Enough (26 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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The knife
made contact with my skin and slid across my arm. It hurt like hell but I didn’t scream. I couldn’t. I grabbed her arm holding the knife as she threw all her weight on me and we fell backwards. I hit my head hard against the ground and groaned.

I’m too weak. I can’t do this.

Then I heard the knife slice through skin. I
the knife go through skin. A few seconds later, I felt the blood dripping down my stomach.

. Regret


Denise is laid out on top of me so I can’t move. The blood is running out like a never ending stream. I wiggled free and tossed her aside. That’s what she gets. She stabbed me.

As I got up she said, “My son will find you.”
Son? She’s here because Giovanni’s her son. Are you fucking serious?

itch.” I snapped before punching her in the jaw. She’s supposed to be a friend of the family. She knew her son raped me. I punched her again and she went still.

I took
the knife out of her and ran to Tiffany. “Help Alex and Bryan.” I said cutting the tape off of her then handed the knife over to her, I went to Sophie and Zach. I ripped those with my teeth then pulled the tape off their mouths. “I’m sorry about this. Once we get out you can hate me again. Just trust me right now. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” I said. Sophie hopped up and hugged me. She touched the new cut on my arm. Fuck!

I have blood all over me. I look
like I fell in red paint. Zach took off his shirt and handed it to me. “Your nose looks bad.” He said adjusting the shirt he has on. I brought the shirt to my nose then wrapped it on my arm. I turned toward Alex and Bryan.

“You guys help her and get out of here.”
I said.


“Not now. I have to find him. Get her and go.”
I said as my migraine pushed its way back. Bryan listened. I can’t look at anyone right now because it’s my fault they’re here. They could have been hurt. Who knows what else could have happened.

I want Alex to hold me but he’s among them and I just ca
n’t bring myself to look at him. We grabbed our phones that were spread out on the floor. I picked up the photos of me and rolled them into my back pocket. I need to hurry up. I gave Tiffany my keys and handed her my heels when I took the knife. They can be used as a weapon or something.

“Emily, I’m sorry about Gi–

“Tiff, not
now. We can talk about it later. Take these. Go to the car and drive. Take her to a hospital and call the police.” I said looking back at Alex. “Do you have your keys?”

We’re walking
out of this place so we need to hurry up.

“Yeah.” Alex said digging in his pockets.

Nobody talked as we went up the stairs and stood in front of another door. This must be the door I heard Giovanni go through. I opened it and lead the group to what looked like a hallway. Bryan was holding Mrs. Diaz so I tried to walk faster. We walked down and found a few open spaces leading different ways. I decided to go right. It’s like a damn maze in here. We passed a huge mirror on the wall and I snuck a peek at myself. I look like shit. I saw where Gio jabbed the knife in my side and I have blood on my neck.

We got to another door
and I looked behind me. Everyone was there except Zach. “Where’s Zach?” Sophie asked, noticing.

going, I’ll go back and look for him.” I said. Nobody moved so I moved past them. “You have to go!” I snapped. “God, get to the fucking cars and go. She needs help.” I stomped down the way we just came from and a few seconds later I saw him. Zach was with Giovanni. I put the knife in the back of my jeans. As I got closer, I saw Giovanni holding a knife to Zach’s throat. “Giovanni, don’t.” I pleaded.

“Why should I listen to you
?” He snapped.

“Don’t you want me? This is why I’m here
, isn’t it? Let him go and I’ll stay here.” I said. I’d rather die than be with him another second.

“You’d stay here to save
him?” I would.

“Just let him go.
They didn’t do anything to you. I did. My father did. This is between us. No one else.” I said walking closer to them. I’m starting to feel lightheaded. “Please.” I’m fucking begging to the man who raped me.

He loosened his grip on Zach
and I gave Zach the look to go and don’t look back. Giovanni let him go when I was closer. Zach started walking away when I saw something in Giovanni’s eyes flash. I knew what was going to happen. I grabbed Zach’s hand and yanked him out of the way just as Giovanni’s knife went right into my left shoulder.

I cried out in pain as h
e pulled it out and tried to stab me again but I kicked him and the knife flew somewhere else. I threw myself on top of him and we fell to the floor. I grabbed the knife from the back of my jeans but Giovanni grabbed my wrist and jerked it back and forth until my wrists went numb and the knife flew out of my hands.

I punched him and shot up to run
for it but Giovanni grabbed a hold of my leg and I fell back to the floor. That’s when he stabbed my left thigh hard. I cried out in pain. Where does he keep getting the knifes?!

I saw Zach from the corner of my eye lying on the f
loor. I think I threw him to hard. Great. Now he can’t go.

vanni grabbed me by the arm and dragged me up until my back hit something hard. He brought his hands to my throat and squeezed as he shoved me against the wall harder and harder until I heard something break. I tried to kick him, hit him, or anything but I couldn’t move. I’m too weak. I can’t breathe either. I saw the mirror is the thing Giovanni keeps shoving me against. I feel it dig into my back and pierce skin.

“Are you scared now
, Emily?” Giovanni asked.

My eyes focused on blurry figures
down the hall.

I tried r
eaching for the knife in my leg but it’s too far down. I’m going to die. I can’t do anything.
! No. I’m not going to die. I have to keep fighting.
Come on, Em. Don’t give up.

!” I yelled as loud as I could. I reached for the knife with all the strength I had left and yanked it out then I shoved it into Giovanni’s right side. He loosened his grip on me a little and his eyes hardened. “That’s for my sister.” I took the knife out and drove it into his neck. “That’s for me!” His fingers loosened on my neck and I sank to the floor. “I told you you’d regret it.” I spat.

saw Zach standing up from the corner of my eye and people were running toward me. My head feels like it’s going to explode. My body feels too weak to stand or to pretty much do anything. I reached for anything, anyone. Nothing was there.

I blacke
d out.


I heard beeping noises and whispers from people around me. I tried to move but it hurt. I groaned in pain. Why does it hurt?

“Don’t move.”

I opened my eyes and found Declan standing next to me.

“Declan is everyone
–” My voice sounds funny.

. Go to sleep, Em. You’ve been through a lot.”

My eyes closed.
Wait…did I see something? I must be dreaming. I thought I saw Sophie standing at the end of the bed with Zach.

“Alex…” I whispered
. Is he here? Is everyone okay? Who brought me here? What happened? I’m supposed to be dead. Right?



I woke up in an empty hospital room.
I slowly got off the bed and walked toward the door. The hallway’s empty. “Hello?” I called out, my voice echoing off the gray walls. The shiny floor tiles squeaked while I walked. “Hello? Is anyone here?” Where is my family? Wasn’t Declan here?

” Someone yelled and I turned around. No, no, no, no, no. What is he doing here? Giovanni ran toward me with a knife in his hands. “I told you I wasn’t done with you.” I tried running but my legs were glued to the floor. I screamed as he drove the knife into my heart.

I opened my e
yes and Giovanni gone. I wasn’t bleeding.

s going on?

I heard a little
girl’s voice behind me. Kaylie? What is she doing here? I turned around. It wasn’t Kaylie but this little girl looks familiar. “Follow me.” Her voice sounds pure. Her bright blue eyes pleading me to follow her.

s me when I was younger, I realize.

“Am I dead?”
I asked. She turned into a hallway and left. I ran to catch up. I must be dead because I’m running. I followed her into a room. She’s lying in a bed. My bed. She’s in my room. “Are you me? What’s going on?” I asked. Someone walked into the room and walked past me. I only saw the back of his head. Brown short hair. Wait. He has pajamas on and the way he walks reminds me of someone. He climbed into the bed with the younger me. That’s when I saw his face. “Don’t touch her!” I yelled. I tried running to the bed to protect the younger me from my dad. Not my dad, David. I know what this is. This is the day David attacked me. David whispered things to her and then climbed on top of her and wrapped his hands around her neck. “Stop!” My feet wouldn’t budge. Then David reached down and tore her shorts off her tiny body. I’m screaming. We both are. The door swung open and a younger Declan stood there.

I grabbed onto something
and squeezed tight.

How can someone do that to a little girl? To his own daughter? Well
, he knew I wasn’t his daughter but for ten years he raised me. He’s sick. He’s just like Giovanni.


I woke up out of breath. I tried gasping for air but my throat hurt like a bitch. The beeping sounds were back and someone’s hand was wrapped in mine. I’m still squeezing it.
It was just a dream
. Only the second part wasn’t. That was part of my life. That was what happened to me when I was younger.

I loosened my
grip on the hand. “Declan, where did David–” I looked up to find Declan but was sidetracked when Alex stood there, his beautiful hazel eyes staring into mine. I looked down at his hand in mine. I don’t know what to say.
Hey, I’m sorry that I got you kidnapped. Sorry for getting you into this mess.
“Where’s Declan? Is my family here?” I settled on that. I tried sitting up but my shoulder hurt with the slightest movement.

“They’re sleeping. Don’t move.”
Alex said holding up a cup of water for me to drink from through a straw. I cocked an eyebrow. With my right hand I took the straw out and brought the cup close to my lips. My throat is sore and drinking made it feel like sandpaper.

“I’m sorry about
–” I looked outside. “Wait, what day is today?”

s Wednesday. You shouldn’t talk. The doctor said you’d be sore for a few days.” He said. My left arm is in a sling. What about my arm? Didn’t Denise cut me? It must have been a dream because both my arms are perfectly smooth. Weird.

“Where’s Mrs. Diaz?” I
asked. Then it hit me. It’s Christmas.

s in the room next to you. She was in bad shape.” Alex said.

“Is everyone else okay?
Are you okay?” I asked.

“We’re fine.”

I furrowed my brows when Alex’s lips didn’t move. That voice is familiar though. I looked past Alex and my family and saw Tiffany, Sophie and Zach. Where’s Bryan?

“What are you guys doing here?”
I whispered.

“What do you mean? Emily
, you saved our lives.” Sophie said as everyone stopped at my bed. She stared at me for a few seconds longer and I know what she’s about to say but she said it anyways. “I’m sorry I treated you the way I did before.”

My room
door opened and my heart dropped. Mark and Christy were walking in. My skittle friends. Mark Rivera’s a walking hot twenty-year-old with blue eyes and brown hair. He’s Christy’s boyfriend and also Ty’s brother. We met when I started dating Ty. Christy Swan is his beautiful girlfriend and one of my close friends. She’s a small eighteen-year-old brunette with green eyes. We automatically clicked. Nobody knows about them except Tiffany. What doesn’t Tiffany know about me?

They walked over and Alex moved over a bit. “Jesus, Em. I almost died whe
n you said skittles.” Mark said looking me over.

“Are you
okay?” Christy asked. “We came when Tiffany said your family was sleeping.”

“You shouldn’t be here.
” I said. “Thanks for coming but if they wake up they’ll just want answers and you know I can’t… When I get out I’ll call you guys.”

“We understand but we care about you.”
Christy said slowly hugging me. “Call me the moment you get out, okay.” I nodded. “I love you.”

“Love you
, too.” I said. I hate that I’m kicking out but my family will ask questions I can’t give them answers to.

“Well, so much for manners. I’m Christy, this is
my boyfriend, Mark.” She said eyeing everyone.

“How do you three know each other?” Alex asked.

Mark stared at me then him. “That’s private.” Then Mark bent down to my ear. “I was calling you for important news. When you get out, we’ll talk. I’m glad you’re okay.” He said then pulled away. “You guys okay?” He asked everyone. They nodded. Then he dropped his voice. “The police don’t know we called it in…so if you could keep that between us…”

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