Entwine (Billionaire Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Entwine (Billionaire Series)
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It had taken a long
hot bath and a glass of red wine to help Jennifer relax enough that she felt
like she could actually stretch out in bed. Fortunately, she hadn't needed to
worry about deflecting Rachel's curiosity about her day. Not long after Brad
had left, Rachel had called to tell Jennifer that she wouldn't be coming home
that evening. Rachel hadn't even seemed to notice Jennifer's distant tone, too
excited that she was finally going to go home with a handsome customer she'd
been flirting with for a month.


Rachel had been
trying to get an invite back to his place for the past few weeks so Jennifer
knew that her roommate was going to make the best of it. There was no way
Rachel would be back before dawn and Jennifer was grateful for the alone time.
While she loved Rachel like a sister, and knew that at some point she probably
should confide in the one person who wouldn't judge her, Jennifer was too
tightly wound for any type of introspective conversation, even after her bath.


The hot water had
helped her muscles relax, which in turn had helped her push her questions to
the back of her mind. The wine had taken the edge off and left her with a warm,
fuzzy feeling deep in the pit of her stomach. When she climbed into bed, she
thought that maybe tonight, she could sleep.


To keep her mind
from returning to the chaos of earlier, she picked up a book she kept on hand
whenever she needed some relatively mindless reading. It was her guilty
pleasure, really, but it had never failed to help keep her mind off of the
craziness of everyday life. It was also a good tool for fantasizing and had
been quite a help back when she and Brad had been dating and she'd had to rely
on herself for relief.


She was in the
middle of a particularly steamy scene when her phone rang. She considered not
answering it, but common sense won out and she reached over to at least see who
it was. Her stomach immediately tightened when she saw his name. She answered
it before she could talk herself out of it. “Philip?”


“Jennifer.” His
voice caressed her name like silk. “How are you this fine evening?”


It amazed her that,
despite how angry she'd been at him earlier, how confused she was about their
relationship, the mere sound of his voice when it was low like that could send
heat racing over her nerves.


“I'm…fine.” The
answer she gave sounded even lamer out loud than it had in her head. She set
aside her book. She had a feeling this was going to be far more interesting.


“Have you already


There was no way
that question should sound that sensual. “Y-Yes.” Impulsively, she added, “and
I had a glass of wine.”


“Red or white?”




“Excellent choice,”
Philip said. “Put me on speaker. You're going to want both hands free for the
rest of our conversation.”


A shiver of
anticipation went through Jennifer. She'd had the edge taken off, but nothing
guaranteed a good night's sleep like an orgasm or two... or four if she was
lucky. Then again, quality always trumped quantity.


“So, Jennifer,
after a bath and a nice glass of red wine, what does a girl like you slip into
for the remainder of her evening?”


Jennifer suddenly
wished she'd worn something sexier, even if Philip couldn't see it. It never
even crossed her mind to try to lie due to her surprise at hearing the
question. “A pair of cotton shorts, pink ones, and a matching pink camisole.”


“You didn't mention
any underwear.”


Jennifer's entire
body flushed. “I’m…I'm not wearing any.”


“Tsk, tsk,” Philip
sounded both amused and aroused which was quite a feat for two small sounds.


“I only have one
pair left and I need them for work tomorrow because I haven't done laundry in a
while...” Jennifer tried to explain.


“You're going to
stop talking now.” Philip's voice was soft but Jennifer obeyed immediately,
snapping her mouth shut. “I want you to listen, obey and only speak when spoken
to. Is that clear?”


Jennifer felt
arousal flare bright and hot. It seemed like it didn't matter how frustrated
she was or even how confused, her body automatically reacted to his voice. That
wasn't very fair, in her opinion.




She couldn't tell
if she was imagining the concern behind the name or if Philip maybe thought
he'd gone too far. Either way, Jennifer knew the answer she was going to give.
“Yes, Sir.”


“Now, then, let's
pick up where we left off.” Philip continued smoothly. “After you dressed, what
did you do?”


“Climbed into bed
with a book.”


“Ah, and what book
was tantalizing your imagination when I called?”


Again, Jennifer
didn't think to lie despite her embarrassment. “
Castles in the Air


“I don't believe
I've heard of it. What's it about?”


“Oh, um,” Jennifer
scrambled to find an easy way to say it and failed. “It's a romance between two
royal families.”


“Is it a sweet
little romance or what they call a 'bodice-ripper'?” When Jennifer didn't
answer immediately, he ordered, “perhaps I should decide for myself. Read me
the last two sentences you read.”


Jennifer was nearly
squirming as she picked up her book. Her voice was shaking as she read, but she
wasn't sure if it was shame or desire. “'Axel gripped her hips as he thrust his
swollen manhood inside her. Harmony's back arched as he filled her, her nails
digging into the muscular flesh of his ass.'”


“Mmm...” The sound
was low and Jennifer felt a rush of juices flood her pussy. Philip continued.
“Were you planning on giving yourself some 'special attention' before sleep?”


“Not really,”
Jennifer answered.


“But it turns you
on.” It was a statement rather than a question. “Don't you want to scratch that


Jennifer knew this
was one she was supposed to answer. “Yes.”


“Good girl,” Philip
said. “Close your eyes.”


She did as she was


“Run your hands up
your stomach, over your shirt. Cup those pretty tits of yours and start playing
with your nipples.”


She began lightly
pinching her nipples through the soft cotton of her shirt, each tug making her
pussy throb.


“Tell me what it
feels like.”


“Feels nice,”
Jennifer murmured.


Philip chuckled, a
low, male sound that ran over her skin like molten lava, setting her on fire.
“You're going to have to get a lot more descriptive than that, my dear.”


Jennifer tried to
comply. “It's different than just fingers. My shirt's rubbing on my nipples,
making it rougher, almost chafing.”


“Much better,”
Philip said. “Take off your shirt. Just your shirt. Leave the shorts.”


Jennifer pulled her
shirt over her head and tossed it onto the floor. The air conditioning wafted
across her overheating skin, hardening her caramel-colored nipples even


“Lick your
fingertips and play with your nipples some more. Make those pretty tips stand
up for me.”


As her fingers
began to roll the wrinkled flesh, Jennifer gave herself over to the sensations.
She tugged at the tips until they were long and hard, all the while listening
to Philip's voice.


“I want to take
each of those nipples in my mouth, suck on them until you're writhing. If I was
there, I'd use my teeth to turn them cherry red.”


A moan slipped from
between her lips and she scraped her nails over the sensitive flesh, imagining
Philip doing as he said.


“Twist your
nipples. I want them red and sore.”


Jennifer whimpered
but did as Philip instructed. Little jolts of pain shot through her breasts.




She bit down on her
bottom lip as she twisted them further. Sharper pain coursed through her,
almost taking the edge off of her pleasure.


“If I can't hear
you, you're not doing it right.” Philip's tone took on a harsh note. “Harder.”


Jennifer's fingers
twisted the already throbbing flesh and she let herself go, crying out as the
pain reached that tipping point where it transcended hurt and became something


“Good girl,”
Philip's voice dropped to something husky, sex in its liquid form. “You can let
go now.”


Panting, Jennifer
released her nipples. They throbbed in time with her heartbeat, hot as coals
and almost as bright.


“Spread your legs.”


Jennifer smiled as
she parted her legs. Between the wine, the book, Philip's voice and her own
ministrations, she was ready to go. Even in their short time together, it
seemed that her body had conditioned itself to be ready for sex when Philip
initiated something.


“Now, you're going
to do exactly as I tell you and you will not cum until I say so. Is that


“Yes, Sir.”


“Take your hand and
slide it under the waistband of your shorts. You're going to use just one
finger – I don't care which one – and rub your clit. Light little circles, mind


Jennifer shivered
as her middle finger brushed over her clit. It had started to swell when she'd
been playing with her breasts but was far from fully engorged.


“I want you to
picture me sitting on my balcony,” Philip said. “I'm by myself, but any of my
neighbors could come out on their balconies at any time and lean over and see
me. They could hear every word I'm saying. Could hear how I'm talking to you,
telling you to play with your clit and tits.”


His words painted a
clear and decadent picture for Jennifer.


“I'm wearing only
boxers. Black silk. I'm reaching into my shorts and pulling out my cock.”
Philip made a soft sound, getting comfortable, and Jennifer knew that he'd
taken himself in hand. “Now, I want you to put your finger inside yourself.
Just two strokes, then back up to your clit.”


Jennifer's eyelids
fluttered as her finger penetrated her cunt. The digit was soaked when it
returned to her clit.


“My hand's wrapped
around my cock. I'm only half-hard but I'm thinking about you and it’s making
me harder. Thinking about how you must look, nipples puffy and swollen. Finger
rubbing that little button between your legs.”


Jennifer moaned.


“You can use two
fingers now, but remember that you're not allowed to cum without permission.”


She added a second
finger to her clit, one on either side of the sensitive bundle of nerves.


“Alternate between
your clit and your pussy. No more than a few strokes to each.”


She made a sound of
frustration. Switching back and forth like that would make it harder to climax.


“Tell me what
you're doing,” Philip said. “I want to know so I can picture it while I get
myself going.”


He expected her to
be able to talk? Jennifer wasn't sure she could manage a coherent answer to a
question, let alone come up with a sentence on her own. Her body was trying to
assimilate far too much data at once. Nevertheless, she tried her best.
“Rubbing my clit. Up and down. Just a few times like you said. Then down to my
pussy. Pushing two fingers inside. So hot and wet. Tight.”


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