Enemy at the Gates (61 page)

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Authors: William Craig

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83-85, 86-88, 159-160, 176, 218,

220, 243, 316; headquarters, 93-

94, 99, 124, 126, 136, 150, 167-

168, 204, 284, 368, 378-379, 386;

intelligence organization, 132; orders

given by, 96, 134-135; postwar

career, 397-398; reinforcements requested, 136, 151; tactics

adopted by 89-91, 234-235

Chungking, 83

Churchill, Winston, 48n, 88

CIA, 398

Circassians, 78

Clausius, Col., 354

clothing supplies, 164, 268, 352

Codre, Lt. Col., 113, 142

Cologne, xiii

Combat Groups, German: Engelke,

139; Fretter-Pico, 346; Hollidt,

228, 346; Hunersdorff, 240, 242-

243; Krumpen, 63; Mieth, 346;

Stahel, 346

commandos, Russian, 133, 134, 324,

387, 397

"Commissar Order," 10, 12

Commissar's House, battle for, 155,

156-157, 225

Communist party: members, 42, 83;

Paulus and, 401; political agitators,

125, 172, 324, 393; Stalingrad

Central Committee, 60.
See also


concentration camps, German, 436

counterintelligence, 91-92, 97

courts martial, 353, 360

Crete, 210

Crimea, 20, 215

Croatians, regiment of, 220

Crome, Col., 371

Daniel, Edler von, 13, 366

Danilov (political agitator), 129

Danzig, 50

Dar Goya, 33, 54, 59, 97, 170, 285,

378, 385

Das. Reich,

defectors: German, 367-368; Rumanian,

185; Russian Army, 165-166,

235, 268, 273; Russian civilian,


de Gaulle, Charles, xv

Deifel, Cpl. Franz, 167, 226-227, 348-

349, 406

Demyansk, 311

Denikin, Gen. Anton, 20

Denisova (militiawoman), 59

Deriabin, Lt. Pyotr, 103, 104, 120-121,

135, 379-380, 398, 405

deserters: execution of, 43, 104, 125,

307, 380; German, 336; Russian,

xv, 5, 48, 71, 108, 149, 380

Detrunina, Nina, 66

Dietzel, Lt. Gerhard, 197

Dimitrevka, 304, 334

Dingier, Oberst, 353

disease, 29, 364-365, 369, 389-390

Stuka aircraft

Dnieper River, 55

dogs, 79, 282; used as food, 238-239,


Dolgy Ravine, 104

"Dom Pavlov
(Pavlov's House)," battle

for, 137, 146

Don-Chir Front, 214

Don Front, 45, 117, 174, 302

Don River, 3, 13, 15, 19, 28, 39, 183,

213; crossed by Germans, 48-49,

53, 75, 114, 118; in defense of

Stalingrad, 25, 26, 73; German

headquarters on, 111;1 positions on,

193; pontoon bridges over, 47, 55,

159; Russian positions on, 158.


Donets River, 19, 119

Donskaya-Tsaritsa River, 257

Dragan, Lt. Anton Kuzmich, 96, 100,

102, 103, 107-109, 398

Drebber, Gen., 367-368

Dresden, xi, 116, 401

Dumitrescu, Gen., 150

Dunkirk, evacuation at, 4, 7, 118

Dylo, Lev, 56

Dzerhezinsky, Felix, 124

Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works, 36-37,

53, 68, 127, 234, 285; evacuation

of workers, 123-124; German attack

on, 134; return of workers,

385, 390

East Germany, 394, 396, 401, 403

East Prussia, Nazi headquarters in, 71,

150, 199, 206, 245, 253, 271, 303,

310, 340, 356, 381

Egypt, 153

Eden, Anthony, 118

Eichlepp (aide to Paulus), 299, 345

11, 400

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 398, 400

Eismann, Maj., 246-247, 248-249, 253,


El Alamein, 153, 232

Elininski, 121

Engineer Training School, Russian, 195

Englehardt, Karl, 165, 405

English Channel, proposed Allied invasion

across, 20, 48n

entertainment of troops, 307-308

espionage, Russian, 23-24, 91-92, 158,

229, 398, 402, 422-423.
See also


factory district, battle for, 110, 111,

123, 126, 130, 134-135, 138-142,

144-146, 150, 151, 155, 163


Far East Fleet, Soviet, 68, 121

Fasanotti (Italian prisoner), 327

Fascism, 14, 15, 88, 305, 306

Fiebig, Lt. Gen. Martin, 193, 216, 217,

229-230, 237, 280-281, 300, 351

field hospitals: German, 6, 63-64, 131,

229, 257, 304, 323, 370-371; Russian,


Fillipov, Lt. Col. Grigor, 194-195, 197

Fillipov, Sacha, 97, 170-171, 285-286,


Finland, Soviet attack on, 42, 83

food supply: failures, 238-239, 295,

297, 350, 360; German, 164, 184,

197, 220-221,253, 278, 318, 334,

359-360; for prisoners, 328, 378,

392-393; rations cut, 220, 226,

233, 274, 298; Russian, 38, 124,

168, 171, 220, 265, 307

France, 20, 213, 329; occupation of, 7,

138, 193, 210, 215

Frankfurt on the Main, 7, 347, 393-

394, 400

Frankfurt on the Oder, 394

frostbite, 275, 294, 305, 352, 357, 363

Frunze Military Academy, 83

fuel, shortage of, 20, 196, 242, 247,

249, 258-259, 267, 268, 278-279,


Furth, 114

Fusco, Franco, 281, 327

Gavrilovka, 75

Gebhardt, Capt., 340-341

Gehlen, Col. Reinhard, 182

Gehlert, Gunter, 323, 324

Gehres, Emil, 115-116

Georgia, 120

German Army, xv, 18, 243-244; Army

Group A, 8, 19, 78, 79, 85, 203,

212, 214, 291, 310, 400; Army

Group B, 8, 18, 19, 75, 111-112,

137, 191, 198-199, 201, 212; Army

Group Don, 211, 228, 249, 250,

253, 266, 272, 274, 300, 320, 330,

338, 339, 346, 355-356, 384, 387

ARMIES: First Panzer, 8, 78, 310;

Fourth Panzer, 8, 18, 19-21, 26,

41-42, 47, 79, 83, 132, 149, 190,

197, 370; Sixth,
see entries under

Sixth Army

CORPS: Eighth, 13, 370; Eleventh,

211, 370, 373-374; Fourteenth,

365, 369, 370; Seventeenth,

78, 310; Forty-eighth Panzer, 158-

159, 172, 175, 183, 186, 188, 200-

201, 399; Fifty-first, 354, 370;

Fifty-seventh Armored, 251, 254,


DIVISIONS: Third, 343; Third

Motorized, 50, 63, 73, 308, 334,

365; Sixth Panzer, 213-214, 229,

231, 236, 237, 241, 247, 250, 252,

253, 255, 257, 258, 260, 266, 274,

275, 278; Ninth Flak, 132, 337;

Fourteenth Panzer, 102, 132, 210,

224; Sixteenth Armored, 294; Six-

teenth Motorized, 114, 214, 228;

Sixteenth Panzer, 13, 47, 49-52,

62, 73, 172, 173, 186, 193, 218,

292, 307; Seventeenth Panzer, 214,

228, 250; Twenty-second, 159, 188;

Twenty-third Panzer, 214, 229,

243; Twenty-fourth Panzer, 190,

219, 308; Twenty-ninth Motorized,

75, 79, 132, 190, 219-220, 308,

334, 343, 365; Forty-fourth, 151,

218, 224, 343; Sixtieth Motorized,

50, 63, 73, 130-131, 219, 227, 294,

308, 343; Seventy-first, 46, 87, 92,

100, 107, 110, 220, 366, 367;

Seventy-sixth, 114, 218, 334, 335,

343; Seventy-ninth, 220; Ninetyfourth,

116, 133, 204-205, 317; One

Hundredth, 140, 220; One Hundred

Thirteenth Infantry, 219, 225,

334, 343; One Hundred Ninetyfourth

Infantry, 89; Two Hundred

Eighty-ninth Infantry, 134; Two

Hundred Ninety-fifth, 13, 87, 93,

100; Two Hundred Ninety-seventh,

220, 223, 279, 308, 309, 334, 343,

367; Three Hundred Fifth, 138,

220, 221, 284, 334; Three Hundred

Thirty-sixth, 154-155, 163; Three

Hundred Seventy-first, 220, 308;

Three Hundred Seventy-sixth, 147,

334; Three Hundred Eighty-fourth,

219, 334, 343; Three Hundred

Eighty-ninth, 220; Grossdeutschland

Panzer, 20.
See also

Groups; German High Command;

Hoth; Operation Blue; Operation

Thunderclap; Operation Winter

Storm; Paulus; street fighting; supply


German Cross, 339

German Democratic Republic,


German High Command (OKW), 4,

9, 12, 14, 75, 158, 192, 209, 211,

216, 229, 245, 274, 388, 400; Russian

spies within, 24, 402

German Propaganda Company, 195

Germany: Third Reich, xvi, 152, 373,

396; Weimar Republic, 212.

East Germany; West Germany

secret police

Gibraltar, 153

Giebeler, Wilhelm, 154, 162-163, 405

Gilmore, Eddy, 336

Ginderling, Capt., 92

Giordano (Italian prisoner), 327

Goebbels, Joseph, 100, 161, 295-296,

361, 367, 384-385

Goering, Hermann, 132, 193, 199, 206,

304, 373-374

Gogol Street, 58

Goldstein, Mikhail, 307-308, 398

Golikov, Gen. F. I., 81

Golodny Island, 37, 67

Golubinka, German command center

at, 49, 51, 99-100, 111, 113, 137,

148, 175, 181, 184, 186, 190

Gordov, Gen. A. V., 32, 34, 48, 117

Gorishny Col. V. A., 123, 150

Gorki Theater, 35, 110, 368, 375

Gorodische, 304

Gorokhov, Col. Semyon, 67-68

Goslar, 399

grain elevator, 142; battle for, 101-102

"Green Hats," 43, 83

Grozny, 78, 85

guerrilla fighters, 143-145.
See also

commandos; partisans

Gurewicz, Lt. Hersch, 42-45, 142-143,

171, 187, 222-223, 386-387, 398,


Gumrak Airfield, 115, 190, 197, 203,

308, 334, 346, 347; command post

at, 198, 200, 234, 246, 293, 299,

325, 330; hospital at, 323, 333,

349; radio transmitter at, 346;

teleprinter at, 248, 249, 300

Gurov, Kuzma, 135, 176

Gurtiev, Col. L. N., 135, 136, 150

Haifa, xiii

Halder, Gen. Franz, 17-18, 19, 20-21,

79, 271, 398-399; fired by Hitler,


Halle, Cpl. Werner, 79-80

Hamburg, xiii, 12, 402

hand-to-hand fighting, 92, 150

Hannover, 404

Harriman, W. Averell, 48n, 405, 422

Hartmann, Gen. von, 366-367

Hauswald, Lina, 339

He-111 aircraft, 221-222, 229, 299

Heim, Lt. Gen. Ferdinand, 158, 183,

185, 186, 188, 190, 200, 399

Heitz, Gen. Walther, 13, 350, 371

Hemingway, Ernest, 15

Hero of the Soviet Union, decoration

as, 94, 386, 400, 401, 402, 404

Heusinger, Gen. Adolf, 207, 232, 344,

403, 405

(Hiwis), see

Russian Army

Himmler, Heinrich, 11

Hindenburg, Chancellor Paul Von, 13

Hitler, Adolf: aides to, 100, 206-207,

232, 299, 303, 304, 344, 345, 400;

at anniversary of Third Reich, 153-

154; at apogee of power, 82; attitude

of commanders toward, 9,

245, 371; attitude of troops toward,

209, 225, 244, 312, 340, 341-

342, 361; blunders in strategy, 19-

20, 271-272; "Christmas Drive,"

244; destructive alliance with apolitical

generals, 377; display of

charm and self-control, 344-345;

displays of temper, 78-79, 205,

423; fascination with enemy plans,

153; military conferences, 17-18,

78-79, 85, 232-233; military decisions,

8-9, 15, 19-20, 24, 78, 162,

183, 192-193, 199, 205-206, 207-

208, 215, 217, 245, 246, 255, 333;

military units shifted, 228; myth

of invincibility, xvi, 4, 10; New

Year's message, 308; plans to overthrow,

17, 399, 402; reaction to

surrender of Sixth Army, 381-382;

refusal to permit retreat from

Stalingrad, 246, 280; refusal to

permit surrender, 330, 362; response

to messengers from Sixth

Army, 344-345, 356-357; retreat

of First Panzer Army authorized,

310; reverses at Stalingrad /acknowledged,

227; self-isolation, 79,

110-111, 118-119, 153; Stalingrad

battle as contest of ego with Stalin,

157; tendency to underrate enemy,

18, 19, 21, 154, 182; thesis of

racial supremacy, 10.
See also

Mainstein; Paulus

Holland, Capt., 64

horses, in Germany Sixth Army, 6, 116,

166, 201, 251, 273, 360; slaughtered

for food, 221, 253, 299, 350

Horvath, Pvt. Michael, 388

Hoth, Gen. Hermann, 74, 75, 132, 320;

advance of First Panzer Army on

Stalingrad, 42; attempted pincer

movement, 47-48, 76; drive to

Volga, 79; forces split, 192, 196;

regroupment attempted, 197; relief

force to resupply Sixth Army,

246, 247, 252-253, 260, 268, 277,

290, 293, 294; withdrawal of armored

division from, 291, 310

House of Specialists, capture of, 91

house-to-house fighting, 154-157, 225-

227, 316-317, 361, 364; anticipated

by Soviet command, 33

Hube, Gen. Hans, 13, 47, 63, 65, 67,

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