Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) (13 page)

BOOK: Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)
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“Because you’re you.”

“Well, don’t worry. They’re both fine but I wouldn’t go in there. They’re—probably busy by now. Now, what are you doing out here?”

I took a breath, not ready to tell anyone the truth, especially Kole. “Just getting some air.”

Kole’s head lifted like he was intrigued and took a few steps towards us. “Has he already made you cry?”

“No!” It may have sounded as though I answered too quickly. “I was not crying.”

“Good because you’d hate it if I had to act on the orders.”

Orders? If he made me cry? My teeth gritted. Trever.

“Just leave.” I said. “He didn’t make me cry. You’re not needed here whatsoever.”

Kole smiled and took a glance at Muscles because his eyes lifted above me. “Enjoy your sexless evening. I already feel bad for you.”

I sighed and just wanted to get out of here. I pulled Muscles back inside with my frustration for it still showing. “I’m sorry about him―again. Why does he always seem to find us when we’re alone?”

“I don’t know but it’s okay.”

“I want to but—”

“Don’t. Remember?”

I just nodded while Muscles helped me out of my robe and softly touched the smooth skin of my arms.

“Maybe I shouldn’t instigate your temptations.”

He leaned his head down, kissing my bare shoulder with a soft amused voice. “I’m not going to make you change your ways because of me. I know this is how you like to sleep.”

“Then you won’t mind?”

“Of course not. I feel privileged to get to sleep next to such a beauty.”

I smiled and kissed him. “That’s sweet but I’m privileged too.”

I pulled him onto the bed with me and we laid together, facing each other and gently stroking the tips of our fingers on the warm skin of the other’s, just enjoying finally being back together.

“You don’t think we should check on Jaylyn and Troy?”

I moved my head back and tried opening my tired eyes to look at him. “You’re not sleeping yet?”

“Sorry. I’ve just been thinking about it. I don’t trust him.”

“Well, I’m sure they’re fine. Kole knows better. He wouldn’t have killed anyone and if he did, Jaylyn would be waking up the city with her screams.”

Muscles laughed. “I guess you’re right.”

“Please go to sleep.” I dropped my extremely tired head back down on him. “It’s almost morning and I need sleep.”

“Okay.” Muscles kissed the top of my head and it was like it instantly put me to sleep. It was finally peaceful being back in his arms and I knew I wouldn’t have any nightmares tonight. I would finally enjoy it.







Chapter 23





I woke just as the sun came up and shone in my room. It was another day but I already felt like it was a good one. I knew Zayden was beside me and when I looked, everything just hit me. He was actually here. The night we shared brought me back into this sea of happiness and I could never imagine myself coming out.

Today would be good for us. Leaving the city after all the tension would help to ease it by the time we made it back. We would be gone for a couple of weeks and it would be the longest time we’ve been together. I looked forward to the test. Nothing was going to take away from it.

It put a smile on my face and I lightly kissed Zayden’s cheek before getting up.

“Is it morning already?”

I looked back to see him try to sit up. “Yeah, you better get up all the way. We’ll be leaving soon.”

He sat up on the edge of the bed and rubbed his eyes, showing just how tired he was feeling but I had to be sure it wasn’t more than that. “You all right?”

“Yeah. Just tired, I guess.”

“Think water will help wake you up?”

“I don’t know. Have any? Just throw it on me.”

He fell back on the bed with his arms out to the sides and I laughed while I walked over and climbed on top of him. “I meant just going to jump in the pool or something. There’s one downstairs in our indoor training room.”

“Oh. I guess that could work but this probably could too.”

He slid his hands along the side of my body, settling them at my hips. He was such a charmer and I laughed for it but slowly pulled away to get up. “Mmm. Later, okay? We shouldn’t linger here.”

“Fine.” Zayden sighed in disappointment while getting up after me. “Where is it?”

“Just downstairs. You’ll see it once you’re at the top of the stairs right out there. Really can’t miss it when it’s daytime and be careful about who you run into.” Saying it aloud made me rethink it entirely. “You know what? Maybe I better go with you.”

I was worried and really didn’t want him going anywhere alone but he just showed me that smile as he walked to me and kissed my head. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay. I’ll wake the others then. I’m sure they’re going to need it too. I’ll send them down to you.”

Zayden nodded and kissed me again before he left the room. I watched him turn the corner out of sight and was still feeling a little worried about sending him out there alone. I quickly got dressed in a robe that happened to be the closest thing to me and walked out of the room, going to Jaylyn’s to wake them up so someone could be with him.

I didn’t knock on the door. I just went right in and walked over to the bed to see them laying together, looking as if they were still sleeping. “Jaylyn, you awake?”

“It’s light out, isn’t it? Just waiting for you to come in and make us get up.”

“Then you better do it now.” Jaylyn and Troy slowly got out of bed and I turned to walk back to the door. “Zayden is down in the pool, Troy. If you need to wake up I suggest you do the same. We’re leaving soon and we can’t have you tired. Just go to the top of the stairs and you’ll see it.”

“That does sound like a good idea.”


I looked back and Jaylyn had Troy’s arm and she pulled him right to her and started kissing him. My eyes rolled. “Would you make it quick if you’re going to do that? We don’t have time to wait for you.”

“We can make it quick.”

I rolled my eyes for a second time and left to go to the next room. I didn’t want to stay any longer for that and let them have some privacy by closing the door.

I went right inside Ruby’s room next without knocking and walked over to her bed, knowing I would actually have to get them up. Ruby never liked to wake up, especially early. “Ruby. Darius. Time to get up.”

Ruby lifted her head just a little and looked out the window. “That’s not the sun. The moon is just really bright tonight.”


She groaned loudly when she knew I wasn’t going to go away. “All right. I’m going. I knew you were going to come in here early.”

She sat up with her hair draping over the front of her bare chest and I was already sorry but I had to ask. “You didn’t kill him, right?”

Ruby looked over at Darius and he was seeming still right out asleep. How was I supposed to know if he was still alive? I wasn’t Jaylyn.

“Are you going to ask me that every morning?”

“Well, you are naked. I was just making sure.”

“No. I didn’t kill him because we didn’t do anything.”

“All right. Then get him up. You have to get ready.”

Ruby nudged Darius as she started to get up more but he didn’t wake up then she sighed and climbed on top of him.

“Ruby, come on.” I was ready to turn and leave but I needed to tell Darius to get downstairs with Zayden since Troy was going to be an extra few minutes longer than I would have liked.

“What? This is how I need to wake him up.”

“Yeah, I bet.”

Ruby leaned down to Darius and started kissing him. The second I noticed him start to respond in any kind of human male way possible, I cleared my throat for their attention.

“Oh, hey, Adele.” Darius said. “Come to join us?”

I stood with my arms crossed, letting my look say it all and Ruby hit him in the shoulder with a laugh while she got up completely with the sheet. “No. She came to wake us up.”

Darius looked out the window, moving his fingers back through his hair. “All right. So, when do we leave?”

“We leave when you’re ready.” I said. “Zayden is taking a dive in the pool to wake up. It looks like you could use it too, really bad.”

Darius sighed and climbed to his feet. “Yeah, I probably could. We’ll have to reschedule.”

“Ruby, do something with him before I freak out.” I turned and walked out of the room. I’ve had enough. I just wanted him to get down there and not leave Zayden alone. We didn’t need to get into detail of his request. I wasn’t in the mood. I just wanted to get them out of the city the fastest way possible and to do that, everyone had to hurry and get ready.







Chapter 24





I laughed to Adele’s frustration with me. She needs to relax a little. It really was just a joke. I guess I just thought with having Zayden back she would be a little looser with her humor but apparently it’s going to take more time than I realized.

“You should really try not to get her going so early.” Ruby said. “We’ll have to live with her like this.”

“I know. Just trying to get her out of that.”

“Just don’t do it again, please. She’s moody enough.”

“All right, promise. Are you coming?”

“No. You go. I’m just going to get ready real quick.”

“Okay. I’ll be back.”

“Just go to the top of the stairs and you should see it.”

I nodded to the easy instruction and left the room. My eye was on the open doorway at the end of the hall and Zayden greeted me when I got there. “There you are. I was wondering when someone else was going to get down here.”

I started down the stairs and looked around. The room was filled with obstacles high up on its two story walls with ropes and practice equipment everywhere. It was so weird to see how others were so dedicated to their life of killing. “Would you look at this place? They’ve really got it made here.”

“Yeah, they do. We don’t even have a place like this back home.”

“Yeah. Home. I’ve been trying not to think about it.”

“We did what we had to.” His voice was the same as mine. Neither of us enjoyed talking about the one place we may never get to go back to. “Run into Troy on your way here? I haven’t seen him yet.”

“I would have thought he’d be down before me. There’s no way he’s still sleeping.”

“Didn’t start without me, did you?”

I turned my head and saw Troy skipping quickly down the stairs like he was wide awake.

“Does that answer your question?”

Zayden smiled as I climbed in the pool with him. “What’s put you in such a delectable mood this morning?”

“I just had a great morning that surely made up for my unexpected encounter with Kole last night.”

“What do you mean?”

“He stopped by her room not long after we got there.”

“Really?” Zayden was somewhat shocked yet interested at the same time but I already knew he was there. I just didn’t know what went on. “What happened?”

“Not too much. They talked and ah, oh, my hand got broken.”

“You hit him?” I asked, maybe a little amused that Kole didn’t mention that. “We saw him leaving but didn’t hear anything.”

“No. I barely touched him because Jaylyn wanted him to leave. There’s something weird about his gift. She says he can’t be forcefully touched.”

“Forcefully touched? Well, that puts a damper on things.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Well, lucky Jaylyn was there to heal it.” Zayden said.

“Yeah. I forgot about it completely after he left. We ended up staying up late.”

Of course they did and I was glad he had to share it. Not really but I’m sure he heard the carelessness of it on my voice. “Well, great for you.”

“What wrong with you?”

“Sorry I’m not showing more enthusiasm for your success with Jaylyn but I’m just really fucking tired. Ruby’s bed is so comfortable and the night wasn’t nearly long enough.”

Zayden looked at Troy with a grin and I should have just kept my mouth shut. I knew what was coming. “Did you get the chance to throw her back on it?”

I answered while trying not to get angry about it. “No. It wasn’t even close that. I haven’t gotten to it the second time yet.”

“Well, is there a problem as to why? I thought you said you were going to change for her?”

“Yeah, I did but you should know this is going to take time. I don’t want Ruby to just be like one of the others.”

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