Enemy at the Gates (63 page)

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Authors: William Craig

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Pelikan, Sgt. Wolf, 180, 182, 405

Pensenskaya Street, 35, 91, 119

Permskaya Street, 58

Peschanka, 309, 334

Peschanyy, 188

Peskatovka Depot, 165

Peskovatka, 210

pet animals, 59-60, 79; kept by soldiers,

49, 51, 112, 116, 166, 221,

282, 318, 360; used as food, 309


Petrakov Col., 91, 94

Petrov, Sgt. Alexei, 104-106, 171-172,

187, 241, 321, 401, 405

Pfeiffer, Gen., 339, 366, 367, 371, 379

Pfliiger, Sgt. Albert, 208-209, 223-224,

279, 287, 309-310, 332-333,

334, 360-361, 372-374, 380, 401,


Piave River, 15

Pickert, Gen. Wolfgang, 196-197, 337-

338, 339

Pigalev, Dmitri M., 35, 53

Pitomnik Airfield, 217, 222, 227, 229,















350; overrun by Russians, 346

Poland, 118; invasion of, 4, 7, 9, 210

(Communist party agitators),

125, 172, 324, 393

Poltava, 18

Porsche auto factory, Stuttgart, 167,


Poskrebyshev (secretary to Stalin), 302

Powers, Francis Gary, 400

34-35, 58, 60, 68-69, 97, 103,

110, 369

prison camps, Soviet, xiii, 304, 363,

387, 389, 396, 435, 437; German

survivors, 397

prisoners of war: casualties among,

388, 389, 390; German, 362, 364,

388, 394, 402, 435-437; guidelines

on care of, 326-327; interrogation

of, 133, 265; Italian, 264, 275,

277, 281, 300, 363; killing of, 10,

188, 189, 380, 381, 388, 399; political

indoctrination of, 393; repatriation

of, 394-395, 396, 397,

399, 401-402, 403, 435-437; rioting

by, 363; Rumanian, 184, 187-

188, 363; Russian, 5, 40, 41, 71,

184, 202, 327-329.
See also

propaganda: German, 161, 195, 295,

367; Soviet, 125, 149, 291, 305,

323, 324

prostitution, 169-170

Pugachev, Yemelyan, 29

Pugliese, Dr. Vincenzo, 392, 406

Pushkin Street, 58

Pushkinskaya Street, 30, 93

quartermasters, German, 112, 113,

142, 164, 184, 189, 238, 298, 352,


radio communications: German, 140,

184, 335, 346, 353-354, 355-356;

monitoring of Soviet by Germans,

234; in spy network, 23; Soviet,

76, 126-127, 134, 175, 384

Radio Moscow, 39

Rado, Alexander, 23

railroads, 69, 113, 149.
See also

Railroad Station Number One, 34, 54,

92, 96, 100

Rastenburg, Nazi headquarters at, 163,

192, 199, 200, 206, 207, 210. 232,

274, 299

rations, cutting of, 220, 226, 233

Razin, Stenka, 29

Red Army, xi, 4, 9, 19, 20, 22-23, 70,

71, 212, 229, 325-326, 378-379

ARMIES: First Guards,

Tank, 4, 41; Second Guards, 232,

234, 258, 336; Third Guards, 264,

280; Fifth Tank, 179-180, 183;

Twenty-first, 180, 183, 218;

Twenty-fourth, 218; Sixty-second,

4, 39-40, 41, 73, 76, 80, 81, 125,

136, 146, 151, 176, 205-206, 218,

234, 284, 316, 386, 398

CORPS: Fourth Mechanized

(Tank), 173, 174, 191, 202; Thirteenth

Mechanized, 191; Twentyfourth

Tank, 301, 302

DIVISIONS: Thirteenth Guards,

89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96-97, 102, 104,

119-120, 368, 398, 402; Thirtyfifth

Guards, 63, 82; Thirtyseventh

Guards, 134, 136, 150;

Thirty-ninth Guards, 123; Fiftyseventh,

218; Sixty-fourth, 72, 73,

84, 90, 218, 378; Sixty-fifth, 218,

368; Sixty-sixth, 72, 218; Eightyseventh,

241; Ninety-fifth, 123,

150; One Hundred Twelfth, 123;

One Hundred Eighteenth, 150,

159, 284; One Hundred Ninetyfourth,

123; Two Hundred Eighth,

surrender of, 33, 75; Two Hundred

Eighty-fourth Siberian, 103-104,

106, 120, 121, 122, 127, 150, 169,

396; Three Hundred Eighth, 123,

135, 150

BRIGADES: Fourteenth Motor

Artillery, 194; Twentieth Motorized,

45; Twenty-sixth Armored,

196, 197-198

REGIMENTS: Fifty-third Mortar,

242; One Hundred Eighteenth, 157

See also
Big Saturn; Little Saturn;

Operation Uranus; STAVKA

Red Army High Command, 19, 151,

179, 187, 217-218

"Red House," battle for, 155

Red October Plant, 36, 69, 99, 106,

122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 133, 175,

286, 287, 324, 386; battle for, 135,

137, 284

"Red Orchestra," 23

Red Star,

refugees, xiii, xiv, 34, 165

Reichenau, Field Marshal Walther von,


Rentsch, Dr. Herbert, 116, 166, 221,

318, 360, 406

Rettenmaier, Maj. Eugen, 155, 186,

225-226, 261

Reuber, Dr. Kurt, 292-293

Reutlingen, 270, 271

Reymann, Lt. Georg, 339

Rhine River, 115

Richthofen, Gen. Freiherr von, 61,

131-132, 148, 154, 159, 163, 183,

193, 217, 245, 273, 280, 293, 295,


Rimsky-Korsakov School of Music, 42

Ritter Kreuz, Order of, 112

rockets, Russian, 138-139, 224, 276,

291, 315

Rodenburg, Gen. Carl, 114, 333, 335,

374, 401, 406

Rodimtsev, Gen. Alexander Ilyich, 89,

94-95, 108, 113, 119, 136, 146,

368, 385-386, 402

Rokossovsky, Gen. Konstantin, 117,

172, 203, 232, 234, 301-302, 316,

320, 325, 402

Rolik group, 160

Romanenko, Gen., 183

Rome, xiii, 305, 306

Rommel, Gen. Edwin, 153, 181, 232

Rosati, Col., 306

Rosenfeld, Col. Lothar, 303, 350

Roske, Gen., 376, 378

Rossler, Rudolf, 23-24, 402, 422-423.

See also

Rossoshka, 49

Rostov, 3, 20, 78, 212, 214, 265, 281,

301, 310, 320, 400

Rudnia 43

Rumania, 9

Rumanian Army, xiv, 13, 14, 159, 175,

183, 186, 188, 189, 213, 220, 273,

309; Third, 14, 149, 179, 179-180,

182, 201; Fourth, 187, 201-202,

214; troops taken prisoner, 363,


Russia, Czarist, x, 28-29

Russian Civil War, 20, 30, 103

Rynok, 52, 124, 172-173, 186

Salsk, 291, 294

Sarayev, Col., 90

Sarpa Lake, 187

Sarpinsky Island, 37, 109

Sascha, Oberleutnant, 353

Sazakin (militiaman), 69

Schacty, 346

Scheibert, Lt. Horst, 236-237, 256

Schlomer, Gen., 366, 369

Schmidt, Gen. Arthur, 12, 114, 147,

190, 246, 300, 334, 336, 350, 354,

396, 406, 434; coolness noted,

175, 186, 193; on mutinous generals,

369; leadership of Sixth

Army assumed by, 366, 402; on

possible breakout, 196-197, 247,

249; secret inquiries on capitulation,

372; surrender negotiated,

375-376, 378; suspicions of Zitzewitz,

211, 303; teletype conversations

with Army Group Don, 256-

257, 259-261, 267-268, 269-270,

273-274, 290-291, 293-295; undue

influence on Paulus alleged, 249,


Schmundt, Gen., 344, 356

Schroter, Heinz, 195, 196, 406

Schulz, Gen., 249, 256-257, 259-260,

267-268, 269-270, 273, 290-291,

293-295, 300

Schutzstaffeln (SS), 11, 291

Schwabisch Gmilnd, 314, 396

Schwarz, Grefreiter (Lance Cpl.), 342

secret police: German, 23, 43-44; Soviet,

See also

Seidel, Maj., 353

self-inflicted wounds, 353-354

Selle, Col. Herbert, 155, 157, 333, 334,

357-358, 402

Serafimovich, 14, 149, 158, 161, 179,

188, 214, 245, 262

Sety, 44, 45, 142

Sevastopol, 215, 379

"Severity Order," 10-11, 12

Seydlitz-Kurzbach, Gen. Walther, 13,

190, 204, 205, 207, 208, 215-216,

311, 317, 366, 369, 371, 379-382,


sharpshooters, 121-122, 145, 403-404;

German-Russian duel, 127-130.

See also

Shumilov, Gen. Mikhail, 83, 378

Siberia, 9, 103, 121; prison camps,

xiii, 388, 400.
See also
Red Army

(284th Siberian Division)

Sicherheitdienst (SD), 11

Sickenius, Col., 47, 353

Sixth Army, German, 4, 8, 47; breakdown

of, 288, 349-350, 351; casualties,

111, 260; command, 9, 10-

13, 49, 147-148, 163; control Of

Volga, 80, 110; discipline and organization,

229; encirclement of,

202, 217-218, 229, 308, 311; escapees

after surrender, 387-388;

failure to break out, 387; forebodings

of failure, 114; headquarters,

137, 190, 352-353, 368-369; Hitler

and refusal to permit withdrawal,

198-199, 205-206; official mourning for loss of, 384; orders to take

Stalingrad, 9; quartermasters, 164;

role in victory of Kharkov, 12;

Russian counteroffensive against,

88; Russian ultimatum to, 325-

326; surrender, x, xii, 372, 375-

376, 377-380, 383-384; victory at

Ostrov, 41; war diary entries, 51,

233, 258-259, 295, 340; withdrawal

proposed, 191-192, 251-

See also
Paulus; Schmidt

Skudri Crossing, 124, 125

slave labor, 321, 403

Slotta, Sgt.
Gottlieb, 166-167, 225, 324,

348, 406

Smekhotvorov, Gen. F. N., 135, 284

Smolensk, 71

snipers: German, 98, 140; Russian, 89,

139, 172, 235-236, 399; training

of, 122.
See also

Sogotskot, 243

Solechnaya Street, 36; battle for, xii,

119-120, 401

Sologub, Gen. Ivan Petrovich, 284

Sorge, Richard, 23

Southeast Front, 32, 117

Sovetsky, 198, 202

Soviet Union: losses at Stalingrad, xivxv,

61; Nazi invasion of, 4, 23, 42,

83, 106; writing of history, x-xi.

See also
Bolshevik Revolution;

Red Army

Sovietskaya Street, 35, 160-161

Spangenburg, Oberstleutnant, 353

Spain, 153; Civil War, 94

Spartakovka, 68

Spitkovsky, Pvt. Abraham, 188, 406

Stalin, Josef, x, 4, 22-27, 30, 68, 232,

386, 403; address to Russian people,

152; battle as contest of egos

with Hitler, 157; character, 22;

cooperation with Weimar Republic,

212; military conferences, 85-

86, 88, 117, 173; military decisions,

26, 48, 61, 89, 118, 202-203,

234, 245, 300, 301, 315; military

strategy, 24-25; and NKVD, 43;

order to hold Stalingrad, 39, 61;

order to launch counterattack,

161-162; victory over White Army,

30; and Zhukov, 77-78

Stalingrad: advance by Germans on,

51, 56, 88; City Soviet, 35, 53, 60,

385; civilian volunteers, 54; climate,

3, 28, 33; command post at,

30, 32; death toll, xiv; decision to

stand siege, 24-25; described, 30-

38, 51; destruction, figures on,

385; entry of German troops, 88,

89; evacuation of civilians, xiv-xv,

34, 38, 56-57, 67, 97; evacuation

of wounded, 110; first contact of

Russian armies in and outside

after siege, 368; geographical setting,

3; German headquarters in,

122-123; German losses, 343; German

strategy of attack, 8-9, 13-

14, 18; held by German troops,

220; history, 28-30; Hitler on taking

of, 118-119, 154; naming of,

20, 30; newspaper reports of fall,

100; organization of militia, 90-91;

population figures, xiv-xv, 30, 385;

psychological importance of battle,

xv-xvi; reconstruction of, xi-xii,

389-390; reinforcements brought

into, 112, 124, 125; Russian Military

Council at, 62-63; Russian

plan of defense, 25-27; Russian

counteroffensive, 88-89, 179, 182,

190; Russian losses, 368; survivors,

xiii, 396-404; unattended wounded,

German, 362; war memorial at,

Xii-Xiii; wounded in battle, 386-

See also
casualties; factory

district; street fighting; Tsaritsyn;

also names of streets,

buildings, and locations, e.g.


Stalingrad Front, 26, 32, 151; renamed

Don Front, 117

Stalingradski, 354; Flying School at,


Starobelsk, 191, 192

starvation, 30, 166, 229, 261, 320, 344,

363; autopsy showing, 318-319;

mention of banned, 319; among

prisoners, 390

State Bank Building, 91, 92

STAVKA (Soviet General Staff), 24-

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