Evocation (9 page)

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Authors: William Vitelli

BOOK: Evocation
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Her fingers moved in small fast circles around her clit. Butterflies fluttered. The feelings built until she could no longer separate them; the throbbing in her nipples, the feel of his erect shaft sliding into her mouth, the ripples of intense pleasure radiating from her sex, the constant itching soreness inside herself. Her fingers twisted an aching nipple. She moaned around his shaft.

“Yes! Good!” He thrust faster, deeper. She began moving her head to receive his thrusts, bobbing up and down. Her fingers danced on her clit.

Then, suddenly, it was too much. She could not stop the wrenching, unbearable orgasm. Her pussy clenched, her body spasmed, and her scream turned to a choke. Anthony responded to her orgasm with his own, and thick wet goo gushed into her mouth.

She felt his cock twitch and jerk against the back of her throat. Warm salty come spurted from it. Her own orgasm went on and on, painful in its intensity.

After it had past, and his cock had stopped twitching, she looked up at him with a thin line of white fluid dripping from the corner of his mouth. He withdrew carefully. “Swallow.”

She shuddered and whimpered.

“You don’t have to like it. You just have to do it. You are a sex slave. This will be part of your routine. Swallow.”

She closed her eyes tightly. The thought still repulsed her, but something in his voice warned her of punishments that awaited disobedience. She gulped. Slick warm wetness slid down her throat.

“There, now! That wasn’t so bad, was it? Soon you’ll be doing it like it was second nature. Wait here.”

Chapter 7


She knelt meekly on the pillow while he went out into the living room. When he returned, he was carrying the silver case. “Would you like to see your training device?”

She shook her head. “No.”

He chuckled and set it on the bed. “But that doesn’t matter, because…”

“…I’m a sex slave.” She had intended it to be sarcastic, but somehow, it didn’t feel that way when she said it. The ease with which the words crossed her lips startled her.

“Yes. And there will be some new rules for this next phase of your training.” He unsnapped the latches. “During this part of your training, your orgasms will be tightly controlled. You will be allowed to come whenever I am using you, and there may be times when you are required to come whether you want to or not. Otherwise, orgasms are strictly forbidden. If you have an orgasm at any point when you are not allowed to, you will be punished.” He flipped the lid open. “Come here.”

She sat next to him on the bed, fidgeting nervously. The case was fitted with a foam insert that held the various pieces of the device. He took out a shiny metal belt, padded with soft black rubber. “This belt goes around your waist. Stand up.”

She stood uncertainly. He passed the belt around her waist, just above her hips. “Perfect fit. It locks like this…” Metal clicked. She drew in her breath sharply.

“Next is this part. This goes inside you.” He held up a small, oblong white egg, covered in flat silver spots, slightly larger than the vibrator he had used on her before. Her heart beat fast as he brought it between her legs and pressed it up inside her. Her sore, overstressed sex protested the intrusion, and she gasped in pain. Butterflies swirled.

“Okay, this is the next bit.” He withdrew a shiny metal band, also padded, that ended in a thick rubber strap with an oval hole in it. Bright metal loops were affixed to each end. “This will hold the device in place.” He attached one end of the band to the front of the belt around her waist and locked it in place. “Turn around.”

She complied, heart still hammering. He pulled the band tightly between her legs. She heard another click as he locked it to the belt just below the small of her back. “When you wear this,” he said, “you will still be able to take care of all your normal needs. And this hole …” She felt his finger press against the entrance to her ass. “This hole lets me fuck you in the ass if I want to, even while you’re wearing it. The only things left, besides the key, of course, are the battery charger and the remote control.” He took out a small, flat, white device with buttons on it. “Here, let’s give it a try, shall we?”

He pressed a button. The device began vibrating powerfully inside Eileen. Her knees shook and she moaned. It switched off, leaving her gasping. “Oh!”

It switched back on, even more strongly, forcing her to gasp. Then, slowly, the vibrations slowed until they stopped. She panted, chest heaving. “I can’t walk with this in me!”

“You’ll get used to it,” Anthony replied, rising from the bed. “It might take a while, but you will.”

She watched him go into the closet. He came back out carrying a white button-up shirt, a short striped skirt, and a pair of black high-heeled shoes. “Get dressed.” He tossed the pile onto the bed. “I think I would like to go out. What do you think?”

“Out? No! I can’t!” she wailed. “Not with this thing inside me!”

“Hm,” he said. Eileen watched him go into the closet. He rummaged around for a while, searching through cardboard boxes stacked on the high shelves. When he found what he was looking for, he brought down a small bundle wrapped in red cloth and showed it to her.

“This stopwatch used to belong to my grandfather. I’ve had it since I was a kid. Never really found a use for it before.” He grinned. “Now I have.” He pressed the button on top with a loud click. “Every second you do not obey is one minute of punishment.”

The vibrator inside her switched on without warning. She cried out in surprise and her knees buckled. “But I can’t!”



He watched her reach for the clothes. “You have just earned six minutes of punishment when we return,” he said. The vibrator slowed to a halt. He kissed her cheek. “Prompt obedience will be strictly enforced from now on.”

She dressed in silence. He smiled as he pulled on his own clothes; black slacks, belt, shirt, tie, jacket, dress shoes. The stopwatch went into his pocket, together with something else from the night stand that she couldn’t see.

“Are you ready, little whore?” He smiled at her and offered his hand. She took it without a word.

They had almost reached the front door when he stopped with a frown. “No, no, something is not quite right.” He looked her up and down critically. “Hmm. What is it?”

She blushed under his examination. His eyes swept over her thoughtfully. He gave her a puzzled look. “There’s something…oh, I know what it is!” He squeezed her hand. “You’re not walking like a stripper!”

“Anthony, I—”

“Hold that thought! I’ll be right back.” He darted back into the bedroom. Eileen fidgeted nervously by the door.

Anthony came back from the bedroom carrying two bands with pointed spikes. “I think you need to be reminded to keep your legs apart.”

“Anthony! No, I don’t want to wear…nnngh!” A powerful surge of vibration caused Eileen to stumble heavily against the door.

“See? You’re not keeping your legs apart like a good slut.” He knelt to slip one of the bands around her thigh. “Hold still.”

Eileen leaned against the door, breathing heavily, while the vibration slowly tapered off. By the time her eyes focused again, the bands with their sharp points were already locked firmly around her upper thighs. She looked down at him. “I can’t—”

“Nonsense! Of course you can.” He took her by the arm. “Life is an adventure!” He rose, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Let’s go!”

As they walked to the car, the vibrator pulsed rhythmically. Eileen felt her nipples harden in response. She was sore, aching, and over-used. The fact that her body was still capable of responding this way, even after what it had been through, surprised her. In the car, she closed her eyes and tried to relax. The throbbing buzz grew and ebbed slowly. Thoughts of the nurse’s hands touching her flowed through her mind. She shuddered slightly and pushed them away. Somewhere far away came the sounds of the engine starting. They glided onto the road.

“Well?” Anthony’s voice intruded into her reverie.

She jumped. “What?”

“I said, you look like you haven’t been fucked nearly enough today. From the looks of it, you still need more.”

“No! Please!”

He chuckled. “Well, now. That’s unfortunate, since I’m nowhere near done with you yet. You poor thing.” He navigated the car off the road into a parking lot. “You’re still missing something, I think. We can take care of that here.”

She sat up to look around. He’d taken them to a small, nondescript strip mall. A Vietnamese restaurant, a haircutting salon, a pet store, a garden center, and a couple of empty spaces with “For lease” signs taped to the glass all clung together under cheerful red eaves. “Why are we here?”

“I told you. You’re still missing something.” He stepped out onto the pavement. “Come along, little whore!”

Eileen climbed up out of the car. The vibrator pulsed once. She gasped and clung to the edge of the door.

“Come on,” he said when she straightened again. “We have things to do.”

He led her by the hand into the pet store. A bell over the door jangled. “Why are we here?” she asked.

“Hush.” He drew her through narrow aisles piled high with dog food and pet treats. Finally, he stopped in front of a display of collars. “Pick one.”

“What?” she said.

“A collar. Pick one. For you to wear.”

“Anthony! You can’t be serious!”

“Oh, no?” He chose a wide collar, black with red stripes, from the shelf and held it out to her. “Try it on.”

“No! Absolutely not! Anthony, that’s degrading!”

“Hm. Well, then.” From inside his pocket he pulled out a small pair of fingernail scissors. “Hold still.” He made a quick snip. The top button of her blouse bounced off the edge of the metal shelf and rolled down the floor.

“Anthony! What are you doing?”

He grinned. “I’m sorry, I must have forgotten to tell you how this works.” He winked. “Totally slipped my mind. We’re going to play a game. Every time you are disobedient, you lose a button. I’d be careful, if I were you. You don’t have very many to lose. And if I recall correctly, you’re not wearing anything under that blouse.” He offered her the collar again. “Try it on.”

“No! That’s disgusting!”

“And that’s two.” Another snip, and a second button went skittering down the floor. The top of her blouse parted.

“Anthony! Stop it!”

He gazed at her. “I will strip you naked right here in this store if you do not do as I say. Put the collar on.”

“Anthony!” Tears of shame welled up in her eyes. “I don’t want to do this!”

“If you don’t like that collar, that’s okay. Pick another one. One that suits your tastes better.” He waved at the shelf. “One way or another, you are definitely walking out of here wearing a collar. Whether or not you’re wearing anything else, well…” He grinned. “That’s up to you.”


“Do you want to make it three?” He held up the scissors.


“Okay. But I won’t wait very long.”

“I…” She raised the collar to her neck. Her shaking hands fumbled with the buckle. “I can’t do it, Anthony, I just can’t!”

“Well, tell you what. We can stay here until you run out of buttons, and then I’ll put it on for you. How does that sound?”

“Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is?”

He grinned wider. “Oh, I might have an inkling. Bet it’ll be even more embarrassing when you lose that next button!”


“What a dilemma. Stay dressed and put the collar on yourself, or let me put it on for you and go topless. Whatever will you do?” He smirked at her. “I can’t wait to see which one you choose!”

She brought the dog collar to her neck. Her hands shook hard enough to make her fumble with the buckle. Shame and humiliation rose. Her nipples tightened.

Anthony stepped back and looked at her critically. “Hmm. No, I don’t think so,” he said. “The red doesn’t go with your skirt. Try another one.”

She shuddered. “Anthony, please…” she whispered.


She chose another collar at random and brought it to her neck. While she stood in the aisle buckling it on, the vibrator inside her started up again, slowly at first, gradually building to a higher and higher speed. She moaned once, very softly.

“Nope, definitely not. Those rhinestones just aren’t doing it for me. Try another.”

She took down a wide green collar with a black plastic buckle. The smooth webbed nylon felt strange against her throat. He looked her up and down critically. “Hmm, I don’t know. That one really clashes, don’t you think?” He pursed his lips. “I think you should try a different one.”

While she searched for just the right collar, a handful of customers came through the store. Some of them paid no attention to her. Others stopped to watch. Her face turned red and her nipples hardened.

It took almost twenty minutes and over a dozen collars before she found one that met with his approval—a deep navy, nearly black, with a thin white stripe along its length. The vibrator buzzed rapidly enough to make her whimper. Wetness trickled down her leg.

Anthony picked up a matching leash. “We’ll need this too.” He handed it to her. “Go pay for these things and we can go.”

She reached to remove the collar. He slapped her hand. “No. Leave it on.”

“Anthony, no!” Her voice cracked with shame. “You can’t make me do this!”

“I can and I am.” He reached for her button.

“Okay!” she cried, defeated. He watched her head for the front of the store, grinning.

The cashier looked to be in his late twenties, with spiked hair and a Soul Asylum T-shirt. His eyes swept her as she approached. “Wow, you are smoking!” he said.

Anthony came up behind her. “Say ‘thank you’ to the nice man.”

The cashier grinned. “She’s hot! Is she your girlfriend?” His eyes didn’t leave her breasts.

“My wife, actually. If you think she’s hot now, you should see her tits. Which…” He held up the scissors. “…you may get to do, if she doesn’t do as she’s told.”

Her face flushed again. “Thank you,” she mumbled.

“Just the leash for you today?”

Anthony cleared his throat, arms folded. Eileen turned even redder. “No,” she stammered, “the collar too. The—the one I’m wearing…oh!” Deep within her, the vibration paused for a second, then started again, stronger than before. She stumbled and grabbed the counter tightly. She moaned, eyes closed, helpless to stop the pleasure surging through her…

The vibration stopped.

She hung there, feeling like a fly dangling from a spider’s web. Her body shuddered. A slick glaze of sweat clung to her skin. For a second, she felt that she might come anyway, even without the vibration. Slowly, the feeling slipped away from her. When her vision cleared, she found herself just inches from the cashier’s startled blue eyes. “Oh. I…I’m…”

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