Enough (31 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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He wiped a hand across his face.

I looked at the screen.
“Sean.” I said.

Alex got up and took the phone from my hands.

“I’ll be right back.” He said kissing my cheek before leaving the room. Okay, that isn’t weird. A Sean calls and he runs out. Must be important.

walked back over to the window and opened a crack of the window. Now that Giovanni is gone, I can do that. I can do a lot more normal things. I don’t have to be afraid. It’s beautiful out.

Then my phone chimed with a
text from Bella.

: We still have to make up for your bday and xmas!!

Bella i
s Christy. Mark’s middle name is Edward and Christy’s last name is Swan. It’s like a real life Twilight. I had to name her Bella.

I sat down on the window
sill and let the warm air consume me for a few seconds until I heard a voice outside. I leaned over and saw Alex walking in circles, talking on the phone.

“So I can
have the track on Monday?” He asked. I don’t want to eavesdrop but I’m intrigued now. “Yeah, that was her. You didn’t say anything, right?” I turned my back to the window. Is that his surprise date? A track? Ohmygod! The racetrack! It’s mostly closed during the winter but knowing Alex, he could get us into anything. A smile spread across my lips.

Sophie asked.

“I should have known.” I whispered
to myself. I looked up at her. “He’s planning something and I think I just figured it out.” I looked over my shoulder and Alex was gone. I moved over to the bed and sat down.

“Your tattoo is beautiful up close.” Tiffany and Sophie
said moving closer to my back and tracing it with their fingers.

“You can see it?” I
asked letting my hair down to cover up.

“Why’d you cover it?” Liam asked.

“Mom would kill me if she saw it. She’s the only one who doesn’t know about it.” I said as Alex walked into the room.

“What time did you guys wake up?” He asked
walking closer.

“Around nine
-thirty.” Tiffany said.

you’re hungry, Em’s mom made breakfast.” Alex said. Everyone mmm’d and ahhh’d then got up and waited for me to join them.

“You guys go, I’ll catch up.”
I said. They left the room and headed downstairs and Alex stayed behind. “Did you sleep okay?”

“Yeah. Y
ou?” He asked. I walked over to him and put an arm around his waist trying to be sexy.

“Not really. I kept thinking about what the surprise will be.”

He leaned into me and said, “You’ll find out soon.” Then his lips were on mine and I forgot what I was going to say.

“Can we go to your place later?”
I asked.

?” He asked curiously.

“Just us.”
No one else needs to be around for what I want.

He put his h
ands on my hips and gave me a hard look.

“Emily, y
ou’re still not healed–”

“We don’t hav
e to do anything. I just want alone time with you.” He knows I’m lying. I want to go to his house to do something. Anything. “We’ll talk about this later.” I said leading him to the kitchen. Everyone has their plates ready with scrambled eggs, sausages and biscuits. Of course there are blueberry muffins in the cake display. I grabbed one and a plate of everything because I’m hungry. Mom walked in and asked if there was anything else we needed. We didn’t. Everyone was full.

When M
om sat down, she leaned into my side. “Garrett and I talked last night. He told me David didn’t intentionally kill anyone. He was in a car accident with Denise’s husband and that’s how he died.” She said. I nodded. “I thought you should know.” A part of me does. A sick part of me thinks David cared about me for awhile.

After stuffing ourselves we
went back upstairs to my room. I know. I’m not a very social person. Can you blame me?

“Is everyone ready to go
?” Liam asked. “They need their privacy.”

, it’s fine. You don’t–”

“Yes we do.” Tiffany
cut me off. “Let’s just clean up the mess and go.” They picked up all the mini vodka bottles from the floor, put the pillows and blankets back and grabbed their things. Weird.

“Did I do something?” I asked.

“Babe, you’re horny.” Tiffany said. “We all see it.”

Fucking kill me now. I didn’t think the long stares and crossed legs would be noticed. Guess I was wrong.

“What do you think I am? A rabbit.” I said laughing awkwardly.

, you just don’t know it.” Sophie said. Ohmygod.

m like a rabbit. Once I smell Alex close, I want to spring into action.

brought her hand to my neck and gave me a small smile. “This will go away soon. It’s tiny.” She said. “The pain will stop too.”

“You are pretty strange
, you know that.” I said hugging her. She always says the weirdest things but she’s always kind of right.

s over. Let’s go.” Sophie said snapping her fingers.

Everyone walked to the
door and said goodbye.

’m feeling much better so I ran into my closet and threw on a shirt and shorts. I grabbed my keys and dragged Alex downstairs.

“I need fresh air.” I
said slipping flip flops on and heading out of the door. Everyone was getting into Liam’s car when I walked to the Camaro. Tiffany winked at me before going into the car. Alex and I got into my car and I drove up beside Liam. “You guys can come by whenever. Just call me before.” I said glancing at Tiffany. She nodded. “Tell Kaylie I saw hi.”

“I will
.” Liam said. We waved goodbye and I drove. I don’t know where to yet but I just have to get out of my house. I want to be alone with Alex but he made it clear he doesn’t want to do anything with me. I can’t force him. I just need…I don’t know.

“Are you sure you’re good enough
to drive?” Alex asked me.

“Alex, did you see how quick I changed. I think I’m good enough to do a lot of things.” I
said opening the windows to let fresh air in. My mind is swirling with all kind of things and he knows what I want but he isn’t giving it. I am horny. And I’m scared. Terrified. Someone can’t go through something I went through and not be scared. I want to be alone but I don’t want to. I want to be touched but I’m getting it.

I just want someone to hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright, even if it isn’t. My life was never easy. I don’t expect it to start now.

“Do you know what I have planned for our date?” Alex asked. I hate lying to him but it’s suppose to be a surprise. I shook my head. “You’re a bad liar.” I stopped at a red light and turned to face him.

“I don’t. I swear.
” I lied. Three more days I have to keep this up.

His eyes searched my face
trying to tell if I was telling the truth.

I’ll give you a hint. It’s Monday. That’s it. You can bring everyone with if you want. They might actually enjoy it.” Alex said.

“So I have to wait until Monday?” He nodded. “If it’s fine with you
, then I can bring them. Then that gets me thinking…what kind of date involves friends tagging along?” I said. He stared at me with a smile on his kissable lips. “Sounds perfect.” I said leaning across the seat to kiss him.

Alex gave me a hint. H
e’ll crack soon.

ere’s still no destination in mind.

I can take
being alone in a car with Alex, doing nothing…

For now.

17. Family


What do normal people do on Fridays? Anything! Instead of going out and doing something productive, Alex and I are back at my house, walking up to my room.

I’m going to head home and shower.” Alex said when we walked through my bedroom door.

What? Um…you can do it here…” I said. Wow, I sound like a clinger. “Why would you want to drive all the way home to take a shower when you’re already inside a house with one?” He picked up a duffel bag that was next to my bed. “When did you bring clothes?”

. When you were with your family. I came prepared. Just in case.” He said. A smile lit up my face.

“You brought clothes? Expecting to stay longer…”

“I worry.” He said with a little shrug then he met my eyes and I knew the other reason. I hate to think about it because it’s sad but he’s here because he’s not alone when he is.

grabbed clothes and walked toward the hallway. “The bathroom’s that way.” I said pointing across the room to my bathroom.

“I’m go
nna use the one across the hall.” He said poking his head in my room. “I won’t be long.” What? What is he doing? He wants to take a shower…across the hall from me. Ugh! I plugged my iPod into the iHome and pressed play then I headed into my shower.

When I got out and dried myself off, I heard
a Pitbull song playing. It reminded me of Mrs. Diaz. She taught me all the Spanish I know. How is she doing? She’s in the hospital and under watch so she has to be getting better, right? Yes, she’s strong. She’ll be okay.

I swayed my hips to the music and went into my closet.
I found comfy clothes and pulled them on. Tiffany was right. The pain is starting to go away. I know it shouldn’t be this fast but hey…I’ll take it.

I deci
ded not to wear a shirt because come on, we got interrupted last time. Alex doesn’t want to do anything but that doesn’t mean I can’t tease him. And I want to tease him.

I walked over to my window and peeked down. I swear I saw a man standi
ng in the street looking my way. When I leaned over to get a better look there was no one. But there…I saw… My mind is playing tricks on me.

“If you lean any further you might fall.” I turned
around and saw Alex lying in my bed all comfortable with his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

“I thought I saw something out
side.” I turned back to the window. Nothing. “Never mind.” I walked over to my vanity and twisted my hair in a loose bun. I checked myself in the mirror, the bandages look good.

I walked over to the iHome and pressed pause.
My family isn’t home. We’re alone. I joined Alex on the bed. Fun time starts now.

“What ar
e you thinking about?” I asked.

“My family.”
He said looking down at me with a sad look.

Oh. Okay, stop teasing. It’s not the time.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked. Alex looked back at the ceiling and shook his head. “If you want to talk about them, you can.” He was silent for a while. Does he think I don’t want to hear him talk about them? I’m not a bitch. I want to know about him. I want to know where he came from. “Alex?”

Alex turned on his side and studied me.
“You don’t mind?” He asked. I shook my head. How can he even ask that? “What do you want to know?”

I smiled.
“Everything.” I said. Alex let out a soft laugh.

’d take a long time. Where do I start?” He asked.

I know you lived in New York. Did you live anywhere else?”

New York was our only home. We did travel and stay at vacation houses but Mom never wanted to settle down anywhere else.” He said with a smile on his lips.

were their names? Your parents.” I asked. I know Emma.

“Gwen and
Damon.” Alex said. Gwen. I love that name. And I only know a few. He brought his hand to my shoulder and lightly traced my wound. “They were amazing.” When he met my eyes, I knew he built up a wall and I knew I’d have to knock it down. “I don’t want to bother you with it. My life story.” This is how I must sound. I always have a wall up.

Alex, you are not going to bother me with it. I want to listen to what you have to say. I want to know more about you.” He leaned in to kiss me and I pulled away. “Uh-uh. Don’t try to distract me.” I said and he smiled.

“What else do you want to know?”
He sighed.

“How old was Emma
…when she died?”

Twenty-two.” She was young. I can’t even imagine losing Scarlett or Declan…or Bryan and now…Ella. She’s my sister too.

t was she majoring in?” I asked. I remember Alex telling me his family was a bunch of doctors. “Did she want to be a doctor too?”

Emma was a rebel. My family tried to pressure her into it but when she went to college, she chose a different path. Business. She never really told me why she chose it. She loved fashion…so I guess that had to do with it.” Sophie and Tiffany are fashionistas.

“Was your family mad?”
I asked.

“They were at first but they
finally came around. Especially at the last Thanksgiving. They forgot why they were upset at her choice because my ex-girlfr–” He closed his mouth and stared at me. “You don’t want to hear about that.” He said. Like hell I don’t

ou got me intrigued. Tell me.” I said pressing him. I’m getting jealous because his ex met his parents. Alex studied me a bit then continued.

“My ex showed up drunk
…threw a fit and threw up everywhere. My mom was beyond pissed because that was the first Thanksgiving she cooked herself.” He said. My jaw dropped.

Are you serious?” I asked. Alex nodded. “That sucks.”

He laughed.
His ex…I’m not jealous now.

“That was a memorable Thanksgiving.”
He said.

this ex of yours…how long did you guys date?” I’m curious. Everyone is curious about their partners’ life before them. He raised an eyebrow at me and I stared back.

“Three years.”
He said. Like me and Zach. “I was fifteen. We knew each other when we were kids.” I nodded. I’m jealous again. She knew him when he was a kid. I’m getting even more jealous. Was she his first?

“Was she…” He twirled his fingers on my

“Was she what?”
Alex asked. When he looked up at me his mouth formed an O. “Was she my first?” I nodded. “Unfortunately.”

“Was she that bad?”
I asked. He nodded.

“You have no idea. You may not believe it but I was a wild child back then. She was a bad influence.”
So was I.

“I guess you have a thing for girls with problems.”
I said.

“I’d choose you every time.”
I rolled my eyes. He says that now. What if we hadn’t met…he’d say that to another girl.

you didn’t move here, we would not have met.” I said.

pulled me into him gently and kissed my collarbone.

’d like to think we still would have met.” He said.

His parents were responsible for us meeting.
They moved here.


Something clicked out of nowhere.

“Was your mom
’s last name Payne?” I asked.

s weird talking about his mom when he’s kissing my body.

Sawyer.” I pushed myself away from him.

Gwen Sawyer.

“I think I met her before.
” I said. Alex raised an eyebrow at me. “What did she do?” The fact that I might have met her is exciting. And the fact that I don’t know what his mother did says that Tiffany is a bad spy. How could she not stalk his parents and tell me their names?!

“She was a doctor for fifteen years b
ut then she changed to fashion for Emma’s sake.” Alex said. This is good.

“Do you know if she went to
Winchester for a fashion show maybe six…seven years ago?” I asked thinking back to the day.

“Yeah. That was
Emma’s first show. Wait. How do you know about that?” Alex asked. I’m glowing. That was my first fashion show. I was in it.

“I was in the sh
ow. Tiffany, Sophie and I won tickets to model the clothes.” I said. I thought back to that day. Man, it was fun until the last minute. “I tripped and fell on a kid…I think I broke his arm.” But aside from that…that day was the best. After everything that happed with David, Mom insisted I go to have fun. It was what I needed.

Alex sat u
p in the bed, confusion written on his face.

“No way
… I can’t believe this.” He said.

I asked studying him.

e looked down at me and smiled. “I didn’t break my arm. It got dislocated.” It took a while for that to process then my eyes widened. No…

“That was you
?!” I asked. He nodded. I sat up and leaned against the headboard. Holy shit! “I tried looking for him–you after but some girl said I did enough damage and my mom took us home. Do you have any idea how I felt when I couldn’t see how bad I hurt him…you?”

He laughed. “Emma found me
and said she’d kill the girl that did that.” Alex stared at my comforter. “I looked for that girl until the place was empty.” He looked up. “There was something in those eyes. Your eyes.”

“I cannot be
lieve this.” I said shaking my head. We met when we were younger. I met
his family
when I was younger. His ex can’t compare to that. Well, she knew them longer but whatever. I was totally in love with him at that moment. When I saw him…something clicked. Tiffany made fun of me for days. I was eleven and in love… Yeah, that happens all the time.

hen I dislocated my arm, all I could think about was finding the girl who I completely fell for.” Alex said. “I tried getting the models’ names but Emma and my mom made sure I never did. They thought it was creepy…a twelve year old searching for a girl.”

I crouched back down and wrapped him in
my arms. He was the first boy I knew I fell in love with and here he is, in my arms, with me. I still can’t believe this. I kissed him. This is fucking awesome.

tickled my leg and I giggled. He wouldn’t stop. “Okay, I get it. You can stop.” I said. He looked at me with a puzzled look.

“What am
I doing?”

He tickled me again
but he didn’t move.

I looked down toward my leg.

There was a big white ball of fur. I sat up so fast I hit my back against the headboard. I looked closer and saw it moving. What the fuck is that?! I leaned forward and saw an orange stripe around the body. Ohmygod! I picked him up and looked at him while I let out a little squeal. “You are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” The puppy let out a little bark then licked my face. I looked toward my open door and smiled. This must be Gizmo.

little Shih Tzu yapped and squirmed in my arms. Alex brought his hand closer to his face and aww’d but Gizmo barked and tried biting his finger. “Hey, that’s not nice.” I said lying back down to put him on my stomach. He moved up toward my breasts and started licking me. I looked at Alex. “I think he’s marking his property.” I said laughing. Alex tried touching him and again Gizmo tried to bite him. I grabbed Gizmo and held him closer to my face. “If you don’t like him then I’m not keeping you.” I said. Gizmo yelped. I put him back down on me and he crawled to Alex and licked his chin. “That’s better.”

Alex play
ed with Gizmo for a few seconds and I watched. There’s nothing sexier than watching a man play with a puppy.

“Did you find him?
!” Scarlett yelled downstairs.

!” Declan yelled back. I scooted off the bed and grabbed a shirt from a chair. I grabbed Gizmo and went into the hallway.

“Are you looking for him?”
I asked. Scarlett and Declan looked up the stairs with a confused look.

“How do you have him?” Declan asked.

“He came into my room. I’m guessing this is Gizmo. When did you get him?” I said looking at my sexy puppy. He has blue eyes.

Just now.” Scarlett said.

“Does he need anything or is he all set?”
I asked.

“All set. He’s all yours now.” I smiled and scratched under his
tiny chin. “Thank you!” I called out. I walked back into my room and put him on the bed.

thought that was you tickling me.” I said curling up in Alex’s arms again and letting Gizmo wonder around. “I still can’t believe you were the boy from the show.” I said blushing. This is surreal. “Did you give up on me when you meet your ex?” I asked.

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