Ex-Terminator Life After Marriage (28 page)

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arvin sped through the streets of Atlanta anxious to join the other members of Ex-Files to await word from Mona. Light music floated through the Escalade while Mona and Denise stared at the scenery that flew by, no one willing to make small talk to pass the time. The days were getting shorter, but there was still plenty of good light left on this September day. There was no hint that the remnants of a devastating hurricane had come and gone in Atlanta save for the broken limbs and leaves that were scattered across rain-soaked lawns.

Several cars were parked in Sylvia’s driveway when Marvin turned the corner and pulled up in front of Sylvia’s house.

“Ashley and Claudette are here,” Rachel announced. “I don’t recognize the other car.”

“That’s Anika’s car,” Denise said in a low voice. “She’s a sweet girl, and she deserves better than the jerk she had for a husband.”

“She told me her story when were at the spa,” Rachel said not wanting to be outdone by Denise. “Her parents spent a lot of money on her wedding and it didn’t even last two years.”

Denise was silent again. She didn’t stir until Marvin came around and opened the door to the truck. She hesitated and frowned when Marvin held out his hand for her, but turned her frown into a smile when Marvin smiled back. Rachel watched from the sidewalk, but ignored Denise’s attempts to seduce Marvin. For the very first time, Rachel was confident in the fact that no matter how many times Denise threw herself at Marvin, he was in love with her and only her.

The threesome walked together. Sylvia hugged each one as they entered the door, taking coats and scarves. They found the rest of the group lounging in the family room in front of the television, holding their post while waiting for word about Mona and Michael.

“Hey, everybody,” Marvin said, followed by Rachel and Denise.

Hugs went around the room, some holding on longer for their sister Mona.

“I’ve got pizza,” Sylvia said. “And if you all plan to camp out here all night, dinner will be on you.”

“Dinner will be on me,” Marvin said, not giving it another thought.

Marvin and Rachel sat in the love seat, while Denise reluctantly sat in the recliner that Tyrone gave up for her. Denise glanced at Marvin and Rachel and turned away. She kept her eyes glued to the television.

“How are you feeling, Denise?” Claudette asked.

With surprise in her eyes, Denise said, “I feel pretty good. I can’t wait for the surgery to be over.”

Everyone’s attention was on Denise.

“You are brave,” Claudette said.

“It’s not about being brave, Claudette; it’s about survival. I don’t want to die; I want to see my daughter grow up.” Denise swallowed while fighting back tears. “I don’t want to die.”

Everyone gathered around.

“We are going to be with you during your surgery,” Sylvia said.

“And we are going to be there to help you when you come home,” Rachel interjected.

“Whatever you need, we will be there for you,” Marvin said. “We mean it, Denise.”

“I’ll be there to give you massages and make you beautiful,” Anika added. “Not that you aren’t already beautiful.”

Ashley remained silent and looked on.

“We’re family,” Tyrone said, wanting to put his five cents in.

“Thank you all. I really do appreciate your support. I’ve never had friends like you all.” Denise looked at Marvin. “Thank you, Marvin, for what you have already done. I owe a lot to you. I would not have made it this far without you.”

She looked at Rachel and back to Marvin.

“Marvin, you are extremely lucky to have Rachel. She’s given me a run for my money.”

Rachel frowned.

“Don’t worry, Rachel. It’s clear to me now that the two of you belong together.”

“Okay.” Rachel still didn’t trust Denise and wasn’t planning on letting her guard down anytime soon.

Dinnng, donnng, dinnng, donnng.
The group jumped at the sound of the doorbell. Sylvia went to the door with a smile on her face.

“Hello, everyone,” Kenny said upon entering the room.

“Hey, Kenny,” everyone said in return.

“I’m Denise Thomas,” Denise said, as she stood and extended her hand for the handsome gentleman to shake.

“It’s nice to meet you.”

“Kenny, this is Anika,” Sylvia pointed out. “She keeps our faces in tip-top shape.”

It was then that Rachel noticed it. Long, extended fingers found their way around Kenny’s neck as Sylvia stopped to give her man a hello kiss. Sylvia seemed to be flaunting her ring as the noonday sun captured its essence. It was probably Rachel’s imagination, but the rock that sat on Sylvia’s finger was not.

Rachel grabbed Sylvia’s hand as she passed by the couch.

“So when did this happen?”

“When did what happen?” Sylvia smirked.

“I mean, this rock on your hand must weigh a ton,” Rachel said, her eyes passing back and forth between Sylvia and Kenny.

“We were engaged on Friday,” Kenny stated.

Denise was immediately disappointed.

Rachel was shocked, and it registered on her face. She looked at Marvin, who stared straight ahead.

“Well, damn,” Claudette said. “Somebody say congratulations! You know Mona, uhh…”

“Mona what, Claudette?” Rachel inquired. “Is Mona engaged, too, and you just ‘forgot’ to tell us about it?”

“Rachel, what is wrong with you?” Marvin asked. “We should be happy for Sylvia and Kenny.”

“Kenny, I don’t know what it is about you,” Tyrone said, “but the drama always begins when you show up.”

“What can I say?” Kenny said, giving Tyrone a brotherly handshake.

And Denise began to laugh. She laughed and laughed and laughed. She couldn’t stop. “Oh…Rachel, you should see your face.” And she laughed some more.

Ashley remained silent. No one seemed to pay her any attention.

“Folks, we are gathered here this afternoon to await word about our friend Mona and her boyfriend, fiancé, whatever he is,” Sylvia said. “Kenny and I are going to be married. We love each other very much and we hope that you will join us in celebrating that love. If you don’t like it, oh well. This is my life, and I’m going to live it with Kenny Richmond—maybe have his baby, if I’m not too old. Bottom line is we are more than just an item. We love each other and we’ll let you know when the wedding date has been set.”

Rachel bit her bottom lip. “I’m sorry, Sylvia.”

“No need to be. Kenny and I know what we’ve got. Come here, baby.”

Kenny came and stood next to Sylvia, an arm around her waist. She kissed Kenny long and hard in front of everyone. This was out of character for Sylvia.

“Forget it,” Rachel said. “You’re right, Mona is our number-one concern.”

Denise began to cackle uncontrollably, and the others just stared at Rachel.

“Congratulations,” Anika said. “I wish you a long and happy life together.”

“Thanks, Anika.” Sylvia hugged her. “Thanks, again.”

“Congratulations to the happy couple!” Claudette hollered. “Now give me my hug.”

Everyone clapped and passed out hugs. Ashley left the room and Rachel stood in the corner sulking. Rachel watched as Kenny stopped in front of her.

“I know that you and Sylvia are close, Rachel, but I’m a different man now. The person I was when Sylvia and I were together back then is long gone. You don’t have to like me, but I’m going to be with Sylvia for the rest of my life—when we’re sitting on the front porch watching the young folks, when we’re old and wrinkled, when Medicaid has said they will no longer service us because we’ve lived too long. I love her, Rachel, and I hope in time you’ll be able to accept that. Besides, you’ve got a good man yourself, so don’t hate on Sylvia.”

Rachel’s face softened and turned into a smile. “Thanks, Kenny. I needed that slap in the face. I love Sylvia, too, and I want her to be happy. If she says she’s happy with you, I’m happy for her.”

“That’s all I need to hear, Rachel. Time will bear me out.”

“It better.” Rachel and Kenny hugged, and Sylvia’s smile radiated across the room.


“Has anyone tried calling Mona again?” Marvin asked.

“Just three times in the last half hour,” Rachel replied.

Dusk had settled over Atlanta, and there was still no word about Mona. Denise was asleep on the recliner. Claudette, Tyrone and Anika were glued to the television. Sylvia and Kenny sat in the kitchen away from the others, sharing moments of love and tenderness. Ashley lay across the bed in Sylvia’s guest room with her eyes wide open.

“Look!” Claudette shouted. “Look, look, look! There’s Mona and Michael!”

Sylvia and Kenny flew from the kitchen into the family room. Denise wiped her eyes as she sat up to see what Claudette was making all that noise about. Ashley got up and came to the doorway.

“That is Mona!” Rachel exclaimed. “They’re stranded on top of the house.”

“Somebody help them,” Rachel cried out. “Somebody help them. Can’t you people see them on the rooftop?”

“Calm down, Rachel,” Claudette said, rubbing Rachel’s back. “I’m sure if the cameraman is shooting this picture, the rescuers are not far behind. Thank you, God, for this blessing.”

“Yes, thank you, God, for this blessing,” Denise repeated, now standing in front of the television. “If you can do this for Mona, surely you can make a miracle happen for me.”

Marvin went to Denise. “God will be right with you, along with the rest of us. You’re going to be all right.” He hugged her.

“Can you believe all that water?” Kenny said. “As much as I like the ocean, this is unbelievable. How can a whole city be swallowed up like that?”

“You see who has been affected the most,” Sylvia said. “The poor black folks that didn’t have a way to get out of the city. They’re saying the whole Ninth Ward is underwater. It’s so devastating that so many didn’t get out of the city.”

“What a shame,” Tyrone said.

“Look!” Claudette exclaimed. “Rescuers in a lifeboat are helping Mona and Michael off the roof. Jesus, You are so good. Mona looks fatigued.”

“And looks like she had on one of her nice sundresses,” Rachel chimed in. “Should have known that Mona wasn’t going to look shabby when it was time for the spotlight.”

“I hope she didn’t lose the baby,” Claudette said without thinking.

?” Sylvia shouted. “What baby?”

“What’s the use of hiding it now?” Claudette said. “Just before Mona left, she told me she was pregnant with Michael’s baby.”

“Damn,” Rachel said. “Everybody has good news to share except for me.”

“Rachel,” Denise began, “you get on my nerves. You have a good man standing by your side—a good man who loves you. If I could have a second chance with Marvin, I would stop at nothing to give him what he deserves. But I won’t get that chance because he’s in love with you. Don’t take that love for granted. It must be nurtured. There must be trust and understanding, and first of all you must be friends.

“Sister, you need to hang up that constant whining before you wind up with nothing at all. I told you that once before, but I guess you thought I didn’t know what I was talking about. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. It’s time for you to be happy for someone else, and when your turn comes they will celebrate with you. When that happens, don’t mind me if I sit that one out. Now can we get some love for Mona and Michael?”

“That was beautiful, Denise. Your level head was what we were missing with this group. Sylvia’s got a level head, but two level heads ain’t bad. We’re going to be celebrating your miracle soon.”

“Thanks, Claudette. I feel…” Denise began to cry. “I feel like God has already worked a miracle. Being in y’alls company today has been an eye-opening experience. It’s okay to be angry as long as you replace it with love. I’m happy for Mona.”

“We all are,” Sylvia said.

Everyone watched as Mona and Michael were rescued. They were placed in a boat and paddled away.

“I wonder if Mona’s and Michael’s families are okay. They didn’t show anyone else,” Marvin said.

“Shhh,” said Claudette. “Let’s hear what the broadcaster is saying.”

“Another courageous rescue marred with tragedy. Mona Baptiste and Michael Broussard were just rescued from the top of Ms. Baptiste’s parents’ home. Ms. Baptiste has sustained some injuries and will eventually be taken to a hospital in Houston.

“Ms. Baptiste’s parents, who were also in the house, did not survive the ordeal. Rescuers found the bodies of Jean Claude and Rosalyn Baptiste in a first-floor bedroom. It appears a tree fell on the house, causing the roof to cave in on them.”

“Oh my, God,” Rachel said. “Mona’s got to be devastated. She’s been through so much.”

“She can stay with me when she returns,” Claudette said. “No ifs, ands or buts about it. Since I work at home, I am better suited to do this.”

“That’s if she wants to stay with you, Claudette. She may want to stay with her fiancé,” Rachel said.

“Whatever, but if she doesn’t go with Michael, she’s staying at my house.”

“You got it, Claudette,” Sylvia said. “Nobody’s going to mess with your thunder.”

“Where’s Ashley?” Claudette asked, suddenly remembering that Ashley was in the house.

“Over here,” Ashley said from the doorway.

“Come in here with us. You should be celebrating your freedom—unless you really want to be with William. And the way he treated me the other day at your house, I sure hope you don’t want to be with him. I certainly have something to say about that.”

“It’s not that I miss William, Claudette; I just feel so lonely.”

“You have us, Ashley,” Marvin interjected. “We have been with you from day one. Divorce can be a traumatic experience for some, but you’re over that, and you have made your decision final as to your being with William.”

“Come on in and sit with us. Group hugs are in order.”

Ashley left her perch at the door and walked into the room. She allowed the love of her fellow members to envelop her. Marvin was right about one thing. The decision about William was final, but that decision was weighing heavily on her heart. So much so, she couldn’t join in on the celebration for Mona, Sylvia or even herself. Her celebration was about to come to an end.

“Dinner is on me,” Marvin shouted, happy about Mona and Michael’s rescue. “It’s going to be Chinese takeout or Kentucky Fried Chicken.”

“Chinese,” was the unanimous vote.

“Write down what you want, somebody call it in, and I’ll be more than happy to pick it up and pay for it.”

“All right, now,” Kenny said to Marvin. “Brother, I would be more than happy to help you with the cost.”

“Think nothing of it, Kenny, my man. Don’t worry, there will be plenty more times for you to foot the bill.” Marvin and Kenny laughed.

Dinnng, donnng, dinnng, donnng.

“Who is it now?” Sylvia asked. “Don’t forget to put down spring rolls,” she hollered.

Sylvia opened the door. Two white men in suits, one tall and the other short, stood at the door.

“You must want my neighbors next door,” Sylvia said, pointing to her right.

“Does a Sylvia St. James live at this residence?”

Sylvia pulled back with a distressed look on her face. “I’m Sylvia St. James.”

“Are you familiar with Ashley Jordan-Lewis?”

“Who are you, and may I see some credentials?”

The men took out their badges and flipped them so Sylvia could see.

“We’re homicide detectives with the Atlanta PD.”

Sylvia frowned again. “Atlanta PD? What does the police department want with Ashley?”

“Have you seen Mrs. Jordan-Lewis?” the short detective asked.

“Yes, she’s here.”

“We need to speak to her,” the other detective said.

“What’s wrong, Sylvia?” Kenny asked as he approached the door. “Everyone’s wondering what’s taking you so long.”

“These gentlemen want to see Ashley. They’re detectives,” she whispered to Kenny.

“Ashley,” Sylvia said upon returning to the family room, “there are some gentleman in the foyer who would like to see you.”

“Gentlemen? Like who?”

Sylvia whispered in Ashley’s ear, “Detectives.”

Ashley froze, and all attention centered on her.

“What is it, Ashley?” Sylvia inquired.

“I tried to talk to you all weekend, Sylvia. Your mind was elsewhere.”

“Look, don’t try and put the blame on me for whatever is going on with you. I can’t read minds, Ashley, and I certainly wasn’t going to beat it out of you. I care for you, but you have to help me to help you.”

“It’s too late now.”

“What’s too late?” Marvin cut in.

“Never mind. I better go talk to the men at the front door.”

Sylvia watched Ashley. “Where is William? Where is William, Ashley?”

The others watched as Ashley walked away and went to the door where Kenny still stood talking with the men.

The detectives looked puzzled as Ashley approached them.

“Ashley Jordan-Lewis?” the tall detective asked.


“I’m Detective Wallace, and this here is Detective Kelley. We need to ask you some questions about your husband, William Lewis. Is there some place private that I can talk with Ms. Lewis?”

“You can go in my library,” Sylvia said as she walked up on the group. She extended her hand and pointed in the direction.

“What is this all about?” Kenny asked Sylvia, more confused than ever as Ashley was led away.

“I don’t know, but it has to do with William. She is not going to ruin our perfect weekend because she did something she wasn’t supposed to.”

“You’re making assumptions, Sylvia.”

“Kenny, the homicide detectives are giving me the assumptions, and I don’t have a good feeling about it.”

“We’ll stand here just in case Ashley needs us.”

“Kenny, I hope that what I’m thinking is not true. I think William is dead.”


The group gathered in the foyer and stood with Sylvia and Kenny. Speculations about Ashley’s visitors and their interest in her conjured up questions the group wanted answers to.

An hour had passed since the news of Mona’s rescue, but now the group was faced with a new dilemma. Before one fire could be put out, another one cropped up. It seemed their being together was for some other purpose than being a support group for those whose lives needed mending after divorce. The Ex-Files had become a catch-all for whatever their sordid lives faced.

Silence enveloped the room. The door to the library opened, and the detectives appeared with Ashley in the middle and her arms pulled back. Hands went over mouths as they watched the detectives escort Ashley outside.

No one moved but they glanced at one another without saying a word. The tall detective came back inside and faced the group.

“Mrs. Jordan-Lewis has been arrested for the murder of her husband, William Lewis. That’s all I can say to you now. I will need to interview each of you so I ask that you don’t go anywhere. We can make this as painless as possible if you cooperate.”

“May I speak with Ashley?” Sylvia asked.

“Sure, why not?”

Sylvia followed the detective to the unmarked car. Ashley would not look up, even when Sylvia called her name.

“Ashley, whatever you need, we’ll be there for you. Whatever you need.”

Ashley kept her head down and didn’t utter a word. Tears rolled down Sylvia’s face. Maybe if she hadn’t been so absorbed with Kenny asking her to marry him, she could have been there for Ashley. Sylvia looked at Ashley again and went inside the house.

The detective was writing down the names of everyone in the room. Suddenly the idea of Chinese food wasn’t so appealing, Sylvia thought. Everyone sat around like they were the accused. In fact, she felt like she was on pins and needles.
Did Ashley kill William? How?

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