Read Evan's Addiction Online

Authors: Sara Hess

Evan's Addiction (55 page)

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     I was having the most erotic, delicious dream I’d never thought it
was possible to have. My whole body felt like one huge pulsating ache that just
kept getting more agonizingly better, spiraling excruciatingly higher…I was
going to…

     “Auhhhh!” I cried as pleasure swallowed me, sparking lights on my
closed lids.

     “Fucking beautiful.” The dream whispered in my ear.

     Suddenly, I was being moved and I blinked in sated drowsiness as
my front was pushed into the soft mattress, and then I moaned, clenching my
eyes closed in ecstasy as Evan’s thickness filled me yet again. I wasn’t sure
if this was the third or forth time he’d devastated me tonight…this
morning…heck, I had no idea what time it was.

     His body pressed mine into the bed as he surged into me deeply,
his groin pushing against my butt cheeks. “So fucking good…every fucking time.”
He growled, sucking on my neck and shoulder.

     I was half-asleep and speeding rapidly toward indescribable
rapture. “Evan…” It was all I was able to gasp out as the pressure mounted

     “Red.” He groaned pulling nearly all the way out before bottoming
out inside me.

     I moaned and lifted my hips so I could take even more. It felt so
good. This was a slightly new position and it was incredible, just like all the
others. Evan’s lips suckled at my neck, shoulders, and back, as he pounded into
me rhythmically. The tension swelled higher, and I panted and keened as it
became unbearable. I fisted the sheets under me and my legs compressed as the
peak neared, and this had Evan grunting and plowing into me harder.

     “Yeah, squeeze me tight…oh…shit…yessss.” His teeth latched onto
the fleshy part between my shoulder and neck and for whatever reason this had
my core seizing, sending me flying into euphoric pleasure. At the same time I
could feel Evan expand inside me, stretching me further than he already did,
and then he was snarling through his clenched teeth on my shoulder and the
warmth of his release exploded inside me.

     We both slumped together; me into the mattress, Evan onto me
breathing heavily, and I soaked in the weight and heat of him. Sleep edged at
my consciousness again and I let it wash over me. I needed my rest, because
Evan kept waking me up to kill me.

     The next time I opened my eyes light was filtering through a small
opening of my window curtains. I blinked the sleep from my eyes and took stock
of the situation. Evan…Evan was in my bed…and he was pressed up against my
back…and heat was rolling off him like a live furnace. Dang, the man was hot…in
more ways than one.

     I hated to use regency terms, but the man redefined the term
ravaged. I felt ravaged; inside and out. My body was achy, and my soul hadn’t
been left untouched either. My soul…ha…he’d been chipping away at my soul since
his first pick-up line. Would there be anything left of it when he got done
with me?

     I needed to get up and put some space between us, and not just
because his body heat was going to make me combust. Being held by him felt too
good, and it was something I shouldn’t get used to.

     It took some maneuvering, but I was able to finally wiggle out
from under him. It wasn’t a graceful detachment, but the only one who saw it
was Rosie. My contortionist movements had her watching me with curiosity
instead of meowing with hunger which was fortunate because that might have
woken Evan.

     In the course of detangling I caught the time on my
computer…9:53…and gaped at how late it was. We really hadn’t gone to bed that
late, but being continuously roused throughout the night had caused us both to
sleep late.

     Snatching up my night shirt from the floor, and a clean pair of
underwear from my drawer, I tiptoed from the room and dashed down the hallway
with Rosie hot on my heels. She almost tripped me up dodging between my legs
she’s so hungry. After quickly feeding and watering her I dashed into the
bathroom because I was a sticky mess downstairs and needed a shower. Closing
the bathroom door behind me I proceeded to accomplish that post haste.  

     As I soaped myself under the spray of hot water I had to take
special care of my breasts and vagina, because they were especially sensitive.
I had actual red marks all over my breasts to show how hard he’d sucked on my
flesh. I didn’t know it was possible to have as much sex as we had last night.
I wasn’t complaining, but I was going to have to look into the statistics of
that. I also noted a tender spot on my shoulder and it reminded me of how Evan
had latched his teeth onto it at some point last night. It hadn’t hurt at the
time, or now, but it was an interesting development. It was like he’d gone all
feral or something.

     Recalling how it had hurled me into orgasm had my core clenching
in fierce arousal.

     Switching off the water I grabbed a towel and carefully dried
myself off, and then made sure to squeeze as much water out of my hair as
possible so it would dry quicker. After spraying in leave-in-conditioner so my
hair wouldn’t frizz I slipped on my long shirt and underwear, and then after
peering out the door to make sure it was all clear I headed for the kitchen…and
then froze in indecision.

     Was I supposed to make breakfast? What the hell was the protocol
here? Nic and Carrie made meals together but they’d been together for a long
time. Evan had paid for my meal last night; actually he paid for many of our
meals so it would only be fair to make him breakfast. And there was also the
fact that he’d gone to jail for me. Would he want breakfast? He might think I
was pushing him to stay if I did. I didn’t want him to leave, but I didn’t want
to pressure him either.            

     Suddenly, arms wrapped around me from behind, lips nuzzled through
my wet hair to get to my ear, and Evan’s hot body pressed into me. “Red, you
wore me out last night.”

     Tensing robotically, I shivered at the feel of him. “I think you
have that mixed up. I’m pretty sure I was the one being woken up by what felt
like a boner seeking out an Orthopedic doctor.”

     “Good one.” He chuckled in my ear as his hands smoothed over my
fluttering stomach. “Why are you going all stiff on me again?”

     That was the thing about Evan; his mind wanted answers. I blew out
a breath and tried to relax. “You know I’m not used to this; it’s going to take
me awhile to get accustomed to these new circumstances.”

     He hummed in my ear. “Well, we’re going to have to make sure these
circumstances happen more often so this becomes more natural to you.”

     His hands were fuzzing my brain. “That might be helpful.” I wanted
as much as I could get from him in the time we had. I melted back into his hot,
hard frame and could feel that he was bare-chested.

     Evan’s mouth trailed down my neck and I whimpered when they
stopped. “Shit, did I do this to you last night?” His hand pulled my shirt away
from the area where his teeth had gnawed on me. “Damn, I’m sorry, Shaw. Does it
hurt?” Fingers gently brushed over the spot.

     Quivering at his touch I shook my head. “No.”

     He was silent for a moment as his fingers continued to stroke over
the mark, making my core pulse and weep. “Did it hurt last night?” He asked

     I sucked in a needed breath and pushed myself to spill the truth
no matter how embarrassing it was, because I didn’t want him shouldering any
guilt. “Do you remember what happened to me when you did it?”

     “Shit yes.” He growled, his hand clenching on my abdomen.  

     That almost had my flutters exploding. “Then you know pain wasn’t
what my body was feeling.”

     He growled again, kissing the spot tenderly. My eyes closed
enjoying his touch, but after a few moments his lips lifted and his nose
brushed up my neck. “Why were you standing here looking like your feet were
frozen to the linoleum when I walked up?”

     More truth? Heck, why not. I was too relaxed to deny him anything
right now. “I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to make you breakfast?”

     Hands stilling, Evan suddenly spun me around and my eyes locked
with his hot liquid amber ones.

     “Hey, you’re not supposed to do anything…” My gaze switched to his
marvelous mouth that tilted up at one corner. “Except allow me to give you
pleasure whenever I want.”

     I rolled my eyes even though I had no problem with that…at all.

     “I’m serious.” His finger traced over my eyebrow. “I don’t want
you doing anything because you think you

     I shrugged and stared at him uncertainly. “I wanted to, I just
wasn’t certain if you would
breakfast; if you planned on staying,
or if you would need to get going once you got up?”

     He seemed to study me for a moment but then grinned and pulled me
closer into him. “You ruined my first plan of keeping you in bed all day by not
being there when I woke up.” My body sizzled. “But I didn’t take into account
all the calories we used up last night, so we should eat…and then we can go
back to bed.” His head bent down to nuzzle at my neck.

     I clutched at his broad shoulders tilting my head to the side. “While
I wouldn’t have any problem with that…” I gasped. “I have some work to do, and
then I have to help David, and then there’s his party tonight.” Evan grumbled
in displeasure and I couldn’t hold back my smile. “Anyway, I think my body
needs a small reprieve.”

    His head lifted with a frown. “Shit, you’re sore.” He shook his
head remorsefully. “Of course you’re sore. I plowed you like a well used field.
Hell, even a well used field would be feeling it. I’m such a selfish bastard. I
wanted you so badly and having you so handy made me go a little nuts.”

     Hearing him confess how nuts he was for me had my heart thumping
in delight, but also aching; wishing again that it was more than just a
physical want.

     I grinned. “Nice analogy…and I’m not necessarily sore. I think
it’s more like my insides are like memory foam, and they need a couple of hours
to go back to their original shape. It almost feels like you’re still inside

     Evan’s amber eyes flared molten. “Shit, that is so hot.” His hands
dropped to my butt and squeezed, pressing me into his hard erection. “I’ve left
my mark on you inside and out.” His gaze flickered to my shoulder.

     If he only knew.

     Above my melting, aching center my stomach gave a growl that had
both our eyebrows shooting up simultaneously. “Wasn’t me.” I quipped

     Hugging me tightly Evan laughed. “Must have been me then. Like I
said, my calorie count is low.” Giving my neck one more nuzzle, and my rear one
more squeeze, he released me and headed for the refrigerator. “Tell me you’re
not an egg white person?” He asked, pulling out the cartoon of eggs.

     “No, I like the whole egg.” I answered, watching him in

     “And what kind of bread situation are we looking at; cardboard, or
something a little softer?” He twisted slightly to smirk at me.

     I grinned back. “Both. I have whole grain cardboard, but also some
english muffins.”

     “Thank god.” He exclaimed overdramatically. “How does an egg…” He
went back to rummaging. “Ham, and cheese breakfast sandwich sound?”

     “Sounds good…except for the cheese.” Bending over I pulled out a
frying pan.

     “No cheese!” He looked horrified. “It’s naked without cheese.” 

     My grin quivered. “Well, there are other things besides you that I
like naked.” I set the pan on the oven.

     His hot frame pressed against my back. “Nothing is as
mouthwatering as you naked.” Setting the food items on the counter his hands
moved up under my shirt to my bare belly.

     My eyes closed as his hands stroked up toward my breasts. He’d
just cupped both tender globes, flicking each of my sensitive nipples, when his
stomach rumbled against my back.

     I couldn’t hold back my laugh even as my body responded; heating
and swelling and throbbing. “Mouthwatering is not going to fill up your
stomach, though.”

     “Yeah, too bad about that.” He sucked on the skin below my ear
while rolling my swollen nipples with his thumbs. My core was pulsing to be
filled and I was thinking my idea of waiting had been a little too hasty, but
then Evan sighed and released me. “Step aside, woman. Man don’t need woman make
food.” He thumped his fist on his chest and gave me a gentle hip nudge that had
me shuffling sideways. “Man make food for woman.” 

     My grin was dazed from his ministrations, but also inane at his
caveman impersonation. He began cracking some eggs into the frying pan and I
pulled myself out of my stupor to pop the English muffins in the double

     “How much time do you have to spend on work?” He quirked his brow
at me. “And what aspect of it will you be doing?” Evan asked.

     He reached for the salt and pepper to season the eggs and my mouth
watered as his back muscles bunched and rolled under his taut, tanned skin. I
loved feeling them do that when he was over me…thrusting.

     I shivered. “Maybe an hour or two, and it only involves some
computer fiddling.” That should please him.

     He nodded and I could see that it did. “And then you plan to head
straight over to David’s?”

     “I had planned to. All of his large furniture has been moved in
but there’s still a lot of little things that need organizing. He also has
several televisions that need to be set up throughout the house, and he’s worse
than a woman when directing where he likes them to be.”

     The muffins popped up and I set them each on a plate next to the
stove, and then I popped down another knowing Evan would want more than one
breakfast sandwich after weeks of watching him eat. In fact…I grabbed some
strawberries out of the fridge to add to the meal.

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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