her shoulders. Sure, it was Arnold who signed the cheeks, but everyone in the business knew who was really in charge.

This was her ticket. Her chance to soar. If she screwed it up, she doubted her career would recover. If she succeeded, she’d be well on her way to achieving her dream.

Which meant there was no room at all for Sebastian in any other capacity but paid help. Maybe it wasn’t too late to tell him she’d changed her mind. She could call up an escort service and hire some delicious hunk of maleness, preferably someone gay, who would be silent for a fee.

She’d put Sebastian’s phone number in her purse, and as she rose to get it, there was a knock at the door.

She crossed the white marble floor, then looked through the peephole. Arnold. Damn it. After a deep breath, she opened the door, but not very far.

“Arnold, hi. What’s up?”

He grinned at her. That goofy, love-struck smile that made her want to slap some sense into him. “How do you like it?”

She didn’t even bother to pretend that she didn’t know what he referred to. That would only keep him in her presence longer.

“The room is fabulous, but too lavish. My goodness, it must cost a fortune.”

“A couple of fortunes.” He stepped closer, clearly expecting her to let him inside. “But you’re worth it.”

“Thank you,” she said, using the one technique that had warranted any success. A simple response. No embellishment. Arnold had some difficulty coming up with original thoughts.

“We need to talk about tomorrow.”

“We do?”

He nodded. She spotted little drops of perspiration beading his forehead where his hairline used to be. At least he didn’t do the toupee or combover thing. That would have just put her over the edge. As it currently stood, he wasn’t bad-looking. Slightly overweight, not too tall. She used to find him vaguely attractive until he’d changed from wonderful boss to Mr. Horn Dog.

“Yes, you know. Go over the details.”

She gave him her most reassuring smile. “That’s why you hired me, Arnold. To take care of the details. So you don’t have to work in the least. The fashion makeovers are going to be a big hit, and so is the opening party. All you have to do is show up at the Ghost Bar at seven tomorrow night. Which reminds me, I have to go make a couple of calls—”

“Gaea,” he said, planting his foot firmly in the door and using his shoulder to ease himself in. “I have some concerns about the party.”

She wanted to push him right back outside, but thought better of it. This would all come to an end soon, and then she wouldn’t have to worry anymore. In the meantime, however, she wanted to maximize the distance between them, so she closed the door and walked over to the wet bar. “Something to drink?”

“No thanks,” he said, his glee at gaining entrance far too evident on his face.

“You have concerns?”

He immediately adopted a businesslike expression as his gaze shifted to the bedroom door. “What’s our media coverage looking like for this shindig?”

She’d told him before. Written him memos. But she said none of that. “All of the local news stations, E!, Access Hollywood
and Entertainment Tonight.

He nodded. “Sounds great. And what about the celebrities? Are they all confirmed?”

“We’re sending eight limos, but most of the crowd is arriving on their own.”

“Who exactly?”

“Ross Perot Jr., Mark Cuban, Owen Wilson, Troy Aikman, and many more. Should I ask Kallie to come up here with the list?”

“No,” he said too quickly. “That’s excellent. Just great.”

“But it won’t be excellent if I can’t make the calls I need to, so...” She headed toward the door. He didn’t follow.

“I’m certain the calls can wait a few minutes.”

“No, Arnold, they can’t.”

The expression on his face changed again. This time, the lovesick puppy look. “Gaea, can’t you see what a team we make? Isn’t it obvious?”

“Yes, absolutely. The next week will prove it. We’re going to make Marcella Girardi a household name.”

He walked toward her, holding his hands out as if he meant to touch her, which was simply out of the question. Only he was blocking her easy exit. In order to get around him, she’d have to practically jump over the couch. “That’s not the sort of partnership I’m referring to.”

“There is no other partnership, Arnold.”

“But there should be. Can be.”

“You already have that kind of partner.”

He shook his head as he took those last steps, placing himself so that now she truly was trapped. His left hand touched her forearm. “I don’t. Honestly. I’ve told you before. Cheri is a wonderful mom—”

a partner, Arnold.”

He paused. Blinked. Kept his hand right where it was. “What?”

“A partner. A man. I have someone in my life.”

First a flash of confusion, then hurt, quickly followed by skepticism. “What are you talking about? You don’t date.”

“I don’t talk about dating.”

“You’re always at the office.”

“No, I’m not. I do have a life. Which is private. But there is someone, and it’s serious.”

Skepticism became full-blown disbelief. “Who?”

“You don’t know him.”

“What’s his name?”

“Not that it matters, but Sebastian.”

“Sebastian what?”

Her annoyance was starting to turn into anger. “Fuller.”

“Never heard of him.”

“Not surprising.”

“How did you meet?”

“Back when I was in school.”

“And he just showed up again?”

“Yes. He showed up, and the old flames were rekindled.”

Arnold finally removed his hand from her arm. “Where does he live?”

“First, I don’t see how that’s any of your business. Second, I don’t see why his address is important.”

“It is.”

“Oh, really? Why?”

Discombobulated, he looked around the room as if searching for a clue. “Because I care about you. I don’t want you tying yourself down to the wrong sort of man.”

“He’s not. I assure you. He’s a very wonderful man, and I care about him.”

“This is all pretty sudden.”

“Actually, it’s not.”

“Kallie knows about him?”

“No, she doesn’t.”

His mouth thinned. “Why not?”

Boy, did she want to strangle him. “Because it’s no one’s business. I keep my personal life private.”


“Arnold, I have some phone calls.”

“Uh-huh. Sebastian Fuller, right? What does he do? Is he in marketing?”

“No, he’s not.” She opened the door. “Please, if you don’t mind. I have work to do.”

He moved toward the door, but before he crossed the threshold, he turned to face her, his determination a bit disheartened.

“Come on, Gaea. Don’t forget who you’re talking to. I know your hours. I’ve called you at home at three a.m., at five. You’re either there or at work, or in transit. So, where did this private life come from? What, did you rub a bottle and he popped out?”

“No,” came a voice from just behind her. “She won me in a lottery.”

She spun around to see Bas, bags in hand, staring past her. She’d never been so grateful to see anyone.

The choked off sound behind her made her turn back to Arnold, who had gone pale beneath his tan.

“Arnold Pratt,” she said “this is Sebastian Fuller. Bas, this is Arnold.”

Sebastian put down his bag, put one arm around her waist and lifted her up into his arms. Then he kissed her. Kissed her as if they’d been together for a lifetime. Kissed her as though he owned her. Kissed her until she thought her knees would give out. Not just lips to lips, but warm breath, teasing tongue, intimacy that made her clench her hands into fists so she wouldn’t push him away.

Then his tongue slipped between her teeth, and he was inside her. This man she didn’t know. Her hired escort. And, good gravy, her entire body went into overdrive. Everything from hard nipples to goose bumps to curling toes.

She heard Arnold clear his throat, but that was somewhere out there, and she was busy. She tasted him back, rubbing her unclenched hands over the breadth of his shoulders.

Finally, when he was well and truly finished, he let her go. She gasped for breath, certain her face was aflame, her arousal as clear as the blush.

Bas smiled too knowingly, turned to her boss, and grabbed his hand. “Nice to meet you, Arnold. Gaea has told me a lot about you.”

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