Entwine (Billionaire Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Entwine (Billionaire Series)
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“That pussy of
yours would squeeze my cock, wouldn't it?” Philip's voice was surprisingly
even. “Even if you stretched yourself for me, you'd still fit me like a glove.
Are your fingers nice and wet?”


“Yes,” Jennifer was
writhing on the bed, desperate for relief. The pressure inside her continued to
build and she fought back the orgasm that was hovering so near to the surface.


“Don't you dare
cum.” Philip’s order was firm, but now Jennifer could detect just a bit of breathlessness
in the words. “If you cum, I'll have to punish you. You don't want that, do


“No, Sir.” Jennifer
answered even thought she was starting to think that it might be worth it if
she could just find release.


“Do you know what
I'd do to you if you came without permission? So many options that it'd be so
hard to choose just one.”


He was breathing
heavily now and the fact that he was on his balcony jacking off turned Jennifer
on all the more.


“Maybe I'd put you
over my knee first thing in the morning. Spank your ass until it hurt to sit,
then take you to some long meetings so I could watch you wince and squirm.
Maybe I'd tell you to masturbate until you're ready to cum and then make you
stop over and over. Or better yet, maybe I'd tie you up and make you cum until
you passed out, then wake you up and do it again and again until you cry for me
to stop.”


There was a slight
delay in his voice and Jennifer knew that he, too, was close.


“In a minute, I'm
going to let you add your other hand to rub your clit. We're almost there,
baby. Almost there.”


Jennifer squirmed
in anticipation. They were nearing to the end, she could feel it. Her body was
racing towards that edge and she wasn't sure how much longer she would be able
to stave off the inevitable.


“Okay. One hand on
your clit, the other in your pussy.”


The words were
barely out of his mouth before Jennifer was moving.


“I want to hear you
when you cum. Don't you dare try to be quiet.”


Jennifer was
suddenly very glad that Rachel was out. While they occasionally could hear
through the walls, they always tried as best they could to be discreet.


“Take your middle
finger from your pussy,” Philip's words were rough with desire. “And you're
allowed to cum when you shove that finger into your ass.”


The surprise almost
shocked Jennifer out of her haze, but not quite. She was too far gone to let
much of anything get in her way. Her finger slid from her pussy and she raised
her legs to allow herself access to her ass.


“I'll bet that's a
virgin ass.” Philip panted. “I want you to imagine that it's my dick inside
you, pushing into that tight hole.”


Jennifer touched
the tip of her finger to the wrinkled little hole and hesitated. She'd never
done anything like this before, had never really thought about doing it, but if
it meant she could cum, she wasn't going to stop. She took a deep breath, her
other hand frantically working her clit, and carefully slid her finger into her


The effect was
instantaneous. Whether the words, the action itself or the different physical
sensations that coursed through her, she didn't know. All Jennifer knew was
that her world exploded into bright hot light. She was wailing, her body
bucking off of the bed as she came. In the distance, she heard Philip calling
out her name and knew he was cumming too.


She clung to
consciousness, letting her body slowly come down from the high as she sucked in
deep draughts of air. After a few minutes, she managed to roll over and grab a
few hand-wipes. While she made an effort to do at least some clean-up, Philip's
voice came back over the phone.


“I'm going to
assume you enjoyed that,” he sounded slightly smug. “I certainly did. That was
amazing, Jennifer. I may even leave the stains on my chair out here as a
reminder. I think we will definitely be having many more equally delightful


She wasn't sure
what she was supposed to say to that but it didn't matter because Philip wasn't
waiting for a response.


“One final thing
before I say good-night. I've heard that you haven't been using the car service
or card I set up. I don't know why, but as your employer, I'm going to have to
insist that you use the service so I know that you have reliable transportation
to and from work. Amaury will pick you up at seven fifteen tomorrow morning. No
arguments. It's safer and I have a lot riding on you. Now, good-night.”


Jennifer blinked at
her phone, thrown off by the abrupt good-bye. She'd use the service because
he'd invoked the term employer, but she wasn't happy about it. That same word also
threw her off about everything else that had just happened. Even after hot
phone sex, she still didn't know where she stood with Philip. Which, in turn,
meant she wasn't any closer to figuring out what do to about Brad. She could
only hope that tomorrow would help her see things more clearly.




Côté,” Mr. Sherman announced. He shook Mathis’ hand to enthusiastic applause –
unsurprisingly, Mathis was well known in these circles. I was too shocked to
listen as Mr. Sherman began to list Mathis’ achievements and the wonderful
relationship he and Sherman Inc. enjoyed together. I was too focused on Mathis
just being here. He hadn’t even contacted me.


he looked great. He was polished and unworried, no sign of any wound or anxiety
about his safety. At first my heart expanded, delighted to see him again,
looking safe and well. After a few seconds though, a cold, clenched feeling
developed in my stomach. He was alive. He wasn’t in hiding. In fact, he was
making a very public appearance at a luxury event. It was as if nothing had
ever happened. My final thought was: if he’s fine, then why hasn’t he called


I knew he didn’t want me to contact him, he was right here, in this room.
Surely there wouldn’t be anything unusual about me talking to him here, right?
I had to find out what had happened, whether I simply didn’t cross his radar or
if something else was at work here. As Mathis gave one last smile to the
enraptured audience and left the stage, I knew this was a golden opportunity to
get everything sorted out.


an excuse to my companions, I made my way down from the balcony and towards where
Mathis was heading. Apparently I wasn’t the only person who had a desire to
talk to him; I passed several groups of women eagerly touching up their make-up
and craning their heads in his direction, as well as several men and women who
clearly had business in mind and were heading towards Mathis in order to


managed to scoot past the crowd of people, glad that I had chosen sensible
flats instead of the skyscraper heels Sharon had tried to tempt me with. Mathis
stood a few inches taller than the rest of the crowd, so it was easy to keep my
eyes trained on him.


As I
drew near, it seemed as if Mathis caught sight of me moving through the crowd.
For a moment, I thought I saw panic in his light blue eyes, but in a flash, his
charming smile was back in place as he continued his conversation with Mr.
Sherman. I hung back for a second, unwilling to break into their conversation.
Then, all the air left my body as Mathis held out his arm towards me – did he
want me to come over?


I could move, however, a tall, blonde woman in a slinky black dress brushed
past me in a cloud of sweet-smelling perfume and took hold of Mathis’ arm,
offering her widest, whitest smile to Mr. Sherman.


For a
moment I was stunned. All I could do was gape at this woman who was holding
onto Mathis’ arm as if he were her favorite possession. Her long, elegant
fingers ended in glossy burgundy talons which matched with the shade of
lipstick on her plump, perfect lips. She was a stunning beauty – in a flash I
recognized her as one of the blondes who I had first seen with Mathis. I
recalled that her name was Kathryn, but that was all I could remember hearing.


“Oh –
here’s one of the young ladies I had the pleasure of working with,” Mr. Sherman
was saying as I gawked at Kathryn’s willowy figure. “Amanda Taylor, isn’t it?”


Me? Did Mr. Sherman just address me? I realized that, as I had been staring at
the supermodel-like Kathryn, Mr. Sherman had glanced in my direction and was
suddenly addressing me.


Sir,” I said, struggling to get my composure. “Thanks so much for inviting me
and my coworkers tonight. Everyone’s having a wonderful time.”


“Such a
charming young lady, and what a lovely dress,” Mr. Sherman smiled, his eyes
sliding up and down my body appreciatively. “Come over here, my dear. I’d like
to introduce you to another valued partner of Sherman Inc., and one of my
favorite fencing partners – Mathis, Amanda – and this beautiful lady you’re
with was – Kathryn, is that right?”


Mathis said, his expression impenetrable, his smile unbending. “Kathryn Rossi,
daughter of Walt Rossi.”


indeed,” Mr. Sherman said, impressed. Even I recognized the name Walt Rossi –
he was a high-profile politician who had recently announced his intention to
campaign for mayor of the city. His face was on practically every bus and
street corner, and you could barely turn on the TV or radio without hearing his
name. Of course, it wasn’t a huge shock that Kathryn came from an exclusive
background. Her dress looked as if it had been tailor-made, and she was wearing
a necklace of sparkling diamonds – elegant, and without a doubt obscenely


“So you
two are an item?” Mr. Sherman asked, smiling at the two in a fatherly fashion,
although the way his eyes lingered on Kathryn’s bare shoulders and ample
cleavage was slightly less paternal.


looked up at Mathis sharply, but he wasn’t looking in my direction. Instead he
looked at Kathryn, whose smile was almost blinding.


Kathryn is my date for the evening,” he acknowledged, “and, if I may say so,
quite an addition to the beautiful decorations.”


I was about to say the same thing myself,” smiled Mr. Sherman. “Well, I hope
you enjoy the rest of the evening. Try the petit fours, they’re excellent…”


Mr. Sherman went off to talk to another guest wearing a skimpy sequin-embossed
dress who looked like she had been taking full advantage of the free champagne,
Mathis gave me a curt nod and moved sideways to engage a dark-haired man in a
conversation about the stock market. Kathryn gave me a slightly uninterested
once-over before following him, curling her scarlet-taloned hand possessively
around his elbow.


I took
a few moments to regain my equilibrium, trying to process what had just
happened … but it didn’t make sense. Why was Mathis suddenly acting so coldly
towards me? It was as if that night had never happened. Had Sharon been right?
But I couldn’t believe that he was just a playboy. I was entirely lost, and I
wanted some answers. I knew there was only one person who could give me any.


Do you want to go to the buffet? I heard they have little mini cupcakes.” Helen
had appeared by my side again, and had decided to forego her diet for the


“I – in
a minute,” I said. “I just saw a friend of mine.”


disappeared before Helen could question me further, leaving her and Barbara to
scope out the buffet by themselves. In the few seconds since I had taken my
eyes off him, Mathis had disappeared. I edged my way through the crowd again
and headed towards the balcony again to get a good view. Mathis was nowhere to
be seen as I took a survey of the room, although I did get a good view of
Barbara stowing a few mini cupcakes in her clutch.


Out of
the corner of my eye, I saw the flick of a red dress disappearing through a
curtain, and I realized there must be an outdoor balcony behind it. If Mathis
wasn’t inside, maybe he had gone out. Climbing swiftly down the steps again, I
slipped through the curtain and out onto a large stone balcony swathed in
twinkling lights. Apart from the lady in the red dress, who was talking
intimately with a friend in one corner, there was nobody else to be seen.


in frustration, I ducked back inside. I took another look around the room, and
this time I caught Mathis’ eye almost immediately. If I had to guess, I would
say that he had been searching for me too.  He was standing beside the raised
platform, talking to a short, plump woman who kept touching his arm and
giggling coyly, but his attention didn’t seem focused on her. He gave me a
questioning look and I gestured to the balcony behind me. He gave me a tiny,
imperceptible nod, and I knew that he would come and meet me.


slipped back outside and waited for him to join me. After a few minutes, Mathis
came out with two flutes of champagne and handed one to me, drawing me over to
the farthest side, where we would be the least visible.


he said in a low voice, “let’s talk.”


I echoed a note of indignation in my voice, “that’s what I’ve been trying to do
all week! Where were you? I was worried sick – I thought maybe something had
happened to you, or you’d gone into hiding, or something was going to happen to
me –
you said you’d call!”


Mathis said, drawing me farther away from the muted babble of the party
indoors. “I figured the less contact, the better.”


“I just
want some answers,” I said. “First you say you want to be with me, then our
lives are put in danger, then you don’t call for a week and you turn up to this
gala with – her.” I waved my arms is a vague gesture to indicate the leggy,
well-endowed Kathryn, with whom Mathis had confirmed he was an item.


understand,” Mathis said, and he sounded both ashamed and bitter. “I’m sorry,
Amanda. I shouldn’t have kept you in the dark. I just didn’t want you to be any
more involved than you had to be. The less you have to do with me, the safer
you are.”


are you safe?” I asked. “Mathis, I’m a big girl. Just tell me what’s going on.”


Mathis said softly under his breath while running his hand through his perfect
hair. His face had taken on that strained look it had displayed after the
threatening phone call he had received. He took a deep breath, then drained his
champagne flute before speaking to me, his voice low and his eyes trained
intensely on mine.


this is the only way I can keep us both from getting hurt,” he told me. “So
long as you are safe, everything will be fine. You don’t need to worry about


what do I have to do with getting you hurt?” I asked, confused.


Mathis whispered. He looked deep in thought. “Amanda, if you got hurt, I could
never forgive myself! Andy would never forgive me. The only way that I can deal
with this situation is if I
that you are safe, and the only way I
can do that is if you stay away from me.”


want me to just stay away?” I asked. All the fear and insecurity which had
nested in the pit of my stomach all week broke out in full force, and I felt as
if I had been slapped in the face. “Then why did you even ask me to give our
relationship another try? Why did you spend the night with me? Why did you make
me think there was something between us?”


please understand.” Mathis’ eyes were shining with emotion. “For me to protect
you, we can’t be together. Not until this whole thing is over. Believe me.”


that partly my decision too?” I asked, putting on a façade of bravado.


Mathis’ answer was forceful and decisive. “Just do as I say and stay away from
me. Everything will be fine, okay?”


looked at his eyes – they were full of anguish, and I knew he was telling the
truth. Biting my lip, I nodded.


he said gently. “Go back inside and enjoy the party. Don’t worry about


As I
turned to go back inside, he called out my name. I turned around, and he gave
me a warm, beautiful smile that gave a slightly different feeling than his
typical charming smile.


look incredible in that dress,” he told me. “Like an angel.”


despite the blow of not being able to see him or pursue our relationship,
Mathis’ words had comforted me somewhat. I had to believe that if he said
everything would be okay, it would be.

BOOK: Entwine (Billionaire Series)
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