European Diary, 1977-1981 (107 page)

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Foreign honours are much complicated by British Government rules; see entry for 15 December 1980

(Sir) Ian MacGregor, b. 1912, was Chairman of the British Steel Corporation 1980–3 and of the National Coal Board 1983–7.

It went through, by a rather narrow majority, and became the so-called Vredeling Directive.

(Sir) William Heseltine, b. 1930 in Fremantle, Western Australia. Now (since 1986) Private Secretary to the Queen and Keeper of the Queen's Archives.

Yitzhak Shamir, b. 1915, was Foreign Minister of Israel 1980–3 and 1984–6, and Prime Minister 1983–4 and from October 1986.

Humphrey Atkins, b. 1922, cr. Lord Colnbrook 1987, was Secretary of State for Northern Ireland 1979–81.

Sir Fred Dainton, b. 1914, cr. Lord Dainton 1986, was Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham 1965–70, and has been Chancellor of Sheffield since 1978.

Alan Bullock, b. 1914, cr. Lord Bullock 1976, was Master of St Catherine's College, Oxford, 1960–80, and Vice-Chancellor of Oxford 1969–73.

As Director of the Labour Committee for Europe.

He became Sir Crispin Tickell only when he was invested as a KCVO by the Queen (i.e. a specifically royal honour) on the occasion of her visit to Mexico in 1983. He was dubbed at Acapulco in a beach shirt.

What a stuffy out-of-date 1960s and 1970s ministerial view this proved. Everyone (except perhaps for the actual Prime Minister), and certainly including me, is now very glad to appear on
Question Time.

James Meade, b. 1907, Nobel Prizewinner, was Professor of Political Economy in the University of Cambridge 1957–69.

Ivor Richard, b. 1932, a Labour MP 1964–74, was British Permanent Representative at the UN 1974–9, and a European Commissioner 1981–5.

Jeremy Thomas, b. 1931, Britain's Ambassador to Luxembourg 1979–82, has been Ambassador to Greece since 1985.

He never did.

Periodic meetings of Commission, management and unions to discuss Community economic strategy.

This electronic edition published in 2011 by Bloomsbury Reader

Bloomsbury Reader is a division of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 50 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DP

Copyright © Roy Jenkins 1989

First published by William Collins 1989

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ISBN: 9781448200658
eISBN: 9781448201976

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