Ex-Terminator Life After Marriage (19 page)

BOOK: Ex-Terminator Life After Marriage
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Sylvia smiled and cupped her chin with her fingers, trying to suppress the emotions that wanted to leap out of her soul.

“I just hope Kenny wasn’t hiding in one of your closets all this time, rushing me out of here.”

“Out!” Sylvia laughingly shouted, pointing the way to the front door.
It won’t be a drive-thru tonight,
Sylvia thought.

Rachel Washington

achel was in a good mood when she left Sylvia’s. She and Marvin were going to be all right. She had to believe. Didn’t Sylvia just tell her that Marvin said he loved her? That he’d told her this very afternoon. Yes, she had nothing to worry about.

Rachel turned on the radio; soft jazz floated through the air. She glanced at her watch. It was eight-thirty p.m. Darkness pushed the light from the city, and it was time for her to head home to get ready for another week at BellSouth.

Cars whizzed by. Rachel held the steering wheel steady with her right hand while she rested her head in the other. All of a sudden, she grabbed the wheel with both hands and made a quick U-turn in the middle of the street and headed north.

She made several turns and quickly got on I-85. A patrol car sat on the shoulder of the highway around the next bend. Rachel put her foot on the brake, spotting the car just in time. She hadn’t realized that she was going 75 miles-per-hour in a 65 mile-per-hour zone, but she was now alert.

Her freeway exit reached out to her on the highway sign she passed beneath. Rachel immediately moved over into the right lane, ready to get off as soon as her exit beckoned her to do so. She was only ten or twelve minutes from her destination, and she couldn’t keep her foot from hitting the accelerator.

Soon, the entry to the Somerville Estates subdivision was fifty feet away. She sped through the subdivision, oblivious to the speed limit signs posted at the entry and on the street. When she saw Marvin’s house, she pulled into the driveway.

The blinds were drawn, and a faint light shone through an upstairs bedroom window. Rachel moved quickly up the few steps to the front door and rapped lightly. After a few seconds she started to ring the doorbell. Then she heard faint conversation. The woman’s voice caught her attention. She put her ear to the door, but the voices faded in and out.

Rachel moved backward and stood staring at the door. Her blood began to boil as her imagination got the best of her. Images of Marvin wrapped around Denise flooded her mind. Before her senses caught up with her, Rachel reached out for the doorknob and twisted it hard, leaning hard on the door—which was unlocked. It swung open, startling Marvin—who stood consoling Denise, his arms wrapped around her like Saran Wrap.

Shock registered in Rachel’s eyes. Her breathing was labored, and she stood with her feet spread apart, her right hand clutching her chest, waiting for an explanation—any explanation.

Marvin went to Rachel and reached out to hold her. She brushed his hands away and didn’t miss the smirk that crossed Denise’s face.

“What is she doing here, Marvin?” Rachel asked, tears forming in her eyes.

“Marvin and I were talking about—,” Denise began.

Rachel held out her hand. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Hold it, Rachel,” Marvin said.

“You’re going to take up for her?”

“It’s not about taking up for Denise. You were rude. I know what you think you saw, but that’s not the way it was at all. Denise is going through a terrible period in her life, and I’ve promised that I would be there for her. I hope you can help me help her.”

Rachel couldn’t believe her ears. “Can’t you see through her, Marvin? She’s just trying to worm her way back into your life. She had her chance when she was Mrs. Thomas. And why were you holding her like that?”

“Let me answer that,” Denise cut in. “Contrary to what you might believe, Ms. Thing, my husband is a caring human being. We shared a life together, and yes, we are still friends. Friends help friends, and my friend has graciously agreed to be there for me. I know that Marvin has a thing for you, even though I don’t understand it, but let me leave you with this piece of advice. You are going to lose this man if you put a stranglehold on him. I’m not in competition with you because if I were, you wouldn’t stand a chance. So get it out of your head. But know I will be in your life as long as Marvin is.”

“Are you going to let her just talk to me like that, Marvin?”

“Rachel, Denise is making a lot of sense.”

“Oh, is that right? Well, it doesn’t make sense to me! You can have your friend, because I’m out of here. You need to make up your mind, Marvin, which one of us you want.”

“Rachel, you are being irrational. How many times do I have to tell you I love you? Today alone, I’ve told you more times than I’ve got fingers. I love you, Rachel, and I want you in my life, but I’m not going to desert Denise. It could have been you with breast cancer…”

Rachel flung her head around and looked into Marvin’s eyes in disbelief as he tried to pronounce a death sentence on her.

“But you don’t have it,” he continued. “Count yourself blessed that you are among the lucky ones not faced with an uncertain future. Denise has some rough roads ahead of her, and I will be going to chemotherapy with her and—”

“Suit yourself,” Rachel barked. She took one last look at the pair and walked briskly out of the front door, slamming it behind her. She waited a minute on the porch, but Marvin didn’t follow her. Rachel raced to her car and fled into the night.

Tears ran down Rachel’s cheeks. She felt humiliated and isolated. She looked down as her cell phone played Marvin’s song. “Let him sweat,” Rachel said aloud. “It’s going to be on my terms or there won’t be a Rachel and Marvin.”

EX-tra Curricular Activity

“The door is open,” Sylvia sang softly.

“Rather dangerous leaving your door open for any stranger to walk in on—”

Saliva caught in Kenny’s throat as the sight of Sylvia caused him to lose his balance and his train of thought. Sylvia stood in the middle of the room clad in a crème-colored satin robe with fur around the collar that came just to her waist, exposing a satin lace bikini and her form-fitting legs.

“Not just any stranger, sweetie.” Sylvia smiled at the surprise on Kenny’s face.

“Uhh, well, I don’t consider myself a stranger, however, if that works, I certainly don’t mind being one.” He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

“Well, come in and close the door. You’re letting some of the mood I created slip out.”

For the first time Kenny relaxed and smiled. It was then that he noticed the dozen or so candles flickering away in the dark, dancing to a midnight sonata.

Sylvia was satisfied that the man she was fast claiming to be hers was pleased and that the night she planned was moving in the direction she intended. She stepped close to Kenny and planted a sensuous kiss on his lips.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I’m happy about it. Oh, boy. Am I happy! Come over here and give me another one of those hypnotic kisses.”

“At your service.”

“May I ask, if I won’t be penalized for disturbing the mood, what has caused this change in you? A month ago, you acted as if you couldn’t stand the sight of me, and tonight we’ve become…”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I’m horny and I need a man.”

“Okay, Sylvia. Now that you have succeeded in deflating my ego…”

“You pushed. You couldn’t just let the night flow.”

“Look, why don’t we start over?”

“I like the sound of that, Kenny.”

Kenny held Sylvia, his gentle hands moving her within inches of him so that he could get a better look. Then he drew her near and held her, caressed her, kissed her lips. Sylvia reciprocated, she’d been longing for this moment.

Peeling his lips from hers, Kenny looked at the beautiful woman in his arms.

“If I was a dog, I’d eat you up right here and right now, but you have been trying to tell me something since that night at the hotel.”

“What are you talking about? Kiss me again.”

“Wait, Sylvia.” Kenny painted her lips with his fingers. “Making love to you is all I think about, and I know it will be wonderful when we do. I don’t know what’s different tonight from any other night, but I believe your Christian walk with God is being compromised, and I don’t want to be the reason.”

“I can’t believe I prayed. I actually prayed for this moment, and now you want to get religious on me.”

“It doesn’t make much sense to me, either. Girl, I want you so bad. Whoa, I want you, but you’ll thank me later. Besides, I told you that I have changed. If I plan to take these serious steps I’ve been contemplating about, I want it to be pure…like you are pure.”

“Kenny, what steps are you talking about? All this talk of purity…where is the Kenny I used to know?”

“Thought you didn’t like him.”

“Well, there were some parts of him I liked better than others.”

“I’ll accept that.”

“Look, I would have cooked you a meal, but Mona worked it out today at our Ex-Files meeting. Oh, God, she had some mouthwatering food, and then that peach cobbler that was to die for.”

“How about a bowl of ice cream—two scoops?”

“Two scoops of French vanilla coming up.”

“May I ask a favor?”

“Ask away.”

“Please keep the outfit on. I’m struggling, but it don’t hurt to look.”

“You know the Lord said, ‘Thou shall not tempt

“So what have you been doing for the past half hour? That’s why I’m eating ice cream.”

“Kiss this and this and this and this and this and this and thattttttt,” Sylvia sang.


“Jill Scott.”

“Oh. Now come here, baby, so I can kiss them sweet, sweet lips of yours.”

“Eat your ice cream.”


achel lay awake, the soft down of the comforter not offering much in the way of comfort at one in the morning. Her eyes stared at the ceiling, oblivious to the dancers who gyrated on the flat-screen television that hung on the wall in front of her.

Visions of Marvin and Denise together were frozen in Rachel’s mind, and Marvin’s harsh words vibrated in her ears.
How could he tell her he loved her in one breath and say that he was going to be there for Denise in the other?

Rachel fumed and would not allow sleep to take over. Yes, Marvin had called her cell phone more than a dozen times, but he couldn’t leave Denise alone for a moment to come out on the porch to see about her well-being. Well, the hell with the both of them.

Rachel turned off the television and darkness engulfed the room. Her eyelids became heavy and sleep found its way.

She was dreaming. There was a shadow…a woman who was of medium height and build. She was walking down a long, dark corridor, groping the walls like a blind person not sure of her way. A mist rose and clouded Rachel’s vision, the woman temporarily disappearing from view. Then she reappeared, running, stumbling, crying, calling out for someone to help.

Rachel jerked awake. Her body was covered in sweat. She wiped her face with her arms, shivering, and then saw the face of the woman in the dark hall staring at her. It was Denise, calling out for Rachel to help her.

Kicking off the covers, Rachel ran to the bathroom and drenched her face in water. She dried off with a towel and slowly went back into her bedroom. She walked around the bed wringing her hands.
This must have been how Sylvia felt when she had dreams of Adonis walking out of her life,
she thought.

The telephone lay in sight, and before she could talk herself out of it, she dialed the first three digits of Marvin’s phone number and hung up. She dialed again but chickened out once more.

Rachel moved to the side of the bed and sat down. She’d been rude to Denise, but she wasn’t putting anything past her no matter how “sick” she was. She picked up the phone again and dialed.

“Hey, Sylvia.”

“Rachel, do you know what time it is? You and I both have to go to work in the morning.”

“Sylvia, I dreamed about Denise, and she was calling out to me…asking me to help her.”

“It must be guilt. Now I’ve got to get some rest.”

“So he’s there.”

“He, who?”

“Kenny, that’s who. You made me say his name. I know that’s why you’re trying to rush me off of this phone.”

“You crazy, girl. It’s two in the morning and normal people who have jobs to go to are trying to get their beauty rest so they can deal with the crazy folks at the workplace.”

“What a lame excuse, Sylvia.”

“Rachel, Kenny is not here. Why don’t you disturb Marvin?”

“It’s a long story.”

“So, what happened?”

Rachael gave Sylvia the lowdown on what transpired at Marvin’s house and how she’d left Marvin with an ultimatum.

“I guess your dream means you regret how you treated your man’s ex-wife,” Sylvia said.

“What should I do?”

“It sounds simple to me. You need to get some rest, then make amends with Marvin. I can’t believe you played right into Denise’s hands. You need some backbone, girl. Marvin says he loves you. Why don’t you believe him? It should be enough for now. I’m only saying this, sweetie, because he is truly a good man.”

“You’re right. I just don’t know how I’m going to do it…since I acted so ugly. Even Denise had the nerve to give me a piece of advice.”

“And it was…”

“Something about losing Marvin if I keep a stranglehold on him.”

“Heed her warning. Now get some sleep. Make sure making amends with Marvin is one of your top priorities today.”

“Thanks, Sylvia. I love you.”

“I love you too, Rachel. Good night.”

Rachel hung up and closed her eyes—some of her fire now distinguished. She needed Marvin…all of him, without any distractions. Somehow she would find a way to get rid of the thorn in her side.


Relationships were difficult, in fact they were a whole lot of work. Marriage was a full-time job, 24/7, 365 days a year. Who was she fooling? Sylvia thought as she lay in the darkness of her room.

Kenny was a fresh relief, but Sylvia’s thoughts wandered. What if she let this man into her life full time? Would she regret it?

Tonight had erased many of her doubts and fears. She found a man who cared about what she wanted and what she thought. Here was a man who was willing to hold his own lust and desire for her in check…barely. Sylvia laughed out loud as she recalled Kenny trying to hide the great big bulge in his pants.

It scared Sylvia, though, because the Kenny she really knew would have had all the goods, would have asked questions later and would probably be on his way to his next conquest. She shuddered at the thought.

Sylvia had wanted him to stay, but he thought it too tempting. She knew he wanted her. Yes, he wanted her bad. However, her empty bed made her smile. Sylvia was in love, and she was willing to make this relationship work.

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