Evocation (8 page)

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Authors: William Vitelli

BOOK: Evocation
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The tongue pressed harder. Samantha’s fingers explored Eileen’s pussy, probing very lightly, not quite penetrating. Samantha felt her own body respond to the protest; the cry of “No” sent shivers through her. She swirled her tongue in small circles around Eileen’s hard clit and was rewarded with another moan.

The thought of letting the nurse have her this way was suddenly too much to take. Nothing that the nurse could possibly do to her, in that moment, seemed worse than making her come. “No! I changed my mind!” Eileen cried. “Please stop! Please don’t do this to me!”

Samantha’s fingers stretched her open and probed more deeply. Eileen begged and pleaded with her to stop even while the tension built inside her. The nurse’s tongue moved nimbly, tracing tiny figures around Eileen’s clit. Her fingers found a sensitive spot inside Eileen, causing her to twitch and tighten.

The nurse pressed deeper. Another finger stretched Eileen open. Her knuckles rolled past the tight entrance to her sex. She felt pain, and pleasure, and an incredible sense of fullness. Her scream became a gasp as the nurse’s hand slid inside her.

“Mmm, that’s right,” Samantha said. “Nice, isn’t it?” Her hand made small, subtle movements. Knuckles pressed against that sensitive spot within her. Eileen screamed as the orgasm blaze through her.

As it gripped her, she thought again to her mother’s words of warning. Something shifted in the landscape of her mind. If these things were true, and she really had been corrupted by another woman’s touch, then there was no saving her. The last tattered scraps of her decency were gone, taken by men who were not her husband and by the touch of another woman, so what point was there now to saving herself? Why not, with all that had happened, accept her role?

She felt tears well up, but these were different, cleansing. Soon, her body shook with cathartic sobs. Her pussy twitched around the nurse’s hand. “Thank you,” she gasped, “thank you, thank you…”

The hand moved inside her. Eileen felt a sense of stretching, a quick flash of pain, and then sudden emptiness. Soft lips pressed against hers. Samantha stroked sides her gently. “Oh, Eileen, you are so lovely,” she said. She kissed the sobbing woman with exquisite tenderness. Her fingers wiped the tears from her cheeks. Eileen shook and squirmed helplessly against the straps.

When her tears subsided, Samantha kissed her forehead lightly. “Before I can untie you, you know that I still have to anally rape you for Dr. Moreland.”

Eileen nodded silently.

Samantha operated the controls on the exam table. Machinery whirred as it lowered. When it was as low as it could go, she pressed another button to raise the front.

Samantha pulled a chair to the foot of the table. “I’m going to make myself come while I do this,” she said. She picked up the same long, double-ended dildo she’d used before and slicked it up with lube. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

She sat in the chair with her legs spread wide. Eileen felt pressure against her anus, then the head of the dildo penetrating her slowly. She closed her eyes at the violation and gasped.

“Open your eyes,” Samantha said. “Look at me.”

Eileen opened her eyes and watched as Samantha penetrated herself with the other end of the dildo. One of her hands slid up to fondle her breasts. “Ohhh…” She gripped the dildo firmly and started to move it. Eileen felt it sliding in her ass and shuddered.

“Don’t look away!” Samantha commanded. “I want you to watch me come.” She felt herself clamp around the dildo inside her in a sudden sharp spasm at the look of shock on Eileen’s face. Her nipple swelled under her hand.

Eileen closed her eyes, unable to watch. “Oh, no, you don’t,” the nurse said. “Open your eyes! Look at me when I’m raping you!”

She began masturbating hard and fast. Every thrust assaulted Eileen’s ass. Eileen’s eyes, wide with abhorrence and shame, locked on hers. She squeezed her breast tightly and moved the dildo faster, feeling the hot glowing tension of her own building orgasm. “Oh! Oh, God!” she cried. “Look at me! Watch me come!”

Eileen struggled uselessly, helpless to stop the rough assault of the dildo inside her. She saw the nurse’s nipples harden, watched as she threw her head back and screamed in pleasure. “Onnngh!” Feelings of degradation and embarrassment at being used this way flooded her. Her pussy twitched. Wetness flowed.

Samantha panted on the chair, one hand still on her breast, until her heartbeat slowed. After she had recovered, she slid the dildo from herself, then withdrew it from Eileen’s ass “Oh,” she said, “you take it in the ass so nicely. I put together the kit your husband used on you on your honeymoon. I have fantasized so many times about those probes going up into you. Did you scream when he used them on you?”

Eileen looked away. “Yes,” she whispered softly.

“Oh!” Samantha said. Her cheeks flushed with excitement. Her hands slid over her body, cupped both breasts. “Did you come with the probes up your ass?”

Eileen nodded wordlessly.

“Oh, God,” Samantha said. “You’re making me want to come again.” Eileen flushed. Samantha grinned. “Don’t worry, I’m done playing with you for now. I seem to have made you a mess, though. Let me help you with that.”

She turned away toward the sink. Eileen watched powerlessly while she filled a bowl with warm water. When she was done, she turned back to her captive.

Eileen twisted helplessly against the straps while the nurse gave her a thorough, efficient sponge bath. The feel of the sponge on her skin reminded her how Anthony had cleaned her after all the men had used her, and she whimpered, ashamed all over again.

After she was finished, Samantha stood and opened a drawer. “I have a surprise for you,” she said. She pulled on a pair of gloves and showed Eileen a small, unmarked tube, identical to the one that Anthony had used in London. “Do you know what this is?”

Eileen’s eyes opened wide in fright. “No! Please!”

“Ah, I guess you do.” The nurse squeezed some white cream onto her fingers and began rubbing it in to one of Eileen’s nipples. The ache faded. “Dr. Moreland developed this stuff. It’s basically just a mild Benzocaine cream with some special additions.” She squeezed out some more and rubbed it in to Eileen’s other nipple. “He mixes in encapsulated capsaicin, ginger oil, and menthol. Those start to get released at about the same time as the anesthetic starts to wear off.”

Her fingers parted Eileen’s labia. She ran a long ribbon of cream directly over her clit. “The capsaicin causes the tingling feeling. The ginger oil makes it burn and increases blood flow, which makes you more sensitive. The menthol is what gives you that itch. It took him a while to get the formulation right. He did all of his experimentation on me. The first few batches were way too strong. I was strapped to that table, right where you are now, screaming, while he wrote in that damn notebook of his.”

The nurse smiled and spread more cream on her fingers. She penetrated Eileen deeply, spreading it around inside her.

“I’m not supposed to use this without Dr. Moreland’s permission. Especially not on someone who’s just been through what you’ve been through. If he finds out I’ve used this on you, he will punish me. If I were you, I wouldn’t tell your husband about it. He and Dr. Moreland are pretty close, you know, so if you tell him, Dr. Moreland will probably find out.” Her fingers worked inside Eileen, stroking and probing. “If he punishes me, then I am going to punish you the next time I see you. So we’ll just make this our little secret, okay?”

She stepped back from the table. “In about twenty minutes, you’re going to want to be fucked again really bad.” Eileen watched, shocked, as Samantha spread some of the cream on her own nipples. “When I start feeling it tingle, it will make me think about you.” She put a dollop on her fingertip and spread it onto her clit. “I’ll be at home masturbating and imagining you begging to be fucked. When you feel it, you’ll think about me touching myself and fantasizing about you. We’re connected, you and I. We’ll both be feeling it soon.”

Samantha picked up her clothes and dressed. When she had settled the scrubs and their teddy bears over her lacy underwear, she unbuckled the straps holding Eileen down. Eileen’s muscles protested when she tried to move.

“Here, let me help,” Samantha said. She offered an arm for Eileen to lean on.

Eileen staggered for a moment. Her legs, bound in one position for too long, buckled, and she fell heavily against the nurse. Samantha caught her easily.

Their bodies pressed together. Eileen’s mind, reeling with jangling images and emotions, refused to focus. Without thought or intention, Eileen slid her arms around the nurse. The reflex that had been so carefully trained into her took over; she pressed her lips to Samantha’s and kissed her deeply, passionately, tongue slipping between her lips.

When realization of what she was doing hit her, Eileen recoiled away in shock and embarrassment. “I—I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that. I don’t know…I…” she stammered, flustered.

Samantha touched her lips softly. “Shh. It’s okay. You are a very good kisser.”

Eileen dressed in silence, unable to meet Samantha’s eyes. The nurse punched a long string of numbers into a keypad beside the door. The latch clicked open.

They maintained an awkward silence on the way out to the waiting room. At each step, Eileen’s aching muscles cried out in protest. When they reached the room at the end of the hall, Anthony was already waiting, magazine in hand.

He rose smiling and kissed Eileen’s cheek. “Thank God you got here when you did. Had you been even a minute later, I might have been forced to read a story about American Idol or some damn thing. How did everything go?”

She looked sideways at the nurse, then down at her feet. “Very well,” Samantha said. “Your training device should be—”

“Already have it.” Anthony held up a silver case, similar to a gun case but slightly larger. “I had a chance to catch up with Aaron while you were…um, finishing up.” He flashed his boyish grin, full of innocence and charm. “Did she give you any trouble?”

Samantha looked at Eileen and smiled a secret smile, filled with hidden messages. “Oh, no. No trouble at all.” She looked at her watch. “I hate to rush you, but we’re closing early today and it looks like I’m the last one here. There are some things I need to take care of in a bit, and the clock is ticking…”

“Okay, okay,” he laughed. “I’ll take her home so you can get out of here.”

Samantha watched, still smiling, as Anthony took Eileen by the arm. “Have fun!” she called behind them.

Chapter 6


They were almost home when the tingle started. Eileen felt it first as an itch in her throbbing nipples, which hardened against her blouse. She folded her arms across her chest to conceal them from Anthony.

Minutes later, the same tingle started on her clit. It spread quickly up and into her pussy, until she squirmed in the car seat. Anthony glanced over at her but said nothing.

By the time he steered the car into the driveway, Eileen could not sit still. Her nipples burned with steady fire. Her clit itched fiercely. She thought about Samantha feeling the same tingling itch, masturbating to indecent thoughts. Her cheeks flamed red.

Anthony parked the car. Eileen opened her door and stood, and as she did, she felt wetness spill from her and leak down her inner thigh. She moaned softly. He regarded her for a long moment across the roof of the car, until she blushed again and lowered her eyes.

By the time they got inside, the itch was so ferocious that she felt she could barely walk. The touch of her blouse against her nipples sent waves of nearly painful sensation through her body. Her clit felt like a white-hot ember, and with every step she felt her desperate need increase.

When Anthony closed the door, Eileen kissed him fiercely. He made a small surprised noise. “Wow. My, my, I think I like you this way. What’s gotten into you, little whore?”

She felt herself turning red. “I…I want…” she stammered.

“Yes?” He looked her up and down. “What do you want?”

Her mouth worked, but she could not force any words out. Asking for sex seemed much too crass, something a decent woman should never do. And yet, her clit throbbed painfully, desperate to be touched. Her mind flashed to the nurse fantasizing about her discomfort and touching herself obscenely, and she felt the blush creep into her ears. “I…”

He watched her levelly. A tiny hint of a smile played at the corners of his lips. “Yes?”

She kissed him again, passionately, with every ounce of her need, using her body to say what she couldn’t say in any other way. Her hands wrapped around him, slid up behind his head. Her body pressed tightly against him; the tingling itch in her nipples made them so sensitive that she could not keep herself from gasping when they pressed against his chest. Her tongue slipped between his lips. She ground her hips against his, powerless to stop.

He melted into the kiss slowly. The silver metal case slipped to the floor unnoticed. His hands started at her hips, then gradually traced a long, slow journey up her sides and around her back. As he drew her into him, he parted his lips to accept her tongue. Small, desperate moaning sounds escaped from her as he brought her more tightly against his body. The feel of his erection through his pants only added fuel to the burning need.

They stayed locked together like that, bodies pressing tightly against one another, while he guided her into the living room. His hands moved to her shoulders, and he gently pried their bodies apart. “Mmm, you seem to have enjoyed your examination a great deal. It’s got you all worked up, hasn’t it? Do you like being examined by Dr. Moreland?”

She shivered and shook her head.

“No? Well, something has you in a state. Was it that pretty nurse of his? I hear she got to spend some quality time with you.”


“What was it, then?”

“I…I just want…” She stopped and blushed.

“Yes? What do you want?”

She took his hands in hers and, astonished at her own audacity, placed them over her breasts. Her nipples pressed into his palms. “Please!”

“Please what?” His tone was neutral, but a hint of devilish pleasure danced in his eyes.

She moved her body against his and kissed him deeply again. Her hands moved up and down his back. Feeling his body so close to hers inflamed her need. The fire inside of her spread until her whole body shook. Feeling the bulge of his erection against her hips nearly made her knees buckle.

He answered her desperate motions, grinding his hips against her until she moaned. Then he broke the kiss and looked at her. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to have sex with me!”

He smiled. “There are many ways I can do that. Do you want me to use your mouth? Hmm? Would you like to pleasure me with those lips of yours?”


“Then tell me. What do you want?”

“I…I want you inside of me!” She felt the heat rise in her face again.

He smiled. “Do you? As you wish, then. I will give you what you need, if…” He paused.

“If what?”

“If you promise to be a good girl and do exactly what I say. If you don’t, I won’t give you what you need, but I will punish you. Do you promise?”

She looked down and nodded.

“Say it.”

“I…” She hesitated. “I promise.”

“Good. Go into the bedroom. Strip. In the second drawer of the left-hand night stand, you will find the gag. Take it out. Put it in your mouth and fasten the strap. Lie down on the bed with your legs spread. I will be in shortly.”

“I—what? Why?”

“Aaron warned me that you’d probably be sore when you got home. I want you to take off your clothes and spread your legs so that I can give you what you so clearly need. I want you to put the gag in your mouth so you can’t complain about how much it hurts. Now go!” His voice was sharp with command.

She jumped, startled at his tone, and scurried into the bedroom. Once there, she stripped nervously. Her heart beat faster as she opened the night stand drawer. Inside were things that filled her with dread: a pair of handcuffs; a blindfold; the bundle of metal anal probes, wrapped up in their leather case; several small vibrators; the thick, obscenely veined black dildo he had made her use on herself in the hotel in London…and the gag, a soft round rubber ball attached to two leather straps.

She picked it up and stared at it, shaking. Memories flooded back—being bound over the table in the hotel, gagged, feeling the desecration of her ass… She blinked and shook her head.

She heard Anthony move outside. Her heart leaped, and she remembered his words. Hesitantly, feeling awkward, she opened her mouth. A part of her could not believe what she was doing, even as she took the rubber ball between her lips. Her fingers pulled the strap tight.

When it was secure, she lay back on the bed and opened her legs. Her clit was on fire, and her pussy screamed with desperate need. Her nipples itched fiercely. She ran her fingers lightly over them. Their exquisite sensitivity sucked her breath away.

When Anthony came in, naked, he found her lying on the bed with her eyes closed, running her hands over her body. He leaned against the wall and watched her for a while. Tiny muffled moans escaped from behind the gag whenever her hands brushed some particularly sensitive place. He smiled to himself at her pleasure, and thought about how the things he had done to her over the past weeks seemed to have unlocked her ability to receive ecstasy.

Finally, he was too aroused to wait any more. She gasped when he grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs wider. Her eyes flew open. He crawled on top of her and pressed her down into the bed with the weight of his body. She whimpered softly and wrapped her arms around him, and then he was inside her, hard, thrusting deep.

She wasn’t quite prepared for how sore her aching, over-used pussy was.

The gag muffled her scream. He withdrew slowly, and immediately the burning, itching need returned. She wrapped her legs around him tightly. He paused for a moment, then thrust again, even harder. Her back arched and she screamed again.

He took her that way for a long time, holding her balanced between need and pain. With every thrust, she cried out in protest at the invasion, yet each time he slid out, the maddening itch and desperate longing swept over her. Her hands crept up to her breasts. She pinched her nipples sharply to relieve the itch, and cried out again. At each withdrawal, her legs tensed and drew him in once more.

He continued his measured assault, thrusting roughly into her and slowly withdrawing, until tears streamed down her face. His breathing sped up, and she felt him thicken inside her. Just when she thought he would erupt and finally finish with her, he stopped, panting.

She looked up at him uncomprehendingly. He grinned down at her, eyes sparkling, and began to thrust again. She threw back her head and cried out again at the renewed barrage. “Nnnngh! Nnngh!”

Anthony repeated the cycle many times, thrusting into her right to the edge of orgasm and stopping, then waiting for the feeling to pass before beginning anew. Eileen writhed beneath him, legs wrapped around his hips, unable to tell if she wanted him to stop or not.

The gag in her mouth did far more than prevent her from speaking. It was a physical reminder of her surrender to him; the feel of soft rubber made her aware of how she had placed herself here, beneath him, how she had assisted in what was happening to her. Her body seemed wrung out, unable to take pleasure from his hard thrusting, but at the same time the constant nagging itch made her want more. She squirmed and wriggled, caught in that strange space where she both loved and hated the things he was doing to her body, as he drove himself to the brink and then stopped, again and again.

The tingle faded and the soreness grew. Her muffled moans became stronger, more frantic. She shook her head wildly. “Nnnngh!!”

He paused, buried deep inside her. “Do you want me to stop, little whore?”

She nodded. “Ynnfff!”

He smiled and thrust once, hard. She thrashed. “Gnnnngh!”

“Are you sure you want me to stop?”

She looked desperately into his eyes, unable to speak. “Ynnngh!”

“Is this too much for you? I’ll tell you what. If you promise to be a good slut and let me fuck your mouth, I’ll stop doing this to you. Does that sound good?”

Eileen flushed and looked away. The casual tone in his voice, and his crude language, made her squirm with embarrassment. She shook her head a fraction.

“Okay,” he said. His arms slid under her, holding her tight, and he began thrusting his hips hard, slamming firmly against her. She screamed around the gag and clutched at him. “NNNNGH!”

He drove himself right up to the edge of orgasm before he stopped. “Yes, little whore? You must be very sore. I don’t know what that cute nurse did to you, but I heard about how you got fucked for two hours non-stop by a machine. Would you like me to stop?”

She nodded frantically.

“Are you going to be a good slut and please me with your mouth?”

Fire colored her cheeks. Her ears burned. She looked away sheepishly, then looked back up at him and nodded slowly.

“Good.” He slid from her throbbing pussy and stood. “Take the pillow off the bed and put it on the floor.”

Meekly, she did as he instructed. Her nipples still burned with that ceaseless tingling itch, and her clit felt swollen and throbbing. Butterflies churned in her stomach; the thought of what she was about to do repelled her, disgusted her, excited her, and frightened her.

He pointed to the pillow, clean red linen on the polished hardwood floor. “Kneel.”

Slowly, hesitantly, she complied. She felt herself tremble.

He reached down and unfastened the gag. A thin line of drool splatter across her breast.

“Now, then. There are many ways for you to give pleasure with your body. Over the next few months, we will explore all of them. We will take each part of your body in turn, and I will teach you how to please me with it until you are an expert. Then we will move on to the next part. Since you are going to be wearing the training device for quite a while yet, I can’t start with your cunt. Therefore, I think I will start with your mouth.”

He moved closer to her face. The head of his erection, glistening with wetness, paused just inches from her lips. “We are going to train that wonderful mouth of yours until it is very, very skilled. By this time next month, you will be the best cocksucker on the eastern seaboard. It will come so naturally to you that you won’t even think about it.” He brought the head of his cock closer. “When you feel my cock touch your lips, open your mouth. Run your tongue once around the head and draw it in. Make sure to move your tongue against the underside of the shaft as it goes in. Do you understand?”

She nodded, overwhelmed with shame and uncertainty.

He tilted his hips. The end of his cock, dripping with her juices, touched her lips. Eileen opened her mouth and swirled her tongue awkwardly around the head. The taste of her own juices made her choke and pull away.

“No.” He took her head in his hands. “Try again. Touch, open, swirl, move your tongue as it goes in.” He held her firmly in place and brought his erection to her lips.

She parted her lips and ran her tongue around the head. As she did, he moved forward, sliding into her mouth. She tried to move her tongue against the underside of his shaft, but the overpowering taste of sex made her stop. He held her still and slipped out. “Again. Touch, open, swirl, move. Draw my cock into your mouth. Wrap your lips around it and suck.”

He kept her there, on her knees on the pillow, for a very long time, forcing her to rehearse the same motions over and over. Each time his cock touched her lips, she swirled her tongue as he instructed and drew it further in. His firm grip on her head prevented her from moving away, in spite of her small gagging noises.

Her nipples and clit throbbed and ached. Unconsciously, she rubbed her tender breasts. Her palms soothed her engorged nipples. The butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

“Good!” Anthony said. “Much better. Keep your tongue moving. Maintain suction.” He slid in deeper, until he was pressing against the back of her throat. She felt herself start to gag; then her throat relaxed and his head slid deeper.

Unbidden, her hand crept down to press against her throbbing clit. A jolt of pleasure, mixed with a sharp stab of pain, shot through her body.

He withdrew from her mouth. “Excellent. Touch, open, swirl, move. Draw it in and let it slide down your throat all in the same motion.” His cock pressed against her lips. She opened her mouth, moved her tongue around it, and this time he pressed it deep, not stopping until he reached the back of her throat. She coughed and gagged.

“Again. Touch, open, swirl, move. Bring it all the way down your throat.”

His fingers twisted through her hair. She knelt at his feet, eyes closed, while his cock slid in and out of her mouth; on each stroke, he pressed down against the back of her throat before sliding out completely. Her gagging sounds subsided, and with every thrust she felt the head of his cock slide a little deeper.

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