Evan's Addiction (40 page)

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Authors: Sara Hess

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     “What the hell, asshole! You said you knew how to fucking drive.
One of the first fucking rules is to keep the wheels on the fucking road.”

     The dude, around the same age as me, climbed out looking wide-eyed
with residual terror from the near crash as well as scared shitless that I was
going to pound him to a pulp. The urge to do that was great, but I knew the
moron hadn’t done it intentionally. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to pay.
His stakes just went from one-thousand to at least twenty-five hundred
depending on the damage to my car.

     Speaking of damage I changed course heading back to my car to
inspect the damage and cursed some more. Son of a bitch! This was going to cost
at least three.

     Staff from the track approached me asking if I was okay and I
assured them I was fine.

     “Evan man, you alright!”

     I twisted to see all my friends running towards me; the guys in
the lead, the girls trailing as quickly as they could. Again, my gaze
automatically skimmed over everyone until it latched onto Shaw, and I was
unaccountably pleased to see her out front of all the girls, but alarmed by the
fact that she was running fucking barefooted.

     Sprinting towards her I yelled, “Shaw, stop right there. There’s
shit all over the ground that will cut your feet to shreds.”

     Of course she didn’t listen, continuing to run in my direction all
out. I was both grateful and annoyed that Havi heard me, glanced back, and
paused to pick her up bringing her safely the rest of the way. Delight took
forefront as I watched her struggling to get out of his hold in her attempt to
get to me.

     Nic reached me first, panting from the run. “Shit Evan, are you

     “I’m fine; it’s my car that’s smashed up.” I moved past him
towards Havi relieving him of Shaw with a nod of thanks. The guy was the
quietest of the three brothers but seemed to have more awareness of his
surroundings. “What the hell, Shaw. There’s glass and metal all over this track
that will slice your feet to ribbons.”

     Her legs wrapped around my hips and her arms strangled me. “Don’t
you fucking yell at me when you almost died.”

     She was trembling in my arms and I could see that witnessing the
small crash had really freaked her out. I didn’t like seeing her upset, but I
couldn’t deny liking that she cared enough to freak out. “Hey, I wasn’t even
close to dying. We were going too slow for any serious injury.” I rubbed her
back in comfort.

     Her head tilted back and she glared at me with glassy emerald
eyes. “He nearly ran into your side of the car; don’t tell me that wouldn’t
have left a mark.”

     She’d been paying close attention. “Maybe a small bump on the
head, but that’s it.”

     Alarm flared in her gaze as it flickered over my face. “Did you
bump your head? Oh my god, you might have whiplash, or a minor back injury. Let
me down.” She wiggled, attempting to get out of my arms. “You need to get checked
out by the EMT’s. Why aren’t they over here examining you?” Her head swiveled
around and she shrieked. “Hey you lazy-asses; get over here and do your fucking

     It was taking all my effort to hang onto her while at the same
time not laugh. Laughing would not be a good idea; it might turn her ire my
way. However, the other guys were laughing or grinning, but at least most of
them were turning away to hide it.

     The paramedic’s weren’t laughing as they rushed over at her
command. I’m sure they already ascertained that since I was walking around
serious injury wasn’t an issue, but it was part of their job to look me over

     “Shaw, I’m fine; no bumps, whiplash, or back injury.” 

     She scowled. “You can’t know that for sure; neck and back injuries
from car accidents can pop up days later.”

     Miss. Smarty-Pants. “Well, I feel fine now. If I start hurting
later then I’ll get checked out.” Her scowl didn’t go anywhere. “I swear.” I
promised her with a sincere smile.

     Her concern for me was an unexpected and complete turn-on.  

     When the paramedic’s reached us I assured them I was okay. They
told me I had to sign a release stating that I was refusing medical treatment.
My hands were kind of full and there was no way I was letting Shaw’s feet near
the tarmac again.

     “Shaw, set your feet on mine; I don’t want them touching the

     She did as I asked but griped. “I ran all the way here with no
incident. I think setting me down for a couple more seconds will be safe.”

     “You got damn lucky.” I signed the form and swung her back up,
cradle style this time.

     She squeaked and fastened her arms around my neck. “You’re sure
you’re okay?” Apprehension puckered her red face.

     Holding my smirk in I headed back to my car. “I’m pissed about my
car, but besides that I’m fine.” Surprisingly, having her in my arms went a
long way in appeasing my annoyance.

     The guys were all grinning as I passed them; probably for a
variety of reasons…Shaw being one of them.

     “While it sucks that your ride got smashed, I have to say that was
an epic spin out.” Juan slapped my back. “You definitely proved your skill
behind the wheel getting out of that guys way before he slammed into your

     Landon nodded, arm around a wide-eyed Maya. “I was fucking holding
my breath the entire time and then cheered like a maniac when you drifted out
of his way. Best collision-slash-dodge collision ever.”

     “Idiots.” Shaw grumbled shaking her head.

     “It’s not just me then.” Maya declared. She and Shaw shared an
exasperated look.  

     Biting my lip I opened the passenger door and set her inside
gently. “It’s a guy thing. Let them be.” She pursed her lips. Straightening I
shut the door and leaned in through the window. “I have to talk to the other
driver, let him know he owes me more money; stay here.” Gripping her chin I
took her mouth kissing the hell out of her before striding away, immensely
satisfied at the dazed look I left on her face. 

     However, her stupor only last a moment before she called after me.
“You’d better hurry, you left your keys in the ignition; the urge to go for my
own joyride might overcome me.”

     I faltered momentarily at her retort as everyone chortled around
me, but pushed forward trusting she was kidding.

     The girls stayed with Shaw as the guys and I had a quick
discussion with the other driver. It didn’t take long before he coughed up
another two grand for the damages he’d caused for not knowing how to fucking

     “I’m done for the night.” I announced pocketing my money. My blood
was pumping to get Shaw alone.

     Landon nodded his head. “Yeah, me too.”

     Juan shook his head. “Not us. Havi and Trey have races and there
are loads of women to introduce ourselves to.” Smirks spread over all their

     The group split into two groups; everyone with girlfriends was
ready to head out, Blake decided to remain with the Cruz brothers. Luka tried
convincing Nadia to let him and his friend stay but she just laughed in his
face. He
only seventeen, and it was guaranteed that he would find
trouble if he stayed.

     Climbing back in the car I started the engine, giving Shaw a grin.
“Thanks for not driving off.”

     She shrugged. “I wasn’t certain it would stay together if I did.
just in a crash.”

     Chuckling, I drove around the track exiting the gates.
“Thankfully, and I really hate saying that, the guy missed my back lights so I
won’t have to worry about getting a ticket for that.”

     She didn’t say anything to that, staring out the window with a creased
brow. Silence hung heavy as I drove for a few minutes scrutinizing her severe
expression, wondering what she was thinking. Unable to take it any longer I
asked her.

     “Something serious appears to be going through that head of yours;
what is it, Shaw?”

     She didn’t answer right away, and I thought she was ignoring me,
but finally she spoke. “I didn’t like the way I felt when I saw you crash.”

     Once again I was caught in a war of being both pleased and unhappy
that she’d been concerned for me.

     Reaching over I massaged the back of her neck. “I wasn’t in any
danger, Shaw.” She remained silent so I continued. “But I’m sure seeing it had
everyone holding their breath in apprehension. Crashes do that to people.”

     “It was more than that.” She whispered rubbing at her chest.

     It was too dark to read her averted features, but her tone sounded
pained. Taking her hand I squeezed. “Hey, I’m fine, everything’s fine.”

     Looking down at our joined hands she nodded, rubbing her thumb
over my skin sending small jolts down my spine…with merely that insignificant
contact. She’d been touching me more frequently and unreservedly today and I
was soaking it up like starving man.

     “Where you scared?” She asked.

     I expelled a sigh. “My heart sped up but I knew I would be okay. I
was more concerned that he was going to damage my car even more then he had.
I’ve taken lessons in what to do in certain types of spin-outs and collisions
and thankfully my reflexes remembered.”  

     “It’s good that you’ve taken those lessons, but I doubt
ninety-five percent of the other drivers have. “ She reflected. “I guess when
you love something you’re willing to take those risks.” She shot me a glance,
pulled her hand from mine, and cleared her throat. “I mean, look at some of the
dangerous stuff people do; jumping out of planes, cliff climbing without ropes,
swimming with sharks…crazy people.” She mumbled.   

     Her grumble was cute but my attention latched onto her sudden edgy
manner. “You ever do anything that got your heart pumping with fear and

     Her head turned toward the window again. “Only one thing that has
left an impression.”

     “What’s that?” I down shifted as I pulled in through Landon’s gates.


     Her softly spoken, blunt response had my gut tightening and turned
my blood thick. Shaw maintained tight control over her emotions, afraid of
revealing too much or letting herself feel too much, and I could understand her
shield with the way she’d grown up. I hadn’t expected her to be that honest.

     Parking the car and turning off the engine, I jumped out and
strode around to pull her out of the car into my arms. Having her close was
both a stress reliever and simulator, and I’d been trying to fathom that
paradoxical pairing since I’d first touched her.

     Gazing down into her guarded green eyes I stroked my thumb over
her lush bottom lip. “Soon I hope that fear will fade and all you will feel is
the excitement.”

     Leaning down I captured her bottom lip and sucked it into my
mouth, caressing it gently, but my raging desire for her was too much to
contain and soon I was going deep, taking everything. I was so fucking on fire
for her,
all the time
, my cock clenching with desperate need. The word
failed in comparison to what I felt for Shaw. Kissing her rendered me mindless
and stupid with lust. Getting lost in her was as easy as breathing.

     Other vehicles pulled in and I reluctantly tore my lips away,
resting my forehead to hers. “Go for a walk with me on the beach.” I needed to
get her alone…like now! 

     Gasping for breaths, she nodded. Towing her with me into the house
I was able to get us a blanket, her a sweat shirt, and us back out of the house
without encountering anyone. Landon’s property had a good stretch of private
beach, a mile at least, so we wouldn’t have to worry about running into anyone.

     The sexual tension between us was like a live wire as we walked.
The hours had ticked by too slowly today when all I’d wanted to do since
picking her up was to get her under me. When I estimated that we had walked far
enough I placed the blanket on the sand and then I nearly tackled her. Hauling
her up against me I devoured her…
god, she tasted so damn sweet
…as I lowered
us to the ground.

     As I plundered her delicious lips my hand burrowed under her
shirts to her breasts, and we both moaned as I molded the soft, firm globes. I
needed more though. I needed to get my mouth on them.

     Pushing both her shirts up I pulled down her bra and bent to lick
at her nipple. Blowing softly on it I took it into my mouth sucking hard, and
then rolling the engorged flesh on my tongue.
So damn good!
I did the
same to her other breast, going back and forth.

     Shaw was panting and whimpering under me, fingers scraping over my
scalp and back, legs clamping tightly on my hips. I gave groans of approval at
her taste and responses. Shooting to my knees I ripped off my shirt and then
gave her a hand removing her tops. I took a couple seconds to appreciate the
beautiful glow of her skin in the moonlight before settling myself partially
back on top of her.

     Taking her swollen lips again I squeezed her breasts, pinching and
playing with her taut nipples. Shaw cried out into my mouth and one of her legs
hooked my thigh as she ground her pussy on me. I could tell she was escalating
fast, the same as me.

     Reaching down I caressed up the curve of her creamy thigh towards
the junction of her legs and using my thumb I rubbed against the seam of her
shorts. Her hips rocked at the stimulation and she gasped into my mouth.

     I wanted more though, always fucking more.

     I went to unfasten her shorts but her hands on the fastening of my
pants froze me. My button flipped open, my zipper came down, and then her hand
was in my boxers stroking my hard, aching, deprived cock.

     My mouth left hers so I could groan into her neck. “Holy shit,
Shaw. That feels so fucking good.” Her soft hand didn’t even compare to mine.

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