Read Everybody's After Love Online

Authors: Lyssa Layne

Everybody's After Love (18 page)

BOOK: Everybody's After Love
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I hate not sleeping in my own bed. Well, unless it’s Jules’ couch. I’ve spent many a night there, but never in her actual bed. Hopefully that’ll change soon but in the meantime, I’m tossing and turning like crazy in this hotel room. I’d been getting steady pictures and texts from both my sister and Jules from the bachelorette party but suddenly they stopped. I’m trying to convince myself Jules is just too busy holding Bri’s hair out of the toilet but my gut tells me that isn’t the case. The clock shows it’s just now midnight. If I don’t hear from her in another fifteen minutes, I’m going to break down and call J.P.










My eyes flit open and close as
Sweet Home Alabama
plays on the television and Bri snores on the couch beside me. I’m trying to fight off the sleep that’s invading me because I know Bentley will be here soon. I heard Paulie and him on the phone last night. Bentley told my brother he was heading home first thing this morning.

Paulie brought us drunken girls back to their place after we jumped in his car. Luckily, we got all the sobbing out on the ride home and somehow my brother had managed to piece together the events that led up to that moment. After a trip to Jack in the Box for greasy tacos and heartburn, Bri and I took over their bed giggling about the kiss on the bald guy’s head, the condoms we’d collected from random men, and all the other dares she’d completed. Finally, around three, we fell asleep only to wake up a few hours later and move our hangovers to the couch for a chick-flick movie marathon coupled with McDonald’s breakfast delivered by Paulie. A belch burns my throat and I vow to never eat Jack in the Crack ever again.

Twenty minutes later, I’m giving in to sleep and my eyes have just squeezed closed when I hear the front door open. My brain hasn’t even told my eyelids to open when I feel his calloused hands on either side of my face. I inhale deeply, smelling him before I actually see him. My eyes flutter open and I smile as Bentley is kneeling beside the couch.

Worry covers his face as his eyebrows are knitted together, his features harder than normal, and dark bags are under his eyes. My smile drops to a frown as I reach out and cup his cheek, my thumb dragging under his eye.

“I’m okay, Bentley,” I reassure him as Reese Witherspoon yells at her fictional husband behind him.

Bentley leans his forehead against mine, his fingers curling around my hair which is still disheveled up from the night before. His head moves side to side slowly against mine. “I should have been there. I would’ve come as soon as J.P. called but I couldn’t leave until this morning.”

He lets out a long sigh and I gently press my lips against his. “Don’t worry, your sister knows how to kick a guy right where it hurts.”

Finally, he lets out a small laugh and pulls me in for a deep kiss, sliding his tongue over mine. His hand pulls on my hair as though he’s making sure I’m really in front of him. Breaking the kiss he leans back, his hands slide down my arms to my wrists. I start to pull them away but I’m not fast enough. Bentley flips my wrist back and forth, inspecting them both carefully and cussing under his breath as he notices the bruises left behind by Kevin.

“I’m so sorry, baby. This will never happen again.” He tenderly presses his lips against my wounds and I push my fingers through his hair so he’ll look at me.

“Bent, it’s not your fault.”

He swallows hard and I see tears in his eyes which immediately makes me want to cry too. I blink quickly, trying to hide mine before he notices. I bury my head in his chest as I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me close. Unable to hold it in, too many emotions hitting me all at once, I cry softly into his t-shirt as he rubs my back and whispers how sorry he is. He pulls away just long enough to stand and help me up without waking Bri. Taking my hand, he nods to the front door.

“Come on, I’m taking you home,” he announces and I frown. Glancing over my shoulder, I sigh. Home alone doesn’t sound that appealing. I’d rather stay here cuddled up with Bri than by myself.

Bentley leans down and kisses my forehead, I’m a good six inches shorter than him now as I stand barefooted in a pair of Bri’s yoga pants and tank top. His hands move to my hips and my body reacts with electric sparks dancing across my skin. He turns his lips into a smile and says, “Don’t worry, I’m staying with you. I’m not leaving your side any time soon.”

My heart races at his words and I push up on my tippy toes to kiss him. His hands slide behind me and pull me against him. His breath is warm on my ear when he whispers, “Am I scaring you off again?”

Grinning, I look up at him and shake my head. He returns the smile and takes my hand, leading us through the kitchen where Paulie is working on his laptop. Nervously, I stand behind Bentley, bracing myself for the big brother lecture I know I’m about to hear. Instead, Paulie stands and shakes Bentley’s hand. I step to the side, lips pursed questioningly as I watch this interaction.

“Thanks for taking care of her,” Bentley says with a firm nod, his hand still gripping Paulie’s.

Paulie nods back. “Likewise.”

My brother looks at me and opens his arms for a hug. I step into his embrace and he squeezes me hard, not letting go right away. When he pulls away, he looks into my eyes and somehow this feels like some sort of passage of rights. Before I can ruin the moment by blurting out and asking if he’s about to cry, Paulie averts his eyes. Bentley takes my hand, leading us outside after I gather my clothes from the night before. Once in the truck, I glance over at Bentley, who is still holding my hand.

“What was that?” I ask.

He narrows his eyebrows. “What was what?”

“Back there, with my brother. Were you two passing me off?” That’s what it felt like, but Paulie seemed a bit reluctant. I need to corner him and find out what’s going on in his mind because I know what’s going on in mine and I’m ready for whatever is in store for Bentley and me.

Bentley doesn’t take his eyes off the road as he squeezes my hand. “You’re important to both of us, Jules, and last night had us both worried.” I nod and leave it at that, too tired and hungover to want to discuss it any further.




Driving back to her place, Jules falls asleep with her head on my shoulder. My hand never leaves hers as I don’t want her out of my touch, much less my sight. I look over at her sleeping peacefully, slightly snoring, and I see the bruise on her wrist. My blood pressure rises and I want to hurt the jerk that did it to her. I don’t want to be the boyfriend that won’t let his girl out of his sight, but if it’s what I have to do to keep her safe, I’ll be that guy.

Pulling into her driveway, Jules slowly wakes up, stretching her arms above her head. She looks at me and asks, “What time are we going to your parents today?”

I can’t take her there now. I’d planned on letting the cat out of the bag today, but not after last night. I don’t know when I’ll be able to. Right now I have to focus on Jules and keeping her safe. Leaning toward her, I push my lips on her forehead. “We’re not going, I’m keeping you in my arms all day.” A smile spreads across her face and I know she won’t object.










My face has donned a permanent smile ever since Bentley brought me home from Paulie and Bri’s. When he said that he wasn’t leaving my side, he meant it. Every night, he holds me close when I fall asleep. He leaves around five in the morning to get things ready for his employees, but comes back at eight to take me to work. I’m loving having some much Bentley time but he seems super stressed.

It’s the week of the wedding and he’s running around helping his sister get ready for her big day while trying to operate his nursery as well as take care of me. The man is exhausted and usually snoring before I even turn the light off.  I’m sure once the wedding is over, things will slow down and we’ll fall into a routine. My ridiculous grin gets bigger as I realize how much I want Bentley to move in and yet we still haven’t gone to the next level physically yet.

Straightening his baby blue tie over his white dress shirt, I watch Bentley staring over my head into the mirror and I wonder what he’s thinking. His face is serious and he looks drained. I can’t wait until Sunday when we finally have a day to sleep in, the poor guy needs a day off.

Turning to face him, I run my hands down his suit coat, smoothing out the wool material. The tag read Armani but I know better than to comment on it. Bentley and Bri have proven that they don’t let money define them. Bentley glances down and my grin gets wider. His hands move to my bare shoulders, his thumb immediately going to my tattoo and his shoulders drop slightly as he relaxes. Not in my heels yet and still shorter than him, I push up on my toes and brush my lips against his.

“What’s on your mind?” I ask, worry setting in as this isn’t the typical upbeat Bentley that I’m familiar with.

His hands squeeze my shoulders and he shakes his head. “It’s just been a long week, that’s all.” He kisses my forehead and steps just outside the bathroom. “I’ll be in the living room waiting.”

I sigh and the smile I’d been wearing all week fades. Something’s going on and my instinct tells me that it’s not good. Turning to face the mirror myself, I smooth out my own strapless dress with layers of chiffon the color of a grapefruit. I pull on a pearl bracelet Paulie got me for graduation and the matching necklace he gave me the night of his engagement party. My fingers touch each jewel and I hear Bentley’s words in my mind:
Julianna, that ‘mistake’ you made almost fifteen years ago is why you’re sitting here with me.
With Bentley’s actions, I’m beginning to wonder if his words are true or if I’m just going to end up losing someone else I love. Yes, love.

Before I ruin my make-up, I flip off the light and enter the living room where he’s staring mindlessly at the baseball game on the television. I clear my throat to get his attention and automatically, like a robot, he turns off the game, stands up, takes my hand, and leads us out to his truck without saying a word. My stomach starts to sour and I know this night isn’t going to end well.

A short dress and high heels are not ideal for his lifted F-350 so he’s forced to help me into the passenger seat. My hands on his shoulders, I hold on to them a bit longer and give a quick squeeze to get his attention. Snapping out of his trance, his eyes meet mine.

“Everything okay, Bentley?” I ask, dreading what he might say.

He lets out a long sigh and shakes his head. Pulling my hand to his lips, he gently kisses it. “I’m sorry, Julianna. The week is catching up to me.” I give him a meek smile, his words not making me feel any more comfortable. He kisses my hand again then flashes me his dimple. “You look amazing tonight. I can only imagine what you’ll look like tomorrow.”

My stomach settles slightly as this is something he would normally say. Moving with a little pep in his step now, he runs around to the truck and turns on his Florida Georgia Line CD, singing along with it. I watch him for a while and the perma-grin he made disappear in the bathroom makes its way back on my face. I join him in the sing-along. Holding hands on the way to the church, we have our own impromptu concert. By the time we arrive downtown, we’re both laughing and back to the normal couple we usually are.

Bentley laces his fingers with mine as we make our way across the parking lot. He nods in the direction of the Arch, but I refuse to look that way after my last experience there. Clutching my hand, he asks in a teasing manner, “Think I can get you in the Arch?”

“Hell no!” I say with a laugh then cover my mouth, afraid Jesus himself might get off that cross inside and come into the parking lot to wash my mouth out.

Bentley lets out his deep chuckle and stops walking, pulling me against his chest. He leans down and lets his lips find mine. His tongue desperately slides across my mouth, begging for me to let him in. His right hand finds my neck under my long dark mane and his fingers grip my hair making our kiss even more intense. His left hand slides around my waist and pinches my back side. Surprised, I yelp finally letting his tongue in my mouth where it teases mine and I pull him closer. His hand in my hair grasps it tighter and pulls me to look at him. Our kiss over, my chest is heaving as I try to catch my breath.

BOOK: Everybody's After Love
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