Every Boy's Got One (16 page)

Read Every Boy's Got One Online

Authors: Meg Cabot

Tags: #Romance, #Humorous, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Every Boy's Got One
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To: Jane Harris

Fr: Holly Caputo

Re: What is up with this?


Apparently, despite his ex-wife’s desertion on what was to be their first wedding anniversary, he has every reason in the world to feel quite pleased with himself.


Does THAT make you think a little more fondly of him?



To: Holly Caputo Fr: Jane Harris

Re: What is up with this?


NO!!! Size doesn’t matter, and you know it.


Well, not that much.


She really left him on their first anniversary?



To: Jane Harris

Fr: Holly Caputo

Re: What is up with this?


He came home from work, preparing to change clothes and take her out for an evening of celebration, and found a note. She’d had movers in while he was at the office. They took everything. Except the cat.



To: Holly Caputo

Fr: Jane Harris

Re: What is up with this?


They had a CAT????



To: Jane Harris

Fr: Holly Caputo

Re: What is up with this?


It was her cat. She left it with Cal because her new boyfriend was allergic. Cal took care of it for almost a year, hoping Valerie would change her mind and come back. But she didn’t. So Cal got himself assigned to Iraq.



To: Holly Caputo

Fr: Jane Harris

Re: What is up with this?


What happened to the CAT?????



To: Jane Harris

Fr: Holly Caputo

Re: What is up with this?


Oh. The cat died right before he decided to leave. Of cancer. Mark says he isn’t sure which left Cal more brokenhearted—his wife leaving him, or the cat dying.



To: Holly Caputo

Fr: Jane Harris

Re: What is up with this?


You are such a liar. You made that whole thing up about the cat dying. What really happened to it?



To: Jane Harris

Fr: Holly Caputo

Re: What is up with this?


He gave it to Tim Grabowski in IT.


Still. The cat COULD be dead now, for all I know. Poor, poor Cal.



To: Holly Caputo

Fr: Jane Harris

Re: What is up with this?


You are so pathetic.


And I wouldn’t feel too sorry for Cal Langdon if I were you. He’s doing just fine for himself.


Promise you won’t let Mark drive through the mountains. He will plunge us to our deaths.



To: Jane Harris

Fr: Holly Caputo

Re: What is up with this?


Um. Yeah. Maybe I’ll drive after lunch. Or we can get Cal “Large Appendage” Langdon to do it.



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